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谈现代科技的发展与宪法(学)的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩大元  王贵松 《法学论坛》2004,19(1):100-112
现代科技发展十分迅猛,对宪法和宪法学都带来了深刻的影响。文章两位作者就现代科技发展对宪法(学)发展的贡献,现代科技发展对宪法(学)的冲击和挑战,特别是器官移植与生命权、克隆人与宪法价值、基因检测与公民的平等权、信息传播与公民的隐私权、因特网技术与宪政体制和基本权利等问题展开了讨论。宪法(学)也不是消极地应对科技的发展,而是积极地回应,一方面给现代科技的发展提供支持,另一方面也为限制现代科技发展的负面效应提出有效的对策。现代科技的发展应该回归到宪法的价值体制之内。  相似文献   

相互依赖理论与全球化时代的南北关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化条件下,南北国家之间的相互依赖,尤其是经济上的相互依赖日益加深,但两之间的相互依赖又是不对称,不平衡的,更多地表现为南方国家对北方国家单方面的依赖。这就使得南北关系不仅没 随着冷战的结束以后全球化的深入发展而有所改善,而且南北差距还进一步扩大,南北之间的等级结构进一步凸显。南北矛盾也随着南方国家的日益贫困化和边缘化而有所激化。南北关系不容乐观。  相似文献   

刑事审判的效率与公正虽取决于多种因素,但是与刑事庭审的方式确有着密切的关系。在庭审过程中法官调查证据、适用法律的形式、途径以及控、辩、审三方的地位及相互关系对事实的认定、证据的取舍、法律的适用的都会产生直接的影响。我国原有法官唱主角的庭审方式已经不再适应现代刑事司法的要求,庭审方式的改革和完善已成为刑事司法改革的重点内容之一。改革的目标就是厘清控、辩、审三方职能和关系,正确界定法官的地位和作用,确保刑事审判中的控诉、辩护和审判职能应分别由三方各自独立而互不依附的诉讼主体承担,三方的诉讼行为也不得与其诉讼职能相违背,与他们进行或参与审判活动的具体目标应该保持一致。  相似文献   

Television shows, such as CBS's CSI and its spin-offs CSI: Miami; CSI: Las Vegas; and CSI: New York, have sparked the imagination of thousands of viewers who want to become forensic scientists. The shows' fictional portrayals of crime scene investigations have prompted fears that jurors will demand DNA and other forensic evidence before they will convict, and have unrealistic expectations of that evidence. This has been dubbed the "CSI effect." This phenomenon was explored using results from a Canadian study based on 605 surveys of Canadian college students who would be considered jury-eligible and Australian quantitative and qualitative findings from a study that surveyed and interviewed real posttrial jurors. Information about the way jurors deal with forensic evidence in the context of other evidence and feedback about the way in which understanding such evidence could be increased were gained from both these studies. The comparison provides insights into the knowledge base of jurors, permitting adaptation of methods of presenting forensic information by lawyers and experts in court, based on evidence rather than folklore. While the Canadian juror data showed statistically significant findings that jurors are clearly influenced in their treatment of some forensic evidence by their television-viewing habits, reassuringly, no support was found in either study for the operation of a detrimental CSI effect as defined above. In the Australian study, in fact, support was found for the proposition that jurors assess forensic evidence in a balanced and thoughtful manner.  相似文献   

我国《继承法》偏重于保护继承人的利益,忽视了对于遗产债权人利益的保护。建议在编纂民法典时,坚持继承人利益与债权人利益并重和同等保护的理念,明确规定先清偿债务后分割遗产原则,建立相应的遗产管理制度、遗产清册制度和遗产债权公告制度,采取有条件的限定继承制度,规定共同继承人对于遗产债务的连带责任。  相似文献   

贫富差距的合理性及其限度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贫富差距的合理性具有量和质的双重蕴涵,在量的意义上,这一合理性主要由差距大小,拉距速度的适当性,富裕家庭或人口的相对比重所构成;在质的意义上,则主要表现为致富资源的可选择性,致富手段的正当性,贫富关系的非对抗性,所有这些合理性都是有限度的,这些限度是可以运用一定方法和指标进行测定的,我国贫富差距合理性所面临的主要挑战,是致富手段的非正当性和贫富发展趋向的两极性,应对这一挑战,需要开征遗产税、继承税和赠予税,设立个人收入帐户,实行个人财产申报和个人信用等制度,建立和健全保护劳动合法权益的法律和法规。  相似文献   

This article examines the politics of place in relation to legal mobilization by the anti-nuclear movement. It examines two case examples – citizens' weapons inspections and civil disobedience strategies – which have involved the movement drawing upon the law in particular spatial contexts. The article begins by examining a number of factors which have been employed in recent social movement literature to explain strategy choice, including ideology, resources, political and legal opportunity, and framing. It then proceeds to argue that the issues of scale, space, and place play an important role in relation to framing by the movement in the two case examples. Both can be seen to involve scalar reframing, with the movement attempting to resist localizing tendencies and to replace them with a global frame. Both also involve an attempt to reframe the issue of nuclear weapons away from the contested frame of the past (unilateral disarmament) towards the more universal and widely accepted frame of international law.  相似文献   

论隐私权与新闻自由的法律冲突及调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁晓波 《河北法学》2006,24(9):65-67
新闻自由是现代社会实现民主政治的客观需要,伴随着科学技术的发展,大众传播手段日益先进,其社会影响也更为深刻.与此同时,新闻媒体对公民的隐私权等人格权的侵害变得更加容易,媒体行使新闻自由权和公民隐私保护的冲突也日趋明显.因此,应在结合二种权利的性质及具体国情等综合因素的基础上,以优先保护隐私权为主,同时辅以个案利益权衡的方法来解决冲突.  相似文献   

根据温家宝总理2005年3月5日在《政府工作报告》中的承诺,2006年起我国全部免除农业税。我国《农业税条例》制定于1958年,虽然其在实施中存在许多问题,但从未修改过,已与我国农业社会经济基础严重脱节,并与现行的整个税收体制发生了矛盾。因此,建议废除《农业税条例》,以保持国家政策与法律的统一性,同时为我国整个税收体制的发展扫清道路。  相似文献   

陈勇 《行政与法》2013,(4):13-16
当前,我国贫富差距有逐渐拉大的趋势。正确认识这一现象,对其做出客观的评价,不仅有助于我们厘清政府在其中应该承担的责任,找到调整贫富差距的有效方法,而且对我国进一步深化分配体制改革、全面建成小康社会具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

Social Work and the Security Issue in the Netherlands and Belgium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past years security has become a central issue in political discussions both in the Netherlands and Belgium. This has led to the setting of new governmental schemes in urban areas that rely upon the commitment of social workers to a large extent. Besides that, a number of new professions linked to social intervention have appeared. The purpose of this article is to analyse the emergence of security as an issue and the effects of the new governmental schemes in the field of social work, and to compare the political and social backgrounds, how security is dealt with and the effects on social work in Belgium and the Netherlands. The general assumption is that the practice of social professions tends to a new balance between change and control, the two usual poles of social work, at the expense of emancipatory practices towards marginalised people. In other words, it is wondered whether the action of social workers is to put in place a system of control and risk prevention as a mix of social work and people policing. The article shows that the development in this direction in the two countries is similar, in spite of significant background differences.  相似文献   

论法与法律意识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
法与法律意识的相互作用及其矛盾运动 ,是法存在与发展的基本矛盾之一。法律意识的本原是而且只能是法律现象。法律意识的独立性 ,既相对于法律现象 ,也相对于除法律现象之外的其它现实的社会关系。培养法律意识的目的 ,主要是依靠一种进步的与科学的法律意识作为指导 ,形成正确的法概念 ,制定出一套好的法律规范与原则 ,建立一套好的法律制度 ,保证法律在实际生活中得到最有效的执行与遵守 ,使法的作用得到最有效的发挥。  相似文献   

潘金贵 《现代法学》2008,30(3):107-113
建立侦诉协作机制,增强侦诉合力,形成"大控方"的追诉格局,对于保证刑事诉讼活动的顺利进行,具有重大的价值和意义。目前,司法实务部门对侦诉协作机制所进行的积极探索,为该机制的立法构建提供了有益的实践经验。在《刑事诉讼法》再修改时应当通过程序设计对侦诉协作机制作出明确规定,并完善相应的配套制度,推动该机制良好地运行。  相似文献   

李恒全 《金陵法律评论》2006,4(4):66-70,110
生产力对春秋战国土地制度变革的决定性作用,是为实现变革提供基本条件,而不是直接动力.土地制度变革是一种制度创新,是人的创造性活动,只有通过具有意识能动作用的人的实践活动才能实现.春秋战国土地制度变革的直接动力是人们的实践活动.从井田制到授田制的变革,是家族公社公有制到个体家庭所有制变革的漫长私有化过程的结果.  相似文献   

One approach to the study of law and the media is to assume that autonomy of law and legal decisions from media influence is desirable. Reviewing the other articles in this special issue, this Afterword examines the strengths and weaknesses of this approach. Its strength is in the battle zones for liberal values; it contributes to fights against bias and prejudice. Its weakness stems from subjectivity's contributions to justice; it does not explore the necessity and desirability of a legal system embedded in culture. The Afterword suggests areas for research on the interdependencies between law and culture that can complement the research reported in this special issue.  相似文献   

食品安全非监管保障措施的引入与规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋洪明 《法学论坛》2012,(2):96-101
针对我国食品安全事故频发,食品安全环境日益恶化等突出问题,绝大多数专家学者研究的结论是"监管缺失",然而,沿此思路提出的对策和政府部门为加强监管付出的努力并没有取得明显的成效。"三聚氰胺"、"毒大米"、"地沟油"等仍然畅通无阻地越过道道监管关卡,通过各种渠道流向公众的餐桌。因此,有必要反思"主流研究"的偏差,改变"监管依赖"思维模式,加强非监管机制研究,构建企业自律、公众参与、信用建设和信息传递等非监管制度,弥补监管制度的不足,走出食品安全监管劳而无功的困境,塑造放心、健康、和谐的食品安全环境。  相似文献   

江涌  殷一琪 《行政与法》2007,(3):113-116
通过比较研究与理论剖析,关于我国的侦、控、审关系,我们发现存在着五大误区应予校正:侦、审之间应该是二元化的配合制约关系而非互相配合制约关系或无关系,侦、控之间应该是配合关系而非制约关系,控、审之间应该是制约关系而非配合关系,整体结构应以审判为中心而非侦查为中心,应该是共时性的诉讼结构而非历时性的工序结构。  相似文献   

喻中 《现代法学》2007,29(2):3-8
宪法与政党之间的内在关联是:一方面,宪法源于政党,宪法是政党活动的产物,不同文化背景之下的政党制度塑造了不同类型的宪法制度;另一方面,政党依赖于宪法,执政党的执政地位尤其依赖于宪法提供的正当性与合法性。在当代中国的语境下思考宪法与政党之间的关系,可以发现这样一个现实:中国宪法是中国共产党领导人民制定的,中国宪法是党的主张的法律化——这种判断,已经得到了承认,但是,中国共产党享有的执政地位对于宪法的依赖关系,却没有引起足够的重视;因此,应当认真对待“中国共产党依宪执政”这样一个重大的时代课题。  相似文献   

论提单持有人及其权利、义务和责任   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文针对我国《海商法》现有规定 ,比较借鉴了外国立法 ,提出了我国《海商法》应分别规定提单持有人和收货人 ,以明确提单持有人的含义 ,并在此基础上 ,划分了提单持有人的权利、义务和责任。论文最后对我国《海商法》的修改提出了立法建议。  相似文献   

In this paper Foucault’s thought on monstrosity is explored. Monsters appear whenever and wherever knowledge/power assemblages emerge. That which eludes the latter, and which threatens to subvert them, is the monstrous. Foucault distinguished the production, throughout history, of juridical-natural monsters, moral monsters, and political monsters. In this paper it is argued that Foucault must have sensed that monstrosity eludes all notions of identity and difference, and therefore also the notion that places it ‘outside’. It is the space of emergence itself, i.e. the location where sheer potentiality becomes the possible of and in the event. All monstrosity is therefore deeply, and inevitably, political. It is the promise of unsettling subversion.  相似文献   

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