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MY interest in and eventual love for China began when I was a small boy growing up on our family farm in Pennsylvania. Back in the 1930's, our farm had no electricity, no running water, no paved road. We had very little access to the "outside world," but we did have a small radio powered by a car battery. In the evenings the four of us, father, mother, my younger brother  相似文献   

Humankind tends to be interested in mysteries. Unidentified flying objects (UFO) are one such fascinating topic that has puzzled millions of people around the world. Chinese researchers and fans of UFOs are no exception.  相似文献   

Chinese luxury goods buyers buck global recession and spend with abandon While people in the developed world are cutting back on luxury items to make ends meet,the big luxuryb rands are targeting the swelling wallets of China's nouveau riche to boost sales of their jewelry,clothing,purses and other lifestyle accessories  相似文献   

It is no secret that Shanghai's drive to hold a successful World Expo in 2010 has been generously backed with human resources and money by the Central Government. But it might come as a surprise to  相似文献   

<正>It is sometimes hard for foreigners in China to express to their friends and family back home what exactly it is about their host country that keeps them so fascinated.But whether it is the endless array of jiaozi(dumplings),hot pot nights with friends or the tea traditions that instantly put you at ease,I would bet China’s food  相似文献   

I never really ate Chinese food before coming to China. That's the conclusion I reached many years ago, after my first visit to the PRC. I had long enjoyed the tasty, somewhat exotic delights of suburban Chinese restaurants in the US: limpid mo-shoo pork, the pu-pu platter, sau-téed meat in a heavy sauce with canned pineapple chunks, and of course the fortune cookie -the ubiquitous after-dinner treat which, to Chinese people, is an overseas idiosyncrasy. But this is not really Chinese food. My memories of Chinese dishes outside of China are pretty repetitive. Regardless of which item you order, it seems always to be more or less the same, plus or minus broccoli and snow peas.  相似文献   

There is an old Chinese saying, "people take food as heaven." It is an expression of people's love of food. A well prepared dish should have pleasing colour, aroma and flavour. Cooking has occupied a lofty position in Chinese culture throughout history. The great Chinese philosopher Lao Zi once said, "Governing a great nation is much like cooking a small fish."  相似文献   

吕西 《北京观察》2007,(7):20-21
在香港见到李胥委员有一种亲切感:他那北方人特有的高高大大的身材,他那一口略染粤音的普通话,都在告诉你,他也是北京人。李胥委员的成功之路很不平坦。他出生在北京,文革之初,父母遭下  相似文献   

Relaxation measures put housing control policies to the test Housing regulators in Yangzhou in east China’s Jiangsu Province announced on May 8 the beginning of an incentive policy for new home buyers. Jointly issued by local finance and housing  相似文献   

One key element in the development of regional and global food production systems is the corresponding changes in food consumption patterns. The 'modernization' of food consumption is encouraged by businesses and policy makers alike. For example, in China, change and growth in food consumption behaviors are promoted as a means for improving nutritional well-being, promoting economic growth via expanding consumer demand, and appeasing citizens. The objective of this paper is to investigate the pattern of dissemination of modern food consumption in contemporary China. It utilizes Sklair's notion of the 'culture-ideology of consumption' to differentiate between Chinese consumers according to whether their food consumption patterns are more or less modern. As a proxy for time-series analysis, household food consumption patterns are analyzed by age, household income level, food shopping behaviors and attitudes, and interest in imports and branded products, in order to determine if more modern food consumption patterns are more likely to be evidenced by one group than another. The data used in the analysis were obtained in a food consumption survey in metropolitan Qingdao, People's Republic of China. Results indicate that a modern culture-ideology of food consumption is being built around high-income consumers who sometimes shop at supermarkets, rather than through advertising or generational differences in consumption.  相似文献   

正IN 2013,Chinese President Xi Jinping recounted a story about a Chinese couple’s fondness for Tanzania in East Africa:"There was once a Chinese couple who,fascinated by images of Africa they had seen on the television,chose to go to Tanzania for their honeymoon.They were enchanted by local customs and extraordinary scenery of the wild Serengeti Plains and fell in love with the country.Back home,the young couple posted a record of their journeys on a blog,which received tens of thousands of hits and hundreds of comments.They said,‘We have fallen in love with Africa and our hearts shall never leave this wonderland."This was Li Ling’s story."I have  相似文献   

作为一个保守的东方女孩,我不理解也不能适应西方男生表示好感并希望进一步发展感情的方式。直到我看到我们之间太多的不同,错过已成定局……  相似文献   

Zhou Xin's wedding was delayed for two years because of an 8.0-magnitude earthquake that killed nearly 70,000 people in Wenchuan, southwest China's Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. Zhou was then a 25-year-old military officer serving in his hometown of Shigu in Shifang City—60 km from the epicenter—and had just registered his marriage on May 7, setting the wedding banquet for the end of the year.  相似文献   

:HONGXIUPINGisverysatisfiedwithhislifedHehadunfinder'tnndinoandsupportivewith,ahannoniousfamilyandasuccessfulcareerasthemanagerofaprivateclub,calledthePeaceClub.Heknowsthathemadetherightchoicetlveyearsago,whenhedecidedtoreturntoChinafromtheUS.HongisanativeofHangzhouinZhejiangProvince.In1989,hewasadmittedtoPurdueUniversityintheUSwithafullscholarship,wherehestudiedinternationalrelations.SpeakingfluentEnglishtoday,HongwasnotagoodstudentinhisEnglishclasswhilehewasamiddleschoolstudent."I…  相似文献   

本文结合Kenneth Burke的"拟剧法"以及Gagnon和Simon的"性脚本"理论研究中日大学生婚前性行为的文化情节.收集研究数据的方法主要采用个人访谈和焦点小组访谈.对比发现,中日大学生的性脚本存在很多相似之处,但是在女性"贞操"这一话题上存在很大分歧.文章最后通过分析制度变革与文化政治解析中国性脚本的发展以及中日性脚本的差异.  相似文献   

受网络世界虚拟性、隐蔽性、任意性等特征的影响,在网络伦理不完善、法治不健全、管理不到位的情况下,虚拟社会极易产生非理性行为甚至违法犯罪,危害网络安全和社会稳定。通过对虚拟社会安全危机的原因分析.提出了运用社区警务理念强化虚拟社会管控的主要对策:确立虚拟社会管控的新理念,加强虚拟社会管控基础工作和平台建设,充实网警力量,建立网警大协作机制和虚拟社区警务建设等。  相似文献   

An ancient Chinese love story, popular for over 300 years, experiences a theatrical revival I t is about a love story between a poet and a courtesan in the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It emanates from a true story written by a playwright in 1699. It has been handed down from  相似文献   

沈从文自称“乡下人”,实则采取了与正统儒家传统和现代都市文化不同的文化边缘取向,即开掘具有深厚楚苗文化传统的湘西文化资源,这一取向在其婚恋、性爱题材作品中尤为突山。值得注意的是,这类题材作品显现出湘西不同文化的矛盾和冲突。作家凭借湘西文化对儒家文化土壤上滋生的国民劣根性和现代化进程中的道德人性沦丧进行着双重批判。  相似文献   

电子政务对行政决策的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子政务中信息技术的应用对行政决策的影响是围绕着提高行政决策的有效性和行政决策的效率展开的。电子政务有助于建立适当的行政决策控制幅度;有助于提高政府的反应力与社会回应力;有助于公众对行政决策的参与;有助于提高政府的决策理性和公共政策的品质。  相似文献   

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