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U.S. citizens who marry foreign nationals may petition for their spouses so that the couple can reside permanently together in the United States. The guidelines set forth in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Adjudicator's Field Manual provide guidance to immigration officials for determining whether to grant or deny spousal petitions. Previously, the Adjudicator's Field Manual imposed a requirement that transgender individuals undergo costly and dangerous sex reassignment surgery in order to qualify as married for the purposes of a spousal petition. However, revisions to the Adjudicator's Field Manual issued in April 2012 provide transgender binational couples the opportunity to remain together in the United States without forcing one partner to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Given the history of discrimination against transgender individuals under U.S. immigration law, these revisions are a significant step in equality for transgender couples. Although these revisions provide many transgender binational couples with a means to remain together in the United States, this Note proposes that, to continue on the path toward equality for transgender couples, special guidelines should not be applied to marriages involving transgender partners if their marriage is deemed a valid heterosexual marriage in the state where solemnized. The goals of U.S. immigration law and compliance with the federal definition of marriage can be achieved without implementing individualized guidelines for transgender binational couples.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Transgender spouses of a binational couple should not be subjected to additional guidelines when submitting spousal petitions that, if granted, would afford the couple the opportunity to reside together in the United States
  • Transgender individuals should not be subjected to disparate treatment solely because the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services seeks to enforce discriminatory provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act
  • A marriage should be recognized by immigration law if it is a valid marriage under the law of the state where the marriage was celebrated
  • In order to achieve U.S. immigration law's mission of family unification, nontraditional couples should be afforded the same opportunity to remain together in the United States without additional scrutiny

张斌 《证据科学》2010,18(4):475-484
从18世纪到20世纪,英美法国家有关科学证据的法庭运用,所表明的基本思想是,将科学证据评价的事实问题,通过三种方法转化为法律问题,以此保证法官在科学证据评价中承担更多的审查义务,以减少陪审团在科学证据判断上出错的可能性。这三种法律转化方法分别是,专家资格审查、专家证言的形式审查、专家证言的实质审查。这在20世纪的美国审判中,表现得更为突出。  相似文献   

从18世纪到20世纪,英美法国家有关科学证据的法庭运用,所表明的基本思想是,将科学证据评价的事实问题,通过三种方法转化为法律问题,以此保证法官在科学证据评价中承担更多的审查义务,以减少陪审团在科学证据判断上出错的可能性。这三种法律转化方法分别是,专家资格审查、专家证言的形式审查、专家证言的实质审查。这在20世纪的美国审判中,表现得更为突出。  相似文献   

2004年国内法律史学的新进展,一是法律史学的机构设置与开展重要的学术活动;二是最新法律史料、教材、论著、译著的出版与简介;三是法律史学的热点问题研究与理论深化。从中可见法律史学在回应社会与学术挑战方面的活力与价值,也可见法律史学人的努力与贡献。  相似文献   

This article identifies ways that judges, lawyers, researchers, and policy makers may attend to the role of gender and gender dynamics facing same‐sex couples upon divorce or other relationship dissolution. When same‐sex couples marry, the legal system and society at large may project conceptions of gender onto same‐sex couples, often in a manner that conflicts with couples' intentions and practices. Gender and gender dynamics may affect the bases for dissolution, the financial aspects of dissolution, and the determination of child custody. The article also suggests directions for future research on the impact of gender on the dissolution of same‐sex relationships.  相似文献   

中国法史学基础问题反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国现代法律史学是在传统法律史学和外来法律史学的双重基础上建立起来的。正确认识中国法律史学的学科性质,对完善这门学科的独立品格,促进这门学科的进一步发展具有重要意义。运用现代法学理论,特别是运用部门法理论去分析中国传统社会的法史材料,是中国现代法史学研究方法形成和发展的主要标志。但不应简单地用部门法理论、现代法理学的一般概念去比附评论中国传统法史材料,使中国法史学研究带上过分浓厚的现代色彩。应重视法史学研究的学术批评问题,提倡既非庸俗吹捧也非恶意贬低的高水平的独立评论。  相似文献   

马彧 《金陵法律评论》2006,4(1):156-160
在男女平等的表象下,延安时期的女性写作和她们笔下的女性形象依然表明,女性仍然处于依附者地位。她们不仅从外形上失去女性特征,还被剥夺了女性私密空间。她们的婚姻并未实现真正的平等,反而加速了被物化的过程。同时根据需要,她们不断调整奉献给革命的方式,即便在此过程中遭遇了巨大的身体苦难。  相似文献   

In this paper, we will investigate the popularity of marriage migration between Turkish communities in Western Europe and emigration regions in Turkey. Our focus here is specifically on the Belgian case, namely the ‘Emirdag connection’. In Belgium, the majority of immigrants with a Turkish background come from the region of Emirdag, in the province of Afyon. On the basis of quantitative research methodologies, we first consider the magnitude of the phenomenon and the socio-economic situation of those involved. Using the qualitative research techniques of participant observation and in-depth interviews, we analyze the mechanisms in an attempt to explain marriage migration between these regions. Why do so many young people, born and raised in Western Europe, opt for an unknown partner from a region that is largely unknown to them but which proves to be their parents', or even grandparents', region of origin? Why does migration remain such a valuable life project for many young people in these regions of origin, despite the real danger of many negative side effects? The popularity of marriage migration is often explained by its role in making migration possible. However, migration theories alone cannot explain this phenomenon. Here we will argue that the existence of a ‘culture of migration’ that binds the region of origin with the region of destination and in which ‘the family’ as an institution is capable of building a bridge between traditional praxis, as well as the challenges linked to international migration, are crucial for understanding the enduring popularity of marriage migration.  相似文献   

范忠信 《现代法学》2002,24(2):151-153
一部十卷本的煌煌巨著 ,不久前又获得了中国新闻出版的最高奖———中国图书奖 ,张晋藩先生主编的《中国法制通史》究五千年法制轨迹 ,集一百年学术大战。想用几千字来加以评论是困难的 ,但是 ,我还是想把我读这套书的体会贡献给同仁。  相似文献   

美国变性人立法和司法情况评议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变性人在进行变性手术后,会面临一些现实的法律困境,如,户口,婚姻,就业,医疗等,目前我国法律在这方面还是处于空白。虽然美国在这方面不是特别完善,但联邦及各州法律都对此做出了很多规定来保护变性人。通过介绍和评议美国在立法和司法对变性人做出的相关规定,借此深入了解变性人在变性后所面临的法律上的尴尬,将更有利于保护越来越多的变性人,也有助于我国法律在这方面的完善。  相似文献   

我国婚姻家庭法的变革与局限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊金才 《行政与法》2010,(3):106-109
我国2001年颁布的《婚姻法》顺应经济社会发展婚姻家庭关系调整的需要,修改并发展了1980年颁布的《婚姻法》,构建了多元化的夫妻财产制度体系,建立了离婚救济制度,强化了对妇女权益、无过错配偶方和未成年子女利益的保护,形成了家事纠纷多元解决机制的雏形。但新《婚姻法》对夫妻约定财产制的设立、变更与效力等规定不够明确,现行离婚救济制度未达到预期的调整效果,未成年子女最大利益原则体现不够充分,家庭暴力的调查、预防与救助机制以及家事纠纷调解制度不够健全等诸多问题,仍有待进一步发展和完善。  相似文献   

我国现行的婚姻法对夫妻财产约定的主体、形式、内容、效力等一系列问题做了明确的规定,但由于法律在有些方面的规定不够明确,在实施过程中还存在着一定的困难,本文主要对夫妻约定财产制度的内容和夫妻约定财产制的不足进行了分析,在此基础上,对现行夫妻约定财产制度的完善和登记的必要性提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

《民法典·婚姻家庭编》之我见   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
尽管 2 0 0 1年《婚姻法》(修正案 )取得了可喜的进步 ,但作为一个阶段性、过渡性的立法措施 ,其制度性的缺失以及内容的失之过简 ,难于操作 ,使其仍然有很大的修改空间。民法的法典化为婚姻法的第二步修订提供了极好的机会。完善婚姻家庭法就应当按照法律规范的科学性、前瞻性、实用性 ,全面、系统地对婚姻家庭关系的各项制度作出明确具体的规定 ,而非该制度的纲要性规范。  相似文献   

变性权是自然人根据自己的意愿选择并依法通过变性手术改变性别的权利。已婚者享有变性权,可以独立行使该权利,无须征得其配偶的同意,也不应以离婚为条件,但其变性权应受法律规制。同时,婚后变性不能引起婚姻关系的自然解除。对婚后变性不离婚的,应将其婚姻关系作为一种例外予以承认。双方欲解除婚姻关系的,只能依照行政程序登记离婚,或者依照司法程序诉请离婚,并妥善处理好未成年子女抚养、监护和探望问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of Russian data retention regulations. The most controversial point of the Russian data retention requirements is an obligation to keep the content of communications that is untypical for legislation of European and other countries. These regulations that oblige telecom operators and Internet communication services to store the content of communications should come into force on July 1, 2018.The article describes in detail the main components of the data retention mechanism: the triggers for its application, its scope, exemptions and barriers to its enforcement. Attention is paid to specific principles for implementation of content retention requirements based on the concepts of proportionality, reasonableness and effectiveness.Particular consideration is given to the comparative aspects of the Russian data retention legislation and those applying in different countries (mainly EU member states). The article focuses on the differences between the Russian and EU approaches to the question of how to strike a balance between public security interests and privacy. While the EU model of data retention is developing in the context of profound disputes on human rights protection, the Russian model is mostly concentrated on security interests and addresses mainly economic, technological aspects of its implementation.The paper stresses that a range of factors (legal, economic and technological) needs to be taken into account for developing an optimal data retention system. Human rights guarantees play the key role in legitimization of such intrusive measures as data retention. Great attention should be paid to the procedures, precise definitions, specification of entitled authorities and the grounds for access to data, providing legal immunities and privileges, etc. Only this extensive range of legal guarantees can balance intervention effect of state surveillance and justify data retention practices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will investigate the popularity of marriage migration between Turkish communities in Western Europe and emigration regions in Turkey. Our focus here is specifically on the Belgian case, namely the ‘Emirdag connection’. In Belgium, the majority of immigrants with a Turkish background come from the region of Emirdag, in the province of Afyon. On the basis of quantitative research methodologies, we first consider the magnitude of the phenomenon and the socio-economic situation of those involved. Using the qualitative research techniques of participant observation and in-depth interviews, we analyze the mechanisms in an attempt to explain marriage migration between these regions. Why do so many young people, born and raised in Western Europe, opt for an unknown partner from a region that is largely unknown to them but which proves to be their parents', or even grandparents', region of origin? Why does migration remain such a valuable life project for many young people in these regions of origin, despite the real danger of many negative side effects? The popularity of marriage migration is often explained by its role in making migration possible. However, migration theories alone cannot explain this phenomenon. Here we will argue that the existence of a ‘culture of migration’ that binds the region of origin with the region of destination and in which ‘the family’ as an institution is capable of building a bridge between traditional praxis, as well as the challenges linked to international migration, are crucial for understanding the enduring popularity of marriage migration.  相似文献   

债法是实现超越主权国家的法律统一或者一个国家内各地区立法统一的首要领域。从《法学阶梯》中寻找债的概念的形成及其义务范围,进而了解罗马法上债的类型划分和基于债的核心要义进行的统一化努力,是准确理解后世债法发展变化的基础。债是两个自由主体之间的协作亦或包含一方对另一方的支配,一直是债的概念理解上的分歧,也成为中世纪以降债的理念的分野。萨维尼对罗马原始文献的解读,对罗马法体系的发展做出了重要贡献。当代各国民法典对债法的编排体例呈现出多元化的特点,但都基本在继承罗马法的基础上有所创新。随着社会生活的逐渐复杂化,债法的内容也不断丰富,部分国家的民法典将商事、劳动、消费等规范纳入其中,呈现出鲜明的开放性特征。债法具体规范的制定需要债法总则的指导,核心是以人为本。  相似文献   

一、制度发生史 对于任何一个合同而言,都是当事人在下述情况下订立的:即认为存在特定的情况,并且这些特定的情况将会继续存在;没有这些情况,合同的目的就不能够达到,当事人的意图也不能够得到实现.如果这种情况发生了不能够为当事人所预见的、因此也就不能够在合同中得到相应考虑的重大变更,那么在此种情形,当事人在合同中作出的规定将不再符合当事人的意图,并且将使其中的一方当事人面临丧失最低限度实质性合同正义的情况.[1]这样就出现了合同当事人是否应当继续履行原订合同的问题,也就是受到冲击的一方当事人是否可以摆脱合同约束亦或是否可以请求调整合同的问题.  相似文献   

In this article, the process of social reproduction has been analyzed in Lorca, a municipality in the western Mediterranean region of Murcia (Spain) at the end of the 18th century. An exhaustive subset of the data from the local Godoy's census (1797) was used consisting of 29,875 individuals living in a total of 7566 households. This population was distributed between the town, the Huerta (the Murcian irrigated market garden community), and the countryside. Results confirmed, on the one hand, that a direct relationship existed between higher social status and size of household, with a higher number of older children in the households of land-owning farmers than of tenant farmers or day workers. More children in higher status households indicate that children left home later, and therefore inheritance problems rose, which influenced social reproduction within these groups. Spatially, a clear division can be found between the countryside with more male work-hands and a higher index of male activity and the Huerta with a certain female dominance.  相似文献   

薛生全 《北方法学》2009,3(3):41-51
由于世界各国关于不当得利的法律制度不尽相同,国际民商事交往中不当得利的法律冲突问题日益突出。为保证支配不当得利之债的准据法与当事人的意愿相一致或有最密切的联系,并最大限度地减小因识别或定性不同而带来的难题,不当得利准据法应依序设计为:不当得利起因于合同时,适用该合同的准据法;起因于其他法律关系时,适用调整该法律关系的法律;起因于不动产交易时,适用不动产所在地法;在其他情况下产生,则其准据法为利益发生地所在国的法律。  相似文献   

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