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在社会主义核心价值观的视阈下,思想政治教育"以人为本"的价值诉求及其依据不断明示化。思想政治教育价值具体表征为社会价值、集体价值和个体价值,其与社会主义核心价值观的国家、社会、个人层面的"倡导"实现了切合、契合、耦合的理论"三合"。这就要求在社会主义核心价值观的建设中促成思想政治教育价值的实现,要把握"一个前提",即科学准确认识思想政治教育价值;满足和发展"两个需要",即人的需要和社会的需要;推进"三个原则性教育",即灌输、接受、价值观的教育。  相似文献   

“员工思维”是从员工的角度出发开展企业职工思想政治工作的工作思维,把员工的需要和利益的满足以及问题的解决看成是工作的根本.“员工思维”本质上是“以人为本”的工作思维,是企业思想政治工作“以人为本”的具体体现,是我党民生工程得以实现的前提.“员工思维”是切实改善企业职工思想政治工作的关键,“员工思维”注重职工的实践活动,是企业职工思想政治工作“员工思维”与“任务思维”的区别所在.  相似文献   

本项研究对中国大陆31个省市不同社会群体(共计32 504人)的审美价值观和闲暇价值观的数据进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)公民的审美价值观在整体上存在一致性,但在审美情趣和审美理想方面的部分项目上存在显著差异;(2)公民的闲暇价值观存在一致性,在闲暇时都比较注重自身素质、能力的提高,但有一定比例的公民有赌钱、喝酒行令的不良习惯;(3)公民的审美价值观和闲暇价值观间存在显著相关性,闲暇价值观是审美价值观的真实反映,也是人生价值观的真实写照。  相似文献   

企业民主是市场经济条件下,企业作为社会经济组织的一种组织文化。其必然大行其道的原因在于,只有以民主的方式组织和运作企业,才能保证企业持续不断地产生适应市场竞争的强劲经济张力。其中的秘密是,企业民主具有适应当代社会经济文化的价值功能,而经济价值和人文价值是其中的两种基本要素。  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系的提出,是对马克思主义关于社会理论的发展和创新,又丰富和发展了中国特色社会主义的理论与实践,为社会主义和谐文化建设指明了方向,明确了要求,规定了任务。  相似文献   

浅谈电子政务与政治文明   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大力发展电子政务,不但在深化政府行政管理体制改革、完善社会主义民主制度、促进决策的民主化和科学化、确保政府的廉洁施政等方面有重大的意义,而且对社会主义政治文明的建设也具有巨大地促进作用。  相似文献   

Work values act as guiding principles for individuals’ work-related behavior. Economic self-sufficiency is an important predictor for psychological well-being in adulthood. Longitudinal research has demonstrated work values to be an important predictor of economic behavior, and consequently of self-sufficiency. Socialization theories designate parents an important role in the socialization of their children to cultural values. Yet, extant literature is limited in demonstrating the role families play on how youth develop agentic pathways and seek self-sufficiency in transition to adulthood. This study presents a meta-analytic review investigating the intergenerational transmission of work values, which is frequently assessed in terms of parent–child value similarities. Thirty studies from 11 countries (N?=?19,987; Median child age?=?18.15) were included in the analyses. The results revealed a significant effect of parents on their children’s work values. Both mothers’ and fathers’ work values, and their parenting behavior were significantly associated with their children’s work values. Yet, similarity of father–child work values decreased as child age increased. Our findings suggest a moderate effect, suggesting the influence of general socio-cultural context, such as generational differences and peer influences, in addition to those of parents on youth’s value acquisition. Our systematic review also revealed that, despite its theoretical and practical importance, social science literature is scarce in comprehensive and comparative empirical studies that investigate parent–child work value similarity. We discuss the implications of our findings for labor market and policy makers.  相似文献   

如何在国有大型企业中加强思想政治工作,是新形势下面临的重要任务,胜利炼油厂党委积极探索新形势下思想政治工作的新思路,坚持思想政治工作"软件"硬抓,制度建设和组织建设到位,取得了很好的成绩和经验.  相似文献   

全球化导致政治文化的多元化。在全球化背景下, 我们应采取理性的态度来面对全球化对我国政治文化带来的挑战, 正确认识我国政治文化现状, 明确加强思想政治工作对科学建构当代中国政治文化的重要作用。  相似文献   

图书编辑的价值创新是我国图书出版业新体制下对编辑提出的新要求。本文就图书编辑价值创新提出的意义以及价值创新的内涵进行了分析论述,提出了图书编辑价值创新的四个主要方面,即思维创新、功能创新、方法创新和结构创新。  相似文献   


This article moves away from issues of the impact of women and feminist scholarship on political science to examine the relationship of feminist political science to a political constituency. It traces the trajectory of feminist political science from its close relationship with women's movement activism in the 1970s to the highly professionalised disciplinary subfield of today. It highlights some of the dilemmas resulting both from professional imperatives and from the norms of research excellence stemming from new forms of research governance. It finds that feminist political science has been pushed towards addressing an international community of scholars in a language inaccessible to local publics. But it finds that despite such pressures, feminist political science has still sought to produce work that is of direct relevance to achieving women's movement goals, whether within public policy or within political institutions broadly conceived. While it may no longer be speaking the same language, it is still seeking to identify the obstacles to change and the possibilities for transformation. This can be seen particularly clearly in the area of research on the intersection of electoral systems, quotas and party structures. Yet even here tensions can emerge, as with the concept of ‘critical mass’, perceived by activists as a crucial discursive tool but problematised by feminist scholars.  相似文献   

Very little is known about processes contributing to depressive experiences in American Indian youth. We explored the relationship between value priorities and depressive symptoms among 183 (65 % female) American Indian youth in grades 9–12. In addition, two potential moderators of this relationship were examined: value outcome expectations (i.e., whether one expects that values will be realized or not) and perceived community values. We found that American Indian youth who endorsed higher levels of tradition/benevolence values reported fewer depressive symptoms. However, the relationship between endorsing power/materialism values and depressive symptoms depended on the extent to which youth perceived their communities as valuing power/materialism. Finally, value outcome expectancies appeared to relate more strongly to depressive symptoms than did value priorities. Overall, these findings support tribal community efforts to impart tradition/benevolence values to American Indian youth but also emphasize the importance of attending to value outcome expectations and the perceived values of the community in understanding American Indian youth’s depressive experiences.  相似文献   

"国强、民富、人发展"应当是中国特色社会主义核心价值观的主要内容。以社会主义中国国家综合国力不断提高、多数人共同富裕、人的自由全面发展为核心的价值追求,植根于中国社会主义制度确立、发展的过程之中,具基础性;立足于当今中国特色社会主义实践水平之上,具标志性;能动地反映了人类社会发展的总趋势,具崇高性;实现了价值目标不同梯度间的高度统一,具简洁性。国强、民富、人发展具有内在的统一性,坚持了价值导向的一元化。  相似文献   

Youths involved with the juvenile justice and child welfare systems report higher rates of early initiation of sexual intercourse, more sexual partners, and lower rates of condom use compared with the general adolescent population. Such risky behaviors leave system-involved youths with volatile behavioral challenges and negative sexual health outcomes, such as unintended pregnancy. These effects can be attributed to detached support systems and a lack of early interventions, such as group therapy. This dynamic fosters further inquiry into asking, can delinquent teenagers who adopt a values clarification approach and understanding exhibit positive prosocial thoughts and behaviors? The intent of this paper is to discuss an alternative education program for pregnant, delinquent adolescents and young mothers allowed a social worker and his associates to implement a group counseling program. The counseling was intended to emphasize values clarification and values development. The counselors focused on attitudes, social views, and desired behaviors related to values. A unique aspect of the program was the development of a four-phase cognitive process related to values clarification and development. This process includes the discovery and awareness of values, the claiming and reclaiming of values, the acceptance of core values, and the appreciation and advocacy of the values phase. A content analysis methodology was used to analyze a self-report methods so that insights into cultural trends and experiences could be understood. Findings from the adoption of this program suggest a psychoeducation humanistic model can not only buffer teenage pregnancy risk and delinquency but also strengthen values and the moral development of troubled youth.  相似文献   

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