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KEEPING up with the Joneses” is actually driving a whole economic sector: new housing construction and renovations. The first document issued by the Chinese government in 2010 said that effective measures shall be taken to promote rural home owners upgrading their residences. This is another program aimed at stimulating the vast rural market alongside programs discounting home appliances and auto/motorcycle purchases in the countryside, and in many respects rural home improvement outstrips typical urban renovations.  相似文献   


House Call     
As the March 29 deadline for the UK's divorce from the European Union (EU) draws near,uncertainties remain despite EU leaders approving of Theresa May's Brexit agreement in November amid tumultuous opposition in Britain.The question now is whether the UK can attain an orderly withdrawal or whether there will be a no-deal Brexit,which will mean further crisis engulfing the island nation.  相似文献   

House and Home     
正Local governments intensify control over real estate speculation To curb speculation in the housing market aroused by the recent decision taken by the Central Government to build Hainan Island into a free trade port,the province announced an island-wide quota policy on housing purchases on the night of April 22.  相似文献   

China's 5,000-year-old civilization has left a huge cultural legacy.The Beijing-based Palace Museum,which was estab-lished in 1925,  相似文献   

July 4, 2012 (the sixth day of the filth lunar month) was Meizhen, a couple living in the village of Lixin, Malichang building the timber frame of their new wooden house. the "'auspicious day" selected by Long Zaiyun and his wife Ma Town, Huayuan County, Hunan Province. This was the day for For the Miao people, before erecting the timber frame, the foundation of the house needs to be installed and the timbers moved close alongside. Trees on the nearby hill, pre-selected as timbers for the house, are tied around with red cloth to mark them out for felling when the house owner comes along with friends to cut them down.  相似文献   

My House My Home     
FOR people like me in China, roughly 20 or 30 years ago, the modest apartments allotted to us by the state were our homes, and I took it for granted that mine belonged to me. At that time, all apartments allotted to people were state-owned, nevertheless we felt more assured and confi dent than I think people do today, having to pay as-tronomical prices to put a house in their name, as verifi ed by their property ownership certificates. The deed has a sunset  相似文献   

Animal Aid     
正Law amended to better protect wildlife habitats After years of deliberation and calls from campaigners,animal rights and welfare have been highlighted in China’s newly revised Law on the Protection of Wildlife.The law was adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress(NPC),China’s top legislature,on July 2,the first time that the  相似文献   

Animal Pals     
WHAT entails responsible pet ownership is being redefined all over the world,because of our increased recognition that animals are integral members of modern society and should be respected as such.Dogs and cats remain the most popular of household pets.Historically,it is unclear whether human beings adopted cats or cats adopted human beings.On the contrary,in the case of dogs,it is said that some canids  相似文献   

<正>I once overheard a German tourist passing through my hutong(an alley in which single-storey residences are located side by side)neighborhood telling his travel companion that it was"romantic,"yet he wouldn’t want to live here;and by way of comparison,the man mentioned the Fachwerkhaeuser,or half-timbered houses,in the German city of Tuebingen.Having lived for several years in a groundf loor apartment of a Baroque building in the historical district of the city of Heidelberg,Germany,I admit that living in"old"buildings,no matter where,is not for everyone.It takes a certain kind of person to weather and appreciate the experience.I consider myself fortunate to still be able to experience the"hutong culture,"as hutong houses are  相似文献   

DESPITE the mortgage repayments I've been making since December 2005.it will be another year before I actually see my new home.My boyfriend and  相似文献   

近几年来 ,越来越多的看守所把形象建设摆到了重要工作日程。看守所的形象主要体现在监管环境、监管主体、监管效能三个方面。在看守所形象塑造中 ,一要把握形象结构 ,从整体着眼 ,个别着手 ;二要树立服务意识 ,引进服务理念 ;三要实现形象追求的价值目标与人们的期望相一致 ;四要实现内在素质和外在形象的统一。  相似文献   

Groups advocating protection of dogs are facing legal and financial difficulty A rescue mission of a number of dogs two years ago has now become a court case over compensation.The China Small Animal Protection Association(CSAPA),the first association of its kind in the nation,was ordered to pay 10 veterinary clinics 480,000 yuan($78,768)by the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court on  相似文献   

正Rare Chinese species play themselves in Disney movie to create greater environmental awareness It is a story of three families of wild animals—the panda,golden snub-nosed monkey and snow leopard.Like the animals,the film that narrates the story,Born in China,is also unusual.No animation is involved.Instead,the"roles"are"played"by the animals themselves.  相似文献   

THE president of the United States might be one of the most familiar strangers to the Chinese people. One may be not clear about his full name, but one should be aware of the issues that concern him the most, and of his latest achievements.  相似文献   

上海的家庭装饰行业是随着人民生活水平的提高和住宅产业崛起而迅速发展起来的。经过十多年的磨砺,已经从建筑装饰装修行业的一个分支,成为具有200亿年产值的独立行业。在美化家庭环境、完善居住功能,提升生活质量方面起到了重要的作用。但同时也存在家庭装饰工程质量不高、虚假广告泛滥、消费者投诉较多的情况,甚至出现卷款逃跑的经济欺诈案件。造成这些问题的原因主要有以下几个方面:  相似文献   

由于住房是居民的最主要财产,住房性收入是居民的最主要财产性收入,所以住房调节应是财产调节的重要途径,住房收入调节应是收入调节的重要措施;让更多居民拥有自己的房产,是实现共同富裕的重要保障,是社会主义所有制的必要内容。使居民尽量拥有自有住房,需要抑制对住房的投资需求从而控制房价水平,将廉租房、公共租赁房和经济适用房制度改为政府为低收入家庭建房制度,发展住房合作组织和集资合作建房,解决好非户籍常住人口的住房问题。  相似文献   

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