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Journals in criminology and criminal justice have been ranked using subjective techniques to assess journal presitige as well as objective measures intended to assess journal eminence. Two recent studies have resulted in somewhat similar rankings of professional journals although each used distinct methods of data analysis and asked different research questions. This finding suggests that there is a consensus among professionals in the field concerning the importance of particular journals.  相似文献   

随着信息社会的来临、知识经济的兴起,期刊全文电子数据库也顺应时势,破土而出。期刊全文电子数据库依托于传统纸质期刊,将其刊载的文章采用全文扫描录入的方式,原版、原文的制作成电子数据库,并以光盘、硬盘、互联网等为媒介出版发行。其特点是原汁原昧的再现传统期刊的内容,用户只须浏览、下载期刊全文电子数据库,即可阅读数千甚至上万种期刊中的文献,其便捷的检索方式和海量的文献内容备受用户的青睐。目前国内最具权威性的综合性中文期刊全文电  相似文献   

吴玲 《中国司法》2004,(8):19-21
一、民事执行权的性质世界各国法律对行使民事执行权的主体规定不同,但民事案件实行“审执分离”是共同的。从世界几个有代表性国家民事执行制度可以看出:执行主体为法院的一元制国家,如法国,执达员是设在法院的公务员,不是法官;执行机关与法院截然分离的二元制国家,如英国、美国、加拿大,民事执行由与法院毫不相干的行政长官实施;由法院和执行官共同行使执行权的混合制国家,如德国、日本,法院和执行官相互配合、相互协助,部分民事案件由非法官的执行官执行。民事执行权是司法权,还是行政权,或者兼有两种性质,各国对此的认识差异大,理论上分…  相似文献   

This paper explored methodological issues in examining the impact of maltreatment characteristics on behavioral adjustment in a sample of maltreated school-age children. Different approaches to assessing the effects of maltreatment type were used to determine whether maltreatment characteristics differed by type of maltreatment and whether relationships between maltreatment characteristics and child behavioral functioning differed according to type of maltreatment. Results revealed several differences among the three types of maltreatment subgroups (physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse) on characteristics of maltreatment experiences. Correlations between maltreatment characteristics and outcome measures for the sample as a whole obscured findings that relationships were often specific to particular types of maltreatment. Developing generic definitions for maltreatment characteristics applicable to all forms of maltreatment is difficult because of differences in meaning across maltreatment types. Findings suggest that the role of maltreatment characteristics in children's behavioral functioning should be examined separately for each form of maltreatment.  相似文献   

在当代社会的发展进程中,制度与制度之间彼此独立与补充,与自然人、法人或其他组织的彼此独立并产生交往总是交错在一起。于是查找彼此之间的共性所在也就成为了彼此间寻求合作最为基本的方法所在。由此成就与满足整个社会多元化发展的客观要求。自改革开放以来,尽管我国民事诉讼制度在立法方面已经进行两次大的修正以及一定的小调整,但我国现行民事诉讼制度的正常功能仍然不能完全到位,即仍然存在着满足不了社会发展的一定问题,集中体现在证据问题和民事判决的执行难两个方面。  相似文献   

自从日本学者穗积陈重提出"法族"以及瑞士学者霍尔、美国学者威格摩尔提出"法系"的概念以来,对世界上各个法系的研究就逐步展开,尤其是英美法系和伊斯兰法系的研究,更是一直受到学术界的关注,也推出了一批成果。与此相比,对大陆法系的研究,可能因语言等的问题,成果相对比较少,对一些最基础的问题,研究也显得比较单薄。随着我国精通欧洲语言的法学人才的数量不断增加,对大陆法系的研究,也将成为我国法学研究中的一个重要领域。  相似文献   

何宪 《中国司法》2009,(8):71-74
提存是我国《公证法》中规定的“公证机构可以办理”的一项事务。 何为提存?《法学词典》(1980年第1版)中的提存词条是这样定义的,“为解除债务责任而将应给付的标的物寄托交于法定的提存所(法院或公证机构等)的行为。  相似文献   

Trends in police-recorded and (where they exist) household survey-measured cybercrimes for economic gain are reviewed in a range of developed countries – Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and the US - and their implications for criminal policy are considered. The datasets indicate a substantial rise in online fraud – though one that is lower than the rise in online shopping and other ‘routine activity’ indicators - but it is not obvious whether this is just displacement for the fall in household and automobile property crime, nor how much overlap there is between the offenders and past ‘offline’ offenders. Nor do the data indicate whether the frauds result from insiders or outsiders, or are collusive. The direct and indirect costs of cyberfrauds are examined, and it is concluded that there is no satisfactory basis for the larger estimates of cost, but it is undeniable that those costs are large enough to merit concern. There remains a problem of what metrics are appropriate for judging the threat and harm from cybercrimes, and their impact on national and human security. There is not a sharp division between these larger national security issues and cyber attacks on banks, businesses, and the spear phishing of individuals with important knowledge of system vulnerabilities in the public or the private sector. Rather there is a punctuated continuum in the interplay between private, corporate governmental and wider social risks.  相似文献   

左袖阳 《中国法律》2008,(6):32-34,98-102
2008年是中国改革开放30周年,年初以来学术交流活动频繁举行,学术成果纷呈。整体来看,对学科基础理论在固有的基础上进行了深化,对学科前沿问题则进行了多层次、全方位的探讨。  相似文献   

公证强制执行基础性理论问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段伟 《中国司法》2007,(3):63-67
我国《公证法》颁布后,公证书在司法活动中的应用十分普遍,公证效力得以彰显。在公证效力中最强有力的效力当首推公证强制执行效力。但是,由于过去在制度设计中的理论问题存在模糊的认识和司法实践中的特殊的现实困难,该效力的有效实现受到了一定限制。要完全实现公证强制执行效力,就必须就制度设计的一些基础问题进行客观的法理分析,将注意力集中到公证实践以及执行环节的法律问题的确实解决上来,使公证强制执行效力的实现通过解决基础性问题得以实现。  相似文献   

2003年1月1月,广州市首开全国先河颁行了《广州市政府信息公开规定》,2008年5月1日,被称为我国“阳光法案”的《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》(以下简称“信息公开条例”)正式施行,它们的颁布和实施对推行我国政府信息公开制度,保障公众知情权具有里程碑意义。  相似文献   

刑诉法修改中有关司法鉴定制度的12个问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪70年代末,我国参照苏联及大陆法系国家的模式,在刑事诉讼中采取司法机关委托司法鉴定的制度。无论是1979年的《刑事诉讼法》,还是现行的1996年的《刑事诉讼法》,都把司法鉴定规定为刑事司法机关的专门职权行为,即由法院、检察院、公安机关指派或聘请具有专门知识的人就案件中某些专门性问题进行科学鉴别和判断并作出书面鉴定结论的刑事司法活动。  相似文献   

《Law & policy》1988,10(2-3):85-95
This symposium is based upon a workshop at the 1985 World Congress of the International Research Council for the Sociology of Law in Aix-en-Provence, France. Special thanks are due to the participants in the workshop for their contributions to a stimulating and useful discussion of the complex issues in socio-legal research and the public policy process.  相似文献   

The process of specialization is now well advanced within the legal profession, and the specialties have acquired clearly varying levels of prestige among the practicing bar. What are the characteristics of the specialties, or of the lawyers who practice in them, that might account for these variations in prestige? In describing the prestige differences and several of the variables that might be thought to account for them, the authors analyze the results of a survey of a large random sample of Chicago lawyers. Among the findings are a strong relationship between prestige within the legal profession and the type of clients that the specialty serves, a substantial correlation between prestige and the degree of intellectual challenge presented by the subject matter of the specialty, and the perhaps surprising result that prestige is not significantly associated with the income earned by lawyers practicing in the specialty. The authors conclude that legal specialties that regularly confront personal suffering lose social standing as a result, that prestige within the profession is directly proportional to the degree to which the specialty facilitates the conduct of corporate enterprise, and that the varying prestige of the specialties is likely to affect the political and professional power of the lawyers who practice in them and to influence the patterns of recruitment of lawyers into law practice.  相似文献   

全国司法厅(局)长座谈会历时3天,就要结束了。这是一次研究探讨司法行政工作改革与发展重大理论和实践问题的理论研讨会。会议期间,部党组各位同志分别就当前司法行政面临的几项主要工作作了很好的讲话,部机关有关司局、直属单位和部分省(区、市)司法厅(局)负责同志也作了发言。大家从司法行政工作改革与发展的实际出发,认真思考工作中出现的新情况、新问题,理思想、定措施、求突破,为加快司法行政事业的改革发展建言献策,整个会议充满了浓厚的研究思考问题的理论氛围。对大家提出的当前司法行政工作中面临的诸多问题,部党组将逐一进行认真…  相似文献   

信息时代监狱管理模式创新问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,以知识经济、信息网络、全球一体化等为特征的新一轮现代化浪潮正向我们扑面而来。信息化已成为一个国家经济和社会发展的关键环节,成为衡量国家现代化和国家综合国力的重要标志。监狱担负着惩罚和改造罪犯、维护稳定、保卫社会主义经济建设的繁重任务,迫切要求自身  相似文献   

2001年《中国司法鉴定》创刊,至今已有三个多年头了。杂志从无到有,从诞生的一天起,尽占天时、地利、人和,起点很高,发育很快,逐渐从幼稚走向成熟。几年来《中国司法鉴定》杂志和司鉴所相伴相随,同步共行,见证、记录了司鉴所的探索与创造、起飞与发展,还将与司鉴所一起成就光荣与梦想。这里面倾注了所领导班子、杂志编委会、编辑、作者的大量智慧和心血,向你们表示祝贺!表示感谢!  相似文献   

石现明 《河北法学》2011,29(3):147-152
除极个别例外情况,仲裁机构一般不参与争议案件的处理,不具有司法职能,其与仲裁当事人之间的关系纯粹是一种合同关系,故应对其违反义务的行为向当事人承担民事责任,而不能享有民事责任豁免。基于其与仲裁员关系的特殊性以及其在仲裁活动中的主要职责,仲裁机构在有些情况下还应当就仲裁员的民事责任向当事人承担连带责任。在有些情况下,仲裁规则中旨在免除仲裁机构和仲裁员民事责任的免责条款应是无效的。  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of 2016, seven studies that examined the impact of subject race on police use of force were announced in the media and the paraphrased headlines ranged from “there is bias in the use of force,” “there is no bias in the use of force,” and “there is bias in some types of force, but not others.” The purpose of this research note is to examine these disparate findings and the methods that might explain them, with attention to sample characteristics, the types of analyses, the number and character of agencies studied, and how concepts are operationalized. This analysis will help research consumers analyze critically the results from race-and-force studies and, hopefully, add to our understanding of this important national issue.  相似文献   

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