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This concluding article summarises the case study findings comprising the Special Issue on ‘Advising Australian Federal Governments: Assessing the Evolving Capacity and Role of the Australian Public Service’, identifies and discusses cross‐cutting issues, and considers strategic implications for future practice and research. It reviews key findings from six case studies – Treasury, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Intergovernmental Relations, Housing, the BER Stimulus program, and Defence – and assesses the policy advising capacity of the Australian Public Service, with a focus on the policy‐political interface between governments and officials. Putting recent experience in historical context, it considers the performance of the Commonwealth's policy advisory system, the impact of prime ministers and centralisation, the link between advising and analytic capacities, the system's resilience and readiness, whether recent dissatisfaction over APS advising reflect lack of capacity or a culture clash, and the responsibility for ensuring high‐quality policy advice. It recommends developing a more systematic approach to assessing policy advising capability, building on recent APS reforms.  相似文献   

21世纪公共管理的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王瑞华 《行政论坛》2001,3(4):12-13
公共管理问题是公共组织尤其是政府组织主导社会事务和社会发展的前沿问题,也是人类社会自从出现利益分化和阶级分化以来的重大现实问题.如今,人类社会的航船已经行进到21世纪,在时代发展的新起点上仍在持续着全球化的人类社会的结构转型,而主导社会变化和发展的公共管理也正在发生着新的变化.这些变化和发展趋势可以概括为边缘化、国际化、创新化、公共政策化、知识管理化和可持续发展化.  相似文献   

许淑萍 《行政论坛》2002,6(3):11-13
二十世纪中国行政学得到了长足的发展。进入二十一世纪的中国行政学无论是在研究内容、研究方法、理论体系等方面都将进一步创新。行政学的研究内容将向着”行政与政治相融合”的方向发展;行政学的研究方法将趋向实证研究、动态研究;行政学的学科基础将更加宽泛。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Donald F. Kettl, The Transformation of Governance: Public Administration for the Twenty-First Century America
Lester M. Salamon (ed.), The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New Governance
H. George Frederickson and Kevin B. Smith, The Public Administration Theory Primer  相似文献   

进入二十一世纪以来,中俄高层互访不断,两国间协作日益密切,经贸合作逐步扩大,确立了一种新型的国际外交模式,两国关系处于历史上的最好时期。但通过深层透视可以看出,中俄外交也存在一些值得注意的问题。展望未来,机遇和挑战并存。为此,要在中俄两国人民的共同努力下,不断深化政治互信,规范贸易秩序,完善贸易服务体系,调整贸易结构;广泛开展两国的文化交流,促进民间往来,使中俄战略协作伙伴关系健康持续地向前发展。  相似文献   

The literature on government responsiveness to societal issues is extensive but provides a mixed assessment of effectiveness. We examine this issue in the case of policy addressing effective and safe management of research and development in the emerging field of nanotechnology. Specifically, we examine the agenda setting effects of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (the Act), a piece of legislation designed to be implemented by a network of actors in the nanotechnology research and development policy subsystem. We adopt a public values lens in our examination of discourse related to societal concerns. Policy documents from Congress, an agency, and federal funding recipients are examined. Findings suggest a narrowing of public values discourse around more specific societal concerns in the documents crafted after the Act was passed.  相似文献   

21世纪马克思主义的发展蕴含了特定的时代逻辑、实践逻辑、理论逻辑和价值逻辑。21世纪马克思主义积极应对世界百年未有之大变局,着眼于中华民族伟大复兴战略全局,在统筹国际国内两个大局中推动中华民族伟大复兴,促进人类共同进步。21世纪马克思主义直面时代发展的现实问题和实践需要,剖析困扰当今国际社会的和平赤字、发展赤字、治理赤字、文明赤字、制度霸权等问题,在探索新时代中国特色社会主义道路的实践中焕发出强大生机活力。21世纪马克思主义的主要理论形态是当代中国马克思主义,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为标志性成果,其他世界马克思主义思潮也对其作出了有益探索。21世纪马克思主义致力于化解当下各种矛盾分歧,凝聚人类价值共识,为世界和平、发展、治理、文明和制度提供方案,构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   

21世纪警察素质是知识、能力和敬业三个层次的综合体.其中知识是警察素质的基础,能力是表现形式,而敬业精神在知识向能力转化的过程中和能力在实际工作的运用中起主导作用.因此在提高警察素质的过程中,既要重视知识的积累,更要重视知识向能力的转化,不能把知识的掌握作为提高素质的唯一途径.  相似文献   

In 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed taking a more active role in the regulation of laboratory‐developed tests (LDTs). Meanwhile, the U.S. House of Representatives embarked upon the 21st Century Cures initiative to develop legislation to expedite the development of new biotechnology innovations. During that initiative and in the public comments responding to the draft guidance, there was significant disagreement as to whether the increased FDA regulation of LDTs was beneficial or detrimental to biotechnology. Both the FDA guidance document and the 21st Century Cures Act came about due to the opening of a window of opportunity created by the convergence of circumstances. The question is whether the windows of opportunity are competing and how to resolve this competition. This study will investigate these questions through a qualitative case study. It will also provide recommendations for resolving policy disputes involving wicked problems like biotechnology policy.  相似文献   

Militarization and Policing--Its Relevance to 21st Century Police   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kraska  Peter B. 《Policing》2007,1(4):501-513

This paper comes in two parts. Part I begins with an examination of the relationship between Marx’s characterization of the centrality of commodity production to capitalism as a system, its destructive results on Nature, and the global scale of the climate crisis confronting the 21st century. It then moves on to critically examine three models of political economy (Hayekism, Keynesianism and State Socialism). Part II takes the argument forward by critically examining a fourth model, Green Keynesianism, currently being manufactured in response to the crisis of climate change, in order to show the inability of all four models to resolve the existential threat posed to humanity in the 21st century and beyond. We then proceed to posit, as a thought experiment, a fifth model of political economy, Green Socialism, as something now needed in the 21st century and discuss the important building blocks of the future evolution of a coherent system. The paper concludes with a brief mention of both the ends and means that need deliberation if Green Socialism is to be realized.  相似文献   

21世纪的俄罗斯马克思主义哲学研究,因其价值导向多元化而面临边缘化、重新关注、重新反思的三重境遇。"边缘化"即在获得自由开放的新研究空间中,加深了对它的质疑、批判和解构。"重新关注"即重新探讨它的价值、前途、命运等问题,以马克思主义及其哲学为主题的学术会议增多、出版物增长、高校继续讲授马克思主义哲学、研究机构增加。"重新反思",包括反思深化,即在将反思与苏联和俄罗斯的社会现实、历史传统、思维模式相结合中,分析和评价马克思主义哲学;反思拓展,主要有对修正主义的评价、对十月革命的再认识、对苏联解体的深度分析、对社会主义理论与实践的思考。  相似文献   

21世纪西欧国家养老金改革述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨娟 《公共管理学报》2009,6(4):105-111
近些年来,西欧各国纷纷进行养老金改革以缓解人口老龄化所可能带来的公共养老金体系的可持续性危机。中国与西欧国家在人口老龄化趋势上面临着类似的压力,本文从老龄经济的视角,以德国、法国、英国三个拥有不同模式养老金体系的国家为研究对象,详细介绍上述三国新世纪养老金体系改革的具体措施,分析改革的共同趋势;并展望中国未来养老金体系的发展方向,认为,以税收优惠和灵活制度安排鼓励第二和第三养老保障支柱的发展是德法英三国改革的共同趋势,也是中国未来养老金体系发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

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