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First of all, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations on the successful holding of the meeting of the 10th Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding, and the election of the new leadership headed by President Zhou Tienong. Furthermore, I would also like to present my heartfelt thanks to you all for giving me the confidence and great support when I served as the president of the 8th and 9th council of CAFIU.  相似文献   

The meeting of the 10th Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding has accomplished all its agenda according to the schedule, and come to an end. The meeting has reviewed and summarized the work of the 9th council, brought up a train of thought on the work in the future, adopted the report of the "revised draft to the constitutions of CAFIU", and elected the new leadership. I'm honored to serve as thePresident of CAFIU. Here I would like to thank you for your trust in me.  相似文献   

Respected leaders and council members,I feel very much honored to make a speech at this meeting as an ordinary council member. First of all, I would like to extend warm congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the founding of CAFIU.Meanwhile, I would also like to use this  相似文献   

The Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) held the 2nd Plenary Session of the 10th Executive Council in Beijing on April 29.Present at the Session were Vice-Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and President of CAFIU Mr.Zhou Tienong  相似文献   

on February 6 th, 2018, the Symposium of Commemorating the 40 th Anniversary of Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship organized by Chinese Association for International Understanding was staged at Wanshou Hotel, Beijing. Liu Hongcai, Vice President of Chinese Association for International Understanding and former Vice Minister of International Department of Central Committee of CPC attended and addressed the meeting. More than 30 representatives, respectively form Chinese social organizations and institutions such as All-China Youth Federation, All-China Women's Federation, Chinese Association for Japanese Studies, People's China, visiting representatives of Broad National Coalition of Liberty, Peace and Democracy, as well as from the Beijing branch of Japanese non-governmental organizations and institutions such as Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, Beijing. Representatives from both China and Japan made heated discussion and actively contributed to themes such as giving full play to the role of nongovernmental organizations, enhancing bilateral communication and improving bilateral relations. The following is the address delivered by Liu Hongcai on the symposium.  相似文献   

Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It is a great pleasure to attend this meeting today to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Chinese Association for International Understanding, which has maintained long-time sound cooperation with my organization, the  相似文献   

Threeyearshavepassedsincethe7thCouncilConferenceoftheChineseAssociationforinternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU)washeldinJanuary1996.Intheyears,wehavetheleadershipofPresidentWuXueqianandtheVice-Presidents,thecarefromHonoraryPresidentLeiJieqiongandsupportfromthecouncilmembers.Wealsohavetheconcertedeffortsmadebyallourcolleaguesandrelateddepartments.Withallthesefactorscombinedandgivingfullplaytoitsnon-governmentalfeatures,CAFIUhasmadesignificantachievementsinenhancingthelevelandexpandingthea…  相似文献   

The CAFIU secretariat organized the Executive Council symposium on her 30thanniversary on the morning of October 20th, 2011. Fifteen Executive eeeCouncil members attended at the invitiation and spoke at the symposium. The members had enthusiastic discussions on the topic of Great  相似文献   

The Symposium commemorating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) with the theme of "international exchanges, connecting the world" was held in Beijing on the 30thof September.  相似文献   

Founded in September 1981, the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is sponsored by and composed of political parties, social organizations, prominent personages, scholars and social activists from all walks of life in China. CAFIU, aiming at enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between China and other countries, safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, has been carrying out active and wide-ranging international non-governmental exchanges and dialogues in the hope to "Let the world understand China, and let China understand the world".  相似文献   

Established in 1981,the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is composed by social activists,scholars and representatives from all walks of life. CAFIU is registered as a non-profit organization with the Ministry of Civil Affairs,and acquired special consultative  相似文献   

Chinese Association for International Understanding:On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), I would like to express my warm congratulations, and extend my cordial greetings to the comrades who have long  相似文献   

FoundedinSeptember1981,theChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU)issponsoredbyandcomposedofprominentpersonages,scholarsandsocialachvistsfromvariousorganizations,politicalpartiesandothersocialbodiesinChina.EstablishedintheinitialyearsofChina'sreformandopeningup,theAssociation,aimingatpromotingmutualunderstandingandfriendshipbetWeenChinaandothercountriesandsafeguardingworldpeace,hasbeenundertakinginternationalnon-govermentalexchangesinthehopeto"lettheoutsideworldandChinaknow…  相似文献   

<正>It’s a great pleasure to gather with you at the opening ceremony of the World Sinology Lecture to discuss the values of the Chinese modernisation to our times and the significance of the Chinese civilisation to this world.On behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU),I wish to extend warm welcome to all of you and express heartfelt thanks to our co-host Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU).  相似文献   

Chapter I General RulesArticle 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmentalorganization(NGO) in the People’s Republic of China.Article 2 The Association is called “Zhong Guo Guo Ji Jiao Liu Xie Hui”in Chinese…  相似文献   

Article 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmental organization (NGO) in the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

Chapter I General RulesArticle 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmental organization(NGO) in the People’s Republic of China.Article 2 The Association is called "Zhong Guo Guo Ji Jiao Liu Xie Hui" in Chine…  相似文献   

(Approved by the Third Plenary Sessionof the Tenth Executive Council on May 11, 2012)Chapter I General Rules Article 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmental organization(NGO) in the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

chapterⅠGeneralRulesArticle1TheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstandingisanationalnon-govermentalorganistion(NGO)inthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Article2TheAssociationiscalled"ZhongGuoGuoJiJiaoliuXieHui"inChinese,or"JiaoLiuXieHui"forshort.ItsEnglishtranslationis"ChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstanding",andabbreviatedas"CAFIU".Article3TheAssociationissponsoredbyandcomposedofvariousorganisations,politicalparties,prominentpersonages,socialactivistsandscholarsofallfiel…  相似文献   

<正>Ⅰ.Significance and Historical Role of UN70 years ago,the establishment of the United Nations(UN)was officially proclaimed.As known to all,UN was built on the ruins after World War Ⅱ and it was the result of the victory of the world’s anti-Fascist war.After experiencing two world wars within 20 years and paying the price of tens of  相似文献   

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