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中西法律式样的不同根源于国家与社会关系的不同模式 :西方的社会主导模式与我国的国家主导模式。西方的社会主导模式造就了西方的法律是社会的法律 ,是社会控制国家的工具 ;我国的国家主导模式导致了我国的法律是国家的法律 ,是国家控制社会的工具。这一不同的首要制度表现就是西方的法院是社会的法院 ,是权利的保护机构 ;而我国的法院则是国家的法院 ,是推行权力的机器。它的另一表现是作为社会权利的代表者参与法律程序的律师制度的有无。它在思想上的表现便是西方的法学是社会的、反思的法学 ,而我国的法学是国家的、注解的法学。  相似文献   

李琦 《法学研究》2002,(5):24-41
法的确定性由法的外在确定性和内在确定性构成。法的外在确定性指法为人类提供秩序化的、有序性的社会生活。法的外在确定性是法的功能所在 ,是法的首要价值。这是由资源稀缺这一事实所决定的。法的内在确定性指法自身的确定性 ,包括法作为社会规范以明确性、普遍性和强制性为特征 ,以及法以行为为对象。法的内在确定性是法的外在确定性得以实现的前提。法的确定性的相对性在法的外在确定性和法的内在确定性两个方面都存在着。这是由人的需要的某种不确定性、客观世界的确定性和不确定性的并存、法实现确定性的能力的有限所决定的。法的确定性问题同时涉及了关于法律的三个元问题。  相似文献   

广义的诠释论与统一的心理学   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
广义诠释论认为实证研究实际上也是一种诠释 ,它是包含了实证研究的诠释论。统一的心理学应当包括三个层次的研究模式 :传统的、狭义的诠释研究着重个案的、质化的分析 ,其目的是达到对具体的、个人的、临时的对话事件的理解 ;实证的诠释研究重在抽象、定量分析 ,以求作出具有普遍意义的推论和预测 ;广义的诠释研究综合以上两种研究策略 ,即对同一心理现象同时采取个案的、质化的和抽样的、量化的研究策略 ,既要具体的、个人的现象的丰富性和生动性 ,又要科学的抽象、量化、推论与预测 ,既要避免个案研究的局限 ,又要防止实证的抽象推论造成的对人类经验的割裂和肢解  相似文献   

孙秀云 《行政与法》2004,3(7):12-14
人的全面发展是社会主义的本质要求.人的全面发展是指每个人的一切潜能的最充分、最自由、最全面的发展和个性的充分自由发展.具体包括人的能力的全面发展;人的需要的全面发展;人的社会关系的丰富和发展;人的自由个性的充分发展.马克思的"人的全面发展"的涵义是理论与现实的统一、绝对和相对的统一.江泽民同志"七一"讲话提出的促进人的全面发展的重要观点,使"人的全面发展"理论具有了新的时代内涵,把人的全面发展思想提到一个新的境界.  相似文献   

市场经济与“物的依赖”的生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类社会从人的依赖关系发展到物的依赖关系,是市场经济发展的自然结果。市场经济状态下物的依赖关系主要表现为人对商品的依赖、人对货币的依赖、人的劳动对资本的依赖、人的劳动对机器的依赖。这种物的依赖关系的实质仍然是人和人之间的社会生产关系,它为人的发展提供了较大的空间,为每个人自由发展的联合体的建立奠定了必要的基础。  相似文献   

民事诉讼诉的合并问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李龙 《现代法学》2005,27(2):78-84
本文研究的是民事诉讼狭义的诉的合并,即客观的诉的合并。客观的诉的合并,是指同一原告对同一被告在同一诉讼程序中主张两个以上诉讼标的。在存在诉的客观合并的诉讼中,形式上虽然是单一的诉讼,然而实质上却包含着若干个独立的诉。以合并诉的目的为标准,可以将客观的诉的合并分为四种:即单纯的诉的合并、竞合的诉的合并、预备的诉的合并以及选择的诉的合并,不同种类的诉的合并有不同的裁判要求。  相似文献   

王卫青  宋云瑞  孙婕 《法制与社会》2013,(34):266-266,270
物作为民事权利客体之一,处于最基础的地位,由此对物的内涵和外延的界定至关重要,传统的物的概念已经无法涵盖由于社会的快速发展而产生的新的物的种类,使得我们基于不断涌现出的物的种类,总结物的发展,从而时现有的物的概念进行反思,提出一个相对合理的物的概念,以适应不断发展的物.  相似文献   

关于心理学作为科学的观念普遍兴起于19世纪下半叶,并构成现代意义上的心理学区别于以往的心理学的根本标志;现代西方心理学及其历史的各片段,都是尝试实现这个必然观念的偶然的历史形式。但一方面,关于心理学作为科学的观念的范畴含义并非一开始就是既定的和明确的,而是心理学的历史的目的;另一方面,现代西方心理学及其历史的各片段作为追求实现这个观念的偶然形式亦非等价地有效的,它们构成了从对这个观念的异化到对这个观念的实现两个极之间的连续谱。通过考察西方心理学中若干典型的历史片段,我们得以洞察其中呈现出的普遍的历史发展模式及其对关于心理学作为科学的观念的指向性意义。这是我们据以理解关于心理学作为科学的观念的范畴含义的有效路径之一。  相似文献   

王士祯的悼亡诗在对妻子的忆念中融入了强烈的悔恨之情,他借艺术对现实的升华告慰亡灵、渲泄自身的哀伤。他的悼念发妻的组诗把纪事和抒情相结合,流溢着凄寒悲苦的情调;而悼念两位继室的组诗则以浓郁的闺阁气息和优雅的感伤情怀呈现出哀艳的色彩。王士祯的挽诗能贴近对象的身份、经历作恰当的人生价值判断,其起承转合的章法借鉴了八股文的创作技巧。王士祯死亡题材的诗歌虽有创新性不足的缺点,但诗中蕴含的真挚丰沛的情感和反映出的高超纯熟的艺术表现力足以代表当时同类优秀作品的创作水准  相似文献   

法的功能和法的作用辨异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
法的功能和法的作用是形式上相似而实质上有别的两个事物。法的功能是法所固有的内在属性,而法的作用是被赋予和设定的;法的功能是法所固有的稳定属性,而法的作用则需常有变动;法的功能是法所固有的应然属性,而法的作用则具有现实的指向。法的功能主要是描述性的,法律人应把握法的功能的天然禀性,尊重法的规律来发现和表述法的功能,使法的功能的潜质尽可能得以实现,而不要去做形式上所谓“充分发挥”而实质上则属于画蛇添足的徒劳工作。法的作用主要是规定性的,法律人应在充分利用既有条件的基础上,更好地创设和发挥法的作用,使其能够适合国家、社会和公民生活的实际需求。  相似文献   

签字笔因其具有书写流利、使用方便的特点,是现今最常见的书写工具之一。文章根据签字笔的结构特点和笔痕特征的形成机理,结合收集的96份实验样本,首次对签字笔笔痕进行同一认定应具备的充分条件进行初步研究,探讨了书写纸张施胶程度、衬垫物软硬程度、书写人运笔力度以及书写速度等书写条件因素的具体影响,同时研究了签字笔启用初期与末期书写笔痕特征可能出现的变化问题,总结出笔痕特征反映性、稳定性和特定性的具体特点,提出书写条件与书写笔的相近书写阶段均是签字笔笔痕同一认定充分条件的重要组成部分的观点,以期对文检工作者利用笔痕特征有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

书写方向对笔顺和笔径的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申泽波 《政法学刊》2014,(3):117-119
以反犬旁、山字为目标字,收集了1178份有效笔迹样本,其中反犬旁常见笔顺样本954份,当用常见笔顺书写反犬旁时,第一个撇笔有正反2种笔径,分性别检验山字笔顺与反犬旁第一撇的笔径的相关性,用似然比测定其相关程度。字的书写方向因子可以解释山字笔顺与反犬旁笔顺、笔径相关的结果,研究结果支持了书写能力结构的因子假说。  相似文献   

The limitations of the examination of indented writing impressions using electrostatic detection are often paper related. Paper types such as glossy paper, paper of high basis weight, and lithography or gravure-printed papers often give rise to problems resulting in a decrease in sensitivity or a lack of detection altogether. In this paper, a novel technique for the examination of indented writing is presented, which is in a sense complimentary to the technique of electrostatic detection as it is especially suitable for glossy-coated and printed paper types and can in some instances also deal with paper types of higher basis weight. Indented writing grooves will normally contain more particles than the surrounding nonindented areas due to damage of the surface layer resulting in a build-up of filler powder. The method presented uses black gelatine lifter slabs to lift the paper dust image off the surface of the paper. This image can quite easily be photographed using near-to-coaxial lighting. The gelatine lifting method outperforms oblique lighting for the detection of indented writing and is almost as sensitive as electrostatic detection if compared on the types of paper where both perform well. The main advantage of this new technique is, however, that it is especially suitable for those types of paper where electrostatic detection fails and is therefore a welcome addition to the range of methods available to a forensic document examiner for the examination of indented writing.  相似文献   

论自我摹写笔迹及其鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨自我摹写笔迹的特殊机理、特殊书写方式、特殊规律、特殊鉴定方法和标准,论述摹写与仿写的不同概念、不同书写方式、不同书写机理、不同书写结果等若干基本问题;归纳自我摹写笔迹的四个特点及其相应的特点规律并总结了鉴定识别的要点;第三部份探讨了鉴定此类笔迹的特殊方法与鉴定结论的标准问题。  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed which show conclusively that, under certain conditions, ‘impressions’ of writing can be detected by ESDA (ElectroStatic Detection Apparatus) on paper which has been placed in contact with the reverse of paper bearing writing which has significantly embossed the back. Such indirect ‘secondary’ impressions are caused by some degree of lateral relative motion of the two sheets of paper. Secondary impressions can usually be distinguished from normal primary impressions (caused by the ‘act’ of writing) by several characteristics, in particular, by the indistinct, incomplete and, sometimes, diffuse nature of the secondary impression images.  相似文献   

Can a mineral paper be called paper? Until now all known writing supports have been ancient stones and tablets, parchment, and paper of vegetable origin, such as papyrus and fiber pulp paper. Some years ago polymeric banknotes appeared in Australia, and in 2004 mineral paper (stone plus polymer) emerged as an ecological alternative to pulp paper. In this article we study the physical and elemental features of a mineral paper such as the behavior of Terraskin? paper. We also study its behavior as a writing support, either for handwriting or printing, and compare these results with those usually obtained for paper made from pulp.  相似文献   

The chronological order in which two intersecting writing or typed strokes were made can be determined for several combinations of writing media by scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination, a lifting and transfer technique using Kromekote paper, or a combination of the transfer technique followed by SEM examination of the remaining material in the intersection. When non-destructive examination cannot provide unambiguous determination of sequence, judicious choice by the document examiner of which technique to use for a given combination of writing media and paper type can be made using known characteristics of the materials involved. The range of line-crossings which can be reliably sequenced is greater using a combined transfer and SEM technique than when the examination is limited to either technique alone.  相似文献   

ESDA has been used for a number of years as a means of developing indented images on paper and is an essential tool for the document examiner. This paper reports on the results of experiments with various aged documents to determine how long after writing images can be developed with ESDA. The results indicate that the latent image from some writing may remain longer than fifty years. The paper also reports an actual case in which images were developed years after the document was executed, thus dating the preparation of key pages.  相似文献   

The increasingly diverse cohorts of students studying at new generation universities pose new curriculum challenges for disciplines such as law. These challenges are most visible in written assignments and thus interpreted as “writing problems”. As a consequence, much of the advice available to assist students focuses on “elements of good writing”, advising them primarily on expression and grammar and, in some instances, on the different purposes of legal writing. This paper offers, however, a quite different perspective on what underlies the writing problems of these students, arguing that students need to be knowingly inducted into the different positions or identities embodied in these written tasks, as well as instructed in the language required to “realise” these identities. This approach is explored through analysis of a standard problem scenario assessment task and student responses to the task. Finally, the paper suggests that designing a curriculum to assist these students' entry into the disciplinary practices of the law rests on more collaboration and mutual learning between law lecturers and language and learning lecturers.  相似文献   

This paper reports the statistical study of writing habits for Arabic Numerals of 187 subjects in Hong Kong. A classification system of writing habits for Arabic numerals based on assigned codes of characteristic features such as slant, writing direction, relative position of strokes, angularity of turnings, shape of initial and ending strokes, etc. was developed. A set of characteristic codes representing the profile of writing habits pertaining to Arabic numerals was assigned to each writer. Apart from the distribution of characteristic features, statistical analysis of the assigned codes demonstrated homogeneity of individual hand-writing patterns. It has been shown that irrespective of the structural simplicity of Arabic numerals, no two individuals exhibited the same set of characteristic codes. The findings support the hypothesis of individuality in handwriting.  相似文献   

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