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5·12汶川8.0级大地震以来,学校安全一度饱受非议和重视.近年来我国大学城建设蓬勃开展,文章以广州大学城为例,反思了我国大学城的公共安全现状,并分析了当前大学城在公共安全管理中存在的一系列问题,如管理体系不健全、公共危机意识不强、危机认知水平滞后、应急预案不完善、安全防范技术薄弱、机制建设不成熟等.最后,在安全管理、教育、应急救灾和信息发布等方面给出了一些相关的建议,以期望能有助于推进我国大学城公共安全与防灾减灾能力建设.  相似文献   

Because they are airborne artefacts, drones embody threats to people and property, even in normal operation, but especially when malfunctions occur in equipment or in the data communications on which they are heavily dependent. Some natural controls exist over inappropriate drone behaviour. General liability laws provide remedies for harm that arises from drones, and act as a deterrent against irresponsible behaviour. Specific air safety laws do, or may, apply to drones. Co-regulatory mechanisms provide protections, as may industry and organisational self-regulation. However, a review of current and emergent regulatory arrangements identifies a considerable range of gaps and uncertainties that need to be addressed, particularly in relation to small drones, including micro-drones.  相似文献   

近年来我国公共安全形势日益严峻,公共安全问题给我国经济、政府公信力、社会公众乃至国际政治带来了诸多消极影响。在可以预见的将来,我国的公共安全问题还有可能进一步恶化,具体将呈现出以下几个趋势:非传统安全因素引发的公共安全问题不断增多;群体性事件呈上升趋势;公共安全问题呈现跨国性的特征。公共安全问题已经成为政府和人民必须面对和解决的一个迫切问题。  相似文献   

近日发生在杭州的富家子飙车肇事案引起了境内外人们的关注。在对此案的关注之余,笔者冷静地思索了公共安全与机动车驾驶路权的冲突问题,认为驾驶路权是占有公共道路资源的一种特权,这种权利的行使必须以不妨害公共利益为前提,否则就必须加以限制.于是建议参照关国的相关立法,呼吁中国尽早修改《道路交通安全法》与《刑法》,增设限制“飙车”的条款,依法封飙车行为进行规范。  相似文献   

In developing Chinese legislation on public environmental lawsuits, it is not only to amend the Constitution, Law on Environmental Protection, Civil Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure Law from the aspect of legislative system, but also revise environmental regulations and judicial interpretation. In specific regulations, it is to explicitly define the scope of environmental citizen lawsuits to be accepted and heard by court, conditions of subjects, preconditions of litigation, procedures and rules for hearings, petitions of plaintiffs, modes and conditions for presenting evidence, which should not only affirm citizens’ environmental rights, extend the scope of environmental damages and the scope of cases that indirect individuals can exercise the right to sue, but also establish litigation intervention system, environmental public prosecution system, and charging standard for the participation of attorneys.  相似文献   

作者在对我国公共安全、公共安全教育现状分析的基础上,提出了在我国目前处于经济和社会的转型期建设公共安全教育基地的重要性.并基于网络平台,对我国公共安全教育基地的现状分别从地域分布、时间、基地类型、种类数量、教育对象进行了系统的分析,提出了我国安全教育基地存在的问题及今后的努力方向.  相似文献   

The role of dismissal as a major case disposition in criminal courts in America has been largely neglected in empirical studies to date, despite long-lasting questions about its nature and important implications for justice goals. This paper is a first attempt to fill in this gap.


Drawing on untested assumptions about a possible dismissal-reoffending connection, the paper proposes a public safety framework for examining the nature of dismissals and their consequences for the community. Under this perspective, dismissal is a function of defendants’ risk attributes and contributes to subsequent public safety threat.


To test these hypotheses, predictive and causal analyses were conducted on an 800-case sample of criminal defendants in one large urban American jurisdiction, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cases were sampled at the first judicial stage and followed as a cohort for one year to record disposition and post-disposition outcomes.


The findings indicate that defendants’ risk attributes contribute to the explanation of dismissal and that dismissal in itself adds to the probability of subsequent offending.


The findings raise questions about the justice system goals, particularly deterrence and have important policy implications for the processing and disposition of criminal cases in American jurisdictions.  相似文献   

维护公共安全是我国社会发展的重要课题,然而在维护公共安全的过程中,民众的主体地位不突出,甚至出现了群体性失声的现象,围绕突出民众的主体地位这一主题,本文以突出民众主体地位的原因为出发点,着重对突出民众的主体地位的重要作用、路径思考进行了论述.  相似文献   

Conclusions In a review of available literature on the topic of adverse effects of the use of hallucinogenics, the authors found some remarkable evidence. First, there is not evidence that these drugs are physically or emotionally addictive. In fact, users generally discontinue use because of the impact of altering states of consciousness. Few have the desire to experience these effects beyond satisfying their curiosity about the drugs. There seem to be some specific personality factors that predispose individuals to experiment with psychedelic drugs, and certainly, specific personality types are prone to be associated with negative side effects in both the short and long-term. In light of the considerable amount of research which supports the premise that LSD is not as dangerous as once assumed, perhaps restrictive hiring policies should be reviewed and reevaluated in the case of the one-time user. If an individual passes all testing, and personal history shows stability, disqualifying a candidate for prior LSD use does not appear to be supportable by research finding. Again, this report is not meant to diminish the negative effect of hallucinogens on a small portion of our society. The intent is to point out that the medical literature does not support the contention that one-time hallucinogen use carries with it any undesirable long-term consequences. The importance of considering an individual within the context of testing and background can not be minimized.  相似文献   



This article reports the findings of a quasi-experimental evaluation of the impact of residential halfway houses (HHs) on public safety in the immediate vicinity of the facilities.


Instead of focusing on recidivism reduction or cost effectiveness, as is common, outcome measures for this study are limited to the impact on community crime rates, here defined as offenses committed within 1/8 and 1/4 mi radii around a subject facility. A set of fixed effect Poisson regression models were employed to assess the changes in monthly crime counts associated with the opening or closing of an HH (N =?19). A second difference-in-differences analysis (DiD) compares HHs that ceased operation to HHs that remained consistently open for the duration of the study period. A series of robustness checks were conducted.


We find the presence of an active HH is associated with an increase in crime within the immediate vicinity. We identify significant increases in monthly counts of overall crimes reported to law enforcement, as well as in counts for specific crimes of violence, including assaults and robberies with a firearm; property offenses, such as burglary; and in minor and misdemeanor offenses. A closing of an HH is associated with a decrease in reported crimes.


The location of a community-based correctional facility can have a significant and negative impact on public health, largely through decreased levels of local public safety. Evaluations of residential correctional programs should include indicators of community-level impact in addition to individual-level measures of recidivism, particularly when such programs are clustered in at-risk or vulnerable communities.

Law schools have been criticised as being behind the times in predominantly adhering to the traditional lecture format combined with the casebook method. In so far as these techniques simply transmit prescribed content to students, this comes at the expense of teaching the skill crucial for success in examinations and in legal practice: problem solving. Active teaching and learning techniques seem likely to better foster the development of this skill. However, in an environment where transmission-based lectures are the norm, and students are anxious to absorb content in the (mis)belief that this holds the key to success, would they welcome such active learning or resist it? To assess this, I delivered three lectures to second year undergraduate students in the same cohort of the Law of Contract, each of which used varying degrees of active learning techniques: the first, the maximum amount practicable, the second a combination of active learning techniques and techniques traditionally used in law school lectures, and the third no active learning techniques at all. By asking students to comment on the extent to which they were engaged in the lectures and how the use of time enabled them to learn, to understand contract law, and to develop their own problem-solving skills, I aimed to see how they would react to the different techniques. Supported by the qualitative results of this pilot study, the article suggests that (1) the incorporation of active learning exercises – including those based on problems – into large lectures is perceived by students as beneficial for their learning, and even preferred over passive methods; and (2) in the typical law school environment, law teachers could also consciously mitigate the relentless pressures affecting law students by making classes more conversational, relaxed and entertaining.  相似文献   

按照实施先后排序,对《北京市公共安全图像信息系统管理办法》等12省市地方立法、《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》、上海市《重点单位重要部位安全技术防范系统要求》(DB31/329.11-2009)等法律、法规、部门规章和地方技术标准进行梳理,结合案例说明医疗机构在建设、管理和使用公共安全视频图像信息系统的主要法律责任和需注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

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