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In order to increase the power of discrimination for human identification purposes, a nine-locus short tandem repeat (STR) multiplex, the GenePrint PowerPlex 2.1 system (PowerPlex 2.1) developed by Promega Corporation and a separate pentanucleotide-repeat locus, Penta D, were tested. This megaplex system includes the highly polymorphic loci FGA, TPOX, D8S1179, vWA, Penta E, D18S51, D21S11, TH01, and D3S1358 and may be used in combination with the eight-locus STR multiplex, the GenePrint PowerPlex 1.1 system (PowerPlex 1.1) that has been previously developed. Three of the loci, TPOX, TH01 and vWA, have been included in both systems for quality control purposes. As with PowerPlex 1.1, PowerPlex 2.1 is also based on a two-color detection of fluorescent-labeled DNA products amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and provides a valuable tool for accurate and rapid allele determination. The primer sequences used in the PowerPlex 2.1/Penta D system are also presented in this report. To meet the "Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories" (FBI), we tested the efficiency and reproducibility of the PowerPlex 2.1/PentaD system by several validation studies that were conducted as a joint project among seven laboratories. Validation tests included concordance studies, sensitivity, and species specificity determination, as well as performance in forensic and environmentally impacted samples. The results produced from these tests demonstrated the consistency and reliability of the PowerPlex 2.1/Penta D system.  相似文献   

The locus ACTBP2 (SE33) is localized on chromosome 6 (band 6q14). This has been demonstrated by typing a large Caucasoid three-generation kindred of Austrian origin for SE33 and several chromosome 6 markers.  相似文献   

Penta E in the PowerPlex 16 kit is a pentanucleotide tandem repeat marker located on Chromosome 15, containing an AAAGA repeat motif. Variant alleles (18.4 and 19.4) were found in the Japanese population. A sequence analysis revealed that both the variant alleles had a partial repeat motif of AAAA, resulting in one-base-shorter alleles compared to known alleles. Despite the relatively large amplicon sizes (379 to 474 bp) of Penta E, an accurate allele assignment can be reliably made by capillary electrophoresis. However, alleles differing in size by only one base (e.g., 18.4 and 19) were not separated and appeared as a single broad peak. The Genotyper software assigned one of the component alleles to this peak. Therefore, such broad peaks require careful interpretation so as to not overlook the other component allele contained by the peak. As an index to recognize a peak containing two alleles, the ratio of peak area to peak height was found to be useful.  相似文献   

若羌县的维吾尔语称名t∫aq(i)l(i)q,系由乌古斯部族的t∫aruqlu(R)部落名称演变而来,始于公元前1世纪中叶,亦即清代汉文史籍中"卡克里克"译名之所本.该地名的使用,是古代突厥语族群入住塔里木盆地东缘地区的反映,而其起因则与西汉王朝和匈奴政权对东部天山地区的争夺密切相关.该部于公元2年"亡降匈奴",隋代以前游牧于西天山南麓,后移徙至今巴楚县境内.将若羌县的维吾尔语名称定为t∫aq(i)l(i)q无任何依据,亦割断了历史.现今流行的"源于qardal(i)q,意为'领路者'"、"源于t∫aq(i)l(i)q,意为'四口井'"或"源于t∫aq(i)l(i)q,意为'看见纺车的地方'"的说法,均属附会之说.应参照现代维吾尔语的特点,恢复其古名或清代的名称.  相似文献   

Frequency data of short tandem repeats loci included in the SGM Plus kit and on two pentanucleotide STR loci: Penta E and Penta D [Profiles DNA 2 (1998) 2] included in the PowerPlex16 kit were collected from a sample of 400 (for SGM Plus) and 91 (for Penta E and Penta D) random, unrelated individuals born in the South Poland region.  相似文献   

The regulations for gasoline's content vary depending on the time of year and physical location within the United States while the refinery and distribution system mixes product batches; this results in variability of content. ASTM E1618 requires both the aromatic and alkane EIP patterns of gasoline to compare with references. A survey was conducted by collecting gasoline from Florida to Oregon, from 85 to 93 octane. Samples were analyzed in accordance with ASTM E1618 in various states of evaporation. The range of differences found in the 90% evaporated alkane EIPs is presented and showed a continuum of response when the n-alkane response was compared with the branched alkane response. Similarly, the ratio of the alkane EIP to the aromatic EIP also showed a continuum of response at the 90% evaporated state. Gasoline samples with unusual characteristics are also discussed.  相似文献   

(1 998年 5月 7日修正 )第二编 卡特尔当局第一章 总 则第四十八条 [管辖权 ]( 1)卡特尔当局是联邦卡特尔局、联邦经济部以及依州法享有管辖权的州最高机关。( 2 )本法的规定未将某项管辖权赋予特定的卡特尔当局的 ,如影响市场的效果、限制竞争行为或歧视性行为或竞争规则的效果超越一个州的范围 ,则由联邦卡特尔局承担和享有本法赋予卡特尔当局的任务和权限。在其他一切情形 ,由依州法享有管辖权的州最高机关承担这些任务并享有这些权限。  第四十九条 [联邦卡特尔局与州最高机关 ]( 1)联邦卡特尔局开始进行程序或进行调查的 ,应同时…  相似文献   

第五章成员的受让人与债权人第 50 1条 成员的分派利益(一 )成员不是有限责任公司财产的共有人 ,对公司的财产也没有可转让的利益。(二 )有限责任公司中的分派利益是个人财产 ,在遵守第 50 2条与 50 3条的条件下 ,可以全部地和部分地转让。(三 )经营协议可以规定 ,分派利益可以由有限责任公司发行的利益证书作为凭据 ,在遵守第 50 3条规定的条件下 ,也可以规定转让由证书代表的利益。第 50 2条 分派利益的转让转让分派利益并不能使受让人成为成员 ,或行使任何成员的权利。转让仅使受让人有权在转让的范围内接受转让人应得的分派。第 50 3…  相似文献   


目的 探索可应用于法医实践的快速直接PCR扩增方法,以缩短扩增时间,提高STR分型速率.方法 联合运用AmpF(l)STR(R) Identifiler(R) Plus试剂盒与TaKaRa快速PCR检测试剂构建快速直接PCR体系,以FTA血卡为模板,采用优化后的扩增程序在快速PCR仪上进行扩增,分型结果与常规直接扩增方法相比较.结果 AmpF(l)fSTR(R) Identifiler(R) Plus试剂盒与TaKaRa的快速PCR检测试剂针对血卡的联合扩增,所得STR分型结果与常规方法一致,扩增用时由常规直接扩增所需的175 min缩短为55 min.结论 采用快速直接PCR方法进行扩增,可得到与常规直接扩增一致的DNA分型,扩增时间明显缩短,DNA分型速率大幅提高.  相似文献   

《精神卫生法(草案)》征求意见是我国卫生法治的一大进步,其有关精神障碍司法鉴定的内容还存在与鉴定规律、证据制度、诉讼制度相矛盾、冲突的地方,需要在立法中进一步完善与调整,保障其与现有的司法鉴定制度相衔接。  相似文献   

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