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信托法起源于英美法,而英美法在法律概念、体系构造和思维方式上与大陆法存在很大差别,所以在大陆法国家移植信托法的过程中,必然要遇到如何协调和解决外来的信托制度与本土法律制度冲突的问题,其中,物权法定原则与信托制度之间的冲突尤值关注。结合信托诸种制度的特性进行具体分析,可以看出我国新近通过的《物权法》所确立的物权法定原则与信托法之间存在着尖锐的理念冲突。在新《物权法》背景下,如果在理论和实务上因应得宜,则我国的信托制度不仅不会被物权法定原则所窒息,甚至可以此为契机改变信托法在我国法律体系中的边缘地位。  相似文献   

Kevelson remains an important figure in legal semiotics, a co-founder, along with Bernard Jackson, of the International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law, and of course a valuable and seminal commentator on Peirce in the legal domain. This paper will examine her claim, that through his collaboration with and influence on Oliver Holmes, Peirce should be regarded as a foundational figure in a history of legal realism and modern jurisprudence, and that a legal semiotic can be identified in and not only extrapolated from his seminal writings. This paper will contend that the relationship between Peirce and Holmes should be seen as perplexed and disputatious, rather than close and directly influential, as Kevelson argues. However, regardless of its limitations, Kevelson’s historical inquiry helps provide the ground for a contemporary and historical account of the full picture of a Peircean based legal semiotic and jurisprudence.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI) as of the level of development reached today has become a scientific reality that is subject to study in the fields of law, political science, and other social sciences besides computer and software engineering. AI systems which perform relatively simple tasks in the early stages of the development period are expected to become fully or largely autonomous in the near future. Thanks to this, AI which includes the concepts of machine learning, deep learning, and autonomy, has begun to play an important role in producing and using smart arms. However, questions about AI-Based Lethal Weapon Systems (AILWS) and attacks that can be carried out by such systems have not been fully answered under legal aspect. More particularly, it is a controversial issue who will be responsible for the actions that an AILWS has committed. In this article, we discussed whether AILWS can commit offense in the context of the Rome Statute, examined the applicable law regarding the responsibility of AILWS, and tried to assess whether these systems can be held responsible in the context of international law, crime of aggression, and individual responsibility. It is our finding that international legal rules including the Rome Statute can be applied regarding the responsibility for the act/crime of aggression caused by AILWS. However, no matter how advanced the cognitive capacity of an AI software, it will not be possible to resort to the personal responsibility of this kind of system since it has no legal personality at all. In such a case, responsibility will remain with the actors who design, produce, and use the system. Last but not least, since no AILWS software does have specific codes of conduct that can make legal and ethical reasonings for today, at the end of the study it was recommended that states and non-governmental organizations together with manifacturers should constitute the necessary ethical rules written in software programs to prevent these systems from unlawful acts and to develop mechanisms that would restrain AI from working outside human control.  相似文献   

The Directive on a Community Framework for Electronic Signatures is an essential and important new legal standard for the regulation of electronic signatures. The following article describes this Directive and assesses whether this new legal framework will be an effective and successful worldwide model or whether it will be rather fruitless. While doing this, I will consider the implementation of the Directive into UK and German law. This will also reveal some possibilities of how the legal status of electronic signatures can or cannot and should or should not be regulated. Furthermore, I will refer to other acts, for example, the UCITA and UETA of the US and the Model Law on Electronic Commerce and Draft Uniform Rules on Electronic Signatures of the UNCITRAL. My result is that the EU Directive is to be approved in general. Only if one said that in an ever-changing world every law was premature or even that in an imperfect world every law was either insufficient or unnecessary, would it be consequent to decline regulation of electronic signatures completely. However, regarding the details, some provisions, for example, the possibility of introducing a voluntary accreditation scheme, are open to criticism.  相似文献   

Empirical investigation of legal systems is emerging as a leading trend in both the social sciences and the legal academy in the early twenty‐first century. Law reviews are now filled with studies reporting empirical data. Because empirical investigation of law commonly seeks to inform contentious social and political debates, however, its research often fuels more debate than it resolves. Partisans on both sides of contentious issues now cite the same body of research to support their reform efforts. However, social science research on law is not a useless undertaking, as it can sharpen debate. But the hope that the new empirical legal studies movement will become a neutral source of information for policy makers is unlikely to be realized.  相似文献   

The biological stage of the revolution in science and technology represents a continuing and accelerating "switching" of science to a focus on man as studies advance from the lower to higher levels of organization of animate systems. With the help of science, the nature of man will adapt itself more and more to new environmental conditions as they change under the influence of scientific and technical progress. Attainment of this objective involves further development of human genetics and genetic engineering. Its next stage, with respect to man, will be "correction" of the functioning of pathological genes, and later will come replacement of them by normal ones, thereby opening a new road to prevention of hereditary disease. The first achievements along these lines have already been attained in the form of successes in the synthesizing of genes and development of methods of introducing them into the genetic apparatus. A number of forms of genetic management pose important ethical and legal problems: the use of transplants from cell nuclei to obtain numerous copies of identical organisms (vegetative multiplication); the possibility of artificial fertilization of the human egg followed by reimplantation into the womb; prenatal diagnosis of possible genetic disease by biochemical or cytogenetic analysis of the amniotic fluid. Such analysis is already in use. Artificial fertilization is also possible now, although genetic management in this connection will become a reality only some years hence. Vegetative multiplication is not yet possible with respect to human beings, although that possibility cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

陈少英 《法学论坛》2005,20(1):75-80
在环境保护领域 ,市场失灵使政府干预成为必要 ;而政府干预也会失灵又需要干预政府。税法作为经济法宏观调控的重要组成部分 ,集经济手段和法律手段于一身 ;税法其实又是一个综合的领域 ,具有不同法律部门的功能。故税法既能干预市场 ,又能干预政府 ;既能解决市场失灵 ,又能解决政府失败  相似文献   

Authors examining the developing dispute resolution alternatives to the adversarial system have identified nine converging "vectors" or alternatives in what has been termed the Comprehensive Law Movement. These authors have sought to understand how the developing vectors can remain separate and vibrant movements while sharing common ground. Some analyze these developments as being within law and legal practice, others see them as alternative approaches to law, and still others take a combined approach. It will be impossible to understand how these vectors have meaningful differences from law and legal practice if the search is limited to looking within law and legal practice. It will be impossible to understand how these vectors have meaningful commonalities with law and legal practice if the search is limited to looking external to law and legal practice. Instead of comparing the vectors with the adversarial system, higher order criteria are required. What is needed is a comprehensive and internally consistent super-system of norms; one that can be used to evaluate the adversarial system and the evolving vectors on an equal footing. An Aristotelian natural law virtue theory of justice can: (a) provide a functional guiding definition of justice; (b) serve as a comprehensive and internally consistent super-system of norms; and (c) provide the theoretical and evaluative foundation required to clarify the relationships among the adversarial system and the developing vectors. Finally, it will become clear why the Comprehensive Law Movement might be more appropriately conceptualized as the Comprehensive Justice Movement.  相似文献   

物业服务合同若干法律问题研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈文 《现代法学》2004,26(2):158-161
物业服务合同作为一种民事合同 ,是平等主体之间签订的合同 ,现有合同种类难以涵盖物业服务合同的特点 ,应当被视为一种新的合同类型 ;在物业服务合同中 ,业主委员会的法律地位比较特殊 ;物业服务合同的解除应当遵循《合同法》的约定 ,业主不能任意解除物业服务合同 ;物业管理企业承担的责任应当根据物业服务合同的约定及法律规定来确定 ,不能无限制扩大物业管理企业的责任  相似文献   

“法自然”现贯穿于《汉书·刑法志》全篇,是班固的法律现的核心。“法自然”观认为,法律秩序是普遍自然秩序的一个组成部分,理想的法律应效法自然而创制。对于在固“法自然”观的表现、思想基础、理论价值等问题应进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

论作为第三种规范的法律正义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将法、正义、法律正义视为同一事物的意念 ,是一个需待澄清的误解性意念。法、正义、法律正义不仅有重合会通的一面 ,更有各自的界限。法是一种常见的制度规范 ,正义是一种高层次伦理规范 ,而法律正义则是融合了法和正义两种要素的第三种规范。法律正义也是一种正义 ,是正义中的基本正义、有形正义和正义中的强者。法律正义也是一种法律规范 ,是高层次法律规范 ,是区别于恶法劣法的良规良法 ,是理想和现实相结合的法律规范。明辨三者的界限 ,方能洞知法有良恶优劣的分别 ,完整地认知法的面貌 ,倾力于建设以良法美制为基础的现代法治国家  相似文献   

潘佳 《政治与法律》2020,(1):128-138
研究者对于正在制定的我国《国家公园法》是否应当确认游憩功能,尚有争议,这将直接影响该部法律的相关制度安排。否认立法应确认游憩功能的观点,具有保护环境的合理性,但未关注国家公园的全民共享性,未以发展的眼光看待保护理念与国际潮流的顺应,欠缺科学性。通过立法确认国家公园的游憩功能具备自然基础、现实基础和社会价值。国家公园游憩功能的法律确认与制度安排,以游憩功能的法律属性界定为核心,游憩不是自然权利及法定权利,也不是主观权利,只能是客观秩序,公众无法向国家提出诉求,游憩利益只有依托国家履行义务才能实现。我国《国家公园法》的相关制度安排,应以管理主体的职责配置为重心,充分保障游憩这一客观秩序的实现。  相似文献   

叶泉 《中国海商法年刊》2013,(4):101-105,116
国家管辖范围外区域蕴藏着丰富的海洋遗传资源,但现有的国际法尚未对其管理机制作出明确规定。近年来,国际社会在多个论坛对此问题展开讨论,并提出了一系列可供参考的解决进路。其中,扩大管理局的职能范围,使其能对海洋遗传资源进行有效管理具有诸多优势,但与发达国家的利益相左,实施难度较大;采用区域性管理机制能使特定区域纳入法律的运行轨道,却容易导致情势的碎片化;实施短效管理机制虽能防止形势恶化,可并不具有拘束力;制定一部《海洋法公约》的执行协定无疑是解决问题的最佳方式,也是未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

姜栋 《法学家》2022,(1):128-142
体育赛事转播权作为一种体育行业约定俗成的惯用语,在我国并未构成法律权利。体育赛事转播“三点三层”的商业模式和法律构架能够证明,体育赛事转播建筑于赛事组织者对于体育赛事所享有的某种未经法律认可的基础性权利。学理分析表明,“商品化权”和“无形财产权”的学说并不能正确解释此种基础权利,而“物权”和“民事权益”的解释方法也难以精确的定位该权利属性。因此,赛事组织者对体育赛事所拥有的绝对权难以在现有法律体系内得到妥善解释。在比较欧美体育强国有关体育赛事转播权法律定性的基础上,本文指出,赛事权利应由体育法进行规范,赋予体育协会赛事权利人的合法地位,从而借助民法和体育法间的一般法和特别法关系完整保障赛事权利,这也是解决具有行业特殊性的体育法律问题的一种有效方式。  相似文献   

信息通讯技术必须与其他教学方法相结合才能提升法学教育的价值,而教育学在这种资源整合中具有不可或缺的作用。评估信息通讯技术的成功与否只能在将其置于教育资源全球化的大环境中时才能实现。互联网对现有法律的影响只能说是一种革新,还称不上是一场横扫法律领域的革命;而且,“网络法”和电子商务法也不是一个独立的法律部门或学科。  相似文献   

黎宏 《法学研究》2020,(2):71-88
在我国刑法明文规定了单位犯罪及其处罚的情况下,再提倡单位犯罪否定论,意义不大。就单位犯罪研究而言,现在面临的重大问题是,如何在自然人刑法之下,合理认定刑法第30条、第31条所规定的单位犯罪及其处罚。单位是由人和物复杂结合而成的法律实体,具有自己独特的制度特征、文化气质和环境氛围,这些要素能够对单位中的自然人的思想和行为产生影响。在我国刑法的规定之下,单位犯罪的认定和处罚,首先应考虑单位组成人员在业务活动中实施的侵害法益行为或结果,其次必须甄别作为单位“手足”的自然人的行为是否体现单位意思。只有在单位组成人员的行为体现了单位意思时,才能处罚单位自身。在判断单位意思时,必须依据单位的结构、制度、宗旨,单位高级管理人员的决定乃至单位的政策等客观要素进行推定。在单位业务活动中出现违法结果时,应首先考虑成立自然人犯罪,之后再考虑成立单位犯罪。  相似文献   

王康 《法律科学》2013,(6):59-70
基因权是自然人基于自己的特定基因而享有的人格权,其终极目标是实现“基因正义”。在风险社会、多维利益、医疗决策等社会交往关系背景下,基因权利话语得以铺展,并凝炼出风险预防、权利相对、多元正义、宽容规制等特别的规范原则。我国恰当的规范选择是法律与伦理的互动模式,建构的重点和主线是以人格权保护为中心的基因权私法规范。基于我国现阶段的社会状况和立法背景,制定一部《基因权法》的可能性似乎并不存在,但《基因权法》的形式意义无疑具有政治的和法的正当性。  相似文献   

谭建华 《河北法学》2007,25(9):140-142
早期罗马法极重形式主义,凡为法律行为必依一定形式进行,否则不具法律效力.形式重于实质内容是早期罗马法形式主义的一个重要特征.但随着罗马社会的发展,罗马法的形式主义经历了一个由盛及衰的过程.从罗马社会经济的发展、自然法对罗马法的影响及罗马民族的务实精神等方面对其衰落的原因作了系统的探讨.  相似文献   

廖永安  雷勇 《法律科学》2008,(3):140-149
民事诉讼复议制度与上诉制度、再审制度等共同构成了我国民事诉讼救济制度的重要内容,它对于保护相对人的合法权利、加强相对人对法院的制约与监督、降低诉讼成本、提高法院办案质量以及维护民事诉讼法律权威和强化诉讼程序意识都具有十分重要的意义。但由于目前我国立法对该制度的设立还不够完善,使其功能未能得到有效发挥,进而立法宗旨也得不到全面实现,应对民事诉讼复议制度予以完善。  相似文献   

Marriage is a legal institution. Current debates about whether it should be extended beyond its traditional heterosexual constitution, and whether many of its legal incidents should apply to couples who live together without marrying, and about the introduction of civil partnership (modelled closely on marriage) for same-sex couples, make an examination of its contemporary role particularly timely. This article is about the interplay between the institution of marriage and ideas of obligation within personal relationships. It takes as its starting point some commonly held opinions. First, that the sense of obligation which hitherto guided people's behaviour in their personal relationships has much diminished or even disappeared. Second, that this diminution is reflected in the decline in marriage. We will then examine what the evidence of an empirical study conducted by the Oxford Centre for Family Law and Policy reveals about the way people in married and unmarried relationships understand the nature of their personal obligations. In doing this it will be seen that the moral bases which underpin people's personal relationships is complex and does not correspond in a simple way with formal, external social categories.  相似文献   

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