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In the midst of exceptional scientific advancements, China’s top academic institutions are receiving unprecedented attention for their contributions to the nation’s progress in science and engineering. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, home to the country’s top scientific think tanks, are leading the way to China’s future. Following this issue, Beijing Review will introduce a member from one of the aforementioned academies every three weeks, highlighting their achievements and presenting to readers the hardcore leaders of Chinese science and engineering development.  相似文献   

<正>Public institutions are new focus of reform efforts After more than three decades of reform,China has finally decided to reshape public institutions to improve social services.In March,the Chinese Governmenti mplemented a program to reform publici nstitutions nationwide by type.On June 2,a detailed timetable was announced at a conference in Beijing,inaugurating one of thec ountry’s toughest reforms in history.  相似文献   

GAO GANG 《人权》2009,8(3):30-32
Historical changes have taken place in China under the reform-and-opening-up policy over the past three decades. Changes in China's social and economic structures, cultural scenes and social operations are revolutionary. The Chinese people, who account for one fifth of the human race, are working hard to bring about a national reiuvanation.  相似文献   

<正>Exchange and cooperation in the i eld of human rights education,between higher education and research institutions in the Chinese mainland and foreign human rights institutions and relevant international organizations,are an important aspect of human rights exchange and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and foreign countries.The China University of Political Science and Law is the first university in the mainland to establish  相似文献   

正New Year woodcut paintings are a time-honored folk art,and Yangjiabu Village in Shandong Province has been one of the three leading Chinese folk woodcut producers ever since ancient times.The other two are Yangliuqing in Tianjin and Taohuawu in Suzhou.The Yangjiabu woodcut paintings for printing images forthe new year holiday come with a history of over 400  相似文献   

Of major events in China over the past three decades,most Chinese would list the resumption of National Examination for the Entrance of University as number one.In December 1977,5.7 million Chinese participated in the  相似文献   

Political meritocracy is the idea that a political system is dcsigned with the aim of selecting political leaders with above average ability to make morally informed political judgments.Political meritocracy has been largely eclipsed from political theorizing in the modern world,but there are three important reasons for reviving and reinterpreting this political ideal,particularly in a Chinese context.First,political meritocracy has been,and continues to be,central to Chinese political culture.Second,democracy is a flawed political system and meritocracy can help to remedy some of its flaws.Third,the Communist Party of China (CPC) itself has become a more meritocratic organization over the last three decades or so.  相似文献   

There are thousands of art forms in this ancient land. Kung Fu, Traditional Chinese Medicine and making fried noodles are legendary paradigms of Chinese genius over on the western side of the planet. But there are countless others that one must really visit the country to master, and marketplace haggling is one of them.  相似文献   

Still Strong     
<正>China’s economic prospect remains slick,though monetary tightening has slowed growth The Chinese economy is steering a stable course, though uncertainties are gathering over the growth outlook.China’s GDP in the first three quarters of 2011 grew 9.4 percent year on year to 32 trillion  相似文献   

<正>Soldiers train for a September 3 parade at a military base ahead of the event. Participants have been sweating over the high-profile parade in Beijing in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War for the last three months.More than 10,000 Chinese service members will march past the  相似文献   

<正>What’s next?This is the simple but significant question on the minds of many,from Chinese citizens to global financial institutions and brands,to governments around the world.What’s next for China and what are China’s economic prospects for the future after three years of COVID-19 disruption?  相似文献   

Of major events in China over the past three decades, most Chinese would list the resumption of National Examination for the Entrance of University as number one. In December 1977, 5.7 million Chinese participated in the national exams, the first since the catastrophic Cultural Revolution (1966-76). One year later, the country's reform, opening up and modernization drive was launched.  相似文献   

In September 2002, the State Postal Bureau issued a set of four special stamps depicting Yandang Mountain scenery.Yandang (Chinese for "where wild geese frolic") Mountain in southeastern Zhejiang Province is famous for its splendid peaks, caves and waterfalls. Its summit, Baigangjian, is over 1,000 meters above sea level. According to traditional belief, there was once a pool here where wild geese would nest in autumn.There are over 380 scenic sites on the mountain, three of the most famous being Ling Peak, Ling Crag, and Dalongqiu Waterfall.  相似文献   

Voice Surveys show that 90 percent of county-level hospitals are operating in the red;that is what the 14th Forum for Hospital Chiefs concluded,according to Cao Ronggui,chair of the Chinese Hospital Association.Cao blames insufficient government input for the financial bind of county hospitals,which he worries will result in excessive prescribing of drugs as these institutions try desper- ately to cover their deficits.Pharmaceutical  相似文献   

Can the performance of China's national football team be improved? The World Cup is without a doubt a carnival for football lovers of all nations. Even without the participation of the Chinese national team, this year's tournament still captivates Chinese football fans, many of whom get up at three o'clock in the morning to catch the latest game. However, while they are immersed in enjoying the World Cup, Chinese fans also  相似文献   

正False reports of large-scale Chinese land acquisition in Africa highlight the flimsy evidence behind recent China-bashing China’s rapid rise has generated mixed feelings the world over,and nowhere do emotions run higher than in the debate over farmland ownership.Population growth,urbanization and higher consumer spending in China are major drivers of growth in the agro-food products industry,  相似文献   

As the most significant part of its traditional culture,Confucianism has had a largenumber of fol lowers in China over the past 2,000 years because of its leading role in ancient moral values.In recent yea r s,however,the rej u-ven a tion of Chinese culture has drawn more people back to the wisdom ofConfucian philosophy and the res e a r ch ofits classics.Courses aimed at prom o t i n g Confucian thought have been opened insome academic institutions and social orga-ni z a tions in the hopes …  相似文献   

There are 37 million overseasChinese residing in over 100 countries and regions worldwide.In the late 19th century, Chinawas reduced to the status of asemi-colony. Many Chinese peasants lost their land and decided toseek a new life abroad. Theyworked hard in their new homes,and gradually became an indispensable component of the localeconomy.Since China embarked on itsopen door policy in the late 1970s,numerous overseas Chinese businessmen have returned to and traveled all over the mainland w…  相似文献   

The Chinese people are rapidly discovering the cost to their mental wellbeing of China's phenomenal economic development.The halcyon days of the simple life that followed liberation in 1949 irrevocaby over,  相似文献   

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