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关于法官的选任年龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前 ,我国的司法改革已经提出了实质性的问题 ,即法官职业化。但是 ,我们所要造就的未来法官职业阶层到底是应由什么样的人来构成呢 ?除了现在人们已经谈到的各种法官素质要件外 ,本文作者在此还提到了一个并非要件的条件 ,即选任法官的年龄标准问题。对此 ,作者不仅尝试从理论上 ,而且还试图从实践上予以说明 ;不仅以比较的方法 ,而且还通过对人的社会心态和人的生理和心理成熟程度的分析方法 ,阐释其法官不应年轻化的理论。无论其理论成立与否 ,均可给人以一个方面的启示  相似文献   

武建敏 《河北法学》2008,26(2):69-72
法官需要孤独,孤独不是寂寞,而是一种凝结了真善美的高贵品质。法官的孤独并不是与这个世界的分离,相反法官的孤独是关注这个世界发展的命运基础上的孤独。正是因为法官把握和感受到了这个世界的整体命运,所以法官的孤独才可能对这个世界产生一种推动的力量。法官的孤独是一种具有高度自主性的美好品德。  相似文献   

论法官的知识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国目前正在推进司法活动专门化的进程,受社会的变化、法官与学者的作用以及国家策略等因素的影响,法官的知识也必将发生结构性的变迁。现代社会中法官的知识对法官及社会都会产生重要影响。因此,在法官知识的转型过程中,在关注法律专业知识的同时,不应忽略法官的生活知识及生活理性。  相似文献   

我国台湾地区于2003年6月5日公布了《民事诉讼合意选定法官审判暂行条例》,这在世界范围内是一项创新性制度,该制度反映出了对当事人程序主体地位的保障,充分尊重了当事人对程序的选择权。我国的司法审判方式改革已经进行了十余年,在我国《民事诉讼法》修改之际,通过借鉴我国台湾地区的司法制度改革,我国民事诉讼法的修改应提升公众对司法的信赖度、对裁判的信服度和接纳度,充分体现对人权的保障,在司法改革中坚持合宪性要求。  相似文献   

If judges are guardians of the law, who is to protect the individual member of society from the occasional corrupt, malicious, or reckless judge? The aim of this paper is to provide an answer to the last part of this question, focusing more heavily on cases of negligently inflicted harm. Departing from Simon’s bounded rationality and influenced by other constructs in behavioral law and economics, we view judges as satisficers who make decisions within real-world constraints, such as imperfect information and uncertainty, cognitive limitations and erroneous information. Judges are limited by the commonly observed barriers to the decision making process. Because their goal is not to optimize but to render opinions that are merely satisfactory, they often act as poor agents of their principals’ interests. In this light, it becomes clearer why judges tend to engage in behavior that is “improper”, especially under the circumstances of the currently overloaded judicial caseloads. We first address the differences in judges’ roles in Anglo-American and Continental legal systems. We then present our simple model for judicial misbehavior based on an understanding of judges as “satisficers”. Next we discuss the particularities of judicial errors and introduce a realistic and viable construct of “inexcusable judicial error”. On this basis we evaluate the impact of various incentive schemes on judicial behavior, focusing on the civil liability of judges. We conclude that civil liability for grave judicial errors is the most adequate remedy.  相似文献   

在司法规范化的背景下,经验法则在法官裁判说理中的论据作用日益突出。根据依法裁判与司法公正的要求,法官不能以不证自明的说辞对经验法则引而不论。由于经验法则包含差异明显的两类内容,对其论证应分别以规律性和规范性为目标,而考察论证目标的达成度则应以可接受性为评价标准。法官论证经验法则的规律性需要依靠科际合作与外部知识,而其论证的重心则是经验法则的规范性。法官可通过分析援引的经验法则具有惯习性,进而在社会规则与一阶行动理由的意义上证成经验法则的规范性。  相似文献   

The forthcoming instrument on European contract law, be it in the shape of an optional code for cross‐border contracts or as an official toolbox for the European legislator, is likely to have a spill‐over effect on private law adjudication in Europe. Judges will have no great difficulty in finding model rules and definitions that might come in handy when dealing with gaps and ambiguities in European private law. However, the question is whether such a role as a toolbox for judges would be legitimate. I discuss three types of possible legitimation strategies: traditional methods of legal interpretation, the new European methods and merely political legitimation. It will often depend on the circumstances of the case at hand and the characteristics of the particular model rule or definition that is being borrowed what mode of legitimation will prove to be more convincing. However, generally speaking legitimation in terms of the ‘general principles of civil law’ that the CJEU has recently been developing seems a particularly promising strategy. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that European courts could come under a duty, following from the principle of sincere cooperation, to use the instrument as a toolbox.  相似文献   

浅论我国法官制度的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧超荣 《政法学刊》2005,22(4):68-71
法官独立原则是构建现代法官制度的理论基础,因历史传统及政治体制等原因,目前我国法官制度已不适应时代的要求。应更新我国法官制度的设计理念,改革法官选任资格、选任方式和保障制度,重构我国现代法官制度的设想。  相似文献   

In this article, we draw on data obtained in interviews with District Judges about the factors which they say influence the exercise of their discretion in possession proceedings. Analysing the data set enabled us to create three ideal types of judicial decision—making which we have labelled 'liberal', 'patrician', and formalist'. We discuss the differences between each ideal type across five different variables: the District Judge role; approach; view of occupiers; the problem; behaviour of occupiers. Our data demonstrate a set of reasons to explain different approaches and outcomes between different District Judges (as well as the perhaps unlikely identification of a 'maverick' or 'idiosyncratic' style of judging). We conclude by suggesting on the basis of our data that, despite calls to structure or remove the discretion from District Judges, any such changes are unlikely to have much effect.  相似文献   

论法官的良心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法官自由心证是司法裁判的内在要求。自由心证并不意味着法官可以任意擅断。法官除应当依法裁判外,还应当依照良心的命令从事。良心具有伦理学与心理学上的科学依据,对于规范法官的心证,保证裁判活动的公正性具有重要作用。法官应当具有依照法律与良心独立裁判案件的强烈自觉意识。为了防止外力对法官良心的干扰,同时防止良心自身陷入主观唯心主义,应当在司法体制和诉讼程序上建立、健全和完善法官独立制度。  相似文献   

不同社会对于好法官的认识和塑造方式不完全相同。中国人心目中的好法官,主要是青天的形象,中国社会对于好法官的形象塑造,总体上没有超越"神话—超人—英雄化"这一传统路数。而西方人心目中的好法官则是职业法官形象,西方社会对于好法官的形象塑造,走的是"世俗—常人—规范化"的塑造路径。好法官形象塑造受制于不同的社会制度、法治观念和政治目的。法治社会无青天,在法治建设中,我们既要淡化司法体制内青天好法官的形象塑造,又要强化法官群体的职业化建设,更应杜绝司法体制外的权力青天向司法发号施令、施加影响。  相似文献   

This article considers the reaction of legislators to the emergence of animal protection as a political issue. A quantitative analysis of legislative behaviour in the House of Commons and the House of Representatives in the late 1980s and early 1990s reveals (mainly through the identification of a small but significant group of legislators willing to promote concern for animal welfare) that the growing societal concern for animals has permeated into the political institutions of Britain and the United States. Examining the characteristics of these legislators suggests, moreover, that the most significant variable is party label, with concern for animals being associated with parties of the centre‐left. It is further suggested that there are good reasons to suppose that this association is no accident and that ideologically, there is a fit between animal protection and the ideals of the left.  相似文献   

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