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索马里海盗并非恐怖主义,船东支付海盗赎金解救被劫船货不应被认定为非法。在索马里海盗劫持船货期间,船舶和货物面临共同的真实危险。在公权力救助没有取得效果的情形下,支付赎金是解救船货的合理措施。赎金是船东应尽的法定义务之外的损失,是船东为船货利益作出的自我牺牲,符合共同海损的构成要件。基于保护和平衡船货双方利益的宗旨,应将索马里海盗赎金认定为共同海损,并由船货双方予以分摊。  相似文献   

海商法视角内的海盗强索赎金问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海盗劫持船舶已成为威胁国际航运安全的重要因素,大多数海盗劫持船舶事件最终都以向海盗缴纳赎金的方式解决。虽然海盗行为属于国际刑法的研究范畴,但海盗索取赎金的后果关乎船货双方的风险和损失分担问题,因此,有必要在海商法的视角内对此加以研究。根据海盗索取赎金时所指向的对象,赎金分为船货赎金、船员赎金和乘客赎金三类,应通过赎金的性质确定风险的最终承担者。  相似文献   

蒋圣力 《法制与社会》2013,(7):275-276,279
针对近年来海盗劫持船舶现象对国际航运安全所造成的严重威胁,由船东支付赎金换取船货获释成为了当前为应对海盗行为、保障船货安全所采取的最不得已但同时也是最行之有效的通行措施。由于支付赎金是船东在其应尽的法定义务之外所遭受的损失,因此基于对船东利益的保护,由船货双方分摊海盗赎金成为了航运实务发展的趋势;而船货双方分摊海盗赎金的理论依据则在于海盗赎金的法律性质应当被定性为共同海损。  相似文献   

从海盗赎金的双重性质看船东与货主的博弈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
船东遭受的索马里海盗赎金损失,同时符合海难救助和共同海损的构成要件。从船东单方利益看,船东支付赎金的行为是海难救助,但此主张无法使船东从海难救助制度中获益。若主张共同海损,船东可从船舶保险中获赔,获得共同海损的多种担保方式,对无法从货主处实现的共同海损分摊可从船东保赔协会获得补偿,甚至船货同属一人时,该主张亦成立,这符合船东的利益;从船货利益的一致性看,这符合船东与货主的共同利益;从行业特征来看,作为海上运输的参与者和受益者,货主与船东一起分担海上风险,这符合海运业发展的客观要求。共同海损的主张是船货双方利益博弈的结果,体现了海商法为平衡船货利益和维护海运业发展在这背后所进行的调整。  相似文献   

海盗已是国际上公认的威胁海上货物运输的一种危害。世界闻名的索马里海盗被中国船舶击退一事令世界各航运公司为之振奋。可是,欢呼的同时,我们不得不冷静地思考,并不是所有的船舶都能幸免于难。当被海盗攻击劫持后,一般只能采取两种措施:1.投保了海盗险,向保险公司索赔。2.交付海盗赎金。本文将以保险公司赔付海盗赎金的假想为题来阐述第二种措施中当事人的救济手段。  相似文献   

索马里海盗,是一群专门在海上抢劫其他国船只的犯罪者。1991年索马里内战的爆发,令亚丁湾这一带海盗活动更趋频繁,曾多次发生劫持,暴力伤害船员事件。面对日益猖獗的海盗行为,需要国际社会积极予以重视和打击。本文试从国际法角度分析打击索马里海盗和挽救损失的法律性质。  相似文献   

苏伊士运河、亚丁湾和北印度洋构成了世界航运的主要水道之一。据称,每年利用该水道通行的商船超过20 000艘。但是,索马里海岸和亚丁湾也因其频繁出没的海盗以及海盗在劫持船舶和人质后获取高额赎金而声名狼藉。如此猖獗的海盗袭击无疑给国际航运市场带来了巨大的冲击,特别是对租约履行以及海上保险的承保和理赔等产生严重影响。从法律和实务的角度就海盗对租约履行的影响加以研究,特别是对船东在租约项下拒绝船舶穿越亚丁湾的权利、穿越海盗频繁出没海域与额外费用分担、船舶在海盗劫持情况下的停租及租约解除等问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

从最近几年英国的判例来看 ,法官和仲裁员的独立性和公正性已引起人们充分的关注。本文分别分析了法官独立、公正行事的责任与仲裁领域的独立性和公正性。通过讨论大量的案例 ,说明过去几年仲裁领域出现的一些新发展 ,并且总结了一些有益经验。  相似文献   

针对英国法下裁决书的时效问题.通过对近期Cood Challeng-er案例的详细探讨,得出目前在英国法下可以通过一些方法使裁决书时效不断延长的最新结论;针对裁决书的执行问题,通过对近期两个贵族院案例的分析,得出英国法院无权命令伦敦银行的海外账户将款项支付给裁决的胜诉方的结论.  相似文献   

针对英国法下裁决书的时效问题,通过对近期GoodChal-lenger案例的详细探讨,得出目前在英国法下可以通过一些方法使裁决书时效不断延长的最新结论;针对裁决书的执行问题,通过对近期两个贵族院案例的分析,得出英国法院无权命令伦敦银行的海外账户将款项支付给裁决的胜诉方的结论。  相似文献   

Together with the increase in the number of public‐private contracts, recent years have seen a marked proliferation in public‐private arbitrations. This article explores the public interest implications which may arise in such arbitrations and examines how public‐private arbitration is treated under English law. We argue that, due to the lack of a developed administrative law sphere in England and the historical development of arbitration as an exclusively private mode of dispute resolution, the current legal framework of arbitration in England has developed around the private law paradigm of a commercial dispute involving private actors. This private law paradigm results in a conceptual and legal void in respect of how public interest is accounted for, and protected, in arbitrations involving public bodies under English law. Therefore, we suggest that English arbitration law needs to be amended to adequately protect the private interest in public‐private arbitration.  相似文献   

由于人类片面追求经济增长的发展模式,人类社会逐步陷入了发展的困境——生态环境恶化。摆脱发展困境的唯一选择只有走可持续发展道路。可持续发展战略的贯彻与实施必须有公共政策作保障,因为公共政策与可持续发展具有科学性与价值性的统一。只有加强与完善公共政策的制定与实施,才能促进人类社会的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   


The impact agenda in academic research affords rich opportunities – to inform the media, policymakers and the general public; to co-produce research with third sector organisations. In the context of Brexit, the prevailing ignorance of politicians and other stakeholders has been so profound, and the falsehoods that have had popular purchase so baseless, as to make the need for impact and public engagement all the more acute. This is not simply about fact-checking, but about making the case for the very worth of expertise, and reasserting the basic, core scientific values that drive academic work – values that have been trashed by the precepts of a postmodern nihilism, in which all positions are equally (in)valid and only your own gut can be trusted. But challenging these precepts in public arenas has personal and professional costs: significant workload implications, the acquisition of new skills and often a torrent of abuse. As such, this work needs institutional support. Departments need to value it appropriately, to promote equal access to impact opportunities and to confront the discriminatory barriers to (and consequences of) taking up the impact gauntlet. Throughout the Brexit process, expertise and experts have been dismissed and denigrated. The task now is to restore public faith in the value of the pursuit of truth.  相似文献   

Indonesia has a long experience in developing and reforming its labour law in order to response and accommodate fundamental human rights defined within International Labour Organization (ILO) core conventions. It was in particular for enhancing substance of workers' prosperity in industrial relationships in the country. For the purpose of changing paradigm in industrial relationships namely the corporatist model or regulatory model into the contractual model and replacing the single union system with multi-union system in term of labor institution and worker association (particularly based on the ILO Convention No. 87 and No. 98), the government of Indonesia fairly enacted the Act No. 21 of 2000 regarding Trade Unions and the Act No. 13 of 2003 regarding Labor.  相似文献   

详述了英国及香港法院在处理提单中外国管辖权条款,特别当原告在提单列明的管辖地之外起诉时所适用法律原则及司法实践。总的原则是法院对于管辖权异议的申请有裁量权,且通常情况下法院要允许中止诉讼的申请,除非有强有力的证据证明管辖权异议不应被支持,而该举证责任由原告承担。重点探讨了法院通常要考虑的各种因素,也简述了英国及香港法院如何处理提单中仲裁条款,在这种情况下法院没有裁量权而只能允许中止诉讼的申请。  相似文献   

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