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Located within a context of widespread change social work professionals are required to navigate tensions between organisational imperatives and developing effective relationships with families. Achieving effective partnership working is premised on the development of relational ways of working where trust is formed through co-creation. The recent emergence of 'Fast-track' approaches in education and training reflects a shift away from developing skills in critical/analytical reflection, towards an employer-led approach that prioritises the need for 'ready practitioners'. Simultaneously there has been change in the family justice system, culminating in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the 26-week time frame for the completion of care cases. This paper explores current contradictions within social work practice. Pivotal is defining the role of social work within a contemporary English jurisdiction. Adopting deeper relational ways of working with families may help to define the boundaries of a profession that appears to have lost its identity. Rather than facing the prospect that the door is closed on the possibility of reclaiming practice that prioritises and values professional judgement and discretion, this paper reflects upon some positive examples of relational work with families by social workers within different sectors of practice.  相似文献   

The article presents principles of forensic-medical identification of blunt objects by injuries inflicted with them. It is shown that each injury has its own complexes of identifying signs. It is necessary to consider mechanisms of action of blunt objects inflicting contact, noncontact and other injuries. Mathematical methods should be employed to estimate probability of identification of traumatic blunt object.  相似文献   


This article analyses why workcrkhild s m l abuse occurs in residential children's homes. The importance of previously documented features, such as inadequate complaints and whistle blowing procedures, and poor vetting, training and supervision of stafi arc acknowledged. This exposition, however, concentrates on the tactics abusers employ to groom, entrap and silence children, whilst simultaneously controlling and silencing non-abusive staff. The success of these tactics is then contatualised within notions ojwebcrian rational-legal bureaucratic and charismatic power. as well as the location ofsomeabusers within entrenched pedophilenetworks. Contributory jactors, such as the enclosed and institutionaliscd nature of many settings and the inadequate, gendcrcd and haophobic manner in which stafloften deal with both sexuality and sexual abuse issues are also m i n e d and analyscd, as arc children's own gendcred prc-conceptions. Important theoretical constructions utiliscd include Goffman's theory of 'total institutions', the social construction ofchildhood, includingchitdhoodasdity and the concept of'organisation sexuality'.  相似文献   

Governments have long relied on non-state actors to assist in the implementation of public policy. Legitimate elements of civil society have become familiar instruments of governance. States have also engaged criminal actors to this end. This article will note examples of state collaboration with criminal interests, from pirates turned privateers during the 17th and 18th centuries, to the patriotic hackers of today. It will discuss the strategic considerations giving rise to such engagements, the pitfalls that may beset them, and the ethical considerations that might inform the decision by a state to enlist the services of illicit organisations.  相似文献   


People who commit sexual offences are a heterogeneous group, with research suggesting that children and young people commit a large proportion of all sex offences, especially those committed against other children. This systematic review provides a synthesis of literature concerning the characteristics of children and adolescents who exhibit harmful sexual behaviour. There is a particular focus in this review on studies that examine the characteristics of children and young people exhibiting these behaviours within institutional and organisational settings or which take a situational and/or developmental approach to understanding sexually abusive behaviour. Using a developmental and life-course criminology lens, this review explores implications from the literature for the prevention and response to child sexual abuse, with a particular focus on institutional contexts where the perpetrators are children and adolescents.  相似文献   

When action against doping began, sport itself was, as a rule, responsible for anti-doping measures and governments often had only a subsidiary function. However, due to doping scandals or doping allegations, the formation of independent anti-doping organisations (NADOs) was already discussed in the 1990s in some countries as guarantors for clean sports. In the course of the doping scandal at the Tour de France in 1998 and the systematic intervention of the French state, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was founded 1999 at an international level. In the following years, the WADA-model was often copied at a national level and a multitude of independent NADOs came into being. NADOs play a key role worldwide in combating doping. Their influence in developing an international anti-doping policy and implementing it in the form of standards and regulations is today, however, low; they are not directly represented in the decision-making bodies of the WADA. This should be changed with regard to elaborating the new World Anti-Doping Programme for 2014.  相似文献   

Families who find themselves in the middle of child protective proceedings have three possible outcomes: (1) the family can reunify; (2) parents voluntarily surrender their parental rights; or (3) the parents have their rights terminated. While it seems we should support children in the second and third scenarios equally, having funding sources such as the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP) only available to children of parents whose rights are terminated, does the opposite. This Note proposes amending the eligibility requirements of KinGAP to include children of parents who surrender their parental rights which would encourage positive safe placements for children.  相似文献   

Longstanding quantitative or qualitative under-supply of nutrition leads to weight loss and, in children, to stagnation of growth and thus to stunted growth. A comparison of the expected growth, according to percentile growth curves, with the actual body size, gives an indication as to the period of time in which malnutrition took place. The moment in which the growth curve bends off and leaves the norm is to be interpreted as the earliest begin, the moment in which the attained growth would have been achieved as the latest begin of the nutritional impairment.  相似文献   

介绍了利用数字图象处理技术剪贴伪造文件、变造签名、彩色打印伪造原始印文和签名等三种伪造文件的方法及其特点.数字图象处理技术能够克服许多传统伪造方法的"缺点",使伪造的文件达到较高的逼真度.讨论了数字图象处理技术的滥用引发的新问题.  相似文献   

The State of New York's ability to secure a settlement from GlaxoSmithKline in which they agreed to publish summaries of completed trials is a step in the right direction. It is likely that other pharmaceutical companies will follow suit and establish Clinical Trial Registers for their own drugs. In order to make such a transition positive, however, the government could consider further remedies, including mandating that pharmaceutical companies publicly disclose all premature terminations of clinical trials. If such a policy is not adopted, firms may have an incentive to withdraw funding for projects that are likely to produce negative results. In order to reduce pharmaceutical companies' ability to misrepresent the results of clinical trials, the FDA could begin rating drugs on the basis of their cost-effectiveness, efficacy and safety. Such a policy would have the effect of both improving patient outcomes and reducing the cost of pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

The decision of the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (“Genocide Convention”) highlights states’ obligations under the Convention, especially the obligation to prevent. When it comes to the case concerning the International Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (“Racial Discrimination Convention”), the decision of the Court indicating provisional measures seemingly purported to generalize its jurisprudence in the Genocide Case. By elaborating this kind of new jurisprudence, the Court echoed to the responsibility to protect, as well as to Article 48 and Article 54 of the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (“Draft Articles of State Responsibility”). It appears that each State Party should have an obligation to intervene in the coming genocide incidence, perhaps as well as in the coming racial discrimination cases. Nevertheless it is unclear in what manner a state could implement it effectively.  相似文献   

This study considers the impacts on staff of supporting people who have reported sexual violence and attend a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). This paper focuses on the staff’s perspectives of the stresses and emotional tolls they experience including the coping mechanisms they utilise. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 staff, and a focus group was held with a further four staff of a SARC. The data were examined using thematic analysis. Findings indicated that staff experienced positive emotions connected to the meaningfulness of the work and team spirit as well as a range of unpleasant emotions. Staff also reported emotional numbing, in connection to the specificity, volume and sometimes unpredictable nature of the work. Coping mechanisms used by staff focused on the supportive connection to family, nature, and other team members; the value of clinical supervision; and the avoidance of topics related to work.  相似文献   

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