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The estimation of bloodstain volume using fractal analysis of digital images of passive blood stains is presented. Binary digital photos of bloodstains of known volumes (ranging from 1 to 7 mL), dispersed in a defined area, were subjected to image analysis using FracLac V. 2.0 for ImageJ. The box-counting method was used to generate a fractal dimension for each trial. A positive correlation between the generated fractal number and the volume of blood was found (R(2) = 0.99). Regression equations were produced to estimate the volume of blood in blind trials. An error rate ranging from 78% for 1 mL to 7% for 6 mL demonstrated that as the volume increases so does the accuracy of the volume estimation. This method used in the preliminary study proved that bloodstain patterns may be deconstructed into mathematical parameters, thus removing the subjective element inherent in other methods of volume estimation.  相似文献   

Superimposition has been applied to skulls of unidentified skeletonized corpses as a personal identification method. The current method involves layering of a skull and a facial image of a suspected person and thus requires a real skeletonized skull. In this study, we scanned skulls of skeletonized corpses by computed tomography (CT), reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) images of skulls from the CT images, and superimposed the 3D images with facial images of the corresponding persons taken in their lives. Superimposition using 3D-reconstructed skull images demonstrated, as did superimposition using real skulls, an adequate degree of morphological consistency between the 3D-reconstructed skulls and persons in the facial images. Three-dimensional skull images reconstructed from CT images can be saved as data files and the use of these images in superimposition is effective for personal identification of unidentified bodies.  相似文献   

Digital image evidence is now widely available from criminal investigations and surveillance operations, often captured by security and surveillance CCTV. This has resulted in a growing demand from law enforcement agencies for automatic person-recognition based on image data. In forensic science, a fundamental requirement for such automatic face recognition is to evaluate the weight that can justifiably be attached to this recognition evidence in a scientific framework. This paper describes a pilot study carried out by the Forensic Science Service (UK) which explores the use of digital facial images in forensic investigation. For the purpose of the experiment a specific software package was chosen (Image Metrics Optasia). The paper does not describe the techniques used by the software to reach its decision of probabilistic matches to facial images, but accepts the output of the software as though it were a 'black box'. In this way, the paper lays a foundation for how face recognition systems can be compared in a forensic framework. The aim of the paper is to explore how reliably and under what conditions digital facial images can be presented in evidence.  相似文献   

中国四川省汉族人群额窦CR片的同一认定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的研究不同投照体位CR片上额窦用于同一认定的观测指标,以编制特异的识别编码.方法用两宽度比值与形态学描述相结合的方法观测额窦CR片,并采用描述性研究方法进行描述性研究和统计分析.结果以额窦不对称性AI、额窦与眼眶宽度之比RI、最大额窦宽度的侧别、额窦上缘弓形弯曲数目(左侧、右侧)、额窦部分隔数目(左侧、右侧)、额窦中间隔位置等8项指标,编制8位数字的额窦构型同一认定编码;额窦形态性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论额窦形态高度个人特异,可以用于同一认定,但不能用作性别判断.  相似文献   

The forensic odontological examination of 112 victims in the 1983 air accident near Abu Dhabi is described with particular reference to the problems encountered in the age assessment of the 26 children, and serves to illustrate that dental identification in aviation accidents may be of only limited application in Asian victims. Following this accident, other means of identification had misguidedly been removed by the recovery teams. Of those identified, half were by dental means alone, but this amounted to only 6.24% of the total number of victims.  相似文献   

Ear identification based on surveillance camera images.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

On 9 May 1987, a Soviet-made IL-62M Polish airliner, LOT Flight 5055, crashed, exploded, and burned, killing the crew and 183 passengers. A forensic science team from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, comprised of 6 dental officers, 3 forensic pathologists, and 3 medical photographers, worked in concert with the Polish forensic science team. The small number of antemortem records and the extreme fragmentation of the remains presented a new scenario for computer use. Typically, the Computer-Assisted Postmortem Identification (CAPMI) software is used to compare remains against an antemortem database. Results are listed by the number of tooth-to-tooth matches based on restorative or other characteristics or both. The Polish disaster confounded this approach to some degree, however, and suggested a reconsideration of the theory on which the sort is made, that is, that the cases with maximum number of matches to preexisting dental records would be the most likely identification (ID) match. A hypothesis was constructed that, if searches were accomplished for fragments with a minimum number of mismatches, the correct matches would appear higher in the rank order. Six antemortem records (that had all dental information) were sorted against one hundred and twelve postmortem fragmented records. The resulting report was reordered so that records were listed by minimum number of mismatches. There was significant improvement in rank placement for all of the records. Thus it was accepted that in the situation of highly fragmented remains a different sorting based on the number of mismatches is indicated. Programming changes to make this option available have been implemented in the new version of CAPMI.  相似文献   

With the availability of the powerful editing software and sophisticated digital cameras, region duplication is becoming more and more popular in image manipulation where part of an image is pasted to another location to conceal undesirable objects. Most existing techniques to detect such tampering are mainly at the cost of higher computational complexity. In this paper, we present an efficient and robust approach to detect such specific artifact. Firstly, the original image is divided into fixed-size blocks, and discrete cosine transform (DCT) is applied to each block, thus, the DCT coefficients represent each block. Secondly, each cosine transformed block is represented by a circle block and four features are extracted to reduce the dimension of each block. Finally, the feature vectors are lexicographically sorted, and duplicated image blocks will be matched by a preset threshold value. In order to make the algorithm more robust, some parameters are proposed to remove the wrong similar blocks. Experiment results show that our proposed scheme is not only robust to multiple copy-move forgery, but also to blurring or nosing adding and with low computational complexity.  相似文献   

In the past, pattern disciplines within forensic science have periodically faced criticism due to their subjective and qualitative nature and the perceived absence of research evaluating and supporting the foundations of their practices. Recently, however, forensic scientists and researchers in the field of pattern evidence analysis have developed and published approaches that are more quantitative, objective, and data driven. This effort includes automation, algorithms, and measurement sciences, with the end goal of enabling conclusions to be informed by quantitative models. Before employing these tools, forensic evidence must be digitized in a way that adequately balances high-quality detail and content capture with minimal background noise imparted by the selected technique. While the current work describes the process of optimizing a method to digitize physical documentary evidence for use in semi-automated trash mark examinations, it could be applied to assist other disciplines where the digitization of physical items of evidence is prevalent. For trash mark examinations specifically, it was found that high-resolution photography provided optimal digital versions of evidentiary items when compared to high-resolution scanning.  相似文献   

The number and complexity of dental restorations has decreased for younger Americans. Since the presence and extent of restorations are important data for forensic science identification purposes, the Computer-Assisted Postmortem Identification (CAPMI) system was used to assess the practical effect of the decreased selectivity expected as a result of improved dental health. Dental examination data from 7030 soldiers were recorded on optical mark read forms and entered into a database. The data were reorganized and analyzed to generate summary statistics about the incidence of each type of restoration (divided into 16 categories) for both anterior, posterior, upper, lower, and combined segments. Patients' ages ranged from 17 to 49 with a mean of 24 years 5 months. Sixty percent were from 18 to 25 years old. A characteristic is defined as any situation other than a virgin tooth; for example, extracted, missing, unerupted, or restored. The average subject had 7 dental characteristics with approximately 75% having 4 or more. Within the entire population, 9% had 32 unrestored teeth. 3.6% had only one characteristic. To test the selectivity and uniqueness of various combinations of dental characteristics, 363 simulations using the CAPMI system were made against the entire 7030 subject database. Sample records (33 per group) with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, and 19+ characteristics were chosen at random from the database and searches were made.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

应用委托开发的软件“中国人群区带染色体辅助分析系统”对国人染色体G带相片进行电子计算机分析。结果显示,该软件能有效快速地记录各个体核型,并能对不同个体来源的相同序号的染色体作直观比较.为染色体多态性应用于亲子鉴定创造了良好条件.  相似文献   

目的建立中国恒乳牙交替完全人群数字全颌曲面断层片的同一认定方法。方法对120例中国恒乳牙交替完全人群的数字全颌曲面断层片进行测量和分析,对每颗牙齿的影像分别选取5个长度性指标和5个角度性指标,运用efilm workstation 2.1软件进行测量,SPSS 13.0软件对数据进行处理和统计。结果各观测指标的测量值在分段赋值区段里的分布概率有所不同,最大可达99.166 7%。两张同源数字全颌曲面断层片之间的分段赋值匹配概率最高为98.947 368 42%,最低为89.473 684 21%。结论所建立分段赋值匹配概率同一认定法经盲测验证,效果较好,该方法可为个体识别提供参考。  相似文献   

A dental chart is very useful as a standard source of evidence in the personal identification of bodies. However, the kind of dental chart available will often vary as a number of types of odontogram have been developed where the visual representation of dental conditions has relied on hand-drawn representation. We propose the Digital Dental Chart (DDC) as a new style of dental chart, especially for open investigations aimed at establishing the identity of unknown bodies. Each DDC is constructed using actual oral digital images and dental data, and is easy to upload onto an Internet website. The DDC is a more useful forensic resource than the standard types of dental chart in current use as it has several advantages, among which are its ability to carry a large volume of information and reproduce dental conditions clearly and in detail on a cost-effective basis.  相似文献   

Facial reconstruction using 3-D computer graphics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The development of a dissection register for Legal medicine well differentiated and considering special requirement of the subject was not achieved in history because of complexity of post mortem findings in many cases. Realizing that an all satisfying concept failed we looked for the possibility of using electronic data processing for rapid and flourish collection of autopsy results not requiring much time for the coroner. Based on personal computer software "dBase" a database program was developed easy to handle using different forms asking for characteristic circumstances of the case and essential post mortem findings. Short codes for locations and ascertainments were chosen to enable rapid selection of interesting statements as far as handling for statistical evaluations later on. Less then 10 minutes are needed for recording post mortem results in this way short time after autopsy.  相似文献   

In recent years, several computer programs for dental identification in mass disasters have been developed. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to get access to such programs. The Norwegian police presently utilizes a text retrieval program, NOVA1STATUS, for detection work. This program is based on the British STATUS ONE program, and it enables the user to find from a large pool of postmortem dental registration one or several sets containing specific information about one tooth or several teeth. The complete relevant set(s) can be displayed for visual examination and comparison. A coding system for dental information has been developed as well as a system for interrogating the computer. This system and its efficiency have been tested on a simulated small scale disaster where various well-known difficulties in dental identification were included.  相似文献   

The increasingly global role of a forensic anthropologist necessitates a proper means for archiving evidence for re-examination. Large quantities of evidence can be stored and be made readily accessible through digital imaging. This study focuses on age assessment from digital photographs for personal identity reconstructions. A comparison of 52 Suchey-Brooks scores assigned to digital images and actual bone revealed that age assessment from digital images can be completed with accuracy. Coefficients of concordance imply that there significant agreement between osteological assessment of aging criteria from digital images and direct observation-greater than random change alone (p < 0.05). However, assessments from images should be approached with caution since there are inherent limitations of the naked eye in identifying morphological changes in certain skeletal features, especially where older adults are concerned. Although there is no replacement for a hands-on physical assessment, a digital archive may facilitate the global needs of the forensic anthropologist.  相似文献   

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