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There is a story behind every tiny detail of the Pass By Bar:the antique wooden plaques,the sunlit courtyard,the bookshelf-lined wall filled with volumes of the Lonely Planet series,and the photos its owner has taken on his travels.  相似文献   

基于2005年初在皖、鄂、湘、川、赣五省所展开的调查,本文借助相关分析、因子分析、多元回归分析等方法,探讨了农民外出流动对农村家庭消费观念的影响。分析发现:这种经历有助于推动农村家庭消费观念的现代化。而且,不同的流动经历所产生的这种影响又有一定程度的差异。此外,"流动"这一单一因素对农村家庭消费观念现代化转变的影响也是有限的,要完全实现这种转变还取决于其他多种因素。  相似文献   

杨扬 《探索与争鸣》2006,(11):14-15
当代中国,文化市场对作家创作的影响已是不争的事实。然而,学界和民间对此却存在着不同的观点。一方面,大众惯于把文学艺术当成奇观,把文化消费当成娱乐;另一方面,一批学者又大声疾呼文学的失落,纷纷为当代文学把脉。市场/消费是否必然给中国文学的发展带来桎梏?中国当代文学是否真的走进了精神窄门?如果不是桎梏,那么文化市场的催化带来了哪些新文学的景观?文学写作者、批评家如何在这样的背景下重新调整思路?鉴于这些话题日益受到人们的重视,我们推出4位学者的文章,他们分别从不同的角度进行思考。同时,我们希望更多的学者能参与其中,发表看法。--主持人:叶祝弟  相似文献   

Home Smart Home   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>Is intelligent technology really ready for our homes?Huang Xingwen,a 60-year-old Beijing resident, finally agreed to buy a floorsweeping robot after weeks of persistent persuasion by her daughter."My daughter said that the intelligent machine could go under the bed,clean every corner in the house,and we wouldn’t even need to charge it as it can automatically find where the outlet is and charge itself," Huang  相似文献   

Home Swish Home     
LIN Chi-Jung likes to tell a comely story he once got from a veteran devel- oper. “He said that he felt so touched when seeing houses with their light lit up at night, it touched his heart to know that there are so many families living happily in those houses that he built.” Now the chairman of Sunrise Real Estate, Lin says see- ing “laughter and happiness” in family hearth is the reason he’s in business. It helps that Sunrise makes plenty of money doing so. Headquartered at hold- ing…  相似文献   

Procter&amp; Gamble outbid China‘s biggest advertisers to become the first non-Chinese company to win the title ‘King Bidder‘ biggest spender - at the annual CCTV primetime adspace auction in Beijing.  相似文献   

狱政管理部门在组织劳改人员从事外役劳动的过程中,必须从稳定压倒一切的大局出发,避免出现由于重经济效益而忽视监督改造安全的偏差。做好劳改人员外役劳动现场的防逃工作,是对狱政管理人员和狱政管理工作的一个重要考验,既关系到监狱的社会经济效益,也关系到监狱监督改造安全工作的质量。  相似文献   

Home, Sweet Home     
THE Englishman’s home is his castle, or so they say. It’s a safe haven, a place where strangers may enter only if invited. It’s a private place where each of us can have a different persona from the one that we portray in our hours at work. Instead of being smart, cultured, controlled, authoritative, we are allowed to be untidy and lazy.  相似文献   

<正>"Reflect on yester-day,grasp todayand move towardtomorrow."Theseare words that Liu Pinglin,judicialadministrator of Banjing Township,Rugao City,Jiangsu Province,hasalways shared with people in hiscommunity correction program.Overthe past eight years,Liu has usedhis sincere feeling and love to help147 offenders complete their correc-tion programs on schedule.On NewYear’s Day in 2014,I saw 16 silkbanners hung on the wall of Liu’soffice,which were gifts from peoplewho had completed their correctionterms.Liu,54,has received 23 honors,including 10 Safety Guardians ofNantong City,Prestigious Police  相似文献   

当人们提及中国职业教育的话题,都会联想起中国职业教育先驱黄炎培先生,他将职业教育的宗旨诠释为:“为个人服务社会之准备”“、为世界国家增进生产力之准备”、“为个人谋生之准备”,其具体目的在于“使无业者有业,使有业者乐业。”2005年11月28日至12月4日,民建北京市委组织  相似文献   

受托人秘密窃取封缄委托物内物品的行为究竟应认定为侵占罪还是盗窃罪?目前,学术界在这一问题上有区别说、修正区别说和非区别说等。从法理上讲,对某一行为性质的认定,应当结合行为人在行为时的主观心理状态,以及行为的手段、行为对象的特殊性等主客观因素进行全面考查,而不能局限于行为的表面现象或某一方面。从这个角度看,当行为人不法占有封缄物内物品时,应当认定为盗窃罪而不是侵占罪。  相似文献   

Agroup of independent houses in a beautiful compound stands out from regular apartment buildings in Huangcun Town,Daxing District in Beijing's southern suburb.Rather than villas housing the rich,these buildings are home to orphans and needy children in the SOS Children's Village in Beijing.  相似文献   

Coming Home     
Xie Zhonggao,head of the Beijing office for AsiaVest Partners,had lived in the United States for 16 years before settling down in Beijing in 2004. Xie had felt like"going home."In the U.S.he was"amazed by the wide open market for Chinese consumer concepts,"and sensing an opportunity, he returned to China to invest in manufacturing and consumer product enterprises.Here he talks with Chinese Venture:about AsiaVest's business focus and vision as well as about the venture capital market in China as a whole.  相似文献   

Defending Home     
Television audiences around the country were shocked on November 21,2009, when national broadcaster China Central Television showed clips of two families violently fighting lawenforcement officials who were evicting them from their homes.The first incident being broadcast happened in June 2008, when Pan Rong and her husband stood on the roof of their four-story house to confront a demolition crew that consisted of police officers, firefighters and a bulldozer. Their family home stood in the way of a Shanghai Hongqiao Airport expansion project. Pan shouted into a loudspeaker,If you don't have a court verdict, you are violating our property rights.  相似文献   

董玥 《北京观察》2007,(12):48-49
11月11日,农工党北京市委与台盟北京市委共同举办在京就读北京中医药大学的台湾学生与北京的老中医联谊座谈会。农工党北京市  相似文献   

Home Alone     
正China will keep a close watch on officials whose spouses and children emigrate abroad to prevent corruption A mong the new additions to Chinese mainland residents' vocabulary  相似文献   

Doctorsat Home     
正Family physician coverage spreads nationwide Liu Wei, a doctor from Gumei Community Health Service Center in Shanghai, named himself "Mr. Runner" in a WeC hat group he set up for the community residents who have contracted him as their family doctor."The name means anytime they need me, I wil run to help," Liu said. The 100-plus patients  相似文献   

2000年2月美国国会众议院通过了《台湾安全加强法案》,试图突破《与台湾关系法》以及中美三个公报的限制,重新规定美台军事交流、美国对台军售等领域的政策,虽然该法案最终未能成为美国正式立法,但是通过对近年来美台军事交流实践的考察,该法案尽管在表面上看来没有正式生效,但其实质内容却在某种程度上已经得到美国行政部门的积极实施,甚至有过之而无不及,从而导致美台军事关系得到了大幅度的实质性提升。  相似文献   

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