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Paradoxes of Urban Housing Informality in the Developing World   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses a series of paradoxes regarding informal settlements in cities in the developing world and their relation with the legal system. The first paradox regards the penalization of illegal land occupations on the one hand versus the legalization of that same practice on the other. Second, it looks at the relationship between land occupations as systematic violations of property rights, but with the goal of forming new property rights and thus paradoxically supporting private property as a substantive principle. Third, the reasoning behind the fact that the same system that denies legal access to housing for poor sectors simultaneously attempts to incorporate informal settlements in an ad hoc manner through legalization schemes is examined. It is shown that there is a logic to these paradoxes, which, although contradictory from standard legal perspectives, can be accommodated within a theoretical framework that distinguishes an internal normative order operating within informal settlements, from the state legal system, operative outside it. The proposed framework not only settles the paradoxes, but, this article concludes, can also guide attempts to deal with the enormous anticipated growth of informality in the developing world.  相似文献   

国际银团贷款与中国银团贷款立法国际化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘胜题 《现代法学》2000,22(5):126-129
本文对国际银团贷款的概念及其地位以及中国银团贷款业的兴起和发展作了分析 ,提出了中国银团贷款立法国际化的建议。  相似文献   

The Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) concluded during the past decades have established complex interlinkages between the institutions established by MEAs and institutions such as UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank and the funds administered by the Bank, in particular the GEF. Questions regarding the effectiveness and legitimacy of this system of global environmental governance have arisen both in practice and in research. This essay explores the manner in which these questions have arisen, how they have been addressed in recent research and provides the context for the subsequent contributions to this special issue. Steinar Andresen is professor of political science at the University of Oslo, Ellen Hey is professor of public international law at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.  相似文献   

国际货币制度进入后布雷顿森林体系之后,金融危机频繁爆发,其制度性根源在于当今的国际货币制度存在缺陷。现行的牙买加体系并没有改变美元本位的状态,特里芬难题依然存在。通过缔结区域性货币合作条约、建立特别国际货币法院、建立政府间独立的国家主权信用评级机构对美元进行全方位的约束,是当下改革国际货币制度比较可行的方案。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,国际法律秩序正在经历着一次新的重构,出现了较为明显的从“主权本位”和“同意导向”向“人权本位”和“强制导向”逐渐发展演变的趋势.而在这一过程中,国际刑法产生了重要的作用和影响,或者说此次重构进程就是在国际刑法的引领之下展开的.然而,目前的国际法体系仍以主权国家的“同意”为基础,恐怕不应以“强制”为导向,但是在国际刑法的发展中已经出现了明显的强制倾向,而这与国际法的“应然”状态显然有很大的差距.对国际刑法过度扩张的势头应持冷静和审慎观察的立场,与此同时积极主动倡导和引导建立包容、多元、平等和公正的后冷战国际法律秩序,发挥国际法律秩序促进维持国际和平与安全、保障各国社会经济可持续发展和保护人权的积极作用.  相似文献   

蔡从燕 《法律科学》2008,40(1):153-163
现行国际争端解决机制有效地提高了国际法的作用,促进了国际社会法治化。然而,风险社会的到来使得国际法的社会基础发生重大变迁,处在新语境中的国际争端解决机制因此面临着一系列严峻挑战。为了实质性地提高作为抽象系统的国际争端解决机制的有效性,维持并增强利益相关者的信任,巩固并强化其存在的正当性基础,有必要从功能、组织及程序三个层面对其予以重构。  相似文献   

论可持续发展与我国立法体系的重新架构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈泉生 《现代法学》2000,22(5):130-133
我国的国情决定了我国必须走可持续发展的道路 ,而作为实现可持续发展重要手段的现行法律与可持续发展的要求差距颇大。为此 ,有必要以可持续发展思想为指导重新架构我国立法体系 ,使之符合可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

The Framework Convention on Climate Change, opened for signature at the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED), formally begins a process for countries jointly to limit the long-term risk of climate change. The near-term effectiveness of the Framework Convention will be limited, due to ambiguities in language, uncertainties regarding the magnitude and location of sources and sinks, the difference between biological and industrial emissions, uncertainty about the relative importance of the various greenhouse gases and selection of a weighting system, and concerns about equity. Action in the near term will likely cover either CO2 alone or just those gases resulting from the use of fossil fuels in the industrialized world. Based on this limitation, it is projected that by 2036 the earth will be committed to a 2.2oC temperature increase. The effectiveness of the Convention need not be as limited as this analysis suggests; it is an evolving document, tailored to be flexible and to respond to the most recent scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

国际公务员与现代国际法的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵劲松 《时代法学》2008,6(5):103-110
国际公务员是国际社会日益组织化的产物,联合国60年来的历程对现代国际法产生了深远的影响,尤其将尚处于起步阶段的国际公务员法律制度向前推进了一大步,从而形成了一项相对独立并且完善的国际公务员法。国际公务员法在国际法主体、外交关系法、国际司法制度和国际组织责任等领域推动了现代国际法的发展。  相似文献   

For international financial institutions (IFIs), it is a continuing puzzle why the global norms they propagate are enacted either reluctantly or not at all. This article shows that failures of enactment and implementation frequently occur because many IFI‐initiated law reforms go far beyond changing the law; they amount to a restructuring of the state itself and the accompanying redistributions of power. This article demonstrates how state restructuring can occur in a technical area of commercial law by reanalyzing the ways global and transnational designs of corporate bankruptcy regimes fared between 1998 and 2006 in three countries variously affected by the Asian financial crisis: China, Indonesia, and South Korea. State restructuring occurred by (1) shifting the boundary between the market and state, (2) shifting power inside the state, and (3) vesting new powers in the state. The article identifies the recursive dynamics through which the changes unfolded and shows how variations in the efficacy of international architects of the state can be attributed to the interplay of four sets of factors: the coherence of global norms, the relative power of global versus state actors, domestic demand and mobilization for restructuring, and the extent of state restructuring that reforms will induce.  相似文献   

国际引渡合作规则的新发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
国际引渡合作一直是法学和国际政治领域备受关注的课题,处理起来十分困难,论域包含司法主权、国际人权、国际关系、国际刑事司法合作等范围。现今世界上主要依据主权边界而形成的各个法律和司法系统,空间效力通常仅存于各自系属主权控制之内,这就导致了刑事司法合作的必要以及由此提出的引渡合作要求;然而由于各法律和司法系统在不同主权国家之间存在不容忽视的差别,且涉及主权者之间的利益衡量、观念沟通、法治互认以及主权互信的前提,因此交涉起来往往十分困难。尤在政治庇护和国际人权保护兴起之后,国际引渡合作更是错综复杂。黄风先生本文在动态的意义上,从国际引渡合作新发展的视角,通过立足于材料分析的深描,精妙地处理了这个复杂论题,其研究堪称动态式研究和深描式研究的一种典范。具体而言,作者通过九个角度的观察,即放弃或者变通引渡问题上的“条约前置主义”,以相互承认逮捕令为基础的逃犯移交制度日臻成熟,政治犯罪例外原则的适用范围越来越受限制,人权保护条款地位上升且越来越具体,死刑不引渡已变为刚性原则,关于国民引渡的限制不断放宽等,以对变迁语境挖掘讨论的深度,给读者呈现了有关国际引渡合作现行规则一幅较为完形的素描。  相似文献   

林娜  钟贝 《人民司法》2021,(4):107-111
自2013年底党的十八届三中全会审议通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,至2020年初中共中央办公厅印发《关于深化司法责任制综合配套改革的意见》(以下简称《意见》),我国新一轮司法体制改革已走过大刀阔斧、汹涌激荡的6年。这6年中,人民法院深入调研、缜密谋划、统筹推进,成功搭建了司法体制改革的“四梁八柱”,改革整体成效显现。  相似文献   

和平发展与国际合作义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车丕照 《法学家》2004,(6):7-11
我国的和平发展离不开特定的国际环境.尽管与二战结束之前或与冷战结束之前相比,国际形势已发生了很大的变化,但国际社会的基本结构未变,即:国际社会依然是由地位平等的主权国家所构成,不存在超越国家之上的世界政府.  相似文献   

This short paper examines discrepancies between free wheelingexport credit agencies (ECAs) and their sibling bi-lateral aidagencies, which are subject to the global decision process forsustainable development. Each ECA is an arm of the government.The Export–Import Bank of China is no exception. Ironically,any government that finances its ECA has supported social andenvironmental safeguards policies, to which multilateral developmentbanks (MDBs) are subject. China is no longer an ordinary borrowerin MDBs; it is an important donor. As a responsible financierin development, the China Exim Bank needs to develop its operationalpolicies and procedures.  相似文献   

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