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Three types of relations are entangled nowadays in dealing with issues concerning national cultural security on both the theoretical and practical levels: (1) the relation between one’s own culture and that of other ethnic groups; (2) the relation between advanced and underdeveloped parts of culture; (3) the relation between one’s ethnic culture and so-called foreign advanced culture as related to the previous two. Accordingly, three modes of thinking are likely adopted in handling issues concerning national cultural security: to antagonize one’s own culture with that of other ethnic groups, that is, taking the “me or you” attitude; to dualize cultures as the “advanced” and the “underdeveloped”, that is, believing things to be good if not bad, or vice versa; and to assert that the ethnic are the advanced, that is, taking the “only-megood” stance. It is a very demanding job to maintain national culture and to pursue cultural development at the same time. Only when cultures are grouped into those without distinction between the advanced and the underdeveloped and those with such distinction can the relation between the ethnic and the advanced be properly handled. With the former, it is essential to maintain the ethnicity of one’s own culture before the cultural security is safeguarded. With the latter, however, the pursuit of advanced cultures and the advocacy of the advanced part of a particular culture is a key to ensuring and safeguarding the national cultural security. Hence, it is important to enhance the public awareness of cultural security, and more essentially for the government to offer scientifi cally appropriate orientation towards cultural security and to frame related policies.  相似文献   

The definition and cognition of national interests vary with domestic and international cultural values and norms. National interests include both tangible material and intangible cultural interests. When handling the relationship between the national int…  相似文献   

The THAAD issue stirs up the strategic security situation in Northeast Asia and the world,damaging mutual trust between China and South Korea as well as that between China and the United States,testing China's ability to safeguard strategic security interests and handle relations with neighboring countries and among major powers.China's reaction attracts wide attention,including misunderstanding and criticism.There is a view that the alliance between the United States and South Korea is dominated by the United States and followed by South Korea,marked by deployment of THAAD.China's countermeasures should be targeted at the United States.China should not set the South Korea as the main target.There is also a view that China overreacted,and that China should confine responses to military matters and ought not to expand them to areas of economy and trade as well as cultural exchange.Other opinions hold that the deployment of THAAD is related to the North Korea issue and that China should oppose North Korean nuclear buildup instead of THAAD.  相似文献   

The clash of civilizations is essentially the conflict among individuals from different civilizations. Individuals struggle for access to survival resources, and the scarcity of resources is the fundamental issue. When it becomes difficult to access resources alone, individuals tend to organize themselves in certain ways, and civilization could be one of these ways. However, the conflicts among different civilizations do not arise as easily as Huntington imagines, and the existence of buffer zones between civilizations is one of the factors that constrain conflict. Buffer zones appear with the emergence of civilization boundaries and are clearly visible in macro-and micro- cross-sections. The buffer zones are the concrete expression of knowledge shared by civilizations, and their formation is driven by many factors, such as economy and trade, cultural exchange, interracial neighborhoods, mixed marriages and so on.  相似文献   

正The relationship between two countries is based on the affection between two Peoples.As a direct form of people-to-people exchange,and due to its extensive participation and simple objective,tourism is playing a more and more important role in enhancing the affection between people and boosting understanding,thus enriching the content  相似文献   

Sientific/technical exchange and cooperation is one of vital factors in Sino-U.S. relations. On January 1st, 1979, leaders of the two countriessigned the "Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between China and the United States". 35 years later, Sino-U.S. scientific/ technical exchange and cooperation has become one of the most dynamic and important domains in bilateral relations.  相似文献   

International relations are interactions mainly between states and between international organizations. Since states and organizations are made up of people, these interactions are influenced by human nature. This is the same for Sino-U.S. relations as can be seen by recent developments which show the influences of human thinking and cultural values. The improvement seen in their relations has been cemented by a fostering of mutual understanding and commonality of cultural values. Positive development acquired during diplomatic interactions offer useful lessons for future cooperation. Relations between China and the U.S. can be further improved by learning from history, having a clearer perception and building mutual trust.  相似文献   

Confidence-building measures are those taken between countries to enhance mutual understanding, reduce distrust, ease tensions and prevent the outbreak of war. They refer to stipulations agreed upon between countries on exchanges and checking of information related to military forces and activities and promotion of cooperation in the military field, etc. In a narrow sense, confidence-building measures refer to the various measures adopted in the military field and are related directly to improving security environment, including arrangements of measures of exchange, transparency, restriction and checking, etc. while in a broad sense, confidence- building measures cover political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural, religious and ideological fields, which, in an overall manner, are taken to strengthen international security, improve the security environment, ease regional tensions and increase trust among countries. In formulating the measures, emphasis is laid on abiding by the Charter of the United Nations and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, as well as other norms governing international relations, such as no threat by force or dismembering territorial integrity and political independence of other countries by force, no interference in other countries' internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes and equality of sovereignty between countries, enhancing mutual trust through close political contacts, economic links, technological exchanges and military contacts, etc.  相似文献   

In recent years, both China and India have paid great attention to the energy security issue. As they are both big energy consumers and importers, launching energy cooperation between China and India is mutually beneficial. Cooperation between the two countries should stick to the following principles: strengthening communication; avoid unnecessary conflict; advancing technical exchange and jointly promoting the stability of the world energy market.  相似文献   

Since China and the Republic of Korea established diplomatic ties in 1992, relations between the two countries have developed by leaps and bounds. Multi-level and multi-dimensional exchange and cooperation mechanisms have been set up in various areas and are functioning smoothly with sound momentum. The two sides are more closely related by mutual interest. Bilateral trade in 2013 broke US$27 billion, surpassing the total volume of trade between Korea and the US, Japan and the EU combined.  相似文献   

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