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哥伦比亚是拉美地区经济发展相对稳定的国家之一。 2 0世纪 90年代末 ,哥伦比亚经济发展速度放慢 ,1 999年出现严重的经济衰退。其经济衰退的原因主要包括 :贸易和金融自由化使国内信贷急剧扩张 ,实际利率居高不下 ;扩张性财政支出使公共部门出现高财政赤字 ;汇率动荡不定 ,国际收支经常项目失衡 ;私人部门外债沉重 ;暴力和毒品走私恶化了国内环境 ,自然灾害加剧了经济困难 ;亚洲、俄罗斯的金融危机和巴西的金融动荡以及邻国的经济衰退 ,是导致哥伦比亚经济下滑的外部因素。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代越南高等教育体制改革述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代,越南高等教育经历了重大的体制改革。改革的动因包括在革新开放背景下,旧体制面临的现实压力和新的教育思维的形成。改革的目标是脱离旧的高等教育发展轨道,建立适应转型社会的新体制。至90年代末21世纪初,高等教育新的体制架构已初具雏形,但同时旧体制的影响仍然广泛存在,改革尚处于初始阶段。  相似文献   

何德勇 《东南亚》2009,(2):27-31
20世纪90年代以后,为了分享东盟经济高速发展的成果,印度积极发展与泰国的关系,两国展开了全方位的合作。印度发展与泰国的关系只是印度东进战略的一个部分,但泰国却是印度进入东盟的桥梁,印度欲通过发展与泰国关系,对东盟施加自己的影响。本文对印度提出“东向政策”以后印泰关系的发展历程、原因及前景做了阐释,并对印度发展与泰国关系对中国的影响作了简要的分析。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代大多数拉美国家实施了调整预算权力分配、建立财政货币政策协调机制、进行财政支出项目规划、完善财政支出控制和监督制度等方面的财政管理改革,其目标是控制财政赤字,提高财政管理效率和公共支出效益,发挥财政政策的宏观调控功能。由于经济不稳定和政治力量分化严重,一些国家财政管理改革的连续性较差,难以深入。上述两重因素构成了拉美国家深化财政管理改革的主要障碍。  相似文献   

This article focuses on Islamic terrorism in the framework of overall Islamic activity in Turkey. It argues that Islamic terrorist organizations active in Turkey during the 1990s strived to establish an Islamic shari ’a‐based state on the Iranian example, profited from deeper social and political trends in Turkish society and, at the same time, strengthened those trends by their violence. These groups enjoyed wide Iranian support and often acted on behalf of Iranian local and regional, political and strategic interests. The reaction of Turkish authorities in the past to Islamic terrorist activity was limited, and thus encouraged leaders of these groups and their sponsors to continue escalating violence, hoping it would bring down the secular democratic regime in Turkey.  相似文献   

浅议20世纪90年代以来的全球反美主义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪90年代以来,全球反美主义风行一时。美国政府与学界主流拒不承认全球反美主义源自美国霸权主义外交政策这一事实,反而认为反美主义是一种强烈仇视美国霸权地位的“国际病态行为”。美国政府的应对措施虽然在一定程度上使得全球反美主义有一定回落,但并未从根本上消除反美主义,反而加深了国际民众对美国霸权的愤恨。全球反美主义仍将持续存在,并可能出现新的高潮。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以前拉美国家金融压抑的状况及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拉美国家是比较早实施金融自由化改革的发展中国家.导致拉美国家实施金融自由化改革的原因有很多,但是最根本、最深厚的原因在于该地区长期对经济实施干预政策,金融压抑现象严重,阻碍了经济的发展.拉美国家20世纪90年代以前实施金融压抑政策的原因主要是受凯恩斯国家干预主义的影响、盛行经济民族主义以及实施进口替代工业化战略,主要表现为利率限制、高存款准备金率、直接信贷管制等.实施金融压抑政策初期对拉美经济发展起了促进作用,但随着时间的推移,其弊端逐渐显露,导致经济增长乏力、宏观经济动荡.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代巴西资本管制的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代巴西政府对资本流动实施了多种管制政策 ,重点围绕固定收益证券投资。由于较为成熟的金融市场为投资者规避管制提供了便利 ,因此政府被迫不断采取新措施 ,以堵塞政策漏洞。尽管管制政策的效果不很明显 ,但是它们对巴西渡过历次金融危机或动荡发挥了稳定作用  相似文献   

This article argues that much of the work on democratization and democratic consolidation is obscured by a conceptual fog, when at the very least some of this confusion could be ameliorated by parsing out components that are obviously liberal in nature. An admission of the importance of liberalization and liberal consolidation as distinctly different in form and measurement from democratization and democratic consolidation are the first steps to better research on the varieties of causation that constitute and propel the dissolution of more authoritarian regimes towards more liberal democratic regimes. Acknowledging that the liberal in liberal democracy is unpopular for some, and that liberal democracy does not necessarily mean American liberal democracy, go a long way to freeing these terms from ethnocentric misconceptions, as well as cementing analytical clarification. Though all modern democracies have both liberal and democratic components, democratic consolidation does not guarantee liberal consolidation.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来巴西社会保障制度改革探析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
历史上,巴西的社会保障制度一直采取公共管理的现收现付社会保险计划,其面临的财政亏空和分配不公问题非常突出.20世纪80年代以来,一股社保私有化改革浪潮席卷拉美,但巴西并未卷入其中,而是对社保体系进行"参量式"的改革调整.本文试图分析90年代以来卡多佐政府和卢拉政府的社保改革过程,并对改革成效作出评价.  相似文献   

加强国际合作,促进经济与社会发展是联合国的主要职责之一.近年来,非洲经济与社会发展问题的严重性和迫切性使其成为联合国工作的优先事项.联合国为此制定了《1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程》等一系列行动纲领和计划,并加以实施,取得了可喜成就.联合国促进非洲发展的活动具有多领域、多层次、综合性等特点.论坛机制、协调机制、发展援助机制构筑起联合国促进非洲发展活动的主体框架.但是,联合国促进非洲发展的活动也受到了不少因素的制约,影响到有关活动的深化和拓展.在进入新世纪后,非洲的发展问题更需要国际社会来普遍关注,联合国作为世界上最重要的国际组织,有责任有义务在这一方面发挥更为积极的作用.  相似文献   

Secessionist conflicts have become a major feature of the European political landscape in the 1990s. International response to them have varied from full‐scale military interventions to half‐hearted mediation, generally providing for freezing of most active hostilities and for addressing most urgent humanitarian needs. Europe in the 1990s saw more ‘peace’ operations on its soil than any other region in the world, but still was not able to find a satisfactory answer. Kosovo is a tragic illustration of that, and the deployment of NATO troops after a massive use of airpower still lacks the framework political plan and appears very tentative and opportunistic. Several specifically European factors define the perspective of a possible new wave of secessionist conflicts in the region.  相似文献   

Civil society is thought to contribute to consolidating democracy, but exactly how this happens is not especially well understood. This article examines the recent experiences of ‘democracy groups’ in Thailand. While acknowledging there are other factors that contribute to democratic consolidation, it finds the cumulative effect of Thailand's intermediating organizations, such as democracy groups, appears to be a redistribution of information and resources in ways that are causing changes in state‐society relations, making the country more pluralistic and contributing to consolidating democracy. Democracy groups and other civil society organizations are providing a widening circle of Thais with virtually unprecedented opportunities to participate in the policy‐making process. Yet despite their accomplishments, these groups might have greater consolidating effects if they themselves adhered more to democratic norms and procedures. Nevertheless, without democracy groups and other civil society organizations, Thailand would be less democratic than it is, although democracy is not fully consolidated yet.  相似文献   

After summarizing some of the main criticisms of liberal democracy, this article examines proposals to overcome the malaise through the development of a strong public sphere or public spheres and/or the re‐invigoration of democracy at the local or municipal level. In particular attention will focus on the democratic potential at the local level of ‘citizens’ juries’.  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代以来中国国际人权政策及其演变   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
保护人权自新中国成立以来都是中国内外政策中固有的内容,也是中国对外政策的重要内容。由于不同时期的国际环境、对外关系状况及国内情况不同,中国对人权问题的认识及其国际人权政策和实践也有所不同,总体上经历了一个不断完善和充实的过程。  相似文献   

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