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21世纪公安教育发展态势的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据21世纪社会、政治、经济、教育发展趋势,回顾分析国内外警察教育的历史与现状,结合我国公安工作和公安教育的实际,对我国公安教育在21世纪的定位、作用、指导思想、办学体制、发展方向、师资队伍建设等进行探讨研究。  相似文献   

张新海 《政法学刊》2003,20(3):69-71
我国加入WTO之后将对公安交通管理工作提出新的要求。依据透明度的原则,车辆管理的法规应对全社会公开,依据非歧视和国民待遇的原则,应确保车辆地位平等。但是,目前我国公安车辆管理工作存在着诸多的不足:传统车辆管理论车辆发展的新形势不适应;现行的行政审批职能警察的服务职能不适应;警政职能分工不清与现代警务制度不适应;现行的机动车静态管理手段与机动车流动性强的特点不适应;现行的车辆管理业务法规与入世后的新形势不适应;车辆管理政出多门、重复交叉与社会管理的内在要求不适应,与落后的管理手段与信息社会飞速发展的形势不适应。因此,完善车辆管理法规体系,改革审批职能,认真研究车辆犯罪形态,做好预防和打击车辆犯罪工作,改善车辆的管理的工作。  相似文献   

张健 《法制与社会》2015,(7):144-145
从公安部提出“金盾工程”至今,我国的公安信息化工作已开展十几年,信息化建设硕果累累,建设重点从基础设施建设发展到了数据深度应用的阶段.在犯罪信息化、社会管理数字化的新常态下,公安信息化能否适应社会变革需要、如何适应社会变革需要,对公安工作的发展起着关键性作用,这也正成为公安工作者探讨的新课题.  相似文献   

——科技投入少。在当前经济发展的背景下,国家对科技的投入相对较少,而对公安部门的科技投入更少。公安工作的重心是维护社会稳定和打击犯罪,相对于刑事侦查和治安部门一目了然的成绩而言,公安科技部门的成绩很难直接见到效果,同时由于公安工作的特殊性,公安科技队伍的科研成果很少能直接转化为经济效益,而行政性拨款又只是杯水车薪,使得公安科研部门无米下锅、捉襟见肘。  相似文献   

全面深化公安改革以问题为导向,着力建设法治公安。但是,如何科学准确理解法治公安的建设目标、建设路线、建设措施,却缺乏学科理论的支撑。在法学体系和公安学体系中,与法治公安建设相对应的“公安法学”处于碎片化和初创阶段,而已有的警察法学又无法替代公安法学。加强以法治公安发展规律为研究对象的公安法学建设迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

本文从行政办学的运行机制,教管脱节的内部管理体制,培养目标与教学内容、方法、手段相背离等三个影响公安高校教学质量的主要因素进行剖析,提出办学指导思想、管理机制、教学改革的一些重要见解,值得引起重视。  相似文献   

耿亚波 《法制与社会》2010,(31):245-245
查缉行动的特殊性要求公安边防官兵在执行查缉行动中采用合理的战术,达到最佳的效果。讨论和研究公安边防的查缉战术,对于提高公安边防部队执法处突水平、有效打击犯罪,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在当今的国际法治进程中,WTO堪称一种自成体系的法治模式。但是,在全球化不断深化和拓展及全球金融危机的背景下,WTO法治正面临着前所未有的一系列挑战,主要有(但不限于):WTO权力的扩大与各成员自主权之间的平衡;发展中国家实质性地融入多边贸易体制;区域贸易协定的迅速繁殖对最惠国待遇原则的侵蚀;WTO决策的民主、透明和效率的强化;争端解决机制的进一步完善。应对这些挑战,应坚持“成员驱动”、“发展主导”和“合作共赢”等三项基本指导原则。  相似文献   

新时期,对公安机关的管理工作也提出了更高、更为严格的要求,因此,我国公安机关应该以提升公安机关的治理能力以及实现公安法治为目的加强对公安管理体制的改革.文中对新时期公安管理改革的主要目的进行了详细分析,并从各个方面对新时期促进公安管理体制改革的有效措施进行了深入探讨,旨在进一步促进我国公安管理体制改革顺利进行,提升公安机关的行政执法能力.  相似文献   

1、前言 随着公安科技的发展,为适应当前公安工作的需要,全国各级公安机关正按照金盾工程建设规划的部署,建立梯层式的公安专用计算机网络,以实现公安业务的网络化管理,解决公安信息跨地区、跨部门交流共享的问题,提高公安信息的及时性和共享价值。但公安计算机网络在给日常公安工作提供极大便利的同时,由于计算机病毒的不断入侵,也给网络信息系统带来许多问题,不但容易造成公安信息的泄密或丢失,还会形成业务系统瘫痪、网络阻塞等现象。  相似文献   

田景荣 《政法学刊》2000,17(1):81-83
公安人才的培养是公安高校服务于公安工作的关键。本文通过分析21世纪公安人才的基本要素,以及知识经济条件下对公安专门人才的具体要求,提出了公安高校人才培养的举措即注重加强素质教育;拓宽课程设置范围,更新教学内容,改革教学方法;强化教师自身素质培养与训练;加强公安高校与公安基层组织和社会的密切合作。  相似文献   

As the 21st century approaches, encryption is presenting a national security dilemma in the US. While the use of strong encryption for computerized data is essential in protecting our nation, widespread, unregulated encryption poses serious problems on two levels: encryption could inhibit the government's ability to enforce the law as well as gather foreign intelligence. As a result, the government has established export controls on encryption products and proposed a 'key recovery' system designed to enable law enforcement officers to access encrypted data in the course of lawful investigations. The export controls have been ineffective and counterproductive policy and are arguably unconstitutional under the First Amendment. However, export controls are the only viable solution to the intelligence gathering problem and will need to survive these political and legal attacks or our national security could be jeopardized. Key recovery will be difficult and costly to implement and has come under attack by civil liberties' groups. Nevertheless, a cost-effective compromise on key recovery is necessary to meet the needs of law enforcement. Such a system, if it mirrored current electronic surveillance law, would effectively balance individual privacy rights and governmental interests and thus should survive constitutional scrutiny. Congress and President Clinton ought to enact key recovery legislation soon before the use of encryption becomes commonplace. A failure to act intelligently and effectively on this critical, cutting-edge issue could compromise our nation's future.  相似文献   

论21世纪中国法学教育面临的挑战与机遇   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,已成为我国社会发展和迈向21世纪之路的必然选择.法学教育作为传播和交流治国之学的科学活动,要承担法治所赋予的神圣使命,充满着机遇和挑战.本文从依法治国、科学技术大发展、经济全球化、可持续发展和知识经济五个方面阐述了新世纪对发展法学教育所带来的机遇和面临的挑战,对改进和加强法学教育和研究工作有启发意义.  相似文献   

We studied all individuals (= 41) who had been found not guilty by reason of insanity for arson and who were committed to a California state psychiatric hospital on October 1, 2016 in a cross‐sectional analysis. This group of insane arsonists contained 33 (80.5%) males and eight (19.5%) females with a mean age at the time of the index arson of 35.9 years. At least 87.8% (= 36) were considered to not have been participating in psychiatric treatment at the time of the index arson. Five (12.2%) of the insane arsonists had previously been found not guilty by reason of insanity for arson or had been convicted of having committed arson. Our findings suggest that lack of participation in psychiatric treatment was the most important factor in contributing to the index arson and the most important problem to be addressed in subsequent psychiatric treatment plans.  相似文献   

To achieve the goal of permanency for children in the child welfare system, it is critical that different disciplines work together, improve communication, and understand each other's role and expertise in the process. Through a case study, this article attempts to show the problems, conflicts, and solutions in working to ensure a child's best interests from three points of view: a children's attorney from New York City, a judge from Miami, Florida, and an infant mental health specialist and interdisciplinary trainer from Los Angeles. First, we propose that emotional caregiving is a fundamental right of all children and includes a stable, nurturing, and permanent long‐term relationship. Conflicts between the timing of children's needs, parents' needs, and the judge's legal duties are discussed as a tension with which we all must struggle to resolve if we are to successfully address children's “irreducible needs” (Brazelton & Greenspan, 2000). If the provision of custodial care shifts toward including emotional care as a goal for the growing number of infants entering the foster care system, the ensuing conflicts will provide opportunities for all parts of the foster care system—including the courts—to rethink how infants' needs are evaluated and factored into decision making.  相似文献   

新的世纪来临,人类文明将有更加突飞猛进的发展。我国的法学包括宪法学亦将有重大的发展,必将更加繁荣。我认为中国宪法学的研究主要可侧重在以下四个方面: 1.要加强对马克思主义宪法学基本理论,特别是邓小平宪法理论的深入研究。马克思主义宪法学理论是我们研究宪法的指导思想,只有坚持它,宪法学研究才有正确的方向。我们过去对马克思主义宪法学理论虽然有一定的研究,但还不够系统、全面和深人,需要结合我国新的情况和实践继续深入加以研究。邓...  相似文献   


The purpose of this introduction is to sketch out the value of psychoanalysis for the twenty-first century and in particular the ways in which analysis might enable us to move beyond the crisis of the post-Cold War symbolic order.


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