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通过三十多年的管制立法和实践,我国对技术引进的管理逐步趋于科学化和规范化。但现阶段对技术引进的管制无论是在宏观上的引导管理还是在微观上的规范控制,无论是直接管制层面还是间接调整层面,都存有不同程度的缺陷,不利于引进技术目标的实现。鉴于技术引进活动在我国对外经济活动中的重要地位和技术水平对综合国力的影响,在新形势下针对现存问题,不断完善调整技术引进活动的法律法规,对提高我国技术水平意义重大。  相似文献   

全威巍 《河北法学》2021,39(1):166-183
互联网金融在规范与事实维度均存在刑法规制扩大化倾向。究其缘由,传统刑法规制模式存在秩序法益宽泛化、刑法规范抽象化、刑事治理优先化的弊端。该模式不仅会造成刑法自身机能的紊乱,而且无益于互联网金融的健康发展。当前,在"大力发展民营经济"和"鼓励金融创新"的时代背景下,应合理限缩刑法介入互联网金融的范围,并以金融秩序与自由并重扩充秩序法益内容,以监管科技与刑事规制联动彰显刑法独立品格,以非刑措施与刑事手段并用构建多元制裁体系,进而实现互联网金融刑法规制模式的优化转型。  相似文献   

翟继光 《中国法律》2008,(6):5-7,54-57
金融危机已经引起世界各国政府的普遍关注,面对金融危机,世界各国政府所能采取的主要是货币政策和财税政策。由於金融危机在本质上是财富重新分配的危机,因此,作为财富重要分配手段的财税政策将发挥更加重要的作用.  相似文献   

翁里  田冬 《行政与法》2008,(1):96-98
各国制定移民法的宗旨为:通过立法对移民的规模、构成、素质以及经济能力进行调控,以达到为本国政治、经济和安全各项利益服务的目的。因此,各国移民法的共同特点是在体现迁徙自由和人道主义的国际法原则下,以最低成本吸引他国专业技术人才和资本,从而促进本国社会和经济的发展。其中,近年以美国、加拿大及其魁北克省为代表的投资移民立法就是这种趋势的典型反映。因此,笔者拟就北美国家关于投资移民的立法进行比较评析,同时研讨中国关于投资移民立法的前景。  相似文献   

本文通过分析国家外汇管理局年报中外汇管理形势以及我国外汇储备的规模,指出了在当前全球经济金融形势下我国巨额外汇储备面临的风险,提出应从改善我国内部经济发展模式着手,通过人民币国际化等途径进行风险规避的建议。  相似文献   

外资并购中维护我国经济安全的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外资并购可能威胁东道国经济安全是各国都面临的问题。美国、德国等发达国家都建立了较完善的法律制度规制外资并购,有效保障国家经济安全。我国目前对此问题还缺乏系统、有效的法律制约,因而,应尽快完善规制外资并购的法律制度,维护我国经济安全。  相似文献   

Financial repression usually exists in developing countries. By nature, it is like a hidden tax and can liquidate public debt of the government effectively. The policy of financial repression will likely hinder financial deepening, negatively influence the building-up of efficient and inclusive financial systems, and eventually harm sustainable economic growth in the long run. The fine legal infrastructure plays an important role in financial deepening and development. In China the major measures to reduce financial repression and improve the legal governance in finance are the following: the strict respect and protection of private property rights, including the obligation rights of the common depositors against the banks and the shareholders’ rights of the common investors, the respect and protection of the contract freedom and contract enforcement, the sequential openness of financial market entry and introduction of the principle of free and equal competition in the financial market, and the improvement of the judicial system to increase the adaptability of Chinese law, such as the strengthening of judicial independence and the establishment of case law.  相似文献   

The importance of recognizing human factors in technology transfer to Newly Industrializing Countries and identifying the increase in complexity of these factors as the human aspect crosses cultural, ethnic and national boundaries is becoming more evident. These considerations are proving to be major determining factors of the success of the technology transfer. This paper will cite examples and discuss such differences in anthropometrics, physiological aspects, cognitive characteristics, perception, work attitudes, training, and translation. These differences need to be identified not only abroad, but also in the U. S., as business with foreign nationals done locally increases. In other words, human factors in technology transfer should not be limited to developing countries, but should also be applied to operations in the U. S., as foreign nationals also need to be trained.  相似文献   

In the existing global financial system, the US private central bank controls the right to issue international currency, while the rest of the world have to involuntarily leave their destiny to such system. In the current financial crisis, American government evaded and deviated from due regulation. It is virtually a robbery of other countries as well as a serious infringement upon international human rights. In such a situation, other countries should stick to the international community standard and the protection of international human rights to fairly distribute the interest deriving from the right to issue international currency, and establish a monetary exchange mechanism; or abide by the principle of “one world, one currency” and accordingly come up with a common international currency, or form a monetary union to safeguard the economic sovereignties; or enhance the due position, rights and interest of the developing economies in the existing international financial system; or strengthen efforts in reforming and building the regime of international financial regulation to prevent people’s legitimate property, rights and interest from being infringed.  相似文献   

This article examines the increasing access by UK issuers of high yield bonds to US investors notwithstanding substantive differences in the approach to valuation of the issuer in financial distress in US and UK restructuring law and, therefore, in anticipated return on default. It examines the development of the market in the context of existing theories on the relationship between law and finance and suggests that previous accounts have overlooked the adaptive capacity of the finance market to legal environment and the implications of such structural adaptation for the prospects of convergence in law. Three states are identified: where the market is poorly adapted to the legal environment and reinforces other pressure for change, where the market is adapted to the legal environment and is a neutral influence on, or even dampens, other pressure for change and where both legacy and adapted structures exist, potentially pulling in different directions at the same time.  相似文献   

Whereas foreign investment innovation (FII) has become increasingly common, after decades of debate it is still unclear whether it is desirable for the home country or for the company’s host country. This paper reviews articles from three complementary economic and business traditions which investigate this phenomenon and propose policies based on facts: the economics of technological change tradition, the international business (IB) tradition, and the line of research on international technology transfers. Articles in line with these strands of theory complement each other because they approach different aspects of complex events while explaining FII and its effects on host and home countries. Host countries obtain maximum benefits from FII when affiliates import foreign technology, purchase their inputs in the host country and enjoy product and technological autonomy vis-à-vis the parent. Different types of MNEs, affiliates and foreign R&D units have different potentials for transferring technology to host countries and provide different scope for policies. The authors recommend that governments encourage direct vertical linkages between MNEs and domestic suppliers who could reap the benefits from foreign knowledge. However, some important success factors remain exogenous to governments. As for indigenous MNEs, it is a matter of controversy whether governments should always stimulate them to conduct research in foreign locations or, alternatively, incentive them to stay at home. The need for additional evidence is still considerable in many respects.
Ruth RamaEmail:

财政赤字和公债规模失控是现代国家的政府共同面临的难题。与静态的预算平衡相比,对预算为什么不平衡的追问以及使之重新趋于平衡的法律对策更加值得关注。法律控制不同类型的财政赤字的目标,都指向预算平衡:其法律意蕴应当由传统的财政收支平衡转为总体经济平衡,德国经济宪法中有关总体经济平衡的规定可以为我国提供最具参考价值的借鉴。至于通过专门立法促进预算平衡的典型,当属美国联邦的赤字削减型预算平衡规则。尽管其因为试图改变和突破联邦权力的分立制衡原则而经司法审查认定为违宪,然而,对促进型经济法的理论研究而言,仍不失为极佳的制度范例。  相似文献   

析金融全球化对国家货币主权的冲击   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张庆麟 《中国法学》2002,(2):123-130
伴随着经济全球化而发展起来的金融全球化,在诸多方面对国家货币主权产生了广泛而深刻的冲击,如对国家货币发行权、货币独立权、国家维护本国货币币值的稳定、实施外汇管制和进行货币法定升值与贬值的权利等的削弱或侵蚀。这既表现为国家为顺应金融全球化的发展而自主的让渡主权,也表现为金融资本对货币主权无形的侵蚀。但是,金融全球化并没有从根本上改变国家货币主权。  相似文献   

European countries have amended their bankruptcy statutes in the past decades to increase the likelihood of a company’s continuation in bankruptcy. Liquidation procedures are ill suited to realize the full value of the company as a going concern. An infusion of new finance raises company valuation and makes continuation through reorganization more likely. Reorganization preserves value, if general creditors as the main beneficiaries of reorganization play a crucial role in reorganization proceedings. Legal origins of national bankruptcy legislations are less important in explaining the incidence of reorganization than national attitudes towards failure and the prevalence of equity over debt finance. JEL Classification K12  相似文献   

随着互联网金融蓬勃兴起,刑事法律风险相伴而生。针对互联网金融引发的金融风险乃至刑事案件,公安机关要遵循保护创新、谦抑主义、罪刑法定等原则,秉承慎用刑事手段干预社会经济生活的准则,慎重介入,依法办案,妥善处置。目前,确有必要梳理现行互联网金融法律法规,并对触犯刑律的行为作出进一步的完善。  相似文献   

Using the case of education, we consider how global cultural and economic forces affect national education spending policies. Our analysis includes both an historical analysis of the construction and transformation of ideas about education at the global level and a statistical assessment of the implementation of conflicting approaches to state education funding within countries. In the historical analysis, we show how the idea of free education, although institutionalized in international law, was subject to powerful challenges from international financial institutions, which advocated user fees for public services, including education. Ultimately, the principle of free education prevailed despite the financial clout behind the opposing view. Using data from poor‐ and middle‐income countries from 1983 to 2004, we also show that the presence of international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) advocating child rights was linked to an increase in the levels of state funding for education. This suggests that embeddedness in global discourses, as evidenced by country‐specific linkages to INGOs, is critical in making governments more accountable for supporting institutionalized ideas concerning education.  相似文献   

知识产权全球保护主义即知识产权的全球化加保护主义,其在知识产权国际立法和我国国内立法中都有体现;其影响包括有利于发达国家经济收益最大化、有利于跨国集团通过专利联营攫取高额垄断利润、使得发展中国家处于被动和不利地位等方面;我国国家知识产权战略从加强知识产权保护、防止知识产权滥用、将优势领域知识产权作为战略重点、提升知识产权创造能力和扩大知识产权对外交流合作等方面做出了应对.  相似文献   

There are two developments the combination of which has led to new challenges to international law: the growth of economic regulations and globalisation. While the modern economies are associated with the proliferation of regulatory laws which are rooted in the national economic and social policies, the loosening of the national borders and globalisation has led to conflicts of economic regulations. Such developments have posed various risks of violations of national economic regulations by the economic actors and could lead to tension among national states which have jurisdiction over multinational enterprises in one way or another. The private parties involved in such a situation could somehow avoid such risks by their own initiatives and contractual arrangements but in most cases such measures do now work and the conflict has to be resolved through the cooperation between the countries involved. The paper investigates the potentials for public international law to come up with rules, principles and norms to resolve such complex disputes which touch up issues such as non-intervention, equality of sovereign states, state immunity, self-determination and other principles of international law. Unlike certain area of international law such as law of sea where a few factors involved and the disputes could be resolved by relying on simple facts and rules, the application of national economic regulations extraterritorially creates tensions among the nation states in respect of the demarcation of national jurisdictions. It is here that public international faces a new challenges and need to come up with new approaches such a balancing of interests of the states involved in the conflicts.  相似文献   

陶丽博  陈丽 《行政与法》2010,(11):126-128,F0003
金融控股公司被视为金融分业经营向混业经营过渡的一种金融组织形式。目前,国外大型金融集团多采用金融控股公司这种形式。由于我国的金融监管制度是针对分业经营设计的,因此,虽然我国大型金融控股公司不在少数,但目前尚无一部法律对其做出系统性规范,无法有效监测、防范和控制金融控股公司带来的巨大的系统性风险。在美国金融改革法案出台的背景下,本文从监管模式和机构角度对我国现有的金融控股公司监管制度进行审视并提出完善建议。  相似文献   

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