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赵丽 《学理论》2022,(8):87-89
不断推进城市精细化管理是实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的必然要求,也是满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要的必然要求。哈尔滨市城市管理从体制机制、地理空间、技术手段等方面不断加强精细化管理,有效提升了城市功能品质。通过对现阶段精细化管理模式的梳理和反思,探讨进一步提升精细化管理水平的方向,提出城市管理高质量发展的优化对策。  相似文献   

城市和风险相伴相生。随着城市化、工业化、信息化不断推进,城市面临的风险因素不断增加和日益复杂,对城市风险治理提出了越来越大的挑战。有效应对城市风险和保障城市公共安全是城市可持续发展的前提。城市韧性治理作为风险情境下城市应急管理的创新模式,日益受到研究者和实践部门的关注。从系统角度来看,城市韧性治理是由内容、网络、认知和功能等四个维度构成的整体。当前,城市韧性治理虽然取得了一定的进展,但仍然面临诸多问题和挑战,针对城市风险韧性治理的现实梗阻,应从基础设施建设、多元主体协同、治理思维更新、治理功能优化等方面着力采取措施,以建设更有韧性的城市风险治理体系。  相似文献   

现代城市的发展以及城市化进程的加快使城市人口密集、治理事项繁多,进一步导致城市治理规模不断增加,治理结构更为复杂。在面临风险时,城市自身固有的脆弱性凸显,这暴露出极大的安全隐患,也对城市的无缝治理及精细治理提出更高的要求。上海市闵行区七宝老街,通过深化精细化管理意识,提高多主体参与积极性,健全精细化管理机制,提升智能化水平,进一步探索基层社区精细化管理路径。  相似文献   

城市不同形态的制度性成本处于不同程度的"压力膨胀状态"。对制度性成本的认识不足、治理方式表面化、治理视角缺乏整体性、治理动机存在功利化倾向等,影响着城市治理绩效。有效降低城市制度性成本,不仅是推进供给侧结构改革、实现"降成本"目标的重要任务,也是当下提升我国城市治理质量、优化营商环境,提升社会公众"获得感""幸福感"的重要任务。探究制度性成本畸高难题,亟须回归制度层面,关注制度设计、权力行使、政府责任等深层次问题,重点审视和税收、产权以及住房等相关的政策制度。  相似文献   

CAS理论对于城市社区“微治理”系统的构建和发展具有方法论意义。城市社区“微治理”系统在适应基层社会需求,破解基层治理困境中刻画出聚集性、非线性、要素流和多样性的典型特征。基于CAS理论,分析城市社区“微治理”系统中标识、内部模型、积木等机制的构成与运行机理,并尝试从创造公共价值、优化资源配置和持续赋权增能三个方向进一步审视系统发展路径,以期为提高我国城市基层治理精细化水平提供实践思路。  相似文献   

正2018年11月6日下午,习近平总书记来到上海市浦东新区城市运行综合管理中心,了解上海在推进城市精细化管理方面的做法。他强调:"城市治理是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容。城市管理搞得好,社会才能稳定、经济才能发展。一流城市要有一流治理。提高城市管理水平,要注重在科学化、  相似文献   

上海立足本地实际,在推进城市管理精细化的实践进程中,探索搭建了上海城市管理精细化"一核三全四化"的核心思路框架和"三级平台、五级应用"的运行主架构,逐步探索出了特色鲜明的城市管理精细化"上海模式",向"一屏观天下、一网管全城"目标不断迈进。上海实践的经验启示包括:一是坚持党建引领,凝聚多元共治合力;二是站稳人民立场,服务需求导向;三是实现标准共享,助推组织间数据流通;四是化被动为主动,从经验判断转向数据智能研判。  相似文献   

余敏江 《行政论坛》2022,(5):110-117
随着中央环保督察逐渐走向制度化、常态化,不少地方政府开始将环境精细化治理转变为持续有效的常规治理。在现有的权力配置结构中,地方核心行动者是环境精细化治理的支配力量,其行动偏好与行动能力主导着环境精细化治理的政策走向和效能。科尔曼理性选择理论认为,个人的目的性行动是宏观结构性因素与微观个体理性选择交织互动的结果,行动者理性不仅包括经济理性,还包括社会理性。这一理论对分析中央环保督察下地方核心行动者的环境精细化治理行为逻辑具有很强的适用性。基于科尔曼理性选择理论视角的考察发现,制度的非耦合性、公众的“软约束”以及“政绩标尺化”泛化和异化的惯性,给地方核心行动者在多大程度上实施环境精细化治理扩大了行动空间,并衍生出组合赋权、差序应对和反向避责的回应方式与行为取向。为此,需要“理性扩充”,以“无缝隙”制度、协商民主机制和行动者网络等规制和导引地方核心行动者的环境精细化治理行为。  相似文献   

权力重构视角下的城市社区民主治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来随着我国改革开放的深入推进和城市化进程的较快发展,城市社区开始出现从集权治理向分权治理转换的态势,这是城市社区民主治理的历史必然趋向。但是在制度变迁的过程中,囿于历史传统与现实国情的制约,城市社区存在着权力结构的困境,导致我国城市社区民主治理中出现了失灵现象。为提升城市社区民主治理的水平,需要继续解放思想,以改革创新精神,优化城市社区治理的权力结构,重建城市社区治理的权力秩序,把我国城市社区民主治理推向深入和成熟。  相似文献   

城市治理现代化是国家治理现代化的重要组成部分。随着我国城镇化进程的不断推进,能否实现有效的城市治理已成为各级党委政府面临的重要任务。美国城市化进程起步较早,大致经历了三个发展阶段,在政府组织结构、城市治理体系等五个方面积累了推进城市治理现代化的有益经验。借鉴美国城市治理现代化的经验,在城市治理理念、治理结构等方面进行改革,可以有效推进新时代我国城市治理现代化进程。  相似文献   

Transnational private governance initiatives that address problems of social and environmental concern now pervade many sectors. In tackling distinct substantive problems, these programs have, however, prioritized different problem‐oriented logics in their institutionalized rules and procedures. One is a “logic of control” that focuses on ameliorating environmental and social externalities by establishing strict and enforceable rules; another is a “logic of empowerment” that concentrates on remedying the exclusion of marginalized actors in the global economy. Examining certification programs in the areas of fair trade, organic agriculture, fisheries, and forest management, we assess the evolutionary effects of programs prioritizing one logic and then having to accommodate the other. The challenges programs face when balancing between the two logics, we argue, elucidate specific distributional consequences for wealth, power, and regulatory capabilities that private governance programs seek to overcome.  相似文献   

数字时代呼唤与之相适应的城市治理新形态。技术变革的驱动力、治理生态的不确定性、治理问题的复杂性以及治理需求的多样性共同驱动城市治理数字化转型。城市治理数字化转型要及时回应数字时代需求,坚守以人民为中心的核心价值,重视制度变革的基石作用,充分发挥技术创新的驱动力,实现城市治理的科学化、精准化、智慧化与高效能。城市治理数字化转型的实现,需构建全功能集成、全网络融合、全周期管理、全要素连接的数智治理体系,促进城市治理现代化。  相似文献   

全球治理是应对全球化的一种反应,它的出现是对传统国际关系的挑战。全球治理已是不可逆转的历史趋势,它给中国的内政外交带来了难以估量的冲击和影响。我国外交必须制定出应对方略:坚持"发展中国家"的属性与定位,统筹协调好大国关系,打牢同发展中国家互信合作的基础,推进周边区域治理,开展好公共外交,善用并倚重各种全球治理平台,参与全球化,推进全球治理。  相似文献   

城市社区日益成为社会公共物品供给与消费的基本单元.然而,在既有的政府垄断性供给体系下,社区普遍存在公共物品供给短缺.改革传统的管理与服务方式,建立新的公共物品供给体系,满足社区不断增长的需求,已成为城市社区建设的中心任务.在众多的创新实践中,"社区治理"不失为一种可行的思路.本文遵循社区治理的理念,尝试将其深化并落实到体制层面,提出"四轮驱动、一辕协调"的社区治理结构与运作模式,并建议首先在"危改回迁社区"中试点.  相似文献   

Based on the inductive analysis of two parallel cases of private environmental governance – private, market-driven fisheries governance and private, market-driven governance for electricity decarbonization – this paper uncovers a trigger for positive public policy spillovers from private environmental governance. It identifies circumstances that prompt groups of business actors working as private regulators to also take on a role as public policy advocates and supporters, revealing a potential for private governance initiatives that are targeted at a particular environmental problem to serve as a bolster for the public regulatory governance of that problem as well. Both private governance cases at the basis of this analysis feature groups of business actors seeking to meet voluntary sustainability goals through the tools of private governance (specifically, through flexing buyer power and private authority in an effort to reform environmentally problematic practices among particular groups of suppliers). In both cases, the business's inability to attain private sustainability goals though private governance means alone has given rise to business demand for facilitative public environmental policy and regulation. The analysis presented in this paper thus points to the occurrence of a particular and intriguing pattern of complementarity between private authority and public policy – one where public policy is called on to fill gaps left by private environmental governance and authority. And it identifies key conditions for such private-governance-driven recentering of public policy to occur, namely the presence of private supply chain greening goals and commitments that are economically, reputationally, and/or competitively critical for businesses to attain, combined with shortfalls in the capacity of businesses' private authority to bring about such attainment. The two case analysis further suggests the importance of ENGOs in identifying and activating some of the opportunities for leveraging shortfalls in private environmental governance to the advantage of public environmental policy and regulation.  相似文献   

Brazil is an example of a challenging governance context par excellence: continental size, multi-levelled governance structures and diverse administrative cultures meet with ambitious, large-scale policy needs and objectives. The multilevel governance approach is applied here to analyse implementation and governance coordination of the Bolsa Verde Programme (BVP). Through a close reading of the narratives told by three programme officials – and zooming in on jointly exercised governance functions known from the metagovernance approach – we analysed how BVP’s programmatic governance coordination was made sense of. The analysis showed that our interviewees were well aware of the shortcomings of the governance coordination in BVP, understood as rather hierarchical, centrally driven and often tackling challenges of vertical multi-actor coordination in a reactive ad-hoc manner. However, since the implementers have been able to creatively and skilfully solve governance coordination challenges, possibilities for developing more systematic and inclusive (meta)governance approaches seem feasible.  相似文献   

This study examines how corporate risk‐management characteristics in Australian public universities have diffused under an environment of conflicting management cultures. The findings reveal that corporate risk‐management characteristics have diffused in a pluralist form to satisfy stakeholders of different management approaches across its governance levels as opposed to a unilateral form aligned to the corporate approach. The accepted practice of this adapted version challenges the existing notion that the adoption of corporate control processes in the public sector is problematic, and provides insights into the emergence of a hybrid control process to address the needs of multiple stakeholders. These findings have policy implications for defining a new hybrid governance‐control paradigm for the public sector as an alternative to the corporate‐influenced control paradigm, and provide avenues for further research to confirm the phenomenon with other corporate control processes, public‐sector entities, and if so its impact on effective governance.  相似文献   


Under the planned economy China's urban population was largely immobile and governed through the socialist workunit (danwei). Market reforms begun in the 1980s have culminated in the last decade with a dramatic decline of the state-sector and the emergence of a more mobile, heterogeneous and economically independent urban population. In rendering the old system obsolete, these trends have led the Chinese government to rethink its strategies for urban governance. At the turn of the millennium, a new campaign to ‘build communities’ was launched throughout the nation with the objective of establishing the residential ‘community’ as the new basic unit of urban governance. This paper explores the logic behind this policy innovation and analyzes the techniques adopted to operationalize ‘community governance’.  相似文献   

近年来,随着环境问题日益受到社会各界的重视,政府在环境治理工作中的表现正成为公众关注的重点。但是,我们对于目前我国政府环境治理工作公众评价的基本情况和影响因素还知之甚少。基于对中国综合社会调查2013年(CGSS2013)数据的分析,我们发现,我国公众对于中央政府环境治理工作的评价显著高于地方政府,包括受教育程度、收入水平、社会经济地位感知、政治身份、城乡差距和地区差距在内的结构性因素制约着公众对于政府环境治理工作的评价。在对研究发现进行深入讨论的基础上,进一步提炼了研究发现在政策意义上的启示。  相似文献   

实验主义治理秉持以现实问题为导向和以经验证据为支撑的实证理念和循证品格,在纵向放权的基础上通过目标设置、差异探索、治理评估、政策迭代和政策扩散等机制探寻政策改进和治理优化的可行路径。作为一种新的治理模式,它的兴起是为了应对治理复杂性的挑战、弥补科层式治理的不足和探寻治理现代化的路径等。实验主义治理模式注重纵向放权、公众参与和多元协作,改善了公共治理主体间的关系,提升了治理的参与性、科学性和有效性,是科层式治理模式的重要补充。但在实践中,实验主义治理也面临着法治困境、创新困境和合作困境等现实难题。在我国推进治理体系与治理能力现代化的背景下,应当协调好实验主义治理中创新与法治的内在张力,完善治理体制与机制,提升实验主义治理的实践效能,从而使其在全面深化改革进程中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

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