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对"继续履行"的再思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对大陆法系和英美法系及国际商事公约中对继续履行(强制履行、实际履行)的规定的分析入 手,探讨了继续履行在违约救济中的积极和消极意义。在此基础上着重分析了我国各项相关法 律、法律解释中对继续履行问题的规定的理论上和实际经济生活中的价值,并对之作出了批判性 的评价,同时对我国有关继续履行制度的立法提出了建议。  相似文献   

陈立虎  朱萍 《时代法学》2008,6(1):94-103
实际履行是合同法中一项重要的违约救济制度。考察实际履行的性质以及在两大法系国家合同法中的地位,实际履行在1980年《国际货物买卖合同公约》中的具体体现和特点,研究该制度在公约之后的发展趋势,有助于进一步完善中国的实际履行制度。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出及路径选择任何一个订约者都会信赖与自己订约的另外一个当事人将如约地履行合同。〔1〕这既是订约的目的,同时也是社会生活的一般诚信要求。然而背离这一目的和要求的情况并不罕见:如出卖人没有向买受人交付所出卖的货物,承揽人没有向定作人交付所承揽的工作物,出租人直到合同结束还没有腾出所出租的住房,歌手没有实际举办所承诺的演唱会,职员在离开公司之后违背竞业禁止规定与自己的原雇主开展竞争活动,等等。所有这些情形都有一个共同之处,那就是债权人在履行给付的利益上受到了侵害,也就是债权人在合同履行的信赖上出现了…  相似文献   

实施替代交易的减损义务与继续履行请求权无法兼容。减损义务的正当性在于债权人负有帮助他人的道德义务,以及避免整体社会财富的浪费。维护债务人的个人自主性,肯定其改变心意的价值,以及违约救济应当遵循比例原则,也可以为排除继续履行请求权提供正当性。肯定债权人的继续履行请求权,从而其不负实施替代交易的减损义务,将导致债权人实施投机行为、间接损失扩大、强加给债务人以不被需要的给付、赋予债权人过重的谈判筹码等不合理的结果。否定继续履行请求权并不会产生鼓励违约、无法提供充分救济、规则模糊等问题。因此,当债权人能够实施替代交易时,损害赔偿就可以为其提供充分救济,债权人无继续履行请求权,提存规则应当相应作限缩解释。  相似文献   

论强制实际履行合同中的价值判断与选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
叶昌富 《现代法学》2005,27(2):152-157
强制实际履行是对违约的一种重要的救济措施,但各国对此适用的条件和态度有所差异,本文通过比较分析两大法系关于强制实际履行的价值判断与选择,认为在适用中应引入经济分析的方法加以考量,并对我国《合同法》有关问题的完善提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

合同实际履行与损害赔偿制度的经济学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈奇伟 《河北法学》2006,24(4):54-56
合同违约责任的救济措施主要有实际履行与损害赔偿两种,大陆法系强调实际履行的重要性,而英美法系更注重损害赔偿的救济功能,从我国国情和微观经济学的角度出发,我国合同违约救济措施应采纳大陆法系的"严格的效率违约"理论,即原则上应以实际履行为主要救济措施,在实际履行明显不符合效率原则时强调损害赔偿的救济功能,只有这样才能使双方当事人付出的成本最低,而收益最大.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author revisits the emotive theory of value and argues that values are not entities but nothing other than linguistic fictions. Accordingly, valuations—i.e., valuing actions—can be defined as approving or disapproving attitudes of a subject to some object. In this perspective, values cannot be true or false: What we can do is just compare them with regard to strength. As a consequence, value judgments are to be understood as sentences which are used either to say that a subject s values an object o positively or negatively, or to express (evince) a valuation. The author then shows some relations between normative and evaluative discourses. First, he claims that norms as well as valuations are not true or false. Second, he argues that both may be explained or justified, even if the former are usually justified teleologically whereas the latter are explained referring back to the subject's background and life-style. Third, he notes that a legal order originates from the fact that valuations crystallize into norms. Finally, the author examines some further questions related to his analysis. In particular, he argues that the different realms of values, e.g., morals, aesthetics, politics, etc., do not correspond to different evaluative attitudes, but to different phenomena and diverse spheres of human life.  相似文献   

Henry Kamen 《Ratio juris》1997,10(1):36-44
Before the emergence of the concept of individual rights, in the eighteenth century, toleration was conceded by states only to the corporations that constituted the state. Many states that, like France after the Edict of Nantes, conceded a form of toleration, did so without accepting the principle of toleration. The recognition or toleration of rights for individuals first became possible only in a wholly secularised society such as that of colonial north America.  相似文献   

论实际履行的适用与限制的法经济学依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘廷华 《北方法学》2010,4(6):110-119
由于产品差异化、证明标准、可预见性规则、争议处理的成本等方面的限制,损害赔偿通常是补偿不足的,造成违约人将部分违约成本外部化,导致了过多的违约,这暗示应该常规地适用实际履行。效率违约理论挑战这个观点,认为实际履行阻碍了资源流向最有价值的用途,或者增加了交易成本。经济分析表明,效率违约理论本身是经不起检验的。而且,由于实际履行与减损规则相互冲突,当守约人能通过市场完成补救时,应限制实际履行。  相似文献   

Georg Schmitz 《Ratio juris》2003,16(2):240-265
Abstract.   Constitutional review was the most original idea stemming from the Austrian Federal Constitution of 1920. It is argued that the politician Karl Renner gave birth to the idea of a constitutional court. Hans Kelsen played the predominant role in the drafting of constitutional provisions. The new Constitutional Court provided for a centralized system of review, with an eye to a number of politically important issues. Owing to the pressure that stemmed from various discussions between and among the politicians of the national state and the Länder , Kelsen was obliged to depart from the German model of the federal state and to develop in its place a new theory.  相似文献   

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