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马晨清 《政法学刊》2008,25(6):37-40
基因信息包含了一个人生命的全部秘密,应纳入隐私权的保护范围。基因隐私权的内容包括采样时的知情同意权,基因信息的知晓权,基因信息的保密权,基因信息的利用权。侵犯基因隐私权具有便捷性、隐蔽性、关联性、实质性、长久性等特点。我国立法应确立基因隐私权。侵害基因隐私权应承担相应民事责任。  相似文献   

张宏 《河北法学》2006,24(9):151-154
由于基因科学迅速发展以及基因技术的广泛使用,对个人基因信息的法律保护问题日显突出.从民法上的隐私权出发,提出基因隐私权的概念,并继而探讨基因隐私权与其他权利,尤其是基因知情权的冲突.通过比较美国与我国对基因隐私权的法律保护,提出了对基因隐私权进行系统法律保护的立法建议.  相似文献   

Genetic screening and testing techniques provide a new and powerful diagnostic tool for the acquisition of predictive information. The potential value of such diagnostic techniques cannot be overstated. Genetic diagnostic tests pave the way for the development of gene therapy techniques which may provide remedies for diseases previously considered untreatable. There are clearly tremendous opportunities for improving the quality of life of those who suffer from genetic disorders as well as opportunities for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to swell their profits. A complex of pressures and tensions is currently developing around the use of genetic technology for therapeutic purposes in human beings. This paper considers only one element of this complex and dynamic situation, that of the regulatory climate surrounding the use of genetic screening in Europe. If, as many pharmaceutical companies concede, the key to the development of successful gene therapy products is the freedom to use genotyping and genetic screening without significant legal restriction, then the regulatory climate has a crucial significance for the future of this technology. It emerges, however, that there are other interests at stake apart from just those of the patients and the pharmaceutical companies. Insurance companies and employers are also highly interested in the acquisition and use of genetic information. There are arguments both for and against permitting such entities to use or request genetic testing and screening which shall be traversed in the body of the paper. However, the interest of insurance companies and employers in genetic information has stimulated a countercurrent of public pressure for restrictions on the use that can be made of genetic diagnostic information. In a number of countries, this pressure has generated enough concern to stimulate legislatures to seek to enact laws that curtail the use and acquisition of genetic information. This pattern has clearly emerged in the United States and there are strong indications that similar trends are developing in Europe. This article catalogues and critiques the laws and regulations currently affecting genetic screening and testing in Europe.  相似文献   

王康 《法律科学》2011,(5):57-66
人类基因本质上是一种人格利益,通过法解释的路径能够在私法上生成基因权概念。在私法上,基因权是人基于自己的特定基因而享有的权利,属于人格权范畴,包括基因平等权、基因自主权、基因隐私权、基因公开权等。基因公开权具有财产权属性,是基因人格权在不可让渡规则下的延伸,公开只是基因人格利益的物化之利用。基因权存在的正当性基础在于自然权利的实质法源。基因权的法价值在于人性尊严之表彰、人格利益之维护、技术理性之历练等方面。  相似文献   

This article provides a critical analysis of the current Australian regulatory landscape at the interface between genetics and reproductive decision-making. The authors argue that a comparative analysis with other countries and international law and a contextual examination of the way law regulates concepts such as disease and health, abnormality and normality is necessary before we can develop appropriate policy and legislative responses in this area. Specific genetic testing technologies are considered including prenatal genetic testing, preimplantation genetic diagnosis and inheritable genetic modification. An increasing number of members of the Australian community are using genetic testing technologies when they decide to have a baby. The authors argue that as concepts of disease and health vary among members of the community and the potential to test for traits other than illness increases, a new tension arises between an ethic of individual choice and a role for government in regulating reproductive decision-making.  相似文献   

张建邦 《法律科学》2005,23(6):97-102
在国际法上,基因资源的获取和利益分享涉及三个主要的国际公约,即《生物多样性公约》(CBD)、《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际公约》和《TRIPS协议》,其中以CBD为核心,确立了基因资源的国家主权控制、事先知情同意和合理分享利益的原则和制度,确立了基因资源保护机制和产权设定的基本框架,对保护我国的基因资源具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国遗传资源的获取和惠益分享立法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张小勇 《法律科学》2007,25(1):142-157
当前,我国遗传资源流失的问题非常严重,现有的法律存在较多的缺陷,无法有效阻止遗传资源的流失.因此,我国有必要遵照《生物多样性公约》的要求建立遗传资源的获取和惠益分享法律制度.我国应当采纳单独或专门立法的模式,未来立法应包括目标和原则、适用范围、国家主管部门、获取程序、事先知情同意和共同商定条件、惠益分享和监测机制等七个方面的核心内容.  相似文献   

论我国遗传资源区域性补偿法律制度的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙昊亮 《河北法学》2008,26(7):31-35
随着生物技术的迅猛发展,遗传资源的价值越来越突显出来。我国是世界上遗传资源最为丰富的国家之一,辽阔的地域、复杂的自然环境造就了极为丰富的动植物和微生物物种。目前我国的立法和国际公约、条约都未就遗传资源的具体保护模式作出明确的规定。根据遗传资源公共性、区域性的特点,我国应该建立一套以国家享有遗传资源经济主权为基础的区域性补偿与惠益分享制度,这样有利于鼓励遗传资源所在地区群众对遗传资源保护的积极性,有利于遗传资源的国际保护,也有利于西部等落后地区经济、社会的发展。  相似文献   

Approaches to genetic testing differ in the research setting and the clinical setting. More data are needed to develop approaches that will best facilitate the use of new genetic tests in the clinical setting, especially settings where genetic testing has not been widely used, such as in primary care. Furthermore, data are needed to establish the clinical utility of new genetic tests in the general practice setting. Natural setting trials are proposed as a strategy to develop this information. While natural setting trials are clinical research studies and will expose participants to some degree of risk, the risks are different, and arguably less than the risks those same individuals would otherwise face if the test went directly into clinical practice. Ultimately, clinical practice and safety of new genetic tests can be improved by adding the evaluation provided by natural setting trials.  相似文献   

刘海龙 《河北法学》2008,26(7):28-30
如何有效地对人类遗传资源进行保护成为各国尤其是发展中国家面临的一项重要任务和难题。人类遗传资源具有不同于传统资源的一些特点,因此,需要从不同的法律角度出发寻找相应的对策。包括:利用人格权法保护人类遗传资源提供者的人格权;利用知识产权法保护人类遗传资源提供者的应得利益;利用行政法规保护人类遗传资源的合理获取和使用;利用国际公约对人类遗传资源的开发利用进行跨国保护。  相似文献   

品种范畴下农业遗传资源法律保护分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物资源在不同的生态系统和不同的范畴下有不同的理解。通过明晰农业遗传资源与生物资源的关系,在品种范畴下和制度层面对农业遗传资源与品种相关概念之间的关系进行梳理,以探寻品种权和专利权权利系统对品种保护的作用机制,并进而探讨农业遗传资源权的介入过程和方式。  相似文献   

As modern human genetics moves from the research setting to the clinical setting, it will encounter the managed care system. Issues of cost, access, and quality of care will affect the availability and nature of genetic testing, genetic counseling, and genetic therapies. This Article will explore such issues as professional education, coverage of genetic services, privacy and confidentiality, and liability. It will conclude with a series of recommendations for the practice of genetic medicine in the age of managed care.  相似文献   

直接同步扩增5种基因位点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
来用直接同步PCR扩增5种基因位点及反向打点杂交技术,使扩增产物DNA与膜探针条杂交。再通过酶联底物显色反应对LDLR、GYPA、D7S8、Gc和HBGG进行联合分型。该方法特别适用于微量、陈旧或降解的DNA样本,其操作简便、迅速,应用在亲子鉴定案例,亲子关系概率高达99.75%。该技术在法医学、遗传学及临床诊断中具有重要价值,并将改变DNA分型技术难于标准化的局面.  相似文献   

X染色体遗传标记在法医学中占有不可或缺的位置,因其独特的结构和遗传特征而被应用于复杂亲缘鉴定。目前应用于法医遗传学领域的有超过50个高度多态性X-STRs,筛选到高度多态性的X-SNPs和X-Indels的数量也在逐渐增加,且X染色体特异性遗传标记对复杂疾病的易感性也受到了临床工作者的重视。本文就X染色体遗传标记在法医学及临床医学上的研究和应用进行综述。  相似文献   

武亦文 《北方法学》2020,(1):102-117
基因信息可应用于保险核保的理论基础在于保险的风险分类理论与保险法的对价平衡原则。政策、伦理、道德、技术等方面的反对意见并不足以否定基因信息应用于保险核保的正当性,因为商业保险不应承担社会保障职能;基因信息相比一般医疗信息不具有特殊性;保险承保的本来就是具有不确定性的风险,基因检测的准确性也在逐步提高。是故,应当允许基因信息应用于保险核保,但为防止基因信息的滥用,还须通过规范的方式明确基因信息的应用限度:明晰保险人获取基因信息的方式;设定保险人使用基因信息的条件;规定保险人对于依据基因信息作出不利被保险人决定之理由的披露义务;强化基因咨询师的咨询与建议职责;完善对被保险人的救济机制及其具体运作规范。  相似文献   

基因信息对健康状况具有强烈的预测性,出于诸种原因当事人未必想知晓基因信息.为充分尊重自我决定权,比较法上承认权利人享有基因信息不知情权.基因信息不知情权指权利人有权预先决定是否接受基因信息的披露,其核心要义为“知情拒绝权”.基因信息不知情权旨在保障权利人对基因信息的自主控制,在我国隐私权与个人信息区分规制的立法模式下,...  相似文献   

During executing some activities by the police, a mummified human fetus was accidentally revealed on a scrap of paper. It came from pregnancy considerably not carried to term, lasting about 2.5 lunar months. Medical examination did not give evidence of mechanical manipulation such as abortion or disintegration. The aim of the study was the genetic identification of the mummified fetus and an answer to the question if an indicated supposed mother was the mother of the fetus. In the study a relevant factor was maternity confirmation by means of statistic calculations.  相似文献   

This article argues that, under existing jurisprudence, the disability insurance business will be harmed, not benefited, from broad access to the results of genetic testing identifying people with higher than species-typical genetic propensities for illness.  相似文献   



The current study seeks to examine the relationship between low self-control and cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and marijuana use in adolescence and adulthood using behavioral genetic methodology.


Using a subsample of twin pairs from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), the current study estimates the genetic and environmental overlap between low self-control and substance use (or problems associated with substance use) across four waves of data collection.


The overall pattern of results suggests that genetic factors explain a moderate proportion of the variance in low self-control and substance use in both adolescence and adulthood. Furthermore, bivariate genetic analyses reveal that the correlation between low self-control and substance use is due, for the most part, to common genetic and nonshared environmental factors.


The current study adds to a growing body of biosocial research on self-control and its relationship to criminal and analogous behaviors. The implications of our findings for the general theory of crime are discussed.  相似文献   

遗传资源法律问题初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着生物技术的迅猛发展,遗传资源作为一国重要的战略物资,不仅在解决粮食、健康和环境问题方面发挥着重要作用,而且其在商业上的使用更会产生巨大的经济价值,已经成为各国争夺的目标。由此,引发了有关遗传资源的诸多法律问题,许多至今未有定论。对什么是遗传资源、遗传资源的权属问题进行分析,对遗传资源获取和惠益分享以及遗传资源的保护方式进行探讨具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

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