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Abstract: The World Trade Center (WTC) victim identification effort highlights taphonomic influences on the degradation of DNA from victims of mass fatality incidents. This study uses a subset of the WTC‐Human Remains Database to evaluate differential preservation of DNA by skeletal element. Recovery location, sex, and victim type (civilian, firefighter, or plane passenger) do not appear to influence DNA preservation. Results indicate that more intact elements, as well as elements encased in soft tissue, produced slightly higher identification rates than more fragmented remains. DNA identification rates by element type conform to previous findings, with higher rates generally found in denser, weight‐bearing bones. However, smaller bones including patellae, metatarsals, and foot phalanges yielded rates comparable to both femora and tibiae. These elements can be easily sampled with a disposable scalpel, and thus reduce potential DNA contamination. These findings have implications for DNA sampling guidelines in future mass fatality incidents.  相似文献   

DNA is a major and essential identification tool for mass fatality incidents including the hundreds of thousands of victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Mathematical complications characteristic of this sort of mass fatality include prevalence of related victims, the many races represented among the victims, and various identification modalities in tandem with DNA. Four mathematical problems of interest are discussed in this paper. (1) Other quantifiable factors (i.e. geography) can be formally accounted for by including a likelihood ratio that can be thought of as reducing the "effective number of victims." (2) When a victim is found and tentatively identified as V, but then it comes to light that the victim has a relative W who is also missing, confidence in the identity is depressed. To account for the existence of W, increment the effective number of victims by the likelihood ratio supporting W as the identity of the victim. (3) When several apparently related victims are found, their mutual identities should be calculated simultaneously. Compared to one-at-a-time, serial identifications, this is both logical and may lead to much more confidence in the identities. (4) Although there may be many different population groups represented among the missing, it is generally sufficient to consider population statistics for only a few of them in deciding whether to declare an identification.  相似文献   

A mass fatality DNA identification effort is a complex process in which direct matching and kinship analysis is used for identifying human remains. Kinship DNA identification is an important tool in the identification process in which victim's DNA profiles are compared to the profiles of “known” biologically related reference samples. Experience from the 9/11 World Trade Center DNA identification efforts showed that forms used to record biological relationships are important and that inaccurately documented information may hamper the kinship analysis and DNA identification process. In the identification efforts following Hurricane Katrina, a Family and/or Donor Reference Collection (FDRC) form was used as a means to document the reported relationship between the reference DNA donor and the purported missing individual. This FDRC form was developed based upon lessons learned from 9/11 and the Tsunami identification efforts. This paper analyses the effectiveness of the FDRC form used in the Hurricane Katrina kinship DNA identification efforts and proposes an improved sample collection form for kinship and other donor reference samples. The data presented can be used to enhance the accuracy of the data collection process through an improved sample collection form, streamlining the DNA kinship identification process and decreasing the burden on valuable resources.  相似文献   

Medical involvement in mass casualty incidents requires proper planning and preparedness. In disaster situations, legal aspects concerning the dead add to the general problem of a lack of time, place and resources to maintain routine working conditions, and demand authority and competence. The aspects of planning the recovery of the dead, transportation and morgue facilities, establishment of cause of death, identification, and the final disposition of the dead are discussed. The implementation of forensic mass fatality teams is felt to be the right answer for a better planning and coordination.  相似文献   

In a fire tragedy in Manila in December 1998, one of the worst tragic incidents which resulted in the reported death of 23 children, identity could not be established initially resulting in the burial of still unidentified bodies. Underscoring the importance of identifying each of the human remains, the bodies were exhumed 3 months after the tragedy. We describe here our work, which was the first national case handled by local laboratories wherein conventional and molecular-based techniques were successfully applied in forensic identification. The study reports analysis of DNA obtained from skeletal remains exposed to conditions of burning, burial, and exhumation. DNA typing methods using autosomal and Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) markers reinforced postmortem examinations using conventional identification techniques. The strategy resulted in the identification of 18 out of the 21 human remains analyzed, overcoming challenges encountered due to the absence of established procedures for the recovery of mass disaster remains. There was incomplete antemortem information to match the postmortem data obtained from the remains of 3 female child victims. Two victims were readily identified due to the availability of antemortem tissues. In the absence of this biologic material, parentage testing was performed using reference blood samples collected from parents and relatives. Data on patrilineal lineage based on common Y-STR haplotypes augmented autosomal DNA typing, particularly in deficiency cases.  相似文献   

公共安全视频监控系统在侦查中的应用与完善   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
公共安全视频监控系统在防范和打击刑事犯罪活动方面的成效日益凸显,它具备实时监控、快速反应、固定证据和为案件的进一步侦查提供有力线索的独特功能,在刑事侦查中发挥着重要作用,但视频监控系统在建设、维护和管理方面仍存在一定的问题。强化应用意识,规范管理,可以更大地发挥其重要作用。  相似文献   

施伟东 《犯罪研究》2009,(3):27-31,36
近年来,全国一些地方相继发生突发群体性事件,引起社会各界的广泛关注。在当前严峻复杂的社会稳定形势下,亟待抓紧研究建立应对处置突发群体性事件的应急管理机制。针对突发群体性事件的发展状况,指出当前国内突发群体性事件的一些主要特点。从政治学角度,深入探究突发群体性事件的肇因,为从根本上预防和减少群体性矛盾提供有益的启示。从预防与应急准备、实时监测与预警、应急处置与救援、事后恢复与重建等四个方面,提出应对处置突发群体性事件的工作制度,以规范处置行为,提高处置能力,维护社会稳定大局。  相似文献   

魏琪 《政法学刊》2012,(4):88-93
外国人群体性事件是指参与主体(或参与主体中比例较高)为外国人的群体性事件。可以将外国人群体性事件概括为维权型、政治背景型和突发事件型等三种类型。外国人群体性事件的发生既关系到国家安全和社会稳定,也关系到国际影响和国际关系。每个国家对境内的外国人群体性事件所选择的处置模式,都源于这个国家的政府对该类事件的认识和态度。因此,我们在处置外国人群体性事件时,应当以国家主权原则为基础,遵守国际法,并照顾国际关系和国际影响,应对外国人群体性事件进行分类管理,建立健全科学的处置程序,并提升基层执法人员相关的政治和业务素质。  相似文献   

The application of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) typing methods for the potential identification of unknown human remains was investigated. DNA was isolated from compact bone tissue from badly decomposed bodies and from known and unknown human remains, using a decalcification and ion wash procedure. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) loci yielded results in some cases, but more often the DNA was too degraded to produce RFLP patterns. No RFLP profiles could be obtained from putrefied soft tissues. However, DNA extracted from compact bone tissue of human remains up to eleven years old was successfully amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the VNTR loci D1S80, D17S5, COL2A1, and APO B, as well as the HLA-DQ alpha locus. This is especially significant, since PCR results were obtained from those samples whose DNA had been degraded substantially and had yielded no RFLP patterns. All DNA types determined from the compact bone tissue from decomposed bodies whose identification had been established first by other means (and whose parents or offspring were available for typing) demonstrated mendelian inheritance of the alleles of the loci analyzed. These results suggest that amplification and typing of DNA extracted from compact bone of human remains could be useful in establishing the identity of a person, as well as in excluding possible false identifications.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Estimation of living stature has obvious utility in the identification process. Typically, anthropologists estimate stature from the measurement of long bone length. This type of analysis is traditionally conducted on skeletonized or badly decomposed remains, so collection of the necessary bone measurements is relatively simple. As the role of anthropologists expands into medical examiner offices and mass fatality incidents, the analysis of fleshed bodies and body parts is a more common scenario. For stature estimation in these types of cases (e.g., analysis of body portions recovered from an aircraft crash site or from intentional dismemberment), the presence of soft tissue on the human remains would usually necessitate dissection to expose skeletal elements to derive metric data for stature estimation. In order to circumvent this step, this paper provides various formulae that allow for standard anthropometric (i.e., soft tissue) measurements to be used in place of skeletal measurements. Data were compiled from several anthropometric studies (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] and U.S. Army Anthropometric Survey [ANSUR]) and numerous regression models are presented. Results are compared between skeletal measurements and the anthropometric measurements from each study. It was found that the ANSUR models are similar to the skeletal models, while the NHANES models exhibit weaker correlation coefficients and higher standard errors. Overall, this study finds that stature estimates derived from anthropometric data provide good results and remove the necessity for dissection when working with fleshed body portions.  相似文献   

In the forensic science of firearms and toolmark identification, examiners traditionally have drawn conclusions of identity from subjective criteria. This paper critically explores the general validity of one proposed objective-criteria regime--that of counting consecutive matching striations on fired bullets. Practical considerations are discussed, as well as theoretical ones, with both discussions viewed from the perspective of Bayesian logic. It is concluded that drawbacks exist for this particular objective-criteria regime, but that research and logical analysis should continue.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mass fatality identification efforts involving forensic odontology can involve hundreds of dental volunteers. A literature review was conducted and forensic odontologists and dental educators consulted to identify lessons learned from past mass fatality identification efforts. As a result, the authors propose a skill assessment system, the Odontology Victim Identification Skill Assessment System (OVID‐SAS), which details qualifications required to participate on the Antemortem, Postmortem, Ante/Postmortem Comparison, Field, and Shift Leader/Initial Response Teams. For each qualification, specific skills have been identified along with suggested educational pedagogy and skill assessment methods. Courses and assessments can be developed by dental schools, professional associations, or forensic organizations to teach and test for the skills required for dental volunteers to participate on each team. By implementing a system, such as OVID‐SAS, forensic odontologists responsible for organizing and managing a forensic odontology mass fatality identification effort will be able to optimally utilize individuals presenting with proven skills.  相似文献   

In child sexual exploitation offenses, the collected evidence images often show the skin of nonfacial body parts of the criminals and victims. For identification in this scenario, “relatively permanent pigmented or vascular skin marks,” abbreviated as RPPVSM, were recently introduced as the basis for a novel biometric trait. This pilot study evaluated the interexaminer variability of RPPVSM identification. Four dermatology physicians were recruited to examine RPPVSM from 75 skin images collected from a total of 51 Caucasian and Asian subjects. The images were separated into 50 reference (“suspect”) images and 25 evaluation (“evidence”) images. The examiners were asked to perform identification by annotating RPPVSM in each of the 25 evaluation images and matching them with the reference images. The rate of misidentification was 0% while the mean rate at which examiners failed to find a match was 6%, indicating the potential of dermatology physicians performing the role of RPPVSM examiners.  相似文献   

笔迹鉴定在现代诉讼中日益增多,因其鉴定多依赖于"经验知识",不具有可验证的重复性,也无法接受实证的重复性检验,致使其在作为证据使用时存在一定的分歧,尤其是遗嘱笔迹因书写人死亡,其鉴定结果更富有争议。香港历经"八年"旷日持久的"世纪遗产争夺案"中的笔迹鉴定颇具典型意义。笔迹鉴定结论如何在法庭中出示以及法庭对有争议的笔迹鉴定结论如何采纳或者排除,既是一个理论问题,又是一个制度问题,还是一个价值选择问题。因此,对笔迹鉴定结论的研究与探讨成为司法鉴定制度和证据制度必须直面的带有现实意义的问题。  相似文献   

DNA analysis is one of the primary methods of identification in DVI practices. The external environment of a mass disaster often results in severe fragmentation, decomposition and intermixing of the remains. However, DNA profiling still can be achieved even on cases involving partial, severely decomposed remains. This report shows the DNA profile of shipwreck victims using identifiler plus marker from tissue sample exposed to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Between 1966 and 2007, there were 44 mass murder incidents across schools and universities in the United States. Three of those incidents involved Asian school shooters. By using newspapers and government reports about the incidents, this paper examines the patterns of weapon acquisition, weapon deployment, and tactical deployment strategies of the three Asian school shooters. The role of the mass media as sources of identification fantasies, legitimacy, and ideational structures for the planned attacks are considered. The meaning of being an Asian school shooter in the United States is discussed.  相似文献   

Forensic identification techniques include the examination of ID cards, the decedent's private belongings, fingerprints, footprints, lip marks, dental findings, red blood cell enzymes, performing photograph matching, facial reconstruction, visual identification, and DNA "fingerprinting." As part of forensic examinations, the identification of corpses that are fresh, decomposed, fragmented, or skeletonized as well as individual body parts and human remains can be requested. Identification becomes a challenging task for forensic terms particularly in mass-disaster situations. Each identification case should be considered to its own merit and the way to do that should be based on the effectiveness and cost of each method used. In Turkey, one of the major duties of the medicolegal system on the investigation of deaths is to identify the deceased if unknown.This study is undertaken to investigate the procedures, as well as their validities, used to deal with individualization of dismembered bodies directly sent to the Council of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Justice, for autopsy and/or visual identification, as well as those received from peripheral districts for forensic identification. According to the Turkish Penal Procedural Law, a positive identification of the deceased is mandatory before performing an autopsy. According to the law, the ID cards are not taken to be sufficient for recognition of the deceased, and the major way of identification in daily practice is visual identification by a relative or any recognizant person to approve the identification to the prosecutor. If visual identification fails, fingerprints, dental x-rays or body x-rays, and DNA "fingerprinting" can be used to establish identity when compared with known records of the individual obtained by law enforcement.This retrospective study was carried out into 421 dismembered bodies, among 3063 autopsies performed in year 2002 by the Department of Morgue at the Council of Forensic Medicine, with particular insight into the identification procedures undertaken and their results. The overall negative identification rate was 30.4%, and in 1% of the cases, the visual identification by relatives were not confirmed by DNA identification and taken as misidentified.  相似文献   

In 2012, the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences began prospectively collecting injury data from pediatric autopsies. These data and associated case information from 635 pediatric cases are archived in the Infant Injury Database (IID). This paper introduces the IID to the forensic community and demonstrates its potential utility for child abuse and infant fatality investigations. The database is intended to be a source of evidence‐based research for coroners/medical examiners and clinicians in the recognition and diagnosis of child abuse. RR estimates were employed to quantify the relationship between individual autopsy findings to trauma‐related and nontrauma‐related causes of death. For example, unsurprisingly, the RR of trauma cases with multiple injury types is significantly greater than other causes of death, but the RR results provide a quantitative representation of the relationship. ROC curve modeling of the presence/absence of various injury types performed well at discriminating trauma from other causes of death (AUC = 0.96).  相似文献   

Research Summary According to TASER International, nearly 10,000 police departments in the United States have deployed the TASER as a less lethal force alternative in some capacity. Despite the TASER's increasing popularity, serious questions have been raised about the device's physiological side effects; in particular, Amnesty International has reported that more than 300 people have died after being subjected to the TASER. Although a growing body of research has examined the physiological effects of the TASER on animals and healthy human volunteers in laboratory settings, there has been virtually no empirical analysis of “real‐world” fatal and nonfatal TASER cases simultaneously. This article examines all media reports of TASER incidents from 2002 to 2006 through a comprehensive review of LexisNexis and New York Times archives. We compare TASER incidents in which a fatality occurred to TASER incidents in which a fatality did not occur and then employ multivariate analyses to identify the incident and suspect characteristics that are predictive of articles describing TASER‐proximate deaths. Policy Implications Several suspect factors were significantly associated with the reporting of a fatal TASER incident, including drug use (but not alcohol), mental illness, and continued resistance. Multiple deployments of the TASER against a suspect was also associated with the likelihood of the article describing a fatality—especially if the suspect was emotionally disturbed—which raises the possibility that the risk of multiple shocks might not be uniform for all suspects. More research is needed to explore the relationship between mental illness, drug use (illicit or therapeutic), continued resistance, and increased risk of death. In the meantime, police departments should develop specific policies and training governing the use of multiple TASER shocks against individuals who could be in these vulnerable physiological and psychological states.  相似文献   

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