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Wendt  Fabian 《Law and Philosophy》2020,39(6):705-705
Law and Philosophy - In the original publication of the article, the corresponding author name was published incorrectly as “And Fabian Wendt”. The correct author name is “Fabian...  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - Anarchism often sets itself against the law. However, the alternative vision advanced by anarchism faces theoretical problems. Further, case studies of anarchist communities...  相似文献   

In the perspective of the philosophical archaeology proposed, here, the arkhé towards which archaeology regresses must not be understood in any way as an element that can be situated in chronology (not even one with a large grid, of the sort used in prehistory); it is, rather, a force that operates in history—much in the same way in which Indoeuropean words express a system of connections among historically accessible languages, in which the child in psychoanalysis expresses an active force in the psychic life of the adult, in which the big bang, which is supposed to have originated the universe, continues to send towards us its fossil radiation. But the arkhé is not a datum or a substance. It is much rather a field of bipolar historical currents within the tension of anthropogenesis and history, between point of emergence and becoming, between arch-past and present. And as such—that is to say, to the extent to which it is something that it is necessarily supposed to have factually happened, and which yet cannot be hypostatized in any chronologically identifiable event—it is solely capable of guaranteeing the intelligibility of historical phenomena, of ‘saving’ them archaeologically within a future perfect, yet not grasping its (in any case unverifiable) origin, but rather its history, at once finite and untotalizable.  相似文献   

哲学的方法与后现代法理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱振 《现代法学》2005,27(4):20-26
当代西方法学的理论与实践呈现出明显的后现代转向,这种转向深受后现代哲学方法的影响。后现代法理学主要借鉴了解构、系谱学与新实用主义三种方法或理论。这些方法虽有很大的不同,但在理论指向上具有很大的一致性,由此导致后现代法理学外部视角的批判与反基础主义两大理论倾向。  相似文献   

对立宪主义可以从纵向历史发展的角度进行哲理分析。古希腊、古罗马和中世纪政治哲学中的个体主义与整体主义的对立与互动,为近代立宪主义的产生提供了前期的思想基础。文艺复兴、宗教改革以及科学方法论所引发的理性主义促成了政治个体主义的产生,进而形成了以英国、美国、法国为代表的早期立宪主义政治哲学。在英、法两国相互学习和借鉴的背景下,经过各种新兴思潮与立宪主义的相互激荡,19世纪的欧洲立宪主义哲学开始走向成熟,贡斯当、托克维尔、密尔等是这一时期的典型代表。  相似文献   

家庭法哲学两题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭法哲学是我国部门法哲学研究领域的处女地,对家庭法哲学的理解,必然要首先明确其基本概念并将之与其他相邻学科区分开来。家庭关系平等是家庭法哲学中最重要的问题。在夫妻关系上,由于平等因素的增加,有可能实现平等;在亲子关系上,由于不具备任何平等的要素,不可能、也无必要实现平等。在家庭关系的平等问题上,要消除平等至上论,承认保护关系的价值,以不对称保护制调整家庭关系。  相似文献   

法典化是实现法的"一体化"的一种重要方式。适应全球化的需要,19世纪至20世纪,在西方的推动下,法典化的浪潮席卷全球,我国在上个世纪也被卷入,立了许多法,制定了许多法典,至今仍有许多人对此极力推崇。怎样客观而理性地评价法典化及其一个多世纪以来我国的法制建设进程?本文在研究法典和法典化一般概念的基础上,结合历史实际进行了思考。  相似文献   

混合法作为一种理论,它不仅符合法律的运行本性,而且也符合人类的认识规律和思维规律,而它本身所表达的确定性的追求恰恰又是人类知识论的信念的体现.混合法理论不仅是对历史的重述,同时也是一种建构,在这个意义上混合法理论应当从自在走向自觉.混合法理论不是立法中心主义的立场,而是司法中心主义的立场,这就决定了混合法理论的实践理性特质,也决定了混合法理论对于实践智慧的依赖,在这个意义上混合法是人法并重的法律理论.  相似文献   

Ota Weinberger 《Ratio juris》2001,14(1):130-141
The author outlines his views on the essence of philosophical logic. There are two means of philosophical argumentation: intuition and analysis of the problem situation under examination. Logical intuition can be replaced by improved intuition based on new intellectual constructions. Then the author explains—in opposition to von Wright—the main philosophical traits of his conception of norm logic. The structure of the information processing determining action justifies the application of dichotomous semantics in action theory and in practical philosophy. The theory of action and institutions is based on three anthropological features of man: our capacity of acting, our being a zoon politikon , and our capacity to form institutions. These features determine our ontology, our semantics and the logics of practical thinking. The action-theoretical approach leads to a formal and finalistic theory of action in which action is not only analysed as an element of the norm content, but as the essential basis of the whole field of practical philosophy. In the frame of this action theory a conception of freedom of will is provided which does not contrast with determinism. The formalism of action is applied in two different problem situations: in action deliberation and in motive interpretation. Jørgensen's dilemma is discussed and overcome by the introduction of a generalised notion of inference. Deontic logic is confronted with the idea of a genuine logic of norms. The main principles of norm logic are discussed and a normative conditional is introduced. Von Wright's conception of a genuine norm logic is confronted with the present author's conception. The author shows that norm-logical skepticism would be detrimental to analytical jurisprudence.  相似文献   

邓慧强 《时代法学》2004,2(4):37-44
文章运用唯物辩证法 ,揭示了国际法的基本矛盾 ,即战争与和平的对立统一。在这对矛盾发展过程中 ,国际法的三维结构依次呈现 :国际秩序在思维行程中导致国际人权的生发 ;国际人权潜伏的危机激发国际法向自由个性阶段演进。文章最后论证了国际法与科学社会主义契合的可能。  相似文献   

财产权及其哲学基础   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
财产权作为一种基本的人权是以所有权为核心建立起来的。它的外在表现虽是一种对物的权利,但实质上却体现了一种人与人之间的关系,因此从一开始,财产权就是为实行私有财产而提出的。西方思想家洛克、黑格尔、庞德、波斯纳、罗尔斯分别从不同的角度对财产权的合法性基础提供了理论上的论证。  相似文献   

霍布斯是权利本位论的哲学奠基人。自然权利是其权利本位论的逻辑起点,是一种绝对的自由平等关系。从自然权利的自然平等和自然自由出发,霍布斯论述了权利本位论的三个基本主张:权利先于义务,权利先于权力,权利先于欲望(以及意志和功利)。首先,自然的和社会的义务(法律)都是有条件的,最初都源自于自然权利;自然权利是无条件的,是一切法律和义务的基础。其次,权利始终是目的,是第一位的,权力则是手段,是第二位的。国家主权和公民权利都起源于并服务于自然权利。最后,自然权利是人的本质属性,是欲望、意志、功利的前提,是一切政治性、道德性和社会性问题的开端。霍布斯的权利学说是彻底的权利本位主义,并因此为现代社会、政治和法律提供了的法理基础。  相似文献   

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