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JAMES TRILLING 《耶鲁评论》2012,100(2):162-179


PAULA FOX 《耶鲁评论》2014,102(3):64-67


Book reviewed in this article:
Sandcastles: The Arabs in Search of the Modern World , by Milton Viorst.
Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery , by Robert Parry.
Islam in History: Ideas, People and Events in the Middle East (New Edition, Revised and Expanded), by Bernard Lewis.
Islam and the West , by Bernard Lewis.
Muquddinuz fiilm al-istighrab (An Introduction to "Occidentalism") , by Hasan Hanafi.
Battle Lines: The American Media and the Intifada , by Jim Lederman.
Turmoil: The Druzes, Lebanon and the Arab-Israeli Conflict , by Najib.
The Middle East on the Eve of Modernity: Aleppo in the Eighteenth Century , by Abraham Marcus.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The oxford history of AUSTRALIA, Volume 5,1942–1988: The Middle Way By Geoffrey Bolton. OUT OF LUCK: Poor Australians and Social Welfare By Stephen Gorton. IRISH-AUSTRALIAN STUDIES. Papers delivered at the Fifth Irish-Australian Conference Edited by Oliver MacDonagh and W. F. Mandle. A MILITARY HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA By Jeffrey Grey. NORTHERN TERRITORY DICTIONARY OF BIOGRAPHY: Volume 1: to 1945. Edited by David Carment, Robyn Maynard, Alan Powell. WALERS: Australian Horses Abroad By A.T. Yarwood. IN WOMEN'S HANDS? A History of Clothing Trades Unionism in Australia By Bradon Ellem. WOMEN AND THE LAW: Commentary and Materials By Jocelynne Scutt. WAYWARD WOMEN: A Guide to Women Travellers By Jane Robinson. A COLONIAL LIBERALISM: The Lost World of Three Victorian Visionaries By Stuart Macintyre. AUSTRALIA AS A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LABORATORY Edited by Gregory Melleuish. FOUNDATIONS OF ARBITRATION: The Origins and Effects of State Compulsory Arbitration 1890–1914 Edited by Stuart Macintyre and Richard Mitchell. THE DIGGERS WHO SIGNED ON FOR MORE: Australia's Part in the Russian War of Intervention, 1918–1919 By Bruce Muirden. DEPRESSION DOWN UNDER Edited by Len Fox. INGELBA AND THE FIVE BLACK MATRIARCHS By Patsy Cohen and Margaret Somerville. CAMILLA: C. H. Wedgwood – A Life By Charlotte Carr-Gregg and David Wetherell. WILLIAM MACMAHON BALL: A Memoir By Peter Ryan. POLITICIZATION AND THE CAREER SERVICE Edited byG.R. Curnow and B. Page. IDEOLOGY AND IMMIGRATION: Australia 1976 to 1987 By Katherine Belts. BUDGETARY STRESS: The South Australian Experience Edited by Richard Blandy and Cliff Walsh IDEAS FOR AUSTRALIAN CITIES By Hugh Stretton. AUSTRALIA TOWARDS 2000 Edited by Brian Hocking. EUROPE AND AMERICA CHARLES I AND THE ROAD TO PERSONAL RULE By L. P. Reeve. ROAD TO DIVORCE: England 1530–1987 By Lawrence Stone. A PILLAR OF THE CONSTITUTION: The House of Lords in British Politics, 1640–1784 Edited by Clyve Jones. THE ORIGINS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS By T. C. W. Manning. ECHOES OF THE MARSEILLAISE: Two Centuries Look Back on the French Revolution By E. J. Hobsbawm. FACES OF DEGENERATION: A European Disorder, c. 1848-c. 1918 By Daniel Pick. COLLABORATION IN FRANCE: Politics and Culture During the Nazi Occupation, 1940–1944 By Gerhard Hirschfeld and Patrick Marsh, eds. “GLASNOST” IN CONTEXT: On the Recurrence of Liberalizations in Central and East European Literatures and Cultures Edited by Marko Pavlyshyn. THE CHANGING SOVIET SYSTEM: Mono-organisational Socialism from its Origins to Gorbachev's Restructuring By T. H. Rigby. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT By Michael Simpson. THE CIA AND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY By Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones. AN AMERICAN ORDEAL: The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era By Charles DeBenedetti. WESTERN IMAGES OF CHINA By Colin Mackerras. THE BROKEN MIRROR: China After Tiananmen Edited by George Hicks. MARXISM AND THE CHINESE EXPERIENCE Edited by ArifDirlik and Maurice Meisner. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CHINA'S SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES By George T. Crane. THE UNDERSIDE OF MALAYSIAN HISTORY:PuUers, Prostitutes, Plantation Workers Edited by Peter J. Rimmer and Lisa M. Allen. TE TALA O NIUOKU: The German Plantation on Nukulaelae Atoll 1865–1890 By Doug Munro THE CAT AND THE LION: Jaipur State in the British Raj By Robert W. Stern POLITICAL STRATEGIES AND ELECTORAL REFORMS: Origins of Voting Systems in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth Centuries. Edited by Serge Noiret. ELECTIONS AND VOTERS: A Comparative Introduction By Martin Harrop and William L. Miller. UNCOMMON DEMOCRACIES: The One-Party-Dominant Regimes Edited By T. J. Pempel. THE DEBATE ON CLASSES By Erik Wright et al. WHICH SOCIALISM? By Norberto Bobbio. Translated by Roger Griffin and edited by Richard Bellamy. SOCIALISM Edited by E. F. Paul, F. Miller, J. Paul and D. Greenberg. POLITICAL LEGITIMACY AND THE STATE By Rodney Barker. POLITICAL OBLIGATION IN A LIBERAL STATE By Steven M. DeLue. Albany NUCLEAR DYNAMITE: The Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Fiasco By Trevor Findlay. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF UNORGANIZED INDUSTRY: A Study of the Labour Process By Manjit Singh. NICHOLAS KALDOR (Grand Masters in Economics) By Anthony P. Thirlwall. GREAT ECONOMISTS BEFORE KEYNES By Mark Blaug. CHRIST IN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY: The Representation of Jesus in the Qur'an and the Classical Muslim Commentaries By Neal Robinson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969–1993 , by Edward W. Said.
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years , by Israel Shahak. Foreward by Gore Vidal.
All That Remains: the Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948, Walid Khalidi, ed.
The Palestine Liberation Organization: From Armed Struggle to the Declaration of Independence , by Jamal R. Nassar.
Building Peace in the Middle East, Challenges for States and Civil Society, edited by Elise Boulding.
Crisis in the Arabian Gulf: An Independent Iraqi View , by Omar Ali.
America and the Iraqi Crisis, 1990–1992: Origins and Aflermath , by Lester H. Brune.
Iraqi Statesman: A Portrait of Mohammed Fadhel Jamali , by Harry J. Almond.
Broadcasting in the Arab World: A Survey of the Electronic Media in the Middle East , by Douglas Boyd.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The “Center of the Universe”: The Geopolitics of Iran , by Graham E. Fuller. American Presidents and the Middle East , by George Lemczowski. Cauldron: America in the Middle East , by Barry Rubin. Twin Pillars in Desert Storm: America's Flawed Vision in the Middle East from Nixon to Bush , by Howard Teicher and Gayle Radley Teicher. Original Sins: Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel , by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The New Palestinians: be Emerging Generation of Leaders , by John Wallach and Janet Wallach. Privatization and Liberalization in the Middle East , edited by Iliya Harik and Denis J. Sullivan. Imaghing the Middle East , by Thierry Hentsch.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: GLAD, CONFIDENT MORNING, 1860–1900: The Oxford History of Australia, Volume 3 By Beverlcy Kingston. A DIFFICULT INFANT: Sydney before Macquarie Edited by Graeme Aplin. CAMDEN: Farm and Village Life in Early New South Wales By Alan Atkinson. THAT LAND OF EXILES: Scots in Australia By Eric Richards THE RUSSIANS AND AUSTRALIA. Volume 1 of Russia and the South pacific 1696–1840 By Glynn Barratt. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT: A narrative history of the Senate and House of Representatives By Gavin Souter. PARLIAMENT AND THE PRESS: The Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery By C. J. Lloyd. THE POPULATION OF AUSTRALIA By R. V. Jackson. NEW ZEALAND PREPARES FOR WAR: Defence Policy 119–1939. By W. David McIntyre. THE ENGLIS REFORMATION REVISED Edited by Christopher Haigh. ROBERT HARLEY: Speaker, Secretary of State, and Premier Minister By Brian W. Hill. LONDON NEWSPAPERS IN THE AGE OF WALPOLE: A Study of the Origins of the Modern English Press By Michael Harris. PRESS AND POLITICS IN PREREVOLUTIONARY FRANCE Edited by Jack R. Censer and Jeremy D. Popkin. BRITAIN AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR Edited by John Turner. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF MAXIMILIEN ROBERSPIERRE By Norman Hampson. NICHTANGRIFFSPAKTE: ENTWICKLUNG UND OPERATIVE NUTZUNG IN EUROPA 1922–1939 By Rolf Ahmann. FASCISM AND RESISTANCE IN PORTUGAL: Communists, Liberals and military Dissidents in the Opposition to Salazar, 1941–1974 By D. L. Raby. BORDER CROSSINGS: Studies in International History By Christpher Thorne. WIND OVER SAND: The Diplomacy of Franklin Roosevelt By Frederick W. Marks III. THE EAGLE AND THE LION: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations By James A. Bill. BEGIN: An Anatomy of Leadership By Sasson Sofer. BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question Edited by Edward Said & Christopher Hitchens. BEYOND THE BARRICADES: Popular resistance in South Africa in the 1980s Edited by Iris Hill & Alex Harris. FASCISM: A Reader's Guide Edited by Walter Loquer. THE SEXUAL CONTRACT Edited By Carole Pateman. MEECH LAKE AND CANADA: Perspectives from the West by Roger Gibbins POLICIES FOR PROSPERITY: Essays in a Keynesian Mode By James Tobin. CAPITALISM AND UNFREE LABOUR: Anomaly or Necessity? By Robert Miles. FOUNDATIONS OF RADICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Howard J. Sherman RIVALRY IN BUSINESS, SCIENCE, AMONG NATIONS. By Reuven Brenner. ARTICULATED AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: Traditional and Capitalist Agriculture in Papuna New Guinea By Mike Donaldson and Kenneth Good. THE PRIVATE PROVISION OF PUBLIC WELFARE: State, Market and Community By Elim Papadak-is and Peter Taylor-Gooby Brighton THE JESUIT MIND. By A. Lynn Martin. CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE STATE Edited by John Keane. PATTERNS OF MORAL COMPLEXITY By Charles E. Larmore. FIRST PRINCIPLES PREPARATORY TO CONSTITUTIONAL CODE By Jeremy Bentham. BENTHAM By John Dinwiddy A FAREWELL TO MARX: An Outline and Appraisal of his Theories By David Conway. ALTHUSSER. The Detour of Theory By Gregory Elliot.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy , by Seymour M. Hersh. No Trumpets, No Drums: A Two-State Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict , by Mark A. Heller and Sari Nusseibeh. The Other Walls, the Arab-Israeli Peace Process in a Global Perspective , by Harold H. Saunders. Revised edition. Palestinian Lawyers and Israeli Rule: Law and Disorder in the West Bank , by George Emile Bisharat. Payback: America's Long War in the Middle East , by John K. Cooley. Syria and the Middle East Peace Process , by Alistair Drysdale and Raymond A. Hinnebush. Egypt and the ArabsndashForeign Policy and the Search for National Identity , by Joseph P. Lorenz. Kissing through Glass: The Invisible Shield between Americans and Israelis , by Joyce R. Starr. Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk about Their Lives , by Bouthaina Shaaban.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: THE ABORIGINAL TASMANIANS By Lyndall Ryan Sydney TE WAIMANA: The Spring of Mana By Jedffrey Sissons. HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA By Ann Turner. WHITE AUSTRALIA DEFIED: Pacific Islander Settlement in North Queensland By Patricia Mercer. FRANCE AND BOTANY BAY By Colin Forster. SEAPORT SYDNEY: The Making of the City Landscape By Peter proud foot. ASIAN ORIENTATIONS: Studies in Western Australian History Vol. 6 Edited by Jan Gothard THE POLITICS OF AUSTRALIAN CHILD CARE: From Philanthropy to Feminism By Deborah Brennan. THE MENZIES ERA: A Reappraisal of Government, Politics and Policy Edited by Scott Prasser, J. R. Nethercote and John Warhurst. DEVELOPMENTS IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Edited by Judith Brett, James Gillespie and Murray Goot. MAYER ON THE MEDIA: Issues and Arguments Edited by Rodney Tiffen. COMMUNICATIONS TRADITIONS IN 20TH CENTURY AUSTRALIA By Graeme Osborre and Glen Lewis. THE NEW SOUTH WALES STATE ELECTION 1965 By Chris Publick. THE NEW SOUTH WALES STATE ELECTION 1941 By David Clune. THE NEW SOUTH WALES STATE ELECTION 1922 By Michael Hogan Sydney ROBIN BOYD: A Life By Geoffrey Serle. INTRUDERS IN THE BUSH: The Australian Quest for Identity Edited by John Carroll. CULTURAL LIBERALISM IN AUSTRALIA: A Study in Intellectual and Cultural History By Gregory Melleuish PERFORMANCES By Greg Denning. BEFORE THE FAMINE STRUCK Life in West Clare 1834–1845 A PEOPLE STARVED: Life and Death in West Clare 1845–1852 By Ignatius Murphy. Blackrock, Co. CHRISTEN UND NATIONALSOZIALISTEN: Darstellung und Dokumente By Georg Denzler and Volker Fabricius. HITLER AND THE JEWS: The Genesis of the Holocaust By Philippe Burrin Translated by Patsy Southgate. RELUCTANT HOST: Canada's Response to Immigrant Workers, 1896–1994 By Donald H. Avery. UNCONQUERABLE REBEL: Robert W. Wilcox and Hawaiian Politics, 1880–1903 By Ernest Andrade, Jr. OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS: A Doctor in Japan and Elsewhere By Murray Elliott. THE FRENCH WOLF AND THE SIAMESE LAMB: The French Threat to Siamese Independence, 1858–1907 By Patrick Tuck. POLITICS AND PURGES IN CHINA: Rectification and the Decline of Party Norms, 1950–1965 By Frederick C. Teiwes, THE CHINA FACTOR IN MODERN JAPANESE THOUGHT: The Case of Tachibana Shiraki, 1881–1945 By Lincoln Li. DIMENSIONS OF RADICAL DEMOCRACY: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community Edited by Chantal Mouffe. NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS AND DEMOCRATIC PARTICIPATION IN INDONESIA By Philip J. Eldridge. THE UNIQUE GENIUS OF THOMAS PAINE By Mark Anger.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Strategic Geography and the Changing Middle East , by Geoffrey Kemp and Robert Harkavy. Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE: Challenges of Security , by Anthony H. Cordesman. Kuwait: Recovery and Security after the Gulf War , by Anthony H. Cordesman. U.S. Forces in the Middle East: Resources and Capabilities , by Anthony H. Cordesman. Security Challenges in the Mediterranean Region , edited by Roberto Aliboni, George Joffé, and Tim Niblock. War in the Gulf, 1990-91: The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict and Its Implications , by Majid Khadduri and Edmund Ghareeb. Political Islam: Revolution, Radicalism, or Reform? Edited by John L. Esposito. The Price of Wealth: Economies and Institutions in the Middle East , by Kiren Aziz Chaudhry. Rethinking Islam: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers , by Mohammed Arkoun; translated and edited by Robert D. Lee. A Lebanon Defied: Musa al-Sadr and the Shi'a Community , by Majed Halawi. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment , by J.J. Goldberg.  相似文献   

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