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A duplex real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed for forensic DNA analysis, which provides simultaneous quantitation of total genomic human DNA and human male DNA. The assay utilizes two spectrally resolved fluorogenic probes in a 5' nuclease (TaqMantrade mark) assay. Within the range of organisms empirically tested and based upon theoretical specificity using National Center for Biotechnology Information GenBank sequences, primer and probe sequences were shown to be human specific, and the Y-chromosome probe, male-specific. A mixture-challenge study resulted in accurate quantitation of 25 pg male DNA in a mixture of up to 1:5000 (male:female DNA). Additional experimental results include comparisons with the slot blot method and commercial real-time PCR kits. The assay developed addresses the shortcomings of the traditional slot blot method as well as the commercial real-time PCR kits. This method is shown to be specific, relatively simple, rapid, has low limits of detection, and consumes limited sample in addition to reporting both the male and total genomic DNA concentrations present.  相似文献   

A screening assay has been developed to provide preliminary individualization of crime scene samples thus eliminating expensive, time-consuming short tandem repeat (STR) profiling of nonprobative samples. High resolution melting performed in a real-time PCR instrument is used to detect the slight melting differences between the length and sequence variations of 22 forensic STRs. Three STRs (vWA, D18S51, THO1) were chosen to develop an assay which was optimized for Mg++ concentration, annealing/extension time/temperature, assay volume, and bovine serum albumin addition. The assay was tested for reproducibility, uniformity for genotype, melting profile consistency, effects of inhibitors, and mixture effects. The assay could be used to determine DNA concentration when a standard curve is run simultaneously. Calculations of costs show that the assay can save significant time and money for a crime with many samples or suspects.  相似文献   

The Quantifiler (QF) kit is regularly used by forensic scientists for DNA quantitation. We performed in-house validation studies which revealed some interesting observations. The QF standard displayed a two-fold difference between two different lot numbers which suggests that every standard should be tested prior to use. The Promega K562 DNA standard works well with the QF kit. c. 41% of samples that inhibited the internal PCR control (IPC) system within the QF kit still produced good Profiler Plus reactions. QIAquick was effective at removing inhibitors. The presence of dyes within casework samples were observed not to inhibit QF amplifications. Template DNA greater than 100 ng/muL appeared to inhibit the IPC. Close to identical concentration results were obtained when alternative analysis settings were used. These validation findings will assist DNA processes involved in forensic casework.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA quantitation is an important initial step preceding PCR amplification of the STR loci even though information concerning the quality of the DNA is not revealed. A quadruplex real-time PCR (qPCR) assay was developed to quantify four DNA targets: (1) the human RB1 gene in nuclear DNA, (2) the DAZ gene present on the human Y chromosome, (3) the ATPase8 gene present in human mitochondrial DNA and (4) an artificial internal positive control to reveal possible PCR inhibition. Primers labeled with four different fluorophores are used together with a single quencher using the antiprimer quenching-based qPCR method in one reaction, in which the resultant amplicons are less than 127 bp in size. Sensitivity was shown to be less than ten copies for all four targets in the absence of amplification inhibition. The amplification remained sensitive in the presence of an excess of non-human DNA.  相似文献   

A single duplex assay to determine both the amount of total human DNA and the amount of male DNA in a forensic sample has been developed. This assay is based on TaqMan technology and uses the multicopy Alu sequence to quantitate total human DNA and the multicopy DYZ5 sequence to quantitate Y chromosomal (male) DNA. The assay accepts a wide concentration range of input DNA (2 muL of 64 ng/microL to 0.5 pg/microL), and also allows detection of PCR failure. The PCR product sizes Alu (127 bp) and DYZ5 (137bp) approximate that of the smaller short tandem repeats (STRs) which should make the assay predictive of STR success with degraded DNA. The assay was optimized for probe/primer concentrations and BSA addition and validated on its reproducibility, on its human specificity, on its nonethnic variability, for artificial mixtures and adjudicated casework, for the effect of inhibitors and for state of DNA degradation. This assay should prove very usual in forensic analyses because knowing the relative amounts of male versus female DNA can allow the examiner to decide which samples may yield the most probative value in a case or direct the samples to methods that would yield the greatest information.  相似文献   

The human DNA quantification (H-Quant) system, developed for use in human identification, enables quantitation of human genomic DNA in biological samples. The assay is based on real-time amplification of AluYb8 insertions in hominoid primates. The relatively high copy number of subfamily-specific Alu repeats in the human genome enables quantification of very small amounts of human DNA. The oligonucleotide primers present in H-Quant are specific for human DNA and closely related great apes. During the real-time PCR, the SYBR Green I dye binds to the DNA that is synthesized by the human-specific AluYb8 oligonucleotide primers. The fluorescence of the bound SYBR Green I dye is measured at the end of each PCR cycle. The cycle at which the fluorescence crosses the chosen threshold correlates to the quantity of amplifiable DNA in that sample. The minimal sensitivity of the H-Quant system is 7.6 pg/microL of human DNA. The amplicon generated in the H-Quant assay is 216 bp, which is within the same range of the common amplifiable short tandem repeat (STR) amplicons. This size amplicon enables quantitation of amplifiable DNA as opposed to a quantitation of degraded or nonamplifiable DNA of smaller sizes. Development and validation studies were performed on the 7500 real-time PCR system following the Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories.  相似文献   

国产磁珠结合自动化工作站批量提取生物检材DNA的应用   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
目的建立国产磁珠结合自动化工作站批量提取案件中生物检材DNA的方法。方法采用国产磁珠结合Bio-Robert Universal System自动化工作站对案件中常见的生物样本进行DNA提取,检测Identifiler系统16个STR基因座,在ABI3130XL遗传分析仪上进行STR分型。其中210份样品同时在ABI7500型荧光定量PCR仪上进行定量。结果9100份10类生物检材应用国产磁珠结合自动化工作站,大部分可提取到足够的DNA进行STR检验。STR检验成功率最高的为口腔拭子、肌肉,达100%,接触细胞检材的成功率较低,为50.0%。结论国产磁珠结合自动化工作站可用于案件中常见的大部分生物样本的DNA提取。  相似文献   

Real-time PCR analysis is a sensitive template DNA quantitation strategy that has recently gained considerable attention in the forensic community. However, the utility of real-time PCR methods extends beyond quantitation and allows for simultaneous evaluation of template DNA extraction quality. This study presents a computational method that allows analysts to identify problematic samples with statistical reliability by comparing the amplification efficiencies of unknown template DNA samples with clean standards. In this study, assays with varying concentrations of tannic acid are used to evaluate and adjust sample-specific amplification efficiency calculation methods in order to optimize their inhibitor detection capabilities. Kinetic outlier detection and prediction boundaries are calculated to identify amplification efficiency outliers. Sample-specific amplification efficiencies calculated over a four-cycle interval starting at the threshold cycle can be used to detect reliably the presence of 0.4 ng of tannic acid in a 25 microL PCR reaction. This approach provides analysts with a precise measure of inhibition severity when template samples are compromised. Early detection of problematic samples allows analysts the opportunity to consider inhibitor mitigation strategies prior to genotype or DNA sequence analysis, thereby facilitating sample processing in high-throughput forensic operations.  相似文献   

The detection of semen in forensic investigation is considered important evidence of sexual assault. In this study, we report the development of a real‐time polymerase chain reaction‐based method for identifying semen that can simply and rapidly analyze the semen‐specific unmethylated region of the DACT1 gene. Using two fluorescent probes designed for the methylated or unmethylated status, this method could perform quantitative analysis of the methylation status in this region. Furthermore, this method was used to analyze various body fluid samples, including 29‐year‐old semen and blood stains. The results showed that this method can detect almost exclusively semen or nonsemen signals even in highly decomposed samples, while a few semen or nonsemen samples showed slight signals of the other fluorescence probe. Although there is still a need for further analysis such as setting thresholds to analyze unknown samples, this method could be a useful supplementary tool for identifying semen, especially in old stains such as those in cold‐case investigations.  相似文献   

The accurate quantification of target DNA is an important step in the short tandem repeat analysis of forensic biological samples. By utilizing quantification data to control the amount of template DNA in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), forensic scientists can optimize testing and minimize the consumption of limited samples. The ability to identify and quantify target DNA in mixed-species samples is crucial when it may be overwhelmed by nontarget DNA, as in cases of dog attack. We evaluated two quantitative real-time PCR assays for dynamic range, species specificity, and inhibition by humic acid. While both assays proved to be highly sensitive and discriminating, the Melanocortin-1 Receptor (MC1R) gene Taqman assay had the advantages of a shorter run time, greater efficiency, and safer reagents. In its application to forensic casework, the MC1R assay has been advantageous for quantifying dog DNA in a variety of mixed-species samples and facilitating the successful profiling of individual dogs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The incidence of rape has increased, especially in metropolitan areas, such as the city of São Paulo. In Brazil, studies about it have shown that the majority of this type of crime is committed by the relatives and persons close to the victim. This has made the crime more difficult to be denounced, as only 10% of the cases are reported to competent police authorities. Usually, cytological exams are carried out in sex crime investigations. The difficulty in showing the presence of spermatozoa is frequent, but it does not exclude the presence of male DNA. The absence of spermatozoa in material collected from rape victims can be due to several factors, including the fact that the agressor suffers from azoospermia. This condition can be the result of a successful vasectomy. As the majority of DNA in the ejaculation sample is from spermatozoa, there is much less DNA to be analyzed. This study presents the application of Y‐STRs (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393) in DNA analysis of sperm samples from 105 vasectomized men. The study demonstrated a great variation in DNA concentration. DNA extraction and amplification was possible in all sperm samples even in the absence of spermatozoa. The same profile was observed, for each individual, from DNA extracted from blood, pre‐ and postvasectomy semen samples. The use of markers specific for Y chromosome in sex crime cases, especially in the absence of spermatozoa, is very important, mainly because in most situations there is a small quantity of the agressor's DNA in the medium and a large quantity of the victim's DNA.  相似文献   

目的为了克服传统PCR热循环仪体积大,运行电压高,耗时长,只能在实验室中应用的缺点,研究了一种微腔型PCR芯片,以期实现现场对STR片段的复合扩增。方法采用在PCR反应缓冲液中加入不同浓度的BSA溶液对芯片进行表面优化处理的方法及不同酶量优化实现对STR片段的有效扩增。结果使用浓度为0.5mg/mL的BSA可得到清晰完整的STR分型结果;加大酶量有益于扩增效率的提高。结论该种微腔型PCR芯片经初步优化后可有效地对STR片段进行复合扩增,经进一步优化可真正实现法医DNA分析的更加微量化和快速化。  相似文献   

DNA分型实验室管理应重视的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方建新 《法医学杂志》1997,13(2):114-115
1985年Gill等第一次报导将DNA指纹图用于个体讽别并获得成功后,DNA分型技术在个体识别和亲子鉴定中的应用潜力开始为法医界所注目【'].随着该项技术的日益完善,它极大地提高了生物学检材(血液,血痕,精斑,混合斑,毛发和指甲等)在法医物证学鉴定过程中的价值,并广泛应用于法医鉴定实践中.同时,法医界又面临着这样一个问题:如何对有关的DNA分型实验室进行管理监督,以保证其能更好地为司法实践服务.本文从DNA分型实验室人员设置和要求,DNA分型技术标准化以及与传统血型血清学的关系等方面并结合国外进展作如下探讨.ID…  相似文献   

DNA检验自被作为证据引入法庭诉讼以来 ,随着科技的发展 ,其检验手段和方法不断更新和完善 ,经历了一个从小到大、从复杂到简单、从手工操作到仪器自动化的发展过程。本文综述了利用DNA推断年龄及DNA提取、检测等方面的新进展。  相似文献   

Our objective is to provide crime laboratories with a technique for estimating the age of a bloodstain. Toward that goal, we have used multiplexed, real-time RT-PCR (or qPCR) to determine the relative stability of different-sized segments of the same RNA species as well as differences in stability between two different RNAs' change over time in bloodstains. Our results indicate that a multivariate analysis of the changing ratio of the different RNA segments can be used to differentiate between samples of different ages in the defined population. Bloodstains from 29 of 30 donors could be partitioned into different ages using this technique. Although further improvements will be required before this approach can be implemented in crime laboratories, the multivariate analysis holds promise of providing a reliable approach for temporally linking a bloodstain to the commission of a crime or excluding a bloodstain as being irrelevant to the case in question.  相似文献   

A novel screening method for shed skin cells by detecting Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis), which is a resident bacterium on skin, was developed. Staphylococcus epidermidis was detected using real‐time PCR. Staphylococcus epidermidis was detected in all 20 human skin surface samples. Although not present in blood and urine samples, S. epidermidis was detected in 6 of 20 saliva samples, and 5 of 18 semen samples. The ratio of human DNA to S. epidermidisDNA was significantly smaller in human skin surface samples than in saliva and semen samples in which S. epidermidis was detected. Therefore, although skin cells could not be identified by detecting only S. epidermidis, they could be distinguished by measuring the S. epidermidis to human DNA ratio. This method could be applied to casework touch samples, which suggests that it is useful for screening whether skin cells and human DNA are present on potential evidentiary touch samples.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of this project was to develop a method that, while providing morphological quality control, allows single cells to be obtained from the surfaces of various evidence materials and be made available for DNA analysis in cases where only small amounts of cell material are present or where only mixed traces are found. With the SteREO Lumar.V12 stereomicroscope and UV unit from Zeiss, it was possible to detect and assess single epithelial cells on the surfaces of various objects (e.g., glass, plastic, metal). A digitally operated micromanipulator developed by aura optik was used to lift a single cell from the surface of evidence material and to transfer it to a conventional PCR tube or to an AmpliGrid® from Advalytix. The actual lifting of the cells was performed with microglobes that acted as carriers. The microglobes were held with microtweezers and were transferred to the DNA analysis receptacles along with the adhering cells. In a next step, the PCR can be carried out in this receptacle without removing the microglobe. Our method allows a single cell to be isolated directly from evidence material and be made available for forensic DNA analysis.  相似文献   

自1953年Watson和Crick发表DNA双股螺旋结构,它为人类生命科学,尤其是法庭科学的发展带来了历史性的变化。法庭科学从个体识别和亲子鉴定的排除到认定,经历了DNA指纹图、AMP-FLP及SNP的3个阶段。同时线粒体DNA的应用也在广泛开展。另外数据库的建设和完善成为法庭科学的发展方向。总之,DNA双股螺旋结构对法庭科学革命性变化起了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

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