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This article reviews key developments in data protection legislation, case law and practice between 1998 and 2008. Over this time data protection has become a mainstream compliance topic for business and government alike. Having started in 1998 as a specialist area of limited general application, over the decade this area of law has been widely applied to access rights, international transfers of information and data losses. We are now seeing major changes in enforcement of data protection legislation (including the power to fine and increased use of audits) which will continue the focus on compliance.  相似文献   

由嵘 《中外法学》1993,(1):69-74
<正> 无论英国法的分类如何与民法法系国家不同,财产法总是它的重要部门。由于英国法具有发展的历史连续性的特点,现代英国财产法是经过各个历史时期的不断改革,逐步演变而来的,其中1925年的改革起了关键作用。一般来说,英国法的改革经过两个途径完成:一是对固有法形式(即判例法)的革新,包括普通法诉讼形式的运用和衡平法救济方法的创立;  相似文献   

This paper investigates intergenerational mobility at the household level by using tax data for the city of Gothenburg, Sweden for two periods, 1925–1947 and 1936–1958, before the rise of the welfare state. Young households (selected persons under 18) are followed and income mobility (defined as changes in household disposable equivalent income) is followed across generations. In addition, socioeconomic mobility (defined as changes in the socioeconomic status of household head) is followed across generations. These two approaches of measuring mobility will tell us to what extent sons and daughters follow in their fathers' footsteps before the rise of the welfare state in Sweden. The results indicate significant intergenerational income mobility for both periods, while the period from 1925–1947 seems to be more mobile. In addition, socioeconomic mobility increased during the last period, 1936–1958. Hence, even before the rise of the welfare state, Sweden had high intergenerational income mobility.  相似文献   

This study investigates differentials in the decline of cause-specific infant mortality by marital status of the mother in Stockholm (1878–1925) and factors contributing to the explanation of these differentials using computerized records of individual entries from the Roteman Archives. Included in the analysis were 120,094 children less than 1 year of age who lived in Södermalm during this period. Cause-specific mortality rates were calculated for three time periods. Cox's regression analysis was used to study the relationship between overall and cause-specific risk of infant death and of being born in and out of wedlock in relation to a set of variables. Infant mortality rates and mortality risks were higher among children born out of rather than in wedlock. The most pronounced differentials in cause-specific mortality rates between these groups of children were seen in cases of diarrhea. The socioeconomic status of the household head and number of children in the household were statistically significant with infant mortality, but explain only part of the excess mortality risk of children born out of wedlock. In Stockholm at the turn of the 19th century being born out of wedlock was strongly associated with poor health outcomes, particularly in diarrheal diseases, pneumonia/bronchitis, and immaturity/congenital causes.  相似文献   

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, dramatic sociopolitical changes have affected the ability of the Russian criminal justice system to effectively process violent crimes. This paper compares the police and court processing of selected violent crimes in Russia and the United States during the period 1990–1998. Using data from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, we examine the disposition of homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault (i.e., serious bodily injury) cases in both countries during this period. Our findings indicate that while arrests and rates of homicide, robbery and aggravated assault decreased in the U.S. during this period, they increased in Russia. On the other hand, rape rates and arrests decreased in both countries during this period. Conviction rates as well as the percentage of defendants sentenced to prison in Russia were both higher than in the U.S. for each of the offenses studied during this period. We discuss implications of the findings and suggest additional research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the distance participants were willing to travel to attend the 1998–2003 Southern Criminal Justice Association annual meeting sites. The authors evaluate whether holding the conference at various locations throughout the region impacts individual participation, membership, and institutional representation. The findings reveal that conference sites that require greater travel have lower attendance and do not capture new members. However, the strength of offerings and tourist attractions can offset the negative impact of greater travel. The analysis also identifies a core group of members who show up at the meetings no matter where they are held. Finally, the conferences do not attract much local interest. Recommendations that would enhance attendance at regional meetings are advanced.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed stochastic Translog production function frontier model, technical inefficiency, technological progress and returns to scale are examined during Russia’s 1998–2007 cyclical expansion at the branch level including both the market and non-market economy. The service sector plus high skill-intensive goods production is shown to be relatively more efficient than traditional Soviet era goods sectors. Technical efficiency decreases markedly over the expansion while technological progress is quite high (23 %) suggesting an expanding frontier leaving many branches behind as the economy adjusts away from the early transition era. Much greater attention to human capital policies are suggested to foster intensive growth in an environment of low oil and gas prices.  相似文献   

南北分裂时期之广州大理院(1919-1925)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡震 《中外法学》2006,(3):323-336
<正>作为清末法制变革的产物,大理院在近代中国存在22年(1906-1928)。随着近年来愈来愈多的学者开始关注中国法制近代化的历史进程,对大理院的研究也成为时下的一个热点,海峡两岸都取得了一些成果。然而对于民初(1912-1928)大理院的研究仍然存在一些问题,没有得以深化,例如,清末民初有没有设立大理分院?如果设立,何时何地设立?关于设立大理分院,曾经有过什么样的主张?结果如何?南方军政府是否单独设立了自己的最高司法  相似文献   

英国1998年人权法案   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国1998年人权法案@梁淑英~~  相似文献   

引起世人高度关注的山西有毒假酒案,经山西省吕梁地区、朔州市、大同市三个中级人民法院公开审理,分别对4起19名案犯生产、销售有毒假酒案作出判决,王青华等6名犯罪分子被判处死刑。上述案犯明知甲醇对人体有害,为牟取暴利,用甲醇勾兑成散装白酒73.5吨,销往朔州、灵丘等地,造成数百人饮用后出现中毒症状,30余人死亡。 根据我国《刑法》有关规定,以生产、销售有毒食品罪判处王青华、王晓东、武保全、高世发、王瑞、杨万才死刑,立即执行,剥夺政治权利终身判处武燕萍、贾建有、刘世春、朱永福无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,其他9名被告分别被判处5到15年有期徒刑。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):877-910

Prison employees are trained to maintain their distance from prisoners and to do their job professionally without personal entanglements or abuse of prisoners in any way. Efforts are made to ensure that those who enter the correctional service serve honorably; these efforts, however, do not prevent some prison employees from ending their careers in disgrace. Some employees engage in career-ending infractions whereby they are suspended and/or reprimanded; some are terminated for engaging in inappropriate relationships (or boundary violations) with inmates. This paper examines boundary violations among 508 Texas state prison security staff members disciplined between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1998.  相似文献   

This paper contains an analysis of papers scheduled for presentation at the annual meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association during a six-year period (1998–2003). The goal is to discover which research topics are most popular and which are least popular in order to develop a clearer picture of what the SCJA is, what its members value, what they stand for, and what they think is important.  相似文献   

在1925年民国宪法草案的政体设计中,总统由独立选举方式产生,权力也进一步增强,特别是确认了总统作为行政首脑的权力与立法权,包括解散国会权、紧急命令权、修宪提议权等,其权力比总统制下总统的权力要大。在总统与内阁权力关系上,总统居于主导与支配地位,符合半总统制政体行政权分享的原则。行政与立法权力关系的设计,体现为民国议会对总统与国务员的弹劾权、议会对政府的不信任权以及总统的解散议会权。宪法草案半总统制政体模式的选择,不仅是宪政学理的设计结果,还与北京临时执政府主导制宪、制宪者对民初宪政制度实践的经验反思以及魏玛共和国宪法影响等因素有关。  相似文献   

1998年行政法论文索引一、概述关于中国行政法上的合法性原则的探讨/胡建淼/中国法学,1998.1.P.65-71行政合法性、合理性原则质疑/姬亚平/行政法学研究,1998.3.P.71-73公共行政规范理论的勃兴及其启示─一当代西方新公共行政学评析/金太军/江苏社会科学,1998.1.P.87行政法的根本理念与制度/陈贵民/中国社会科学院研究生院学报,1998.2.P.73-75日本行政法的概念、对象和范围/杨建顺/外国法译评,1998.3.P.65-74中国现代行政法的发展对宪法的影响/陈斯…  相似文献   


This paper on theft in Sweden analyses crime and reactions to crime in non-individual, structural terms. The data used stems from Swedish convictions statistics which are available for the period since 1831. Swedish trends in theft convictions follow an international pattern with reductions during the second half of the 19th century and settling at a comparatively low level during the decades around the turn of the 20th century. A sharp occurred after the mid-1920s until the mid-1980s. Upon closer examination, this increase took the form of an S-curve whose course resembles that of goods production. One interpretation is that once a basic level of material security had been guaranteed, theft convictions followed the availability of goods; with more to consume, there is more to steal, and levels of control tend to diminish. Howthat ever, this interpretation may not apply to a smaller proportion of convictions ? those which concern persistent offenders. Their development differed in one decisive manner from that of casual offenders ? the steep rise is very sudden and occurred first after the Second World War. An explanation based on the relationship between livelihood, excessive alcohol consumption and theft is put forward.  相似文献   

律师以其职业的挑战性、自由度以及阐释社会公正与正义的内在魅力越来越成为人们择业的焦点所在,律师资格则是从事这一工作的前提。自1986年首次律师资格考试到目前为止,历经10次,先后90万人报名参加了全国律师资格考试,而每年呈递增之势,其中1998年为14万2千多人,成为历史最高。十多年来,有将近13万人通过了考试,取得了律师资格,成为社会主义法治建设的新鲜血液。近几年来考律热潮日趋高涨,如何在竞争激烈,人才济济的‘省考”中取得胜利,成为一志在“律”的人们的关注之点。本文将以1998年律考试题为例,分析律师考试的命题特…  相似文献   

上诉人(原审原告):邵仲广。委托代理人:吴军辉,广东证券律师事务所律师。委托代理人:马林.山东泰安蓝天律师事务所律师。被上诉人(原审被告):广东美的集团股份有限公司。法定代表人:何享健,董事长。委托代理人:赵勇,广东美的集团股份有限公司法律顾问。委托代理人:王学探,广东国信律师事务所律师。上诉人邵仲厂因著作权侵权纠纷一案,不服佛山市中级人民法院(1998)佛中法知初字第13号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭审理了本案,现已审理终结。原审法院认为,被告以“街招”形式向社会公开征集商标图案是一…  相似文献   

三、1998年试卷(三)评析(二)出题重点分析试卷(三)是本次考试中包合法规最广的一张试卷,对(公.司法)、(经济合同法)、(技术合同法)、(合伙企业法)、《劳动法)、(仲裁法)、(票据法)、(商标法)等都有所涉及,其中对于合同法、知识产权法、企业法、仲裁法等知识点的考查均占了!O分以上,尤其是合同法部分的内容占了全卷内容的27%。因此对上述部分的复习显得尤为重要。1.合同法。由于合同的重要性,合同法的考查内容较97有显著上升趋势。在合同法的三部分内容中,经济合同法是最为重要的部分。近年来合同法部分出题…  相似文献   

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