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172例道路交通事故受伤人员精神伤残鉴定分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,道路交通事故的发生率高,伤者出现精神损伤的也相对较多,受伤者涉及精神伤残评定的数量有增多的趋势。。为了探讨道路交通事故受伤人员精神伤残等级的评定及其相关的影响因素,本文作者对172宗道路交通事故案例中受伤人员的相关资料进行了回顾性分析。  相似文献   

道路交通事故的不断增多,在交通事故中受伤的人也越来越多。交通事故对人身伤害特别大,很多会影响伤者后期的生活质量,而道路交通事故人员伤残评定则保护了当事人的权利,因此交通事故受伤人员的伤残评定成了人们一直普遍关心的问题。在评定中,经常遇到一些疑难的案例,笔者就2例较特殊的伤残评定分析如下:  相似文献   

Han W  Gu SZ  Chen T  Jia XD 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):144-146
在法医精神病学鉴定实践中,精神伤残的评定越来越多。现行《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》标准中关于精神伤残评定的相关条款过于笼统,可操作性差,常因认识不一致而产生歧义。本文结合典型案例主要从三个方面对精神伤残司法鉴定中常见问题进行探讨:(1)在评定智力缺损程度时,应结合伤前智商进行评定;(2)精神伤残评定的时间应在医疗终结后一年;(3)精神伤残评定中应引入量表进行客观评价。  相似文献   

赵新才 《法医学杂志》2001,17(2):109-111
近几年来,道路交通事故人身伤害十分普遍,道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定已成为法医临床学的重要内容之一。但是,对伤残评定的原则、时机等问题,认识尚不一致。本文依据《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》标准及有关理论,就道路交通事故伤残评定有关问题进行一些讨论。 1伤残评定的概念   “评定”一词,英语为“ Assessment” 或者 “ Evaluation” ,是评估、评价、估定之意。 在波波夫著“法医学”中有“损伤评定”一说 [1];在康复医学、司法精神病学中常常使用“评定”一词 [2- 4]。而在“损伤程度”确定中,使用“鉴定”一词,…  相似文献   

近年来,精神伤残评定的案例日益增多,国内伤残评定有多种标准,不同标准之间评定原则、等级划分不一,评定人对现行评定标准的理解不同,造成对同一案例得出不同评定结论的情况时有发生。通过比较,作者首先阐明精神伤残的概念;然后结合目前使用的伤残评定标准,燕点比较了常用的《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》及《职工工伤与职业病致残程度鉴定》标准之间的异同,最后提出了精神伤残评定中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

俞谦铭 《法医学杂志》2003,19(4):224-225,227
近些年来,随着城乡道路基础设施及机动车辆的迅猛发展,道路交通事故以及由此导致的人身伤害案比例也逐年递增,具有鉴定资格的法医依照《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》标准对有关受伤人员作出伤残等级评定的结论无疑是赔偿及各种诉讼活动的法律依据并直接影响到其结果,完备的国家标准是法医正确进行伤残评定的前提条件。肢体骨与关节损伤在道路交通事故中最为多见,在伤残评定中所占比例也大,新的交通事故伤残评定国家标准在诸多方面进行了修改和完善,尤其对肢体功能丧失程度的计算给出了各关节在肢体功能中的权重指数,有较强的可操作性。但…  相似文献   

刘瑞珏  吴军 《法医学杂志》2002,18(4):230-231,235
中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准GA35-92《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》自1992年5月正式实施以来,已逾十个年头。十年来,该标准易操作,稳定性强,为正确评定全国数量众多的交通事故伤残者的伤残等级,提供了简明、科学、实用、统一的依据。现在新的《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》已发布并即将实施,为了更好地掌握及应用新标准,现将新旧标准作一比较分析。1标准及术语和评定原则的比较1.1标准的比较新标准是中华人民共和国国家标准GB18667-2002《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》,由中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局2002…  相似文献   

下肢神经损伤在道路交通事故损伤中并不少见。对其遗留的踝关节运动障碍进行伤残评定,在GB18667--2002《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》,下称“新道标”实施后,带来了不少困惑。本文作者结合如下案例进行相关探讨。  相似文献   

<正>道路交通事故中手部伤残所造成的功能评定一直是法医临床学鉴定的难点。GB18667-2002《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》(以下简称"道标")是现行的国家鉴定标准,为解决道路交通事故受伤人员的伤残评定和赔偿提供了科学的依据和标准,具有一定的先进性和科学性。然而《道标》也有不足的方面,如对手指缺失作出了较为详细的规定,但对手指运动功能障碍并没有给出具体、准确的指导性说明,这样  相似文献   

根据《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定标准》,牙齿损伤达到8颗才能评定为伤残。一旦定残,赔偿数额将成倍增加。海安县曾经发生的一起道路交通事故损害赔偿纠纷案中,因原告丁某在向法院起诉时提供的出院记录复印件表明,其牙齿在交通事故中只掉落6颗,而在庭审时其提供的出院记录原件则“变”为掉落6颗、折冠2颗(存在添加痕迹),并据此评定为十级伤残。随着上诉期届满,这起案件终于落下帷幕,法院以原告丁某提供的证据相互矛盾为理由,驳回了其要求被告王某赔偿伤残赔偿金及精神抚慰金的诉讼请求。  相似文献   

目的 研究有争议的交通事故受伤人员骨盆骨折伤残等级评定案例,分析其在初次鉴定中暴露出来的问题,探讨如何正确理解与把握骨盆骨折的鉴定条款,建立科学的判定标准。方法 收集上海市司法鉴定中心2006—2013年道路交通事故致骨盆骨折伤残等级重新鉴定案例65例,对初次鉴定和重新鉴定的资料进行分析比较。结果 鉴定时机不当,鉴定材料收集不全面,鉴定人对骨盆骨折条款的理解有误及其他一系列问题是重新鉴定意见改变伤残等级的主要原因。结论 针对上述问题,应该从提高鉴定人专业技能,建立统一判定标准等方面来提高此类案件的鉴定质量。  相似文献   

由于《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》中许多条文的规定比较笼统和原则,在理解和掌握上尚有一定的困难。为此,作者参考国家有关鉴定标准和临床医学有关器官功能障碍分级方法,并结合作者在伤残评定中所积累的经验,提出有关评定标准的细则,旨在推动鉴定工作的统一和规范,确保鉴定结论的公正和科学。  相似文献   

由于《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》中许多条文的规定比较笼统和原则,在理解和掌握上尚有一定的困难。为此,作者参考国家有关鉴定标准和临床医学有关器官功能障碍分级方法,并结合作者在伤残评定中所积累的经验,提出有关评定标准的细则,旨在推动鉴定工作的统一和规范,确保鉴定结论的公正和科学。  相似文献   

Expert reports of the cases of a fracture of the zygomaticoorbital complex are presented along with their comprehensive assessment based on the available investigative, clinical, and anamnestic data. The analysis included 71 patients, materials of forensic medical examination and other medical documentation, civil, criminal, and administrative proceedings. It was shown that forensic medical evaluation of the severity of harm to the health in the cases of a fracture of the zygomaticoorbital complex including those complicated by ophthalmological disorders is possible both in terms of the total duration of health impairment and in terms of the persistent loss of ability to work (on a percentage base). It is concluded that the degree of harm to the health in the cases of a fracture of the zygomaticoorbital complex complicated by ophthalmological disorders can be categorized as mild, moderate, and severe depending on the total duration of health impairment and percentage loss of ability to work. In case of irreparable facial disfigurement, the moderate harm to the health can be re-evaluated by the court as a severe one.  相似文献   

Physicians use the American Medical Association's Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th edition to evaluate millions of disability applicants each year. As major contributors to the chapter in the Guides devoted to assessing impairment associated with pain, we confronted the difficulties of incorporating pain into the Guides' overall evaluation system. Analysis of these difficulties is complicated by the paucity of research on the Guides, and by ambiguities and contradictions that pervade it. We propose that the ambiguities can be reduced if impairment is consistently defined in terms of organ or body part derangement, and disability in terms of activity limitations at the level of the whole person. We also propose a distinction between objective factors that may influence a person's ability to perform activities following injury. We suggest that when physicians examine disability applicants, they should evaluate both objective measures of organ or body part dysfunction and subjective reports of applicants -- especially ones regarding pain. We conclude that a comprehensive medical evaluation of disability applicant encompasses more than an impairment assessment.  相似文献   

One of the enduring clinical issues in the assessment of plaintiffs in personal injury and workers' compensation claims, as well as applicants for social security and disablement benefits, is that of the evaluation of impairment and work incapacity. Many writers on this topic confuse the concepts of impairment and disability, and similar confusion is reflected in a number of the rating methods that purport to evaluate impairment but in reality assess disability. In Australia there are 20 distinct statutory schemes for workers' compensation, motor accident compensation, and social security and other benefits, which utilise a variety of methods for the rating of psychiatric impairment. Recent legislative changes designed to restrict access to personal injury compensation at common law, which in two Australian State jurisdictions require the use of impairment rating scales, also specify the rating methods to be used in the assessment of psychiatric impairment. This article discusses the concepts of impairment and disability as defined by the World Health Organisation, and reviews the various methods for the rating of psychiatric impairment that are specified by statute in the federal and State jurisdictions in Australia.  相似文献   

Comprehensive diagnostic assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should include consideration of degree of impairment, and documentation of impairment is necessary to make service and accommodation determinations. While there has been increasing use of self-report as a way to document impairment, self-reported impairment could be just as vulnerable to invalid report as self-reported symptoms. We examined the influence of invalid self-report and invalid performance on report of functional impairment in a sample of 49 adults referred for evaluation for ADHD and/or learning disorder concerns. Overall, 26–59% of participants referred for evaluation endorsed at least moderate levels of impairment in the domains of understanding and communicating, household, and school/work. Individuals with evidence of invalid self-report of ADHD symptoms endorsed significantly higher levels of disability/impairment on the WHODAS, particularly in the domains of understanding and communicating, household, school/work, and participation in society. Further, individuals who failed a measure of performance validity reported significantly higher levels of impairment/disability, particularly in the domains of understanding and communicating, school/work, and participation in society. Results emphasize the need to assess for validity of self-report and performance in ADHD assessment. Since self-report of impairment may be suspect, clinicians should include data such as school records, past performance on high-stakes standardized testing, evidence of prior accommodations, and collateral reports before making diagnoses and/or recommendations regarding treatment or academic/workplace accommodations.  相似文献   

目的探讨车祸致胸、腰椎损伤程度与伤残程度的关系,总结伤残评定经验,探寻其规律性。方法选择胸、腰椎损伤的鉴定447例,重新审查诊断,分析治疗措施,评价胸腰部活动度丧失程度及神经功能障碍情况,分析损伤程度与后遗障碍之间的关系,综合评定伤残。结果胸、腰椎损伤类型及数量并不决定其胸、腰部活动障碍程度及神经损伤后遗症严重程度;椎体损伤的部位与胸腰部活动度障碍关系密切;神经损伤主要集中在T1至L2段脊柱损伤;椎体损伤医院误诊率较高。结论伤残评定应分析损伤与后遗症严重程度的因果关系,以损伤所致后遗症为评残依据,重点关注脊柱功能的丧失程度。  相似文献   

本文对《人体损伤程度鉴定标准》和《人体损伤致残程度分级》有关脊柱四肢评定方面的条款进行比较研究。从结构破坏、功能障碍、结构破坏合并功能障碍等方面分析两者的异同,为损伤程度和致残程度评定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

256例儿童和少年道路交通事故伤残评定回顾性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨儿童和少年道路交通事故活体损伤的流行病学、损伤及伤残评定特点。方法 对256例儿童和少年道路交通事故伤残评定资料进行回顾性研究。结果 男性多于女性,多见于6~18岁儿童,交通事故每天10~12时和16~18时最多,车辆类型以小汽车和货车多见,肇事方式多见于机动车与行人相撞,伤者的交通方式以步行多见,损伤部位以头部和四肢多见,损伤类型以骨折、挫伤、创多见,但内脏损伤相对较轻,下肢骨折远多于上肢。损伤程度多评定为轻伤,伤残程度以Ⅸ、Ⅹ级轻度伤残为主(33.2%)。结论 儿童和少年道路交通事故伤残评定应适当放宽标准,伤残评定标准应增加儿童和少年的有关条款。  相似文献   

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