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仿真世界中的媒介权力:鲍德里亚传播思想解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法国当代思想家鲍德里亚以独特的视角透视了现代媒介及其技术造成的后现代社会虚拟代替现实的严峻境况。他认为,当代社会是由大众媒介构建的“仿真”世界,在这个世界中,电子媒介改变了传播的交流情境,新的言语情境和话语结构对主体产生了构建意义。大众媒介通过编辑机制和传播技术为人们生产文化意义,广告则通过提供各种消费符号和影像制造着欲望和诱惑。大众媒介在当代社会中扮演着生活指南的角色,强化了对受众的塑造和影响。  相似文献   

With the increased popularity of online social networking services (SNS) such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+, we propose that a wealth of new resources is available for medicolegal death investigation. Recognizing this potential, we identified cases in which social media had been useful in the past in our office and asked our investigative staff to consider using social media in current cases. These cases provided illustrative examples for this primer regarding how information from SNS was used in death investigations in our office. Information gleaned from online social media aided in establishing preliminary identification of a decedent, locating next‐of‐kin, investigating the circumstances of death as relevant to the manner of death, corroborating eyewitness accounts, and providing information relevant to time of death. Potential pitfalls were identified, such as shared accounts or online impostors. SNS proved useful to the medicolegal death investigator and medical examiner, so long as their limitations were recognized.  相似文献   

新闻传播的目的是让受众接受传播者所传播的新闻信息。(新闻传播是以传播效果为中心的,而受众的接受又是传播效果得以实现的集中体现。)本文从受众接受的重要性入手,指出:在新闻传播的过程中,受众不单纯只是一个被动的接收器,也不是信息的主动的制造者,而是一个能够自由地面对信息的制约者与反馈者。因此,作为传播者的新闻工作者既不是受众思维的完全的控制者,也不是完全顺从于受众的谄媚者,而应该是一个能够控制信息的舆论引导者。由此我们得出,新闻传播应遵循的基本原则:立足受众,为受而传,以报道真实新闻事实为基本前提,以关注受众的需要和利益为基础,引导受众从单纯的对利益的关心和追求升华到理性认知的层面,从而实现健康、有效的传播效果。  相似文献   

维护社会正义是舆论、媒体与司法实践的共同目标。从系统论看,三者之间的良性互动有助于社会正义的实现。司法案件舆论引导是三者互动的一种常见状态。在司法案件舆论引导中,供给专业法律知识能够促进三者的良性互动。本文以极具代表性的昆山案为例展开案例研究,发现新闻媒体通过法学专家向公众供给专业法律知识、司法机关自媒体向公众供给专业法律知识,能够促进舆论与司法的良性互动,实现司法案件舆论引导效果。社会正义的维护并非仅靠法治实现,司法与舆论、媒体的互动能够更好地落实法治的正义精神。  相似文献   

基于互联网技术的自媒体不仅对公共管理产生了深刻影响,而且呈现出与公共参与互动式发展的态势。自媒体在一定意义上重构了信息生产与传播的格局,吸引着传统媒体环境下的边缘阶层更多地参与到公其生活中来,与变革迟缓的公共管理发生了碰撞,这一冲突迅速和直观地体现在地方危机信息管理中。面对信息技术革命带来的特定时代诉求,地方危机信息管理应当顺应社会转型与信息生产和传播规律,完善危机信息管理机制,提升公共治理水正.  相似文献   

媒体是构成社会德育环境至关重要的部分,担负着正确道德价值观导向的任务,对未成年人道德素质的养成起着重要的影响作用.现实生活中媒体环境存在的网络问题及"黄毒"泛滥、广告充斥不良信息、新闻传播媒体媚俗等问题,已对未成年人道德养成产生了严重消极影响.要营造优良媒体环境,促进未成年人良好道德素质养成,应该注意疏通主流媒体与未成年人的沟通渠道;加强文化市场监管,净化文化、媒体环境;加强对互联网上网服务营业场所的管理;着力办好广播影视节目;加大对不良媒体的法律监督和惩治力度;帮助未成年人提高鉴别、抵制不良媒体信息的能力.  相似文献   

Online forms of harassment, stalking and bullying on social network and communication platforms are now arguably wide-spread and subject to regular media coverage. As these provision continue to attract millions of users, generating significant volumes of traffic, regulating abuse and effectively reprimanding those who are involved in it, is a difficult and sometimes impossible task. This article collates information acquired from 22 popular social network and communication platforms in order to identify current regulatory gaps. Terms of service and privacy policies are reviewed to assess existing practices of data retention to evaluate the feasibility of law enforcement officials tracking those whose actions breach the law. For each provision, account sign-up processes are evaluated and policies for retaining Internet Protocol logs and user account information are assessed along with the availability of account preservation orders. Finally, recommendations are offered for improving current approaches to regulating social network crime and online offender tracking.  相似文献   

This article analyses the interprofessional dynamics of communication production in the criminal justice system. Through 26 in-depth interviews, we investigate the production of media information on prosecutorial work in Chile, tracking the relationships between internal communication agents, prosecutors, and external legal journalists. Previous scholarship has shown the success of police organizations in defining the content of crime communication based on asymmetrical power relations with the media. By contrast, our study reveals that legal journalists can bypass attempts to control the flow of information from the prosecutorial office and impose extra-organizational goals. Lawyers regularly dismiss the work of journalists, particularly those working as strategic communication advisors with prosecutors, but the asymmetrical relationship between the criminal justice agency and the media plays in favour of external legal journalists. Our article considers several explanations for this configuration, including interprofessional values, transactional relationships between journalists and prosecutors, and local legal culture.  相似文献   

突发事件中有效的信息沟通能够稳定公众情绪,形成应急联动,降低应急成本,塑造良好的政府形象。当前,我国政府在突发事件中的信息沟通能力还存在着一些不足,因此,应从完善应急设施、整合信息资源、加强应急培训、提升责任意识、加强对公众的沟通和引导、加强对媒体的引导和管理等方面提升政府应对突发事件信息沟通能力。  相似文献   

Social science is increasingly important in judicial decision making and family law development. This increased use means that judges, lawyers, mental health professionals, and social scientists must assess the quality of social science information and communicate it in a multidisciplinary environment. This article provides tools for improving multidisciplinary communication by identifying logical, methodological, and community standards for assessment and communication that are fundamental both to the scientific method and to the inquiries the Daubert decision instructs judges to make in their gatekeeper evaluations of scientific information. Employing a common set of standards can result in a significant improvement in the quality of the social science knowledge used in judicial settings.  相似文献   

This paper empirically assesses the relationship between culture and a free press. The results reveal that a privatized or ‘free media’ strongly influences informal institutions of a country or what is commonly known as culture. By providing unbiased and a wide variety information to the masses, the media sector not only reduces information asymmetry and transaction costs but also helps generate higher levels of social capital. It acts as an effective liaison between the masses and the government and also among various religious, ethnic and other fractionalized groups in a society. We use the proxy of informal institutions identified by Tabellini (Journal of the European Economic Association 8(4):677–716, 2010) which consists of four traits. The results are robust to alternate specifications and inclusion of controls.  相似文献   

新闻媒体的公权利与社会权力   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郭道晖 《河北法学》2012,30(1):2-3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权这四权是新闻媒体权利的主要构成要件.其中知情权和表达权是新闻媒体赖以生存的基础;参与权和监督权则是新闻媒体安身立命的价值所在.新闻媒体拥有的公民权(公权利),也可转化为强大的社会公共权力.它是公民权利和社会权力的合金.新闻自由是公民和媒体的宪法权利,包括媒体搜集、制作、发布、传播新闻和言论的自由,及公民个人收受新闻、通过媒体发表意见和言论的自由,均应受法律保护,也要受一定限制,承担相应的社会责任、法律责任.  相似文献   

Online search engines, social media platforms, and targeted advertising services often employ a “data-driven” business model based on the large-scale collection, analysis, and monetization of personal data. When providing such services significant information asymmetries arise: data-driven companies collect much more personal data than the consumer knows or can reasonably oversee, and data-driven companies have much more (technical) information about how this data is processed than consumers would be able to understand. This article demonstrates the vulnerable position consumers continue to find themselves in as a result of information asymmetries between them and data-driven companies. The GDPR, by itself, is in practice unable to mitigate these information asymmetries, nor would it be able to provide for effective transparency, since it does not account for the unique characteristics of the data-driven business model. Consumers are thus faced with an insurmountable lack of transparency which is inherent in, as well as the inevitable consequence of, the magnitude of the information asymmetries present on the data-driven market.  相似文献   

吴琳 《行政与法》2014,(1):52-57
社会主义核心价值体系不仅是一个政党的执政理念,而且是一个政党意识形态建设和思想建设的需要.因此,社会主义核心价值体系的理论研究视角和建设路径都要避免空谈化、虚无化、形式化与抽象化.社会主义核心价值体系引领社会主义文化建设的传播理念创新的理论视角应放到现代媒介对社会结构所形成的新型实践空间中去思考,即将理论视角介入到媒介化信息的传播方式与政党思想建设的战略部署之间.  相似文献   

This study examined multiple risk factor models of links among callous-unemotional traits, aggression beliefs, social information processing, impulsivity, and aggressive behavior in a sample of 150 antisocial adolescents. Consistent with past research, results indicated that beliefs legitimizing aggression predicted social information processing biases and that social information processing biases mediated the effect of beliefs on aggressive behavior. Callous-unemotional traits accounted for unique variance in aggression above and beyond effects of more established risk factors of early onset of antisocial behavior, social information processing, and impulsivity. These findings add to recent research showing that callous-unemotional traits are a unique risk factor associated with aggression and criminal offending and suggest that targeting both affective and cognitive vulnerabilities may enhance clinical intervention with antisocial youth.  相似文献   

Information from social media is used in evaluations of parental fitness with some regularity. Yet, research is lacking on perceptions of this information and no research has examined how social media data impacts forensic evaluators' opinions related to parental fitness. This study compared forensic evaluators' perceptions of data trustworthiness, usefulness, and initial opinion of parental fitness in a fictitious case in which parental fitness was questioned. Perceptions of a parent's behavior were compared across two types of data in which it was presented (an Instagram post or a medical record note) and across genders of the parent (mother or father) being hypothetically evaluated. As hypothesized, information documented on social media was viewed more critically than information documented by a healthcare provider. Further, information primarily referencing the father in the case was viewed as less trustworthy than information referencing the mother, which appeared influenced by evaluators' identified self-reported sexist attitudes. Results suggest that family law attorneys, regardless of which parent they are representing, should advise their clients of the risks to using social media.  相似文献   

论警察与媒体的通融   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张连举 《政法学刊》2005,22(6):81-83
构筑警方与媒体的和谐是我们的应有之义。改善和发展警察公共关系需要借助媒体的力量,良好的媒体关系有助于提升警察形象。媒体是警察与公众联系的桥梁和纽带,警方借助媒体发布正面的信息从而争取公众对警察工作的支持,使“执法者”与服务对象融为一体,共同维护治安、打击犯罪。  相似文献   

This article addresses a new field for legal education researchers. It describes and discusses emergent methods for computer-aided qualitative data analysis of social media in legal education. Social media contributes opportunities for learning, teaching, and research for legal educators and students. It potentially expedites collaborations, sharing, and collection of information and commentary on relevant and important issues and topics. These sources provide content and data for learning, teaching, and research. Benefits of computer-aided qualitative data analysis of social media in legal education include a systematic approach, transparency, accountability and durability, and innovative ways to communicate insights through textual and graphical communications. The article uses two examples in which computer-aided qualitative data analysis, combined with qualitative data analysis strategies, can contribute insights in and about legal education: analysis of social media discussions involving specific topics or events – to study students’ work, or academics’ interactions at conferences; and analysis of legal educators’ scholarly communications and social media activities, toward improving the visibility and influence of legal education scholarship. Research ethics for studies involving social media and human participants are also considered.  相似文献   

ROBERT MASON 《Law & policy》1987,9(3):246-258
Sample surveys report that admitted tax evasion remains widespread and shows no sign of declining. An analysis of communication effects among Oregon adults suggests divergent, not convergent patterns among the users of mass media and personal information channels. Mass media exposure is strongly related to fear of getting caught and is directly related to taxpayer honesty. Personal discussion, however, is associated with low fear perceptions and is unrelated to compliance. Low fears are related to taxpayer dishonesty. No relationship is reported between mass media use and interpersonal discussion. Personal discussion does not appear to reinforce media messages as one would expect in a convergent communication model. Communication strategies for fostering compliance are discussed.  相似文献   

随着司法信息化战略的推进,新媒介对法官逐渐具有了三重意义。首先,新媒介是法官的传播手段。法官负有实施和宣传司法公开之职责,新媒介急剧提升了传播的速度和范围,但可能会弱化司法文化价值。其次,新媒介是法官的裁判辅助。以智能化媒介为代表的新媒介逐渐被应用于司法审判之中,提升了司法效率,但可能会改变法官认识过程,影响其个案参与程度、理性能力培育和真理判断标准。最后,新媒介正在成为法官之替代方案。新媒介为审判过程引入了技术要素和科学权威,削弱了法官在审判过程中的主导权、话语权,最终可能会危机法官审判权力资格。这三重意义既是机遇也是挑战,法官应当合理、适度和理性地对待新媒介,以提升司法宣传效果,发展审判能力并捍卫审判主导地位。  相似文献   

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