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本文从美国的版权法立法策略的历史变迁写起,分析研究了美国版权法的立法策略如何根据本国版权业的发展水平和需要而适时加以调整,在对美国版权法立法策略与版权业发展相互关系的研究后,认为美国版权战略的根本目的是促进本国文化产业发展和保护本国版权产业利益,并且认为其灵活务实的立法运作机制值得我国在制定版权战略的过程中加以借鉴。  相似文献   

周林 《知识产权》1999,9(6):23-26
新中国在版权立法初期(1),曾就这部法律的名称──“版权法”抑或“著作权法”──发生过激烈争论(2)。现在,这个争论似乎已经停止了,而实际上,隐含在这个争论背后的对版权基本概念认识上的冲突,却仍然时有发生。这种冲突突出地反映在某些法律条文的适用上。在具体的案件中,诉讼各方从各自立场出发对法律所作的解释,使得原本就有些疑问的法律条文变得更加含混不清。这时,作为一种补救或有助于澄清法律条文精神的办法,就是去查一下这个条文在立法过程的情形(3)。这个条文最初是由谁提出的,最初的表达是怎样的,它想表明的意思或立法者的意图是…  相似文献   

罗婧 《法制与社会》2011,(1):110-110
网络技术的迅猛发展,对经济社会发展起着巨大的推动作用,但也给版权领域带来了新的挑战。加强对网络环境下版权保护,是发展的要求,也是利益平衡的体现。本文指出加强网络环境下的版权立法,完善版权集体管理制度,是目前加强网络环境下版权保护有益和可行的做法。  相似文献   

反观西方市场经济国家的版权制度建立已有相当的时间,并且在不断的实践中进行了调整,结构趋于成熟,丰富的建设经验对于我们的版权制度建设是非常有利的。美国作为一个市场化程度很高的国家,其加强版权的立法保护,除了有其司法实践的需要之外,重点在于通过制度的调整促进其国内的产业变革及其经济发展,版权制度的改革最直接的经济目标就是促进其国内的版权产业的发展。  相似文献   

论我国版权利用制度的立法现状及其完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张家良 《知识产权》2001,11(2):12-14
一、我国版权利用制度的立法现状 从新中国成立到1990年9月7日通过《中华人民共和国著作权法》,我国的版权制度大体上经历了三个阶段。第一个阶段:从1950年到1957年。这个阶段主要是通过文化部或者新闻出版行政管理部门颁布一些政策文件来保护作者的权益。第二阶段:从1958年到文化大革命结束。第三阶段:从1979年到1990年。这是现行版权法的起草制定阶段。我国现行著作权法的起草制定经过了近12年的时间,终于在1990年9月7日经第七届全国人大常委会第十五次会议审议通过。①  相似文献   

万勇 《知识产权》2012,(9):78-86
《欧洲版权法典》在充分考虑《伯尔尼公约》、《TRIPS协定》以及欧盟之前在版权领域制定的七个指令的基础上,对作品、作者身份与权利归属、精神权利、经济权利以及限制这五个方面的问题作了规定.法典在有些内容上作了创新,尤其是在涉及权利限制的部分,提出了区别于现有的“封闭式”和“开放式”的立法模式,引入了类比适用的新立法模式.鉴于我国已经启动《著作权法》第三次修改,因此《欧洲版权法典》的规定,对于我国的修法工作有着重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

评美国近期关于数字版权侵权的刑事制裁立法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王晨 《法学论坛》2001,16(1):69-74
本文首先介绍了美国数字版权刑事制裁立法发展,即不以商业目的为刑事制裁的主观要件的规定.文章第二部分表明放弃商业目的的限制以追究刑事责任的做法,以及不明确规定合理使用的例外等,都将使美国版权制度中权利人利益与公众利益失衡.第三部分将说明刑事制裁在防止数字版权侵权发生的作用有限,过度放宽制裁条件所产生的负面效果不利于版权制度的健康发展.希望这篇文章能引起人们对版权制度利益平衡问题的思考,对我国立法发展有所帮助.  相似文献   

评欧盟信息社会版权立法的发展及其国际影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文考察了90 年代以来欧洲联盟加快信息社会版权立法的背景、成果与有待解决的关键问题,较深入地探讨了欧盟信息社会版权立法对国际知识产权制度的影响。作者认为欧盟的一体化版权立法活动强化了欧盟作为泛欧知识产权立法者的作用,有利于协调不同法系的版权制度,提高了数字环境下国际版权保护的水平,在计算机程序与数据库法律保护、卫星数字传输与网络传播权、版权穷竭等方面发展了国际版权原则。但是,欧盟立法在平衡版权人与社会公共利益方面有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

版权金融在我国文化产业内生需求和金融体系发展的双重作用下应运而生,经过二十余年发展形成了独特的路径与特点。在文化产业创新发展和法治保障基础下,我国版权金融形成了版权质押融资、版权保险、版权证券化等多种类型。目前,在制度和实务层面,版权金融仍处于发展初期阶段。因此,有必要认识到版权金融机制建设、版权金融技术要求及内生动力等方面对版权金融带来的挑战。通过完善版权金融基础建设、强化政府版权金融服务及培育版权金融专业人才等举措,推动版权金融可持续发展,促进版权经济繁荣。  相似文献   

欧盟委员会于新年伊始发起了咨询程序,调查对版权多国许可和数字版权管理(DRM)系统兼容的问题。欧委会希望该咨询有助于形成新的战略.最终导致一个泛欧洲的版权许可法律体系。欧委会称:欧洲媒体业的创意内容应能被提供一个单一法律环境。  相似文献   

孤儿作品法理问题研究——中国视野下的西方经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵力 《河北法学》2012,30(5):149-155
随着数字技术和网络技术的发展,传统作品的阅读、发表、传播方式产生巨大变革.与此同时,尚未进入公有领域,而作者信息无法取得的作品大量存在.上述问题引起国际图书馆协会和机构联合会、国际语音协会等NGO的关注,同时欧美国家也针对上述问题进行立法尝试.鉴于我国数字图书馆、文献电子化的蓬勃发展,有必要审视我国著作权法问题,借鉴西方经验,完善著作权法,解决孤儿作品的可及性问题,实现文化繁荣.  相似文献   

The advancement of information and communication technologies opens new venues and ways for cybercriminals to commit crime. There are several different types of cybercrime offences that need to be treated in a separate and different manner. The major international source that provides guidelines for treatment of cybercrime is the Convention on Cybercrime adopted by the Council of Europe and the European Commission Action Plan. The purpose of the paper is to present, discuss and analyze the Macedonian legislation treating cybercrime, with respect to the specific cases typically encountered in practice and the international guidelines concerning cybercrime. The major source of cybercrime legislation in Macedonia is the Criminal Code with provisions thereof in ten of its articles; it addresses cybercrimes such as personal data abuse, copyright and piracy issues, production and distribution of child pornography, computer viruses, intrusions into computer systems, computer fraud and computer forgery. We also present and analyze reports on cybercrime complaints and victims from Macedonia, issued by the Internet Crime Complaint Center and the Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reports reveal the unusually high number of complaints for perpetrators and victims originating from Macedonia. Furthermore, we highlight several recent cybercrime cases reported in Macedonia. All things considered, the Macedonian penal legislation is modern and it follows the current European and world standards. It provides guidelines for successful resolution of cybercrime committed in the Republic of Macedonia. However, it could be improved by a more active inclusion of Macedonian authorities in the global response to cybercrime and by stronger enforcement of cybercrime prevention measures and strategies.  相似文献   

广播组织权的保护已引起了国内外学界和实务界的重视,我国应充分认识保护广播组织权的重要性,并参照国际立法,结合我国国情,完善我国的著作权立法,保护广播组织的合法利益,保障人民群众获得信息的权利,以促进文化产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

The Copyright Act 1957 presents the face of modern copyright protection afforded to different intellectual works and is a key statement of intellectual property rights (IPR) in the Indian legislation governing this domain, as well as being compliant to the TRIPS Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. This Act has been acceptably referred to on many occasions on global platforms, on account of its being one of the most elaborate and well-structured pieces of legislation in the field of intellectual property law. However, this well encompassing, highly creditable and widely acknowledged legislation seems to fall down in its practical implementation rendering its theoretical purpose partly futile. The situation so stands, that India continues to project major piracy rates with little regression in the trend despite the fact that this law is still very much in force. The reasons which deny effective copyright protection in India, for works of miscellaneous categories, have much to do with the lack of an equally strong enforcement mechanism. This paper provides an insight into the inadequacies of the Indian legal and administrative systems which have ultimately diminished the effectiveness of the copyright regime contrary to that envisioned by the law.  相似文献   

电子商务中的版权国际保护制度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李卉  屈广清 《河北法学》2005,23(5):25-28
电子商务正日益成为信息经济发展的动力和新经济增长点。版权保护问题是电子商务环境下亟待解决的基本法律问题,世界各国都面临着调整、修改现行知识产权制度以适应经济与科技发展的需要,版权保护体系的国际性调整尤其构成了对作为弱势一方的发展中国家的空前挑战。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the work of the World Health Organization (WHO), begun a decade ago in Europe, in the field of health legislation. This program is the result of the interaction between two important factors: the trends in national health policy and legislation at the country level, and the implementation of the Health for All policy, which has been collectively adopted by the European Member States in various WHO fora. Health legislation has proved to be a valuable tool in supporting National Health Policies in European countries and a key element in international health activities. The paper will be presented in three main parts. The first examines the legislative implications of the Health for All policy and strategy. The second gives an overview of developments in health legislation in Europe, focusing on national achievements in three areas in which change is necessary to achieve Health for All: health care systems, the environment, and lifestyles. The third part gives an account of activities carried out by the Regional Office for Europe of WHO in the health legislation field, recalls the organization of the first WHO medium-term program in this field, and summarizes its four current subprograms on health policy, health situation, exchange of information, and training. The conclusion briefly outlines the prospects for further developments in Europe.  相似文献   

季卫东 《中国法学》2006,82(3):17-29
本文关于戏仿与著作权的讨论,侧重于数码网络化对法律秩序的深刻影响以及各种创新型制度设计。作者认为,对所谓公平使用原则的考量,必须以严格区分美国模式和欧洲模式为前提;中国现行著作权法极其强调对作者人格的保护,固然有其必然性和合理性,但也很可能在不同程度上阻碍信息流通以及文化产业的发展。因此也可以说,“馒头血案”与《无极》的碰撞,其实提出了一些涉及法与社会转型的根本问题:怎样才能避免通讯技术引起著作权的解体或贬值?人际互动与大批量的契约群以及民主决定的法律程序要件之间的关系究竟应该如何重构?解答这些问题的关键是对权利处理的不同方式进行比较。  相似文献   

蒋慧玲 《现代法学》2003,25(5):73-77
俄罗斯1996年新刑法典关于犯罪概念的立法模式沿袭了1958年以来苏俄刑事立法采取的形式———实质概念模式。但是,新刑法典的规定和变革因批判地继承民族立法的传统,特别是反映俄罗斯刑事立法和刑法学发展的最新成果而显得更为科学和合逻辑性。新中国成立以来,刑法典关于犯罪概念的立法规定深受苏俄刑事立法的影响,但是,由于俄罗斯新刑法典的变革,两国关于犯罪概念的立法表述和内容有了较大的区别。这值得我们去了解和研究,以资借鉴。  相似文献   

华劼 《河北法学》2008,26(6):7-12
随着网络和信息技术的快速发展,网络上的个人隐私权正在被严重地侵害,面对这种侵害,各国都致力于建立完善的网络隐私权法律保护体系。从比较研究的角度讨论美国和欧盟的网络隐私权立法保护模式和规则,并对我国网络隐私权的保护提出立法建议。  相似文献   

Providing legal protection against the 'hacking' of technological locks used to protect copyrighted works recently has been the subject of an international treaty (the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty), a European Community Directive (the Information Society Directive) and major copyright legislation in the USA (the Digital Millennium Copyright Act). By making hacking illegal, these legal protections fortify the technological protections employed by copyright owners to reduce infringement of their works. While copyright owners may use technological protections to compensate for the increased infringement potential in a digital world, technological protections can also be used to obtain far greater protection than the law would otherwise grant the copyright owner. In this article, Professor Loren argues that attention needs to be shifted from providing legal protection for technological protections, to providing legal protections against the overzealous use of these technological protections by content providers. She argues that laws should be enacted, and perhaps even treaties should be signed, that would prohibit the use of technological protections to impermissibly invade certain use rights recognized by a country's copyright laws.  相似文献   

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