Delisting and deregistration in the USDelisting and deregistration in EU   Deregistration of equity securitiesDeregistration of debt securitiesRules for counting shareholders        相似文献   

The pan-European retail market are we there yet?     
Burn  Lachlan; Wells  Boyan 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2007,2(3):263-280
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • When the EU Prospectus Directive was introduced inlate 2003, there was great optimism that it would finally leadto the long awaited pan-EEA retail capital market.
  • This articleasks whether the Directive has achieved this result and looks,in particular, at the disclosure regime relating to the admissionof debt securities to EEA-regulated markets and the public offeringof such securities in the EEA.
  • A number of impediments to thecross-border retail market, that are completely separate fromdisclosure, are examined.
  • In conclusion, the article discusseswhether, in fact, expectations for the Prospectus Directivein this area were set too high and could never be met and looksat what more needs to be done in order to achieve the goal ofa single retail debt market in the EEA.
  The EU Prospectus Directive1 (the ‘PD’) was introducedin late 2003 amid a flurry of optimism and . . . [Full Text of this Article]       (a) Use of programmes(b) Derogation         Unfair contractsFinancial promotionAdvertising regime    相似文献   

Complex financial histories--a problem solved?     
Desmond  Kevin 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2007,2(1):79-87
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • Recognizing the importance of ensuring that the financialhistory presented in a prospectus appropriately reflects thesubstance of an issuer's operations, the European Commissionhas brought forward an amendment to the Prospectus Directiveimplementing Regulation (809/2004) which will take effect fromJanuary 2007. The new law defines two new terms, namely a ‘complexfinancial history’ and a ‘significant financialcommitment’, which if applicable will require an issuerto consider including additional historical financial informationto that of its own.
  • Following the Committee of European SecuritiesRegulators' advice on this subject, as well as the views ofmarket participants, the new law does not prescribe the financialreporting solutions to be followed. Rather, it sets out theprinciples to be applied and then allows competent authoritiesflexibility to accommodate solutions that reflect the particularcircumstances of an issuer. Notably, the competent authoritiesare required to take into account the . . . [Full Text of this Article]

Legal clarity and regulatory discretion exploring the law and economics of insider trading in derivatives markets     
Brown-Hruska  Sharon; Zwirb  Robert S. 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2007,2(3):245-259
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • Unspecified boundaries in the commodities, derivatives,and securities law have not only increased the discretion ofindividual regulatory authorities, but have also resulted inexpanded and often overlapping assertions of jurisdiction bythe Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity FuturesTrading Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,and other authorities.
  • The Securities and Exchange Commissionhas recently sought to expand its jurisdiction into the derivativesmarkets to seek registration of hedge funds and other usersof derivatives and commodity futures as investment advisors,and to seek to apply its insider trading laws broadly to thevarious assets traded by funds.
  • Financial institutions, intermediaries,and end users are increasingly being asked to demonstrate theeconomic or business purpose of their financial transactionsand their trading practices to ensure their legitimacy and avoidregulatory scrutiny.
  • Compliance and litigation costs have predictablyrisen in this environment, in part due to the . . . [Full Text of this Article]
            If you build it, they will come       The burden is on market participants  相似文献   

Disclosure in the EEA securities markets--making sense of the puzzle     
Burn  Lachlan 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2008,3(2):139-153
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • This article looks at the various elements of thedisclosure regimes for issuers that are admitted to EEA-regulatedmarkets, including the initial requirement for the productionof a prospectus on admission and on-going requirements to discloseprice sensitive information as it arises and to make regularreports to the market.
  • After a brief analysis of some of thesimilarities and differences between the various regimes, thearticle makes an attempt to reconcile the differences by lookingat each regime in the context of the others and viewing themas a continuum.
  • Finally, remaining problems concerning multi-jurisdictionliability for disclosure in the EEA and potential liabilityfor forward-looking disclosure are discussed.
  With a sly dig at the abusive market practices of his time,Oscar Wilde wrote that ‘private information is practicallythe source of every large modern fortune’.1 For some,it still is, despite the efforts of legislators and . . . [Full Text of this Article]     PurposeRetrospective disclosureDisclosure of future events   Improving the quality of disclosureAvoidance of time-wastingAvoidance of vexatious litigation   Sensible liability regimeSensible interpretation   Multi-jurisdiction liabilityForward-looking disclosure—foresight, hindsight and second sight    相似文献   

Lessons from Cukurova     
Benjamin  Joanna; Maher  Felicity 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2008,3(2):126-138
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • The recent decision of the High Court of the BritishVirgin Islands in Alfa v Cukurova has caused a stir among lawyersserving the international financial markets based in London.
  • Thedecision concerns the meaning of ‘appropriation’.Appropriation is a new remedy for collateral takers introducedby the Financial Collateral Arrangements (No. 2) Regulations2003, which implement the Financial Collateral Directive.
  • Thedecision holds that effective appropriation requires the collateraltaker to take over from the collateral giver the ability todeal with the collateral as its own.
  • In Cukurova, where anequitable mortgage was taken over directly held shares, thisrequired that the collateral taker become the registered ownerof the shares.
  • The decision was appealed to the BVI Court ofAppeal in late January 2008 and may go further. In the meantime,this article provides an overview of the decision and considersits wider significance.
  . . . [Full Text of this Article]   The factsThe decisionThe ratioAppeals     Nature of security interestContrast title transfer collateral arrangementsMeaning of appropriationThe issue in the case          相似文献   

The evolution of regulatory enforcement action in the UK capital markets: a case of 'less is more'?     
MacNeil  Iain 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2007,2(4):345-369
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • Formal enforcement action is a relatively rare occurrencewithin the UK capital markets regulatory framework. This characteristicdistinguishes the UK from the US, where there is a more intensefocus on enforcement, both public and private.
  • Several featuresof the UK regulatory system contribute towards a low incidenceof enforcement. Some of these features are embedded in the statutoryframework, but the FSA has played a key role in the developmentof enforcement policy, while the continuing presence of self-regulationin the form of the Combined Code has also played a part.
  • Thefocus on risk-based regulation in the UK has been a major influencefor enforcement policy. The move to more principles-based regulationhas also been a factor but one that is more difficult to interpret.If it is correct to assume that principles-based regulationdoes not affect the intensity of regulation, then the effecton the . . . [Full Text of this Article]
      The move towards more principles-based regulationThe enforcement implications of principles-based regulation       Public enforcementPrivate enforcement   Sanctions: the statutory optionsSettlements: process and incentivesProcedural complications      相似文献   

Emissions trading in the European Union     
Roberts  Rhian; Staples  Chris 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2008,3(1):5-17
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • The EU ETS will undergo a number of changes consequentupon the commencement of the first Kyoto Commitment Period on1 January 2008.
  • This article considers the existing EU ETSframework and also the key developments that are anticipatedin the European emissions market for 2008–2012.
  • A secondarymarket for trading EUAs has already developed and this market,together with the standard-form documentation used, is discussed.
  • Inconclusion, the article questions the future of emissions tradingin Europe—particularly after the current Kyoto targetsexpire in 2012.
  European businesses entered a carbon-constrained economic environmenton 1 January 2005. For some, the impacts were immediate anddirect in the form of caps on their emissions. The majorityfelt it indirectly and more slowly through increased energycosts as the perceived cost of compliance was passed on by generators.The full impacts are not yet clear, but a quiet revolution is. . . [Full Text of this Article]
                  CDM projectsJI projects                      相似文献   

Only connect--the importance of considering disclosure requirements in the light of their legal consequences     
Burn  Lachlan 《Capital Markets Law Journal》2007,2(1):41-54
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • This article explains why the recent TransparencyDirective led to an unintended change in law in the United Kingdomrelating to liability for annual and other reports by listedcompanies. The change was the result of a misunderstanding ofthe fact that the expressed or implied purpose of disclosurecan act as a trigger for liability in negligence. The articleargues that new disclosure requirements should always be reviewedin the light of the liability that will be imposed on thoseresponsible for the disclosure, so that costs and benefits canbe correctly balanced and prompt, reliable and relevant disclosurewill be encouraged.
  • The new liability regime for reports inthe United Kingdom is considered and it is argued that the regimeshould logically be extended beyond company reports to the fullrange of disclosures required of companies that are admittedto regulated markets.
  • The article concludes by . . . [Full Text of this Article]
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The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • While the passage of Sarbanes–Oxley in the USwas just one of the many causes for the lack of competitivenessof the US capital markets recently, it served to focus the attentionof foreign private issuers in the US on the difficulty and sometimesimpossibility of exiting the US capital markets.
  • Unlike manyother jurisdictions, the process of deregistering in the USis distinct from process of delisting. The current rules forderegistration of foreign private issuers focus on the numberof US shareholders, regardless of how or where those shareholderspurchased their shares. In addition, foreign private issuers,were subject to complicated rules for counting US shareholders,and deregistration often would only suspend (not terminate)their reporting obligations.
  • As a result of pressure from foreignprivate issuers, the SEC proposed new rules at the end of 2005to liberalize the existing deregistration regime for foreignprivate issuers. . . . [Full Text of this Article]
   1. Introduction    2. Importance of liberalizing the US deregistration rules    3. US and EU perspectives on deregistration    4. SEC's first proposal to amend the deregistration rules    5. Response to the first deregistration proposal    6. The Second Deregistration Proposal and The Final Deregistration Adoption    7. Conclusion    1. Introduction    2. The Prospectus Directive    3. Different implementation across the EEA    4. Mismatch between law and market practice—Retail cascades    5. Liability    6. Final terms or supplements?    7. Passporting    8. Impact of other laws    9. Conclusion    1. Introduction    2. What is meant by a complex financial history?    3. A significant financial commitment    4. The test of significance    5. Deciding what to disclose    6. By way of illustration    7. Interaction with domestic requirements    8. When is a year not a year?    9. What issuers need to do?    1. Introduction    2. Law and economics context    3. Hedge fund regulation    4. Concerns about insider trading    5. The importance of cost benefit in regulation    6. Insider trading undefined    7. Differences between derivative assets and securities    8. Uncertainty should be resolved in the markets, not in litigation    9. ETFs and structured products are also blurring the regulatory boundaries    1. Introduction    2. The pieces    3. Some analysis    4. Why does it matter?    5. Resolving the problem    6. Remaining problems    7. Conclusion    1. Introduction    2. Overview of the case    3. Significance of the case    4. Nature of appropriation    5. Indirectly held securities    6. The Financial Collateral Directive regime    7. Interpretation of UK provisions implementing EU legislation    8. Doctrine versus pragmatism    1. Introduction    2. Risk-based regulation    3. Principles-based regulation    4. Self-regulation and market discipline    5. The allocation of responsibility for regulatory contraventions    6. Public and private enforcement    7. Settlement and sanctions    8. Synthesis and speculation    9. Conclusions    1. Sector coverage    2. Allocation    3. Treatment of new entrants    4. Installation closure    5. Auctioning    6. Trading    7. The Kyoto Protocol    8. Linking to the Kyoto Mechanisms    9. Buying from clean development and joint implementation projects    10. The primary market    11. The secondary market    12. Existing documentation for trading EUAs    13. Deliverability issues for Kyoto Credits    14. Eligibility requirements for emissions trading    15. The International Transaction Log    16. Commitment period reserves    17. The impact on secondary trading documentation    18. The voluntary market for CERs    19. The future for emissions trading    1. Introduction    2. Reports under the Transparency Obligations Directive    3. Liability for disclosure under English law    4. What went wrong?    5. Making the logical connections    6. Achieving the right threshold for liability    7. The importance of consistency in liability for market disclosures