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This article analyses the topoi of the Young Turk reading of the 1905 Russian Revolution. It argues that the Young Turks considered the 1905 Revolution as a victory against autocratic regimes and as an edificatory example for the Ottoman constitutionalists. This example provided the Young Turks with a mirror in which they saw a model of revolution from below. As such, in addition to encouraging the Young Turks to formulate and re-assess their methods and means of establishing a constitutional regime in the Ottoman Empire, the 1905 Revolution helped them to transform their initially intellectual movement to an effectual political one.  相似文献   

自苏联在1991年末解体以来,学者们对这一历史事件的肇因进行了多种分析。这些分析中,意识形态层面的分析占据了显要的位置。然而,这些分析陷入了同义反复的逻辑错误。与此相对,各种基于事实的分析,往往停留在一种事后的描述上,未能提供有效的说明。那么,从社会科学的角度来看,苏联解体意味着什么?马克斯·韦伯在其俄国革命论中提供了一个卓越的视角。  相似文献   

Before the names of Just and Unjust can have place there must be some coercive force to compel men equally to abide by their covenants by the terrour of a punishment greater than the benefit they expect by the breach of their covenant… So that the nature of Justice consisteth not in keeping of valid covenants: but the Validity of Covenants begins not but with the Constitution of a Civill power sufficient to compel men to keep them.

Thomas Hobbes, 1651  相似文献   

Despite phenomenal mobile telephone sales and a reputation for technological innovation, Japan lags behind many other countries in the application of IT technology. In part, this may be attributed to a telecommunications industry which lacks competition, with a conventional corporate culture; but this is insufficient to explain all the factors behind Japan'slackluster performance. In the following article, Shinji Fukukawa, CEO of the Dentsu Institute for Human Studies, describes the history of IT in Japan and makes an international comparison of the development of IT. He argues that unless Japan manages to catch-up quickly with those IT-proficient countries, it may be too late and she will be left behind. Nevertheless, the future is not bleak, and if vital policy measures are implemented; the markets deregulated; the corporate culture changed; and societal knowledge of IT improved; Japan may still succeed in the IT revolution.  相似文献   

This article examines how the modern Russian press covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both historically and currently. Since print media are some of the most popular sources of information in Russia, such analysis helps us understand the media's priorities in presenting the conflict to Russian society. The article focuses on the inherently manipulative, albeit hidden, essence and layout of this material, which increases the likelihood of information bias. While the quality of the reporting on this conflict demonstrates the proximity of contemporary Russian media to the interests of the country's ruling powers, it also provides opportunities for the government to influence its audience's comprehension of Middle East politics.  相似文献   

李燕 《俄罗斯学刊》2021,11(2):5-23
俄罗斯智库与媒体肯定当前世界秩序处于重大变革时期,特朗普外交政策以及新冠肺炎疫情都给世界带来了巨大改变,同时俄罗斯自身还面临着经济社会发展和周边国家关系等问题,需要以“新思维”来看待和解决。不过,俄罗斯官方不完全认可“新冷战”说法。俄罗斯智库与媒体看到,至少在中短期内,中美矛盾将是世界主要矛盾,俄罗斯可以利用中美竞争谋求发展。如果面临两极格局必须做出选择,对俄罗斯而言更优选择是与中国结盟。从美国民主党对俄罗斯的传统政策以及拜登对普京及俄罗斯的态度看,美国大选结果对俄罗斯不是很有利,但无论特朗普当选还是拜登当选,美国外交政策的总体方向都不会有原则性改变。对于世界格局,俄罗斯智库判断有多种发展趋向,俄力主多极世界,并将努力推动这一局面的形成。  相似文献   

Russia's 1993 constitution created a hybrid presidential-parliamentary system in which the president has the power to initiate and veto legislation and to issue normative decrees. Using a comprehensive examination of laws and decrees promulgated in 1994-2004, three political scientists identify key influences on the use of lawmaking and decree-making powers by the president and parliament: constitutional constraints on the use of decree-making power, temporal considerations, and the effect of change in the policy distance between the president and the Duma. The interplay of these forces is illustrated in a case study of the use of law and decree in setting policy on land ownership.  相似文献   

美国国会图书馆第一次系统的俄罗斯馆藏开始于1906年的尤金馆藏.此后,通过各种渠道定期地收购俄罗斯或与俄罗斯相关的资料.国会图书馆秉承全面、普遍的馆藏原则,受政治变化影响较小.俄罗斯馆藏的丰富与发展,也与20世纪直到今天的历任馆长的推动密切相关.随着数字时代的到来,俄罗斯馆藏的形式和内容也日益丰富和多样.展望未来,国会图书馆将继续充满兴致地收藏来自俄罗斯和与俄罗斯相关的资料.  相似文献   

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