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The view on crimes has progressed from the past monism to the present pluralism. In modern China, the concept of crime is in pluralism. The so-called pluralism here means the many concepts of crime not only co-exist macroscopically within a society, but also microcosmically within a single social member. The pluralism of the concept of crime provides us with a multiangular cognition for the complicated phenomena of crime. As a process of the transformation of the view on crime, it has developed from absolutism to relativism, from scientism to humanism, from conservatism to liberalism, from structuralism to progressivism, and from the pattern of state control to the pattern of social control. Li Weihong is an associate professor of law in China Youth University for Political Sciences, whose research covers science of criminal law, criminal policy and criminology. She published her monograph, named Studies on the Hot Issues of Economic Crime; and co-authored a book, ie. Essentials on Criminal Liability. Moreover, she has released over 40 research articles in Chinese journals, the best of which are titled as On the Crime by Taking Advantage of Credit Cards, The Transformation of the Concept of Crime in Modern China, on the Research Object of Science of Criminal Policy.  相似文献   

The Internet serves as a channel for electronic communication on an international level. While communication on the Internet has grown exponentially, the proliferation of crimes in cyberspace has become rampant. Hate crimes, in particular, have become increasingly prevalent on the Internet. In this past decade, the United States government has taken significant measures to combat the proliferation of hate crimes. This paper reports six cases of "cyberhate" crimes and emphasizes pertinent legal issues surrounding them. Current modes of intervention are discussed, ranging from local to national levels. The forensic psychiatrist may undertake a challenging role in the interpretation of the hateful criminal mind at the interface of psychiatry and the law.  相似文献   

It becomes a tendency to introduce the German and Japanese theory in the structure of crime to restructure that of China. However, Chinese structure of crime is not that poor as criticized, while that of Germany and Japan applauded by reformist also has disadvantages, such as the confliction inside the system, the deviation of actuality and original intention and the only systematic notion, etc. The issues of Chinese structure of crime, e.g. the relationship of the constituents is not clear and the concept of crime deduced from the structure of crime is too simple, can be solved by carrying through the object-preferred step-up notion and setting up the concept of crime with various meanings. Thus, the current structure of crime does not have to be restructured. Li Hong, professor of criminal law, works at Law School of Tsinghua University. He got his M.A. and Ph.D, first at Wuhan University, China and then at Doshisha University, Japan. His primary research is focused on the elements of crime, corporate crime and Japanese criminal law and his main publications include Study of Omission, Study of Corporate Crime and Reflection on General Criminal Issues, etc.  相似文献   

从公民参与看东亚民主转型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
西方演进型民主的发展历史,昭示出自下而上的力量在通往民主的道路上扮演了不可或缺的角色。这种力量表现在民主运动中便是公民以不同形式对民主政治的参与。东亚国家和地区在民主转型过程中同样体现了这样一种趋势。民主参与不仅是一种政治活动,还是公民的基本权利,即参政权。转型社会的参与类型较为复杂,主要包括制度性参与、合法的非制度性参与和非法的参与。在权威政体松动、开始推行民主化之后,公民会逐渐远离非法的制度外参与。  相似文献   

也论转化犯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵立勋 《法学论坛》2000,15(2):42-44
一、转化犯的含义 目前,学术界对转化犯的含义并无统-认识,比较有代表性的观点有如下四种:(1)"转化犯是指由法律特别规定的某-犯罪在一定条件下转化成为另一种更为严重的犯罪,并应当依照后一种犯罪定罪量刑的犯罪形态"[1];(2)"所谓转化犯,是指某一违法行为或者犯罪行为在实施过程中或者非法状态持续过程中,由于行为者主客观表现的变化,而使整个行为的性质转化为犯罪或转化为更为严重的犯罪,从而应以转化后的犯罪定罪或按法律拟制的某一犯罪论处的犯罪形态"[2];(3)"转化犯是指行为人在实施某一较轻的犯罪时,由于连带的行为又触犯了另一较重的犯罪,因而法律规定以较重的犯罪论处的情形"[3];(4)转化犯是指"行为人在实施某一较轻犯罪(基本犯罪)已在未遂或既遂后,由于其特定的不法行为,而使轻罪转化为某一重罪,法律明文规定以转化后的重罪定罪量刑的犯罪形态"[4].  相似文献   

Jindal Global Law Review -  相似文献   

我国政府职能转变的路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政管理与经济社会的发展要求相适应是我国行政管理体制改革的基本目标和任务。政府职能转变是深化行政管理体制改革的核心。转变政府职能,应当依循法治化的途径,具体包括:法律法规的制定要贯彻政府职能转变的思想和理念,落实"三优先原则";推行行政执法责任制,全面梳理政府权力;清理现行法律、法规和规章,对不符合标准和经济社会发展要求的政府权力进行调整;深化行政审批制度改革。  相似文献   

论我国高等教育的范式转换   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
高等教育大众化源于社会经济发展的强力推动和教育市场巨大潜力的释放,它反映了社会平等的思潮和人民群众的精神需求,凸显了社会心理因素的综合作用,也是我国高等教育领域与时俱进的现实表现。在从精英教育到大众教育的转换过程中,演绎着与从计划经济到市场经济转轨相适应的高等教育的范式转换,这种范式转换表现在招生规模、办学体制、质量标准诸方面。即从政府行为转变到市场行为,从单一政府办学格局转变到多元化办学格局,从精英教育质量范式转变到大众教育质量范式。在这一转变过程中,我们的思维范式也必须转换。  相似文献   

本文阐述了贪污贿赂犯罪刑事政策的概念、特点、制定依据,并在实证研究的基础上提出,我国现行的贪污贿赂犯罪刑事政策主要有依法从重从严;一要坚决,二要慎重,务必搞准;狠抓大要案;打击与预防相结合.在对它们进行检讨之后,指出"依法从重从严"应调整为"严而不厉";"一要坚决,二要慎重,务必搞准"应重新厘清其内涵;"狠抓大要案"予以谨慎地保留,但必须统筹兼顾,处理好大要案与小案的关系;"打击与预防相结合"应明确为"预防为主,打击为辅",预防格局应从司法预防调整为社会预防.  相似文献   

Hate crimes represent crimes committed against an individual or group on the basis of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. For the forensic pathologist, a death related to a hate crime should be considered a high-profile case, one in which the pathologist should expect abundant public interest and scrutiny. In this article, an overview of hate crimes is presented, stressing the different types of hate crimes and the motives of those who commit such crimes. For death investigators and forensic pathologists, an awareness of these details will help them to recognize and appropriately anticipate issues that may be important in deaths related to hate crimes.  相似文献   

网络市场监管的行政法治转型是在我国当前社会转型和法治转型的背景下出现的。创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享是党的十八届五中全会提出的的五大发展理念,我国网络市场监管面临着创新性、协调性、绿色性、开放性、共享性转型,从而推动网络市场监管实现从网络管理到网络治理、从行政监管到法治监管、从一元管理到多元协同、从本土治理到全球治理、从权力本位到权利本位的五大转型。加强网络市场监管的行政法治转型是促进网络市场繁荣、稳定、健康发展的重要保证,也是落实五大发展理念、建设法治政府的必然要求。  相似文献   

This article examines the difference in victims' reporting behavior regarding crimes committed by males and by females. The authors expect that victims of female offenders are less likely to report to the police than victims of male offenders because of differences in the victim-offender relationship as well as in the victim's sex. With recent developments in Bayesian statistics, new tools have become available that enable the direct evaluation of researchers' expectations. All cases of robbery with assault from the National Crime Victimization Survey have been investigated (n = 478). Findings reveal that female offenders are underreported compared with male offenders and that this can be explained by the victim characteristics but only in combination with the offender's sex.  相似文献   

单位犯罪作为1997年刑法修订后确立的一种特殊的犯罪类型,在刑法理论和司法实践中存在较多的争议。在此,我们以单位犯罪司法解释为研究对象,对司法解释涉及的有关单位犯罪的具体问题作一番研究。 一、关于单位犯罪与自然人犯罪的界限问题 单位犯罪与自然人犯罪的界限问题是单位犯罪司法解释必须首先解决的问题。最高人民法院《关于审理单位犯罪案件具体应用法律有关问题的解释》第1条从正面回答了单位的范围,即刑法第30条规定的"公司、企业、事业单位",既包括国有、集体所有的公司、企业、事业单位,也包括依法设立的合资经  相似文献   

Estimates indicate hate crimes are a growing concern in the United States. This paper addresses how criminal justice students perceive victims of hate crimes. Survey findings show subjects are less likely to define certain groups of people as victims of hate crimes. Suggestions are made as to how criminal justice departments can heighten awareness of hate crime victims, multiculturalism, and gender diversity among criminal justice students.  相似文献   

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