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Abstract: The National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database (NFFID © Crown Copyright 2003‐2008) was developed by The Forensic Science Service (FSS) as an investigative tool for collating and comparing information from items submitted to the FSS to provide intelligence reports for the police and relevant government agencies. The purpose of these intelligence reports was to highlight current firearm and ammunition trends and their distribution within the country. This study reviews all the trends that have been highlighted by NFFID between September 2003 and September 2008. A total of 8887 guns of all types have been submitted to the FSS over the last 5 years, where an average of 21% of annual submissions are converted weapons. The makes, models, and modes of conversion of these weapons are described in detail. The number of trends identified by NFFID shows that this has been a valuable tool in the analysis of firearms‐related crime.  相似文献   

就高校司法鉴定机构的职能与定位,以法学类院校司法鉴定机构为例,解剖、梳理问题,从机构的平台特征、职能体现、服务社会方面探讨内、外运行中面临的矛盾和窘困,寻求破解之道,以期改革创新、营造高校鉴定机构运行与发展的良好氛围。  相似文献   

Quantitative phase analysis (QPA) is helpful to determine the type attribute of the object because it could present the content of the constituents. QPA by Rietveld method requires neither measurement of calibration data nor the use of an internal standard; however, the approximate crystal structure of each phase in a mixture is necessary. In this study, 8 synthetic mixtures composed of potassium nitrate and sulfur were analyzed by Rietveld QPA method. The Rietveld refinement was accomplished with a material analysis using diffraction program and evaluated by three agreement indices. Results showed that Rietveld QPA yielded precise results, with errors generally less than 2.0% absolute. In addition, a criminal case which was broken successfully with the help of Rietveld QPA method was also introduced. This method will allow forensic investigators to acquire detailed information of the material evidence, which could point out the direction for case detection and court proceedings.  相似文献   

司法鉴定是人类科技发展的一个重要方面,是法律和科技的完美结合。本文从司法鉴定的构成和司法鉴定的新发展与运用等方面对司法鉴定这一科技分支进行了简略描述。  相似文献   

鉴定人是司法鉴定活动的决定性因素。鼓励专家参与法庭服务与约束专家独立、客观实施鉴定这一对矛盾需要通过制度的合理设置达到一定的平衡状态,以适合诉讼活动的开展。鉴定人的责任负担是体现对鉴定人实施鉴定活动进行约束的主要手段,也是我国进一步深化司法鉴定体制改革不可回避的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

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