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This report has been produced by UNHCR on the basis of informationobtained from a variety of publicly available sources, analysesand comments. The report is intended for reference by thoseinvolved in the asylum determination process and concentrateson the issues most commonly raised in asylum claims lodged invarious jurisdictions. The information contained does not purportto be either exhaustive with regard to conditions in the countrysurveyed nor conclusive as to the merit of any particular claimto refugee status or asylum. Incomplete, inaccurate or incorrectinformation cannot be ruled out. The inclusion of informationin this report does not constitute an endorsement of the informationor the views of third parties. Neither does such informationnecessarily represent statements of policy or views of UNHCRor the United Nations.  相似文献   

When refugees arrive at the borders and on the shores of the Global North they are increasingly criminalised and subject to a range of law and order type rhetoric and practices. This paper outlines an alternative criminological engagement with the condition of refugeehood that shifts the focus from the refugee to the practices of the state. First, it splices definitions of state crime with the highly legalistic refugee definition to offer alternative conceptualisations of persecution in the determination of who is accorded the legal status of refugee. Second, it applies state crime frameworks to the increasingly restrictive and punitive refugee policies of countries in the Global North. It concludes by locating theorisations of state crime within the broader project of reconceptualising notions of sovereignty.Sharon Pickering BA(Melb), MA(Soton), PhD(Melb) lectures in Criminal Justice and Criminology at Monash University Australia. She has worked with refugees and written on forced migration issues for the past five years including her recent book Refugees and State Crime (2005 Institute of Criminology Monograph Series/Federation Press).  相似文献   

The severe food crisis of the 1990s forced thousands of NorthKoreans to leave their country in search of food. Most of themcrossed the border into China, to which the Government of thePeople's Republic of China (the PRC) responded by forcibly repatriatingdefectors to North Korea, thus placing many of them at riskof being subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment and,at times, even death. This article provides an overview of thesituation of North Korean asylum seekers and analyses the legalprotection available to North Korean defectors under internationallaw. The article focuses specifically on the situation of NorthKoreans in mainland China and China's obligations under internationalhuman rights and refugee law. The aim of the article is to contributeto the elaboration of durable solutions for the plight of NorthKorean asylum seekers and to develop a range of recommendationsfor law reform and policy change.  相似文献   

《世界博览会标志保护条例》(以下简称《世标条例》)自2004年12月1日起正式施行。施行几个月以来,弘辉房产侵犯世界博览会标志权利的“世博第一案”已经二审终结。《世标条例》的施行和正在出现的相应法律问题,引起了知识产权法学者的高度关注。2005年7月16日,上海市法学会、上海市世博局和同济大学知识产权学院联合举办了“世界博览会标志保护中的法律问题”研讨会。会议就世博标志保护的五个重要问题进行了研讨。这五个问题是:(1)《世界博览会标志保护条例》中“商业目的”(包括“潜在商业目的”)使用的具体含义;(2)《世界博览会标志保护…  相似文献   

共同正犯相关问题研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
作者探讨共同正犯的相关问题 ,提出共同正犯是共犯类型 ,并对国外刑法理论关于共同正犯理论的犯罪共同说、行为共同说和意思主体共同说进行了评析 ,提出了共同正犯成立的基本范围 ,分析了共同正犯的主观要件和实行行为形态 ,并就共谋共同实行行为、继承的共同实行行为、分担的共同实行行为等存在较大争议的问题进行分析 ,提出了自己观点。  相似文献   

难民保护面临的国际法问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对难民提供国际保护既是人道主义的要求,也是维护国际和平与安全使然,然而拒不接受难民的趋势越来越严重。应对这一问题的法律措施,一是修改既有难民定义,扩大国际难民法的保护范围,使得各国对那些不符合既有难民定义却处于与难民同样境地的人的援助,从纯粹基于人道主义考虑的自觉自愿行为转化为法律义务。二是强调国际人权法在难民国际保护中的应有作用。将人权原理应用到难民保护领域,通过敦促国家履行国际人权保护义务来实现对难民的保护,可以克服国际难民法的固有缺陷,并强化难民国际保护的法律基础。  相似文献   

叙利亚难民问题的原因复杂,国际影响大,应结合国际法对国际难民的现行保护机制,分析叙利亚难民的形成原因,国际社会应该对叙利亚难民权利的保护并依法解决叙利亚难民问题。  相似文献   

薛建平 《中国法律》2010,(4):16-19,72
国际投资及企业并购的法律问题范围比较广,可以分成两个部分。第一部分是境外朋友们可能感兴趣的,就是内地企业“走出去”这个大趋势背後的理念,国家政策和境内相关法律的配套究竟是怎样的。从20世纪90年代国家领导人提出“引进来、走出去”的战略目标,到2004年商务部出台的两个规定,并在2009年颁发《境外投资管理办法》,确立了“证书”的批准制度。  相似文献   

国际刑法的历史发展与基本问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际刑法是一门蕴涵着多学科、多部门法及各法系特点的综合性法律学科.随着国际社会发展,国际刑法不断得到发展与完善,并且经历了草创、发展、停滞和再拓展的不同演进阶段,在国际刑法演化的历史进程中亦不乏见仁见智的观点.本文试图在梳理国际刑法发展历史脉络的同时,探讨国际刑法的概念、特征以及国际犯罪界定的一些基本问题.  相似文献   

杨家雄 《中国法律》2010,(4):20-22,72
如何处理股价敏感信息(下称“PSI”)是良好企业管治非常重要的一个环节。2010年年初,为进一步改善香港的上市平台,香港政府就法例迫使上市公司披露PSI的建议向公众展开咨询。今年6月4日,在香港董事学会午餐演讲会时,财经事务及库务局局长陈家强教授就今次展开公众咨询有以下解说:  相似文献   

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