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论高等职业教育的整体取向及其规范性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高等职业教育的整体取向具有规范性,高等职业教育群体活动的整体取向对高等职业教育工作理论和实践产生着日益显著的规范性作用。高等职业教育发展及人才培养的群体活动,在宏观上体现出群体取向的特性、职业能力培养的终身性、人才培养的复合性、群体规范的必要性等整体规范。  相似文献   

With the growth of the woman's movement in the 1970s and the new attention being given to children's literature, the image of the woman in folktales became a subject for serious consideration. Feminists objected to her stereotyped depictions as passive princess or wicked witch, with little in between. However, the depiction of the woman in folktales has seldom been clearly realized; her role in the tale has been oversimplified and she has been denied motivation and intention. Particularly slighted has been the consideration of the female in American folktales. Such a consideration reveals that while she is often a victim, her independence, moral conviction and active intellect frequently show her to be stronger and certainly more admirable that those who oppress her.While the woman may often submit to others' demands, her behavior may be explained as the only means she has to survive or as the best means she has to subvert an uncompromising system. Admittedly, open rebellion is impossible, subject as woman is to cruel and even lascivious fathers and to the brutal or merely thoughtless whims of lovers and husbands. Yet, even in tales where woman is dominated and oppressed, she may be able to manipulate the forces that deny her freedom, may be able to struggle towards a selfhood. That selfhood becomes evident in her role as witch and even in her roles as ghost and spirit. In addition, when other tales are examined (not in the province of this paper), the female in American folktales emerges as ‘The Trickster Heroine.’ This paper concentrates on the tales which emphasize the need for her transformation and suggest the wit and wiliness she has that will enable her to become this ‘heroine’.  相似文献   

人才是指各方面的高层次人员。人才包括管理型人才、研究型人才、技术型人才和操作型人才。人才是最重要的战略资源,是国际竞争的焦点。人才开发胜于人才管理。人才开发机制包括社会舆论机制、人才发现机制、人才培养机制、人才监督机制和人才淘汰机制。  相似文献   

Feminist research and theory show how substance and process of law are substantially affected by its patriarchal context. Accordingly, a number of Australian studies have identified how gendered myths and other factors impact on the assessment of victim credibility in sexual assault hearings. In this article we look at sexual harassment cases in Australia lodged under the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) between 2000 and 2006 and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Discrimination Act from 2001 to 2005 to see if similar variables to those in rape cases play a role in the perception of witness believability. We find that credibility is more likely to correlate with being Anglo, very young, a rational (masculine) demeanor/presentation in giving evidence, corroborative witnesses and legal representation. In addition, respondents' counsel in federal harassment hearings or respondents themselves in correspondence to the ACT Commissioner, just as defence barristers in rape trials, attempt to make the victim appear as an incredible witness through highlighting evidentiary inconsistencies and/or delayed reporting. Also evidence about sexual history or behavior that evokes an image of provocation may be adduced. We identify a varied response to these myths and to measurement of credibility by the individual ‘gatekeepers’ — the Federal Magistrates, judges and the ACT Discrimination Commissioner.  相似文献   

The growth during the 1990s of a republican movement in Australia has stimulated among other things a feminist examination of both the gendered nature of republicanism and the under-representation of women in senior positions in republican organizations. Feminists have adopted several critical perspectives on Australian republicanism: one involves the claim for the redesign of Australian political institutions in order to maximize the representation of women and women's interests; another suggests that the neglected history of women's involvement in constitutional politics during the last century needs to be understood to throw light on ways in which republicanism can be made more meaningful for women now, while a third argues that republicanism is not essentially a feminist issue and should not be pursued as such. The article challenges this conclusion.  相似文献   

科学发展观是对马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的继承和发展,坚持了以人为本的本质和核心,体现了提升人优质生存、促进人全面发展的根本、价值取向,形成了尊重知识与人才、保护劳动与创造的新观念,是实现经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展的重要指导思想。  相似文献   

自我管理是实现人本管理的有效形式,也是人本管理的本质特征。只要按照人之需要的发展规律来进行的管理都可以称为人本管理。在当今知识经济时代,人本管理就是要顺应人的自我实现需要,实现员工自我管理。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济的确立和发展,给高等院校的思想政治教育提出了新的课题:在新的形势下如何做好思想政治教育工作。高等教育是为社会主义现代化建设服务的,搞好高教的思想政治教育改革首先要转变观念,在邓小平教育理论指导下,把马克思主义基本原理和社会主义现代化建设实践结合起来,并以此作为思想政治教育的主要内容,努力把大学生培养成“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的社会主义新人。  相似文献   

新修改的《工会法》明确提出维护职工的合法权益是工会的基本职责。要实现维护基本职责,工会必须坚持在党的领导下,依法独立开展工作,认真开展集体协商签订集体合同以及企业民主管理工作。当前要着重做好加强职工与企业利益共同体教育,做好维护职工劳动权、就业权工作,加紧工会的自身建设和改革,促进企业的稳定和改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

企业推行股份制改造以来,出现了以物质资本所有权为载体的一元股份制和以物质资本所有权与人力资本所有权为载体的二元股份制.这两种股份制具有各自的特征.只有把劳动力资本化、股份化,并同物质资本以股权为纽带联合统一经营,建立二元股份制,进而表现联合起来的劳动者占有全部生产力的目标,才能建立起公有制,消灭私有制,走向共同富裕.  相似文献   

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