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向明华 《河北法学》2012,(8):53-54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61
基于海船航行的国际性及各国扩张性的海事管辖权政策等因素,国际性的海事管辖权冲突问题较突出。尽管国际社会在协调提单合同、船舶碰撞、海洋污染、扣船管辖等方面的管辖权冲突已取得一定成就,但更多的还是需各国妥善地适用司法主权原则、当事人自治原则、最密切联系原则及其他若干协调管辖权国际冲突的基本规则,以消除各种不必要的海事管辖权冲突。  相似文献   

裴普 《河北法学》2005,23(4):48-52
肇始于16世纪的"意思自治"理论,标志着合同准据法理论发展的里程碑,即客观论向主观论的发展,特别是以意思自治为主、辅之以最密切联系原则的合同自体法理论的提出,更是将合同准据法理论推向一个前所未有的高度,它一改过去合同法律适用的机械性做法,强调尊重当事人自主意识,并将契约当做一个整体来看待,体现了国际私法合同法律适用的潮流和趋势.  相似文献   

肇始于16世纪的"意思自治"理论,标志着合同准据法理论发展的里程碑,即客观论向主观论的发展,特别是以意思自治为主、辅之以最密切联系原则的合同自体法理论的提出,更是将合同准据法理论推向一个前所未有的高度,它一改过去合同法律适用的机械性做法,强调尊重当事人自主意识,并将契约当做一个整体来看待,体现了国际私法合同法律适用的潮流和趋势。  相似文献   

After the entry of China into World Trade Organization, there are problems such as jurisdiction, application of law, and judicial assistance, which need to be resolved step by step in judicial practice on foreign-related civil and commercial matters. As for private and international law problems in the Chinese courts, this paper analyses some general issues, including renovi, inter-temporal conflicts, and proof of foreign laws; reviews jurisdiction problems, for example, common jurisdiction versus special jurisdiction, selective jurisdiction versus presumptive jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction; discusses the choice of law problems such as the principle of party autonomy, the principle of the most significant relationship and dépeçage method; and studies recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment and international commercial arbitral award.  相似文献   

A perennial problem in public law is how courts ought to deal with legal challenges to the allocation of public resources. This article explains and renders more coherent the varied approaches of English courts to the justiciability of resource allocation disputes in administrative and tort law. It draws a distinction between 'discretionary allocative decision-making' and 'allocative impact.' The non-justiciability doctrine in R v Cambridge Health Authority , ex p B is concerned with the former only. By contrast, allocative impact is a justiciable matter, but can still ultimately defeat a claim. This distinction, however, does not guide judicial approaches under the Human Rights Act 1998, where courts have chosen mostly to eschew the non-justiciability doctrine in favour of more flexibly applied notions of judicial deference. Thus while the non-justiciability doctrine has a relatively narrow scope in administrative and tort law, it has nearly disappeared under human rights law.  相似文献   

在仲裁司法监督范围这一问题上,理论界一向有争议。通过对东莞市中级人民法院一起裁定驳回申请撤销仲裁裁决案例的分析,可以看出,司法实践中,已经将程序问题作为司法对仲裁的主要监督范围,将司法审查范围限于程序性审查有助于保障仲裁的独立性和自治性。因此,删除现行法律关于仲裁实体审查的规定,既符合国际惯例,也有助于促进我国仲裁事业的发展。  相似文献   

美国合同法中的精神损害赔偿探析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
姜作利 《法学论坛》2001,16(6):38-44
传统的英美合同法理论认为,侵权责任中的精神损害赔偿不能扩展到违约责任中。然而,随着经济的发展,为了更好地保护受害方的利益,美国法学界和法院在一定程度上打破了这一传统原则,允许受害方在某些情况下可以要求违约中的精神损害赔偿,如:合同具有个人因素,合同条款无法为受害方提供适当金钱赔偿,违约方在订约时已经或应该预见到其违约行为将导致的精神损害等。笔者在对此进行仔细研究的基础上,对我国在这方面的立法提出了建议。  相似文献   

意思自治原则作为确定合同准据法的首要原则,已为绝大多数国家的立法及有关国际合同法律适用公约所确认。意思自治原则的内容已相当丰富,涉及的问题众多。目前我国立法过于简单粗疏,应结合各国立法及国际公约的规定进行分析和比较研究,以完善我国相关立法。  相似文献   

Governmental responses to the COVID-19 global pandemic have generated numerous constitutionals, policy, legal, and political-economic debates. Scholarly engagements with the sociolegal and policy consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been dominated by discussion on the role of emergency powers, the suspension of individual civil liberties, the suspension of economic rules in order to guarantee economic survival, and social regulation of public spaces and of workplaces. This paper aims to explore how a critical sociolegal scholarship can contribute to a more sophisticated understanding of the role of law in creating the unequal conditions that propitiated the COVID-19 pandemic and that might enable further crises. This introduction offers a roadmap for theorizing the limits of law, the operationalization of emergency powers and the different policies implemented by global south and north countries in response to the pandemic. This introduction is structured as follow: (1) provides a general overview of the law and society tradition and its engagement with the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) engages with three key consequences of the pandemic, labor, and the lockdown; colonial implications; and the limits of law; (3) introduces the papers in this special issue; (4) sketches a proposal for the critical sociolegal scholarship of law and crises.  相似文献   

This article will consider the application of the doctrine of substantial performance from the perspective of English and Malaysian law. The analysis of the doctrine has focussed on the examination of cases on construction and building contracts. The paper explains the English approach to the doctrine by examining the factors considered judicially effecting the successful application of the doctrine. The article also compares the English approach with the Malaysian approach, where it was discovered that Malaysian courts, in some cases, consider reliance as an essential factor for the successful application of the doctrine.  相似文献   

具有行为能力的当事人基于意思表示一致所订立的合同是否当然具有法律效力 ?这一问题被我国的学理、立法和司法实践忽视了。我们的概念常常是 :意思表示真实是合同的核心问题。但实际上 ,没有任何一个国家的制度认为纯粹的意志可以决定一切 ,合同的交易本质不容忽视。大陆法系许多国家的原因理论与普通法系国家的约因理论都是决定合同义务是否可以履行的重要条件。  相似文献   

仲裁协议的效力由其所适用的法律决定,不同国家或地区的法律在认定仲裁协议的法律效力时所采取的标准亦有所区别.从新加坡有关仲裁协议的成文法规范出发,结合新加坡法院就仲裁协议法律效力争议所作的判例,在研究新加坡法院对“病理性仲裁协议”效力认定时所采取的基本原则后,认为新加坡法律具有“亲仲裁”特性.这是新加坡在国际商事仲裁和国际海事仲裁领域取得令人瞩目发展成果的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

由于没有明确的立法规定,“或裁或审”条款的性质与类型在认定上十分模糊,因此各级人民法院经常在该问题上产生混乱。例如,“或裁或审”条款与“一裁终局”条款相混淆,多份协议与单一协议中的“或裁或审”条款相模糊,以及对《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国仲裁法〉若干问题的解释》(以下简称《仲裁法司法解释》)第7条的理解不一致等。虽然最高人民法院发布的司法解释或指导性案例能为各级人民法院在“或裁或审”条款的性质与类型的定性中提供指引,但并不能从根本上解决《仲裁法司法解释》第7条中对于仲裁协议无效的规定。纵观各国对于既约定仲裁又约定诉讼的条款的态度,我国对于仲裁无效的判定过于严厉,这与我国正在推进建立亚太国际仲裁中心的政策考量不入。只有对法律制度的突破与变更才能在实质上修正立法的滞后性。先管辖先受理原则的借鉴,不仅可以为维护当事人意思自治提供出路,而且可以为我国鼓励与支持仲裁的发展消弭弊端。  相似文献   

吴英姿 《法学研究》2009,(5):111-130
我国法院从司法改革初期积极扩张司法权的一端,转变到面对社会矛盾复杂性而采取自我限缩策略的另一端,暴露出司法权运作边界模糊的问题。社会需求决定了司法的供给,但司法权的能力是有限的,其机能的发挥有赖于一定的条件,而且当事人人数的多少、案件的复杂程度等都会影响司法权的能力。司法权应当恪守自己的边界。对超越自身能力的事情保持克制,是司法权威的必要保证。  相似文献   

The development of assisted reproductive technologies, including cryopreservation, or freezing, of embryos created through in vitro fertilization, has given rise to complex legal questions. Because cryopreservation permits indefinite storage of embryos, if couples fail to specify disposition directions, they may disagree regarding embryo treatment upon the occurrence of contingencies such as divorce. Few courts have resolved such disputes, and those that have appear to uphold the rights of the party seeking to prevent implantation in the absence of a written agreement specifying otherwise. In this Comment, Sara Petersen proposes that courts should draw upon contract law principles in determining whether the parties to such conflicts actually reached agreements regarding embryo disposition in the event of divorce. After analyzing existing precedent, the author assesses proposed approaches for deciding which party's interests should prevail and concludes that these methods are inherently ineffective. She then argues that, in an effort to preserve party expectations and to provide fair results, courts instead should examine whether the parties executed binding contracts or achieved mutual assent. Furthermore, she suggests that couples undergoing cryopreservation will be more likely to contemplate and to provide for various outcomes if they know that courts will look at evidence of their conversations and thought processes prior to cryopreserving their excess embryos.  相似文献   

司法能动是法院在案件审理中,不因循先例和遵从成文法的字面含义进行司法解释的一种司法理念以及基于此理念的行动。我国法院在发挥司法能动性,处理环境纠纷案件方面作出了大量努力,为经济社会发展提供了司法保障。但法院在发挥司法能动性处理环境纠纷案件中仍然存在较大的问题。解决这些问题,必须把握法院在环境纠纷案件处理中司法能动的向度,落实司法独立,引导法官正确行使自由裁量权,努力培养环境司法专业人才,发挥法官适用法律的能动性。  相似文献   

Seniors in Australia are being called upon to mortgage their most precious economic asset, the family home. They may be asked to guarantee the liabilities of other family members by providing a mortgage-based guarantee or they may decide to enter into a reverse mortgage to supplement financially their savings and pensions. As the family home is the single most valuable asset for most older Australians, the creation of any obligations in regard to it ought to be undertaken with care and vigilance. While seniors are free to create mortgages, they may lack the capacity to understand the legal ramifications of these complex transactions or be unable to protect their interests when entering into them. It is not suggested that older Australians necessarily suffer a lack of contractual capacity. Many seniors are more than able to take care of their interests and assets. However, some seniors do suffer cognitive impairment which adversely affects their capacity to act in their best interests and to navigate the complexities of contractual relations. In contract and mortgage law, this raises the issue of mental incapacity.For centuries, the common law has recognized not only that mentally incapacitated people exist, but that they may enter into contracts such as mortgages and may later wish to have the mortgage set aside. The present formulation of the contractual doctrine of mental incapacity is the product of 19th century jurisprudence in which the courts framed the doctrine to accommodate commercial dealing rather than the interests of persons who lacked the necessary mental capacity. Accordingly, the doctrine has been very difficult to rely on successfully when challenging mortgages made by persons lacking capacity. Therefore, Australian litigators and courts alike have sought to deal with mental incapacity issues in the contractual context by using and modifying other doctrines (such as non est factum, undue influence and unconscionable dealing) in which the issue of capacity may be incorporated, but where mental incapacity need not be the sole or primary focus. While this had led to greater success for mortgagors, this has been at the expense of the common law doctrine. The article concludes by offering some suggestions as to how the doctrine may be modernized and mental capacity dealt with in a way both to empower competent seniors and protect those vulnerable seniors suffering cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

蔡斯芊 《时代法学》2020,(1):108-116,F0003
随着国际经济贸易和文化往来的增多,我国涉外侵权案件的数量越来越多,然而我国关于涉外一般侵权的法律适用还存在很多问题。从实证角度研究分析《涉外民事法律关系法律适用法》第44条在我国的具体实践情况十分必要。通过分析研究从2018年1月1日到2019年3月29日为止的一共346份裁判文书,并根据地区、案由分布、当事人类型和法律选择的方法将其进行分类,发现我国涉外一般侵权法律适用案件司法实践存在第44条被扩大化适用、毫无理由罗列法条、常见法律适用顺序错误、错误理解法条中规定的意思自治原则、说理不充分和意思自治原则在海事侵权案件中适用较多等问题。为完善我国涉外一般侵权法律适用司法实践的现状,我国应充分发挥意思自治原则、修改法条措辞语序、加强对法官的培养和增强筛选指导性案例等。  相似文献   


One of the key legal questions that COVID-19 has raised relates to the status of the traditional contractual doctrine of frustration. The pandemic and the ongoing lockdowns across the globe have made it difficult for many contracts to perform. At the same time, there is a deep doctrinal and conceptual confusion with respect to the very essentials of this doctrine and its remedy - i.e., what happens after an adjudicative tribunal declares that a given contract has been frustrated. The paper offers a unified conceptual account of the frustration doctrine and claims that both the doctrine and its remedy crystallize a single unifying idea.


美国的司法政治是司法与政治交互作用的产物。随着司法权的扩张,联邦最高法院突破"政治问题不审查"之传统,主动或被动地介入政治争议;随着政党对峙的尖锐,政治力量乐于将棘手的政治争议交由司法裁断;藉此,司法政治演变为常态政治,司法判例成为经久不衰的政治争点。自上个世纪70年代以来,围绕罗伊案半个多世纪的争议,不仅客观地暴露了美国司法政治发展的内在逻辑,而且也充分地展示出司法政治在美国的作用方式和涵摄空间。  相似文献   

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