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东亚货币同盟:理想与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张斌 《当代亚太》2001,(5):32-41
东亚有可能实行某种形式的货币同盟.在开始将是实行共同单一钉住.东亚必须通过加强货币合作来推动地区货币一体化,最终建立东亚货币同盟.东亚有可能在货币一体化的机制化方面先行一步."东盟+3"合作框架对于实现某种形式的货币同盟将起到推动作用.  相似文献   

文章从安藤昌益的社会思想入手,首先介绍了安藤昌益所独创的几个概念"自然世"、"活真""直耕",并论述这些词的含义及相互之间的关系,进而介绍安藤昌益构想的理想社会"自然世"。昌益通过对当时社会的几种代表性的意识形态进行彻底批判而构建了自己理想的社会伦理模式:批判了日本儒学的五伦、五常压抑人性和违反自然规律;指出佛教教义乃虚妄之说,佛僧皆为武威社会之帮凶和吸食民脂民膏的"国之虱";指出真正的宗教应该是人民庆祝农耕丰收的仪式,不会故作神秘欺骗民众。他以"真道"代言"神道",强调两者都应该是自然的"直耕之道"。其思想对于意识形态和道德伦理都很多元化的现代社会来说有着现实意义。  相似文献   

This article considers the idea of commonwealth as a means of understanding human “politics” that does not rely on the violence of the state. It considers the idea of commonwealth to involve cultural and other forms of ties that transcend the borders of states and link people who share common views and aspirations together. It examines two contemporary visions of commonwealth, that of the West and that of the Anglo‐sphere. It argues that the sorts of bonds that these commonwealths entail are positive so long as they are recognised as embodying both strengths and weaknesses and are not used as means to attempt to demonstrate the supposed superiority of their virtues.  相似文献   

In recent years, both the individualisation and the mediatisation of politics have accelerated a process of political personalisation, a process which has attracted considerable attention from empirical analysts. But in comparison with media-related and citizen/voter-related studies, studies focusing on political actors are rare. As a consequence, little is known about the perceptions of politicians or their attitudes towards personalisation. These perceptions are presumed to be vital for the relationships between citizens and MPs, specifically with regard to leadership, representativeness, and responsiveness. Against this backdrop, an empirical analysis was conducted of the perceptions of German and Austrian MPs regarding the politics- and public performance-related attributes of ‘ideal’ politicians. Differences were found related to age, sex, and country and, foremost, an amalgamation of attributes which are labelled ‘role-near’, political attributes, and ‘role-distant’, that is media and communication skills.  相似文献   

For quite some time, Beatriz Sarlo has been at the forefront of the debate over the possibility of ascertaining the aesthetic value of art. The Argentine critic's dismissal of value‐neutral approaches to art has been often criticised as a repackaging of the aestheticist tradition inherited from the European Enlightenment. Using Sarlo's own critical practice – a selection of Sarlo's key texts on Argentine literature written since 1980 – as a testing ground for her theoretical insights I argue in favour of re‐evaluating Sarlo's project as an aporetic discourse with positive implications for cultural politics that should be refined rather than abandoned.  相似文献   

德国前总理赫尔穆特.施密特在很多德国人心目中是理想的国家领导人类型,其在国际政治舞台上也享有很高的声誉。在其去年出版的新著《不在其位》中,他对目前欧洲人面临的中心问题,如欧盟建设、福利国家转型、欧美关系、与邻国关系、国际金融危机等议题作出了清晰而明确的分析,同时在书中他也谈到了个人政治生涯的经验和错误、政治伦理以及宗教等充满个人色彩的话题。本文重点介绍施密特对欧盟建设、国际金融危机、全球化和经济学理论等问题的分析,并对其看法作了一些评论。  相似文献   

Normative deliberative theory has contributed much to an understanding of ideal procedural standards, but there is considerable uncertainty regarding the appropriate nature of desired deliberative outcomes. In this paper we identify two inter‐related concepts of meta‐consensus and inter‐subjective rationality as outcomes that an authentic deliberative process ought to produce. Importantly, these deliberative ends are consistent with ideal deliberative procedure. They are also empirically tractable, where preference transformation can be described in terms of underlying values, and judgments. Methods for assessing deliberative ends are provided and demonstrated using a case study.  相似文献   

随着中印俄等新兴经济体的兴起,亚太地区在世界格局中的地位不断上升,世界地缘中心正在由大西洋向太平洋转移.同时,太平洋两岸的美中日印俄澳等主要力量越来越关注地区秩序、体系等问题,并试图确立本国在上升的亚太地区及将形成的地区体系中的地位,建立有利于本国的地区体系框架,融合、制约和平衡其他地区力量.因此,亚太地区正在酝酿、出现和形成某种以地区主要力量为若干中心和框架的地区体系和秩序.在此情况下,本文倡导容纳亚太地区主要力量的"太平洋主义"结构、体系和秩序,以全面反映21世纪亚太力量格局的发展变化,融合亚太地区大国问的共同利益和共识,确定地区经济政治的制度安排,确保亚太地区长期和平与发展.  相似文献   


The eighteenth- and nineteenth-century colonial wars in the Cape Colony and trans-Keian territories in South Africa are usually represented as conflicts primarily involving male antagonists. The roles and experiences of indigenous women are usually overlooked or, at best, mentioned in passing. Closer examination of the wars that took place in what is now the Eastern Cape province of South Africa suggests that women were deeply affected by the various wars in a multitude of ways. They experienced first-hand death, disruption of their families and society, destruction of their homesteads and crops, and the looting of their livestock and other resources and were seized for forced labor. In the midst of the conflict, they developed different strategies to mitigate the effects of the wars and to survive, playing an active role in the wars as leaders, emissaries, and war doctors and in providing intelligence and commissariat support.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,冷战双方都希望通过各种更微妙的手段来赢得人心,以求达到颠覆敌对阵营并维护自己阵营团结的目的。因此,东西方的文化交流——从体育竞赛、音乐演出、宗教祈祷到科学研究——成为"冷战宣传"的武器。在此背景之下,经过美苏双方的努力,东西方的文化交流获得了比较正常、固定的交流渠道。  相似文献   

本文介绍正统派与其他各种不同经济学派关于1997年东亚金融危机的生成根源的观点,展示各种经济学派对IMF休克拯救方案以及东亚经济复苏政策的不同看法,探索东亚金融危机对经济发展理论的影响。  相似文献   

苏联是一个意识形态化的国家,它有一个独特的意识形态管理模式,其中,书报检查制度是最敏感、最要害的核心机制。书报检查制度在十月革命初的确有建立的必要,但在后来的政治实践中,却不恰当地集中化,其权力的行使也由国家机构转移到党的机关。这一制度造成了严重的后果。  相似文献   

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