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Effects of differential male-female relational definitions of self on resolutions to the first six of Erikson's identity crises were examined in a sample of 388 adolescent males and females. Subject categorization of relational self-definitions was based on the Relational Self-Definition Scale. Resolutions to identity crises were measured by the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (EPSI). Predictions were drawn from theoretical notions related to Gilligan's view of distinctive male-female trends in self-other development and indicated that males with self-definitions separate from others and females with self-definitions connected with others would report higher degrees of positive resolutions on EPSI subscales compared to males with connected self-definitions and females with separate self-definitions. Results revealed that specific predictions were supported for resolutions to Trust, Initiative, and Intimacy crises independent of individual differences in age, educational level, vocabulary, and socioeconomic status of subjects. This suggests that gender differences in identity development may be linked to distinctive malefemale trends in the use of relational self-definitions consistent with Gilligan's views.Received Ph.D. from Wayne State University in applied/personality psychology. Research interests include self-other development in adolescence and adulthood.  相似文献   

The findings of a questionnaire survey of sexual attitudes and behavior of a large nationwide sample of Israeli adolescents (N=5410) show clear gender differences in patterns of sexual behavior even among kibbutz adolescents who express very permissive attitudes toward premarital coitus and live under conditions which provide easy access to potential sexual partners. Permissive conditions increase rates of coitus among female adolescents, but this sexual experience occurs within the framework of an emotionally involving relationship. Kibbutz girls who report coital rates equal to those of kibbutz and nonkibbutz boys (about 40%) have their first coital relationship with a steady boyfriend with whom they are in love and continue having sexual relations with the same partner. This pattern is similar to that of nonkibbutz females, who report much lower rates of coitus (14%). Males do not necessarily have sexual relations in the context of an emotional relationship. The findings are interpreted in terms of pattern of sex-role socialization.This study was supported by the Israel Center for Demographic Studies and by the Ministry of Health.Research interests are socialization, parent-child interaction, and cross-cultural research.Presently working on Ph.D. in public health at University of California, Berkeley.Research interests are child development and personality.Research interests are clinical obstetrics and gynecology, contraception, sex education, and family planning.Research interests are chronic disease epidemiology and research methodology.  相似文献   

This study was desgined to examine gender differences in identity formation in late adolescents from divorced mother-custody families. Fifty-seven female and thirty-nine male college students ranging in age from 17 to 25 years completed the Child's Report of Parental Behavior [E. S. Schaeffer (1965) Children's Reports of Parental Behavior: An Inventory, Child Development, Vol. 36, pp. 412–482] and were interviewed using the J. E. Marcia [(1966) Development and Validation of Ego Identity Status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 3, pp. 551–558] semistructured Identity Status Interview. While no differences between males and females were found in ratings of overall identity status, significantly more females were in the achieved category within the domains of occupation and attitudes toward premarital sex. Also, males perceived their mothers as significantly more accepting and less controlling than did females. The absence of the father and the altered role of the mother appear to have a differential impact on males and females who have grown up in mother-custody families. Implications of these and other findings are discussed.Received Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Teachers College Columbia University. Research interests include adolescent identity formation, the intersection and integration of personal and career counseling, and career development.  相似文献   

This study was concerned with verbal behavior in a discussion group setting. Two groups of nine tenth grade boys met for eight sessions in an unstructured group discussion. Verbal behavior was coded using a modified version of Bales' interaction process analysis. The most frequently coded behaviors were Giving Opinions, Dramatizing, and Expressing Anxiety. Verbal participation and initiation were positively correlated (r=0.88). Slightly more of the interaction was coded as affective than cognitive. Positive ratings of the group experience by theSs are contrasted to behavioral evidence of discomfort and anxiety. Inferences are drawn about the boys' lack of interpersonal skills and their use of fantasy to support their masculine sex role.Received Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in developmental psychology. Current research interests include the development of interpersonal skills and changes in social interaction at various stages in the family cycle.  相似文献   

Theoretical discussions of adolescence tend to emphasize the importance of physical development, self-views, and a transitional aspect of adolescence. Few research studies examine these variables in combination. The purpose of the present research was to examine the interrelationships of physical self-satisfaction, self-esteem, and identity in addition to their ability to predict satisfaction with an individual's social milieu. Multiple regression analyses were conducted for six groups consisting of eighth-, tenth-, and twelfth-grade males and females. While the prediction patterns yielded no differences for grade level, differences between males and females were found. Self-esteem was the best predictor for males, while identity and physical self-satisfaction were the best predictors for females.This research is based on the author's dissertation.Received her Ph.D. in educational psychology from Temple University in 1978. Main interest is adolescent development, especially social-emotional development.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research is to identify the reasons for gender differences in European volunteer rates in different types of voluntary organisations. To that end, we focus in volunteer rates at individual and national levels. We have drawn our data from the European Values Survey (EVS, 1999 and 2008). We have employed Logit models carrying out independent estimations for the individual likelihood of working as a volunteer for four categories: social awareness, professional, education and social justice. We have carried out independent estimations and we have also repeated estimations by gender subsamples. Our main result is that social factors might be even more relevant for decisions to volunteer than individual socio-economic factors. Specifying the peer group as much as possible allows better control of social variables. For example, studying the female volunteer rate is more relevant to control for the female national NGO membership rate than the total national rate. We also highlight important gender differences. For example, education is positively correlated with decisions to volunteer for both genders in all categories, but the educational effect is stronger for men in relation to professional activities and stronger for women in relation to social awareness and social justice activities.  相似文献   

Similarity of ego identity status, assessed by Marcia's four-category classification system, was related to interpersonal attraction. Using male and female college students as subjects, this study found that (1) while all judges preferred targets who had or who are undergoing a crisis to those who have not had a crisis, (2) diffuse judges preferred targets with no commitments to those with commitments, and (3) judges with commitments preferred a foreclosure target more than judges without commitments. Differential evaluations of the targets' intelligence, knowledge of current events, adjustment, and morality were also found. Results are discussed both in terms of previous research positively relating personality similarity to attraction and Erikson's theory of the relationship between ego identity development and intimacy in interpersonal relations.  相似文献   

Assumed determinants of ego identity were investigated in this study using sophomore, junior, and senior high school males and females. Subjects were administered the Marcia Ego Identity Status Scale and measures of sex-role identification, personality development, psychological functioning, self-concept, and parental socialization practices. Data analyses, using a median split on identity score, showed that high-identity adolescents obtained more positive scores on sex-role identification, personality development, psychological adjustment, and self-concept than low-identity adolescents. Socialization practices also differed for the two groups. The sex differences which emerged were congruent with the identity literature. Overall, the data supported Erikson's theory of ego identity development.This study was funded by Grant No. 791-01-010-502 from the Senate Research Committee, University of Nebraska at Omaha.Received his Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Major interests are in the area of social and personality development in children and adolescents.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, September 1975.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh as in other Muslim majority societies, Islamist forces have emphasized the importance of women adopting traditional religious practices, such as wearing “the veil”, as a cultural symbol and a weapon in the movement of Islamization against Western Modernization. On the question of modernity although some Islamic groups hold extreme attitudes of imagining it as ‘immoral’ and ‘dangerous’, there are other activists who negotiate to engage modernity by controlling its negative impacts through reinventing Islamic tradition. The discursive shift is mainly towards establishing modern civil society based, middle class led and urban organizations. In reaction to the image of commodification of the woman's body in Western modernity, they construct women wearing hijab in the public space as an image of “Modern Muslim Women”. This article explores how women negotiate modernist and Islamist discourses and thereby engage in the politics of everyday living. It argues that woman's agency moves beyond analysis of women as mere victims of ideological constructions.  相似文献   

Based on Erikson's view of the importance of inner space in feminine identity, researchers have added an interview on premarital sex to the standard ego identity interview on occupation, religion, and politics used for males. This study was designed to investigate the relative importance of premarital sexual ideology for males and females, as well as sex differences in identity status on occupation, religion, and politics. Marcia's semi-structured ego identity status interview was given to 70 male and 70 female college students, with premarital sex questions included for both sexes. Consistent with Erikson's theory, females were more likely than males to have experienced a sexual identity crisis, whereas males were very likely to be foreclosed in this area. Males as well as females were more likely to be committed about sex than about any other area. In all areas except sex, female identity followed basically the same pattern as male identity.Received her Ph.D. from State University of New York at Buffalo. Current research interests are ego identity and human sexuality.Received his Ph. D. from State University of New York at Albany. Current research interests are mental health evaluation and behavior therapy.  相似文献   

The importance of gender and race as critical variables in criminal justice system processing is highlighted in this article. These processes influence women and minority racial groups as victims and as offenders. The article addresses the situation in the United States between 1970 and 1985 primarily, but the focus on gender and race has application to many other countries.Following a brief historical assessment of the processing of black and white females, characteristics of female offenders are examined. Analysis of court processing highlights sex differences in pleas, bargaining, and sentencing. The experience of sentencing reform in one state is examined, followed by a report of the commitment and incarceration of women in one state over a ten-year interval. These findings support the conclusion that gender and race must be analysed as critical independent and intervening variables in studies of arrest, court processing, sentencing, and incarceration.  相似文献   

Gender,identity and experience: Researching marginalised groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article will examine the status of the researcher when conducting research with Gypsy families and Asian women. It will explore how the positioning of the researcher as an outsider and insider can affect the research relationship and can be a useful and privileged position from which to engage in the research process. Gender, identity and experience can create a shared empathy and a shared understanding between the respondent and the researcher in which trust and rapport can encourage respondents to open up and discuss their personal experiences. The article also examines the complexities and tensions associated with how the status and identity of the interviewer can affect the research relationship and how an appreciation of difference is fundamental to this process.  相似文献   

In the study of differentiation of Styles of Identity formation with a sample of high school age adolescents, a group of the participants were found (by discriminant analysis) to have common features and to be a distinct group that displays an Evolutive Style of Identity Formation. The characteristics of this style are examined in this article, which focuses on the conceptual discussion of the significance of the Evolutive Style for the model of Styles of Identity Formation.Received Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Manchester, England. Research interests include psychosocial development in adolescence and young adulthood.  相似文献   

This study examined sex differences in the processes of identity and intimacy development among college youth. Fifty males, and 50 females were given measures of identity status, intimacy status, and self-esteem. Males were found to focus on intrapersonal aspects of identity status, intimacy status, and self-esteem. Males were found to focus on intrapersonal aspects of identity, females on interpersonal aspects. The pursuit of various identity development pathways affected self-esteem differentially for the two sexes. More females than males were found to be intimate and the achievement of intimacy seemed more closely related to identity in males than in females. The findins were interpreted in the context of Eriksonian theory, which seemed more adequate in explaining male than female development.This article is based in part on the doctoral dissertation by James W. Hodgson in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Philosophy degree, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.Received his Ph. D. in human development and family studies from The Pennsylvania State University. Current research interests include normative and dysfunctional development of late adolescence.Received her Ph.D. in social personality psychology from the University of Colorado. Current research interests include the developments of friendships and sex roles in adolescence.  相似文献   

This intensive clinical study investigated the role of developmental and psychodynamic forces in the identity formation of 48 randomly selected college senior women. Using Marcia's four identity statuses as a typology of the forms that late adolescent identity formation may take, this research explored the intrapsychic aspects which are central to each group. By means of a clinical interview, psychodynamic portraits of each of the statuses were developed. Case material is presented herein. Discussion centers on identification histories, on the quality of the ego-superego balance, and on significant early psychosexual conflict and defenses. Theoretical implications of the clinical findings are discussed with respect to Eriksonian and psychoanalytic formulations of late adolescent growth. The special nature of female identity development is also considered.This paper is based on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in psychology at the University of Michigan.Received Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She plans to continue her studies of late adolescent identity formation in women.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the causes of adolescent suicide ideation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model that incorporates both socioenvironmental and psychological factors was developed in an attempt to explain adolescent suicide ideation. A sample of 407 high school students was used to test the model. Most of the previous research on the causes of adolescent suicidal behavior has not used multivariate data analysis techniques and has failed to explore sex differences. Results of the present study suggest that these are important omissions. Although significant at the zero-order level, factors such as self-esteem and interpersonal problems at school were not related to suicide ideation when the effects of the other explanatory variables were controlled. The incidence of suicide ideation was higher for females. Emotional problems and involvement in delinquent behavior were important predictors of ideation for females, while employment problems were the most potent predictor for males.Received his Ph.D. from Florida State University. Current interest is the etiology of various forms of deviant behavior, especially among adolescents.Therapist, Story County Center for Personal Development. Received her M.A. in clinical sociology from Iowa State University.  相似文献   

Two studies were undertaken to examine parental influences on autonomy and identity development. In Study 1, 262 adolescents in seventh and eleventh grades were given Kurtines's autonomy measure, Simmons's identity measure, and Elder's questions regarding the adolescents' perceptions of their parents' autocratic, democratic, or permissive parenting styles. Study 2 was a replication with 168 subjects. Across both studies it was found that sex-role socialization is more influential for automony development than is either level of parental power or age. Both age and father's use of democracy were the most influential variables on identity development.Received Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Major interests are adolescent social cognition and social development.Major interests are adolescent social cognition and social development.Major interests are adolescent social cognition and social development.Received Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati. Major interests are cognitive development and theories of personality.  相似文献   

Future orientation: Age-related differences among adolescent females   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main objective of this study was to examine age-related differences in adolescent orientation to the future. Analysis of the hopes and fears for the future of 124 Israeli Jewish females who were in junior high school, senior high school, and senior year of college examined two alternative hypotheses. One, derived from the 1977 least necessary expenditure principle of Heckhausen, predicted differences among the three age groups, and the other, derived from the 1986 social control and continuity principle of Kohli, predicted no such differences. Results showed greater support for the hypothesis derived from the least necessary expenditure principle. However, sample characteristics (size, one-gender, one cultural group) and the cross-sectional design of this study call for additional examination of age differences and their explanation in terms of the least necessary expenditure and the social control and continuity principles.Received Ph.D. in psychology from Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Major research interest is adolescent transitions in sociocultural context.  相似文献   

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