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本文通过命案现场的勘验、分析,推测犯罪嫌疑人的作案动机、目的,刻画犯罪嫌疑人,为侦查指引方向;提取并检验现场微量物证为确认犯罪嫌疑人及认定犯罪事实提供依据。探索命案现场勘查工作的有效进行。  相似文献   

植物物证检验及其在法庭科学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在一些刑事案件中 ,检验案犯无意间带走或留在现场的植物叶片、果实、斑汁、花粉等植物物证 ,对确定嫌疑人与犯罪现场的关系 ,认定或排除嫌疑人常起到关键作用[1] 。本文作者就植物物证在司法实践中的作用及不同植物物证检验方法的应用作一综述 ,旨在使植物物证在法庭科学实践中得到充分利用 ,能为侦察破案和司法审判提供线索或证据。1 植物物证检验在法庭科学实践中的作用1 1 植物物证用于认定犯罪嫌疑人的证据在刑事案件中 ,对从嫌疑人处提取的植物物证和从犯罪现场提取的植物物证 ,通过植物种类的鉴别和同一认定 ,认定嫌疑人 ,从而为审…  相似文献   

1案件简介2008年11月4日,某列车上发生一起盗窃案件,某乘客的一台笔记本电脑被盗。技术人员在现场勘查时发现一个无人认领的电脑包,内有"人之初"杂志等物品。经现场访问和分析:该包系犯罪嫌疑人以调包方式窃取电脑后遗留在现场的重要物证,遂送技术部门进行检验。由于该物证系渗透性的纸张,符合紫外发光照相的适用客体,利用该技术进行检验  相似文献   

每个命案现场都包含3大要素,案发现场环境特点、被害人信息、现场痕迹物证信息,3者均有密切的内在逻辑关系,即"谁在什么地方怎样杀害了谁",案发过程,伴随案犯和被害人的行为活动,必在现场留下相关的痕迹物证信息。  相似文献   

及时有效地提取与检验命案现场的生物物证,对命案侦破及案件审判有举足轻重的作用。国内外相关报道较少,本文对47例命案现场生物物证的提取及检验情况进行分析,探讨不同生物物证的现场遗留情况及特点,以指导命案现场勘查。  相似文献   

强奸案是法医DNA检验工作中经常遇到的刑事案件,常规鉴定方法既是从被害人阴道拭子、内裤等相关物证载体上提取精斑DNA并分型,据此对犯罪嫌疑人进行排查,直至认定罪犯。笔者发现,大多数情况下对强奸案件相关物证检验时,精液与阴道分泌物的混合斑中女性物质DNA的检测及其数据库检索往往被忽视,而在实际检案中送检物证与被害人相关性的认定恰恰对案件的定性起着至关重要的作用。下面通过检案实例进一步阐述其重要性。1案件资料案例12002年11月10日接报:杨某之妻陈某诉11月8日上午被张某强奸。案例22004年9月10日,被害人杨某(女,11岁)自述…  相似文献   

目的以rDNA-ITS序列片段为植物DNA条形码,对涉及一例交通命案的植物检材进行种属鉴定,判断三轮车左侧车体上提取的树皮样物质与农用车所运的树木是否为同一树种。方法采用改良CTAB法提取植物DNA,先将DNA纯化,再进行rDNA-ITS的PCR扩增,然后对PCR产物切胶、回收,克隆、测序,对测序结果进行BLAST分析,并构建系统发育树。结果三轮车上粘附的树皮来源于柑橘(Citrus sunki),农用车所运的树木为界山三角槭(Acer buergerianum),两者非同一种属。结论用rDNA-ITS序列片段用作植物DNA条形码对植物种属进行鉴定,可获得可靠的鉴定意见。  相似文献   

随着DNA提取和检验技术的进步与不断发展,犯罪现场遗留的DNA对于刑事犯罪侦查中犯罪嫌疑人的确定有着举足轻重的作用,但同时犯罪嫌疑人的反侦察意识越来越强,在作案过程中以及实施犯罪行为后遗留在现场的物证微乎其微。因此在对现场物证进行采集的过程中,接触性生物物证的发现、提取和DNA检出越来越重要。目前在犯罪现场中接触性检材所占的比例越来越大,对于案件的侦破也发挥着越来越大的作用。然而这些接触性检材一般极其微量、体积小、较为隐蔽、肉眼不易观察,且现场的各种污染大大加快了这种微量检材的降解速率,因此对于这类检材的检验和分析就成了法医物证检验工作的重点和难点。本文综述了接触DNA的种类、采集和提取方法,影响其检出的因素以及检验中遇到的问题,以期能更好地将其运用到法医学鉴定实践中。  相似文献   

<正> 随着科技进步,国外司法鉴定科学界有重建案件之说,并誉为当代本学科的王冠。所谓重建案件,是指对现场勘查、技术检验的发现,应用逻辑推理、办案经验,对现场各种犯罪行为及其先后顺序作出判断,重现案件发生的全过程。就命案而言,就是判明死者从受伤到死亡,以及死后有无移尸灭迹等过程。如果是自杀身亡,就是死者自杀过程的判断;如果是他杀身亡,这个客观存在的被害人的伤亡过程,亦反映罪犯必定有相应的作案过程,也就是罪犯杀人过程以及  相似文献   

命案现场遗留的植物因其原始状态被凶杀案件破坏,能够反映出命案发生时的部分重要细节,为命案现场重建提供至关重要的线索。但是,在很多案件的勘查和重建中,由于植物存在普遍性,侦查勘验人员对此反而不加重视,遗漏了很多重要案件信息。本文列举了3个典型案例说明现场遗留植物对于案件侦破的重要意义。  相似文献   

Fecal matter analyses were applied to two cases: a homicide and a robbery. Scrapings of fecal matter removed from samples of clothing obtained from a homicide suspect were examined for their plant cell and cell fragment content and compared with fecal matter from a rape-homicide victim and scrapings from her clothing. Scrapings were hydrated and examined microscopically. Types of food plants were identified from the observed cells by comparison with known food plants. A similar analysis was conducted on the clothing of a robbery suspect and compared with fecal material left at the crime scene. The results showed that, respectively in the two cases, the reference samples were remarkably similar, if not identical, to those from the suspects' clothing.  相似文献   

A set of historic murders, known as the “Jack the Ripper murders,” started in London in August 1888. The killer's identity has remained a mystery to date. Here, we describe the investigation of, to our knowledge, the only remaining physical evidence linked to these murders, recovered from one of the victims at the scene of the crime. We applied novel, minimally destructive techniques for sample recovery from forensically relevant stains on the evidence and separated single cells linked to the suspect, followed by phenotypic analysis. The mtDNA profiles of both the victim and the suspect matched the corresponding reference samples, fortifying the link of the evidence to the crime scene. Genomic DNA from single cells recovered from the evidence was amplified, and the phenotypic information acquired matched the only witness statement regarded as reliable. To our knowledge, this is the most advanced study to date regarding this case.  相似文献   

Criminal cases are studied from several disciplines to link a suspect with a criminal act. In this case, a man was reported missing in a coastal area in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The victim's relatives pointed to a possible suspect, and the local police carried out the investigation. We contributed to this research by applying palynological and mycological techniques. Palynomorphs and fungal spores offer valuable trace evidence, as they can be easily transferred between objects and crime scenes due to their minute size and persist on them for a long time. The victim was found 25 days later, lying on sandy soil, which partially covered the body, 35 km from where the suspect was arrested. Comparative samples were collected from the crime scene and the suspect's home and belongings (clothes, footwear, and seized vehicle). The palynological associations obtained from the crime scene and the defendant's belongings were dominated by diatoms and acritarchs (Acantomorphitae), all elements of marine origin, and a high CFU number of Bipolaris cynodontis, which allowed the defendant's clothing to be related to the place of corpse discovery. Soil from the defendant's home had an entirely continental composition, and the fungal biota was characteristic of prairie areas which were different from those of the crime scene.  相似文献   

范兆兴 《证据科学》2010,18(1):39-52
犯罪剖绘(criminal profiling)为分析(连续)犯罪行为型态的技术,藉由统计技术分析潜在犯罪者、被害者与犯罪现场迹证等三者之间相互联结可能性。然犯罪剖绘技术应用至"案件连结分析",可根据犯罪现场所遗留迹证(含心理迹证),预测/推论犯罪者之人口背景特征,并将这些案件之犯罪现场迹证系统化处理,建构成数据库,有助警察侦办连续型犯罪。经由案件连结分析所得证据,能否成为法庭上论罪之依据,在英美国家必须通过"Frye法则"与"Daubert测试法则"检验,即是否已经通过科学性检验,或同一学术领域同侪认可验证过程。因此,后续研究可朝更精确统计分析方法迈进,以提升案件连结分析数据库对于预测未发现犯罪者之准确率及其法庭证据力。  相似文献   

Images and videos are common types of evidence in crime scene investigations and laboratory analysis. Images may be taken by the suspect and/or by crime scene investigators and may serve as crucial elements in forensic laboratory analysis. Forensic photographic image comparison is the process of comparing one or more objects or persons in photographs/images when at least one image is known to be related to a crime. The forensic examiner usually compares the images in order to determine whether or not an association between the exhibits in the images can be made. This paper proposes an extension to the currently prevalent photographic image examination method. The extension introduces comparison of landscape and vegetation over time. It is revealed that similarities between images may still be found between the period of time the suspect photograph was taken and the period the crime scene investigator took the photograph from the same area. In this case report, two suspects to be involved in growing a marijuana field were arrested by the police. The forensic experts were asked to examine images taken by the crime scene investigators and to compare them to the images found in the suspects’ phones. They then tried to determine whether the suspects could be linked to the specific locations. While applying techniques derived from morphological comparison methodologies, the plants at the scene provided significant additional information. A tree trunk, branches, and twigs on a hedge in the photographs revealed specific individual characteristics that led the examiner to reach a conclusive decision.  相似文献   

犯罪剖绘(criminal profiling)为分析(连续)犯罪行为型态的技术,藉由统计技术分析潜在犯罪者、被害者与犯罪现场迹证等三者之间相互联结可能性。然犯罪剖绘技术应用至案件连结分析,可根据犯罪现场所遗留迹证(含心理迹证),预测/推论犯罪者之人口背景特征,并将这些案件之犯罪现场迹证系统化处理,建构成数据库,有助警察侦办连续型犯罪。经由案件连结分析所得证据,能否成为法庭上论罪之依据,在英美国家必须通过Frye法则与Daubert测试法则检验,即是否已经通过科学性检验,或同一学术领域同侪认可验证过程。因此,后续研究可朝更精确统计分析方法迈进,以提升案件连结分析数据库对于预测未发现犯罪者之准确率及其法庭证据力。  相似文献   

As highly polymorphic DNA markers become increasingly available for a wide range of plant and animal species, there will be increasing opportunities for applications to forensic investigations. To date, however, relatively few studies have reported using DNA profiles of non-human species to place suspects at or near crime scenes. Here we describe an investigation of a double homicide of a female and her near-term fetus. Leaf material taken from a suspect's vehicle was identified to be that of sand live oak, Quercus geminata, the same tree species that occurred near a shallow grave where the victims were found. Quercus-specific DNA microsatellites were used to genotype both dried and fresh material from trees located near the burial site and from the material taken from the suspect's car. Samples from the local population of Q. geminata were also collected and genotyped in order to demonstrate that genetic variation at four microsatellite loci was sufficient to assign leaves to an individual tree with high statistical certainty. The cumulative average probability of identity for these four loci was 2.06x10(-6). DNA was successfully obtained from the dried leaf material although PCR amplification was more difficult than amplification of DNA from fresh leaves. The DNA profiles of the dried leaves from the suspect's car did not match those of the trees near the crime scene. Although this investigation did not provide evidence that could be used against the suspect, it does demonstrate the potential for plant microsatellite markers providing physical evidence that links plant materials to live plants at or near crime scenes.  相似文献   

Soil forensics utilizes extensive soil information to answer legal questions and test hypotheses. The main difficulty often is the determination of different variables from a small amount of soil sample collected on the suspect. We developed a sequential mineralogical and chemical analyses to assess a limited quantity of soil vestiges (0.5 g) from a suspect's vehicle (adhered to the outside rear-view mirror and to the left front fender) involved in a murder case and compared them with the surface samples found at the victim's body disposal site at the Graciosa Road, Paraná State, Brazil. All results affirm that the suspect’s vehicle could have been in contact with the edge of the Graciosa Road, approximately the place where the victim’s body was located. As a result of the soil analysis and comparison, the results support the likely contact of the suspect’s vehicle with the crime scene.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(2):258-275
Plants are a good source of biological forensic evidence; this is due to their ubiquity, their ability to collect reference material, and their sensitivity to environmental changes. However, in many countries, botanical evidence is recognised as being scientifically. Botanical evidence is not mostly used for perpertration, instead it tends to serve as circumstantial evidence. Plant materials constitute the basis, among others, for linking a suspect or object to a crime scene or a victim, confirming or not confirming an alibi, determining the post-mortem interval, and determining the origin of food/object. Forensic botany entails field work, knowledge of plants, understanding ecosystem processes, and a basis understaning of geoscience. In this study, experiments with mammal cadavers were conducted to determine the occurence of an event. The simplest criterion characterising botanical evidence is its size. Therefore, macroremains include whole plants or their larger fragments (e.g. tree bark, leaves, seeds, prickles, and thorns), whereas microscopic evidence includes palynomorphs (spores and pollen grains), diatoms, and tissues. Botanical methods allow for an analysis to be repeated multiple times and the test material is easy to collect in the field. Forensic botany can be supplemented with molecular analyses, which, although specific and sensitive, still require validation.  相似文献   

Collection of trace evidence from bombing victims at autopsy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The body recovered from the scene of a bombing may contain important trace evidence that links the suspect to the crime. Recognizing the lack of guidelines for evidence removal from the body, we have prepared a protocol to guide the pathologist in the collection of trace evidence from the bombing victim. Case material used in the development of the protocol included 13 bombing fatalities reported to the St. Louis Medical Examiner's Office since 1975.  相似文献   

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