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基于2019年"中国社会工作动态调查"的相关数据,分析儿童社会工作者的儿童保护报告倾向,以及这种报告倾向与其专业性的关系。研究发现,儿童社会工作者儿童保护报告的比例较低;报告倾向同儿童社会工作者的工作年限和年龄有很大关系;持证社会工作者的报告倾向更强;社会工作者的工作自主性越高,报告倾向越强;社会工作者的专业使命感越强,报告倾向也越强;在实施强制报告制度的城市中,社会工作者的报告倾向也更强。研究结果确认了儿童社会工作者儿童保护的报告倾向与其专业性的关系,为进一步推动儿童保护强制报告制度的落实提供了相关依据。  相似文献   

儿童社会工作是具有鲜明特色的社会工作领域,在专业服务过程中不可避免地会面临伦理困境。通过对这些伦理困境产生的原因进行分析,进而提出儿童社会工作伦理困境的应对原则:优先考虑儿童利益最大化原则、注意与儿童监护人有关的伦理问题的原则、差别平等原则和自主原则等。通过对这些问题的分析与思考旨在帮助社会工作者在儿童社会工作实践中面临伦理困境时做出更加合适的选择。  相似文献   

现代慈善事业只有与专业社会工作的融合才能促进其良性发展.这是因为专业社会工作者在推进慈善事业发展中扮演着重要角色,主要体现在以下五个方面:社会工作者是慈善文化弘扬的倡导者;社会工作者是慈善组织完善的推动者;社会工作者是慈善活动开展的监督者;社会工作者是助人专业知识的实践者;社会工作者是慈善活动开展的策划者.  相似文献   

随着全球化资源枯竭和能源短缺以及人与自然关系持续恶化等现状,人类不得不以道德理性再度考量人与自然关系的问题。可持续发展环境伦理兼顾了人与自然长期依存发展的双重需要,既实现了对自然的尊重,又实现了人的自由发展需要,将人类回归到自然的道德血缘关系中,这种处理人与自然的伦理关系,已经得到了全球发展的价值认同。因此,认同和建构可持续发展环境伦理对于我国发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

人与自然之间是一种价值关系,也是一种伦理关系。这种伦理关系不是把自然物作为"伦理主体"所形成的人与自然之间的伦理,而是把自然物作为"伦理对象"而实现的人与自然之间的伦理。自然伦理最终体现在人对自然物的审美活动中,使人类中心主义和自然中心主义达到统一。  相似文献   

劳动伦理关系不等于合伦理的劳动关系,而应理解为一定道德观念与规范维系下的客观劳动关系。劳动伦理关系论是马克思劳动伦理思想的重要内容,资本主义社会劳动伦理关系是其分析的重点。马克思指出:资本主义生产方式对劳动伦理关系发展既有积极的促进作用,也有消极的阻碍作用;对立、不平等、异化是资本主义社会劳资伦理关系的根本特征;合作竞争是工人阶级之间劳动伦理关系的根本特征。马克思劳动伦理关系思想对于揭示现代劳动关系不和谐的深层原因、探析现代和谐劳动关系建设的根本意义、思索现代和谐劳动关系建设的根本路径有重要的理论启示意义。  相似文献   

刘莉  何雪松 《青年研究》2023,(1):13-22+94
职业回报与留职意愿的关系是社会工作发展的重要议题。基于2019年“中国社会工作动态调查”相关数据,探讨职业回报对社会工作者留职意愿的影响。研究发现,外在回报与内在回报均对社会工作者的留职意愿产生显著正向影响;“90后”社工、具有相关专业背景社工和持证社工的留职意愿受外在回报的影响更大;外在回报可通过内在回报影响社会工作者的留职意愿;内在回报与留职意愿的关系受组织氛围的影响。在提高社工薪酬水平的同时,还要营造良好的组织氛围、培养他们的职业认同,以增强其职业稳定性。  相似文献   

魏燕希 《学理论》2013,(17):66-67
在社会工作大发展的背景下,以社会工作者为研究对象,对社会工作者的职业认同状况进行调查研究,深入探讨社会工作者的择业动机与职业认同的关系。结果表明:社会工作者的职业认同水平总体不高,存在较大的提升空间;社会工作者在职业认同各个维度上的认同具有显著性差异,对工作回报的认同最低;社会工作者的择业动机与职业认同之间有显著性相关。总体上,择业动机为内部动机和混合动机的社会工作者职业认同要高于择业动机为外部动机或无动机的社会工作者。  相似文献   

我国双重用工关系还没有真正纳入法律的范畴,法律规范严重缺失.双重用工关系的表现形态非常复杂,形态划分目前还只是学理上的研究,由于立法缺失,双重用工关系的形态很难达成一致并完成其法定类型化,但大致可以分为"主职+兼职"即"劳动关系+劳务关系或雇佣关系"与"兼职+兼职"即"劳务关系或雇佣关系+劳务关系或雇佣关系".双重用工...  相似文献   

后工业时代的浪潮带着势不可挡的全球化与信息化席卷整个地球,管理主义的价值迷思使得行政领域出现大断裂之势。基于我国的行政生态环境,对行政伦理失范问题的相关概念与国内外研究进行综述,从制度伦理与个体伦理的双重维度入手,分析行政伦理困境以及行政伦理失范问题的发生机理,并对其展开内部强化以及外部控制层面的治理之道的拓展研究,立足于治理与善治的理论向度,以期达到行政伦理重建的重大意义。  相似文献   

Sociological research on the relationship between social bonds and economic activity typically focuses on how social bonds facilitate economic activity. There is, however, a growing and important literature on the development of commercial relationships into social friendships and the important role that commercial spaces can play in facilitating social connections. To date, however, this research has not focused on the important role that these commercial friendships and spaces can play in facilitating an individual’s recovery efforts after a major disaster like a tornado, hurricane or flood. It has also not focused on the effect that major disasters can have on commercial ties. Moreover, while the sociological literature on post-disaster recovery has emphasized the important role of social capital, it has not emphasized the role that social networks developed within commercial contexts can play in helping individuals to rebound from disaster. This article is an effort to fill these gaps in the literature. Using interview data collected in the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina, we argue and describe how meaningful social bonds that emerge out of and are facilitated by commercial activity as well as the social spaces provided by commercial entities can facilitate community rebound after a major disaster.  相似文献   

入世后,深圳公安出入境管理工作如何进一步发挥自身所肩负的服务出入境人员,服务改革开放,服务经济建设的“窗口”作用?这是一项必须认真思考、努力实践、稳健推进的紧迫性任务。本文结合工作实际,就以下五种关系作一浅述。  相似文献   

Intergovernmental Relationships and the Federal Performance Movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radin  Beryl A. 《Publius》2000,30(1):143-158
Although implementation of the federal Government Performanceand Results Act (GPRA) has provided the framework for the federalperformance effort, other efforts have been undertaken withinfederal agencies to balance the two often conflicting imperatives:to provide states with flexibility and yet maintain a commitmentto performance outcomes that acknowledges the expectations ofthose who fund and authorize programs. This analysis seeks todevelop a typology to examine the ways that the federal governmenthas attempted to bridge the goals of funders with the demandsof those who implement programs. This article highlights sixdifferent approaches that have been taken recently within federalagencies: performance partnerships, incentives, negotiated measures,building performance goals into legislation, establishment ofstandards, and waivers.  相似文献   

Testing theories about political change requires analysts tomake assumptions about the memory of their time series. Appliedanalyses are often based on inferences that time series areintegrated and cointegrated. Typically analyses rest on Dickey–Fullerpretests for unit roots and a test for cointegration based onthe Engle–Granger two-step method. We argue that thisapproach is not a good one and use Monte Carlo analysis to showthat these tests can lead analysts to conclude falsely thatthe data are cointegrated (or nearly cointegrated) when thedata are near-integrated and not cointegrating. Further, analystsare likely to conclude falsely that the relationship is notcointegrated when it is. We show how inferences are highly sensitiveto sample size and the signal-to-noise ratio in the data. Wesuggest three things. First, analysts should use the singleequation error correction test for cointegrating relationships;second, caution is in order in all cases where near-integrationis a reasonable alternative to unit roots; and third, analystsshould drop the language of cointegration in many cases andadopt single-equation error correction models when the theoryof error correction is relevant.  相似文献   

我国社会主义初级阶段人民内部矛盾的非对抗性,决定了当前我国政治关系整体上的和谐性,但某些方面也存在不和谐问题。分析当前我国政治关系若干不和谐现象产生根源,主要有经济利益关系失衡,民主制度不完善,封建残余思想的影响等。要通过创新和谐政治理念,调节利益关系,推进民主政治建设等举措,努力构建我国社会和谐政治关系。  相似文献   

Avner Ziv 《Society》2010,47(1):11-18
The social function of humor may be considered to have two aspects. The first is that of the relationships within a group and the social system within which personal acquaintance and interaction between and among group members exist. The second is that of society as a whole or of social phenomena. Here, humor’s role being to reform certain aspects of social life. Bergson’s theory deals mainly with this “corrective” characteristic of humor. In this article, both of these aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

Scheberle  Denise 《Publius》2005,35(1):69-86
Using Daniel Elazar's metaphor of federalism as a matrix, asexpanded by Robert Agranoff, this article explores how stateand national political and administrative actors continue toredefine environmental federalism. The willingness of statesto sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over concernsthat the agency is not protecting the environment illustratesthe political and legal spotlight under which the matrix evolves.Outside the public purview, EPA and state environmental programadministrators attempted to shore up programs rocked by reducedbudgets and shifting priorities, while also adjusting to a newsystem of federal-state partnerships, the National EnvironmentalPerformance Partnership System.  相似文献   

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