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For the purpose of realizing the adminiswation of donations in foreign exchange and facilitating the receipt and payment of donations in foreign exchange,and pursuant to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration and other relevant laws and regulations, the relevant issues concerning administration of donations in foreign exchange by domestic institutions are hereby promulgated:  相似文献   

Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the establishment of partner?ship enterprise in China by foreign enterprises or individuals, facilitating foreign enterprises or individuals to invest in China in the form of partner?ship, and expanding foreign economic cooperation and technical exchang?es, the Measures herein is formulated in accordance with the Partnership Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership Enterprise Law).  相似文献   

China has become one of the major destinations for foreign investment in the world today. Statistics from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce indicate that some $60.5 billion worth of foreign investment had been brought to the country in 2005. This large-scale utilization of foreign capital has greatly fueled local economic growth and integrated China even more into the global economy.  相似文献   

Utilizing foreign capital is the important content in China's basic state policy of opening up to the outside world. China has positively been attracting foreign investment and promoted industrial upgrad-ing and technical progress since the opening up, with foreign-invested enterprises being the important component of the national economy. At present, Chinese advantage over utilizing foreign capital remains obvi-ous. For the purpose of raising the quality and level of utilizing foreign capital and better giving full play to utilizing foreign capital in boosting scientific innovation, industrial upgrading and regional coordinated and balanced development, the following opinions are hereby put forward:  相似文献   

Promoting Trade     
Foreign trade can play a bigger role in ensuring stable economic growth Change is coming to the world of e-commerce in China, and it is being driven by foreign trade.The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) is taking the lead, along with the General Administration of Customs (GAC), the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in formulating a policy supporting the development of foreign  相似文献   

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of facilitating news coverage and reporting activities carried out by permanent offices of foreign media organizations and foreign journalists in the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with law and promoting international exchange and dissemination of information.  相似文献   

正More stable growth in foreign trade is on the cards Despite a year-on-year decline of 0.9percent in 2016,China has performed satisfactorily in trade in the first two months of this year,casting a hopeful light on the country’s foreign trade prospects for2017.According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs,the total value of China’s imports and exports amounted to3.89 trillion yuan($564.9 billion)in the first two months of 2017,up 20.6 percent year  相似文献   

Since the global financial crisis began, we have seen two new trends develop in the management of foreign enterprises in China. First, as expected, the flow of foreign direct investment into China has decreased. Second, there has been an  相似文献   

正Understanding Saudi Arabia’s outlook both foreign and domestic Saudi Arabia rolled out a series of changes in its domestic and foreign affairs in 2015as it responded to a rather complex set of circumstances.In the face of challenges put forth by the so-called"Islamic State"(ISIS)militant group,the sharp decline in global oil prices,the continued war in Yemen,the ongoing  相似文献   

China's efforts to build a harmonious world begin with establishing peaceful borders with its neighbors China's recent contribution to the world of international relations is the promotion of "building a harmonious world together," put forward by President Hu Jintao at the 60th anniversary of the UN in September 2005. As the core of the country's peaceful foreign policy in the new era, this approach has been well received and widely discussed in the international community. Meanwhile, Chinese foreign policy has always adhered to the strategic guidelines of  相似文献   

Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the establishment of partnership enterprises by foreign enterprises or individuals, facilitating foreign enterprises or individuals to invest in China in the form of partnership and expanding foreign economic cooperation and technical exchanges, the Provisions shall, pursuant to the Partnership Business Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Partnership Business Law), the Administrative Measures for the Establishment of Partnership Enterprises within China by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals and the Administrative Measures for the Registration of Partnership Enterprises of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Administrative Measures for the Registration of Partnership Enterprises), be formulated.  相似文献   

<正>Exchange and cooperation in the i eld of human rights education,between higher education and research institutions in the Chinese mainland and foreign human rights institutions and relevant international organizations,are an important aspect of human rights exchange and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and foreign countries.The China University of Political Science and Law is the first university in the mainland to establish  相似文献   

正On July 9,the Chinese Government released a document on accelerating the growth of new business forms and models in foreign trade. The document proposed to promote innovations in China's foreign trade sector,in terms of systems,management,service,business forms and models. Meanwhile,policies and pragmatic measures on new business forms and models of foreign trade have been drafted,covering cross-border e-commerce,market purchase,comprehensive foreign trade service companies,offshore trade,and overseas warehouses.  相似文献   

I suffer from "the cough," a raspy highpitched chronic wheeze which is a natural reaction of the body against the presence of foreign particles in airways. Speaking of natural reactions to foreign matters,He Quanying,Director of the Respiratory Care Department of Peking University People’s Hospital,  相似文献   

正China recently announced that it will further lower the market access thresholds in areas like banking and the securities industry to attract more foreign investment.The aim is to promote the steady growth of foreign investment in China’s pursuit of a better business environment.Market entry barriers will be relaxed in specif ic areas  相似文献   

Adjustments expected to rules on foreign investment after accusations of malicious corporate moves Business takeovers by foreign conglomerates in China have attracted significant government attention recently, including concerns that the flurry of business maneuvers is aimed at forming foreign-controlled monopolies in the Chinese market.  相似文献   

正In 2019,expanding foreign investment inflow was one of the bright spots in the Chinese economy,revealing that the country remains a major magnet for worldwide investors.Since the beginning of that year,China maintained a stable and upward trend in attracting foreign capital with more major foreign-invested projects worth billions or even tens of billions of dollars,said Meng Wei,spokesperson for the National Development and Reform Commission,on December 17,2019.Just a day later,128 deals with a combined investment of over 560 billion yuan($80 billion) were signed at a global investment promotion conference in Shenzhen in the southern province of Guangdong  相似文献   

TO THE POINT:For the fifth time in four months, the central bank slashed benchmark interest rates by 0.27 percentage points and reduced the reserve requirement ratio by another 0.5 percentage points to boost invest-ment. The government, in the wake of plummeting international crude oilprices, lowered refined oil prices for the first time this year. China's foreign reserves shrank due in part to the outflow of foreign capital and the depre-ciation of the euro. The government adopted new measures such as rais...  相似文献   

Record Stock     
正China's foreign exchange reserves rise for fourth month in July By Wang JunChina's foreign exchange reserves maintained growth for the fourth successive month in J uly,standing at$3.1 5 trillion,the highest level in 30 months with a monthon-month increase of 1.4 percent,figures from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) show.Wang Chunying,SAFE Deputy  相似文献   

CHINESE consumers have long been convinced that foreign brand names are synonymous with better quality and service. And as the country enters the later stage of its post-WTO transitional period, a tidal wave of imports hovers on the horizon. A spate of incidents in recent years, however, has besmirched their overseas sheen, and shaken Chinese consumers' faith in foreign goods.  相似文献   

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