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赵西巨 《证据科学》2012,20(3):297-312
我国法中存在着在侵权法问题的判定上过度依赖"法律法规"、"行业标准"和"诊疗规范"的倾向。这些"外在"标准替代了法官对法律"内在"规则的审视和适用。行业标准替代了法律标准。比如,在医疗过失判定标准上,法官过度依赖"诊疗规范",忽视了基本法律标准——注意义务违反说和"合理医生"标准——的探寻和适用。我国法应纠正此种现象,注意对法律规则,比如医疗过失和因果关系判定规则的细心构建,以给法官具体指导。"法律法规"、"行业标准"和"诊疗规范"在侵权法中是判定过失的重要标准,但不是终局性和根本性标准。  相似文献   

预防化解社会矛盾的治本之策:规范公权力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国社会矛盾纠纷不断增加的主要原因是公权力行使不规范,表现为社会政策和法律制度滞后、政府违法决策处置突发事件不当、行政执法不规范、法律实施不良、行政不作为、信息不公开等,预防化解社会矛盾纠纷的根本出路在于规范公权力行使,包括明确权力边界,规范立法权力,健全程序规则,规范决策和执法行为。由于解决矛盾纠纷主要依赖行政方式,诉讼、复议等法定救济渠道并未充分发挥作用,致使社会矛盾越解决越多,预防化解矛盾纠纷的难度不断加大。为此,应当慎用行政手段,畅通法定救济渠道,有效化解社会矛盾纠纷。  相似文献   

This paper considers advance decision-making in the context of healthcare. The common law recognition of advance decisions is contrasted with new statutory provision. This paper will examine the Mental Capacity Act 2005 framework for advance decisions and lasting powers of attorney. The ‚best interests’ test and substituted judgment as criteria for proxy decision-making are compared by application to a case example. The paper examines the statutory safeguards in respect of refusals of ‚life-sustaining treatment’ and postulates that these safeguards may render respect for autonomous advance decision-making difficult to achieve in practice.  相似文献   

In Victoria, Australia, the legal position regarding young people's competence to make medical treatment decisions has not been clarified in legislation, and a number of often vague common law decisions must be relied on for guidance. This situation produces a degree of uncertainty about appropriate professional practice, while also potentially impeding young people's rights claims in health care settings. With this in mind, the present research explored general practitioners' competence and confidentiality decisions regarding a 17-year-old female who presented with symptoms of an eating disorder. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 500 Victorian general practitioners, of whom 190 responded. After reading a case vignette, general practitioners indicated whether they would find the hypothetical patient competent and if they would maintain her confidentiality. Seventy-three per cent of respondents found the patient competent and most would have maintained confidentiality, at least initially. However, subsequent analysis of the rationales supplied for these decisions revealed a wide diversity in general practitioners' understandings and implementations of extant legal authority. This research highlights the need for general practitioners to be exposed to up-to-date and clinically relevant explanations of contemporary legal positions.  相似文献   

劳动者的个人信息保护问题存在特殊之处,具体表现为资强劳弱和人格从属性背景下知情同意规则的失灵、工作数字化后劳动者被透视和被操控的风险、有组织生产的合作关系中个人信息处理的需要,因此不能完全适用《个人信息保护法》的一般规则。劳动基准法已经纳入立法规划,在其中就劳动者个人信息保护做专门规定,这是对数字时代人权保护新挑战的回应,对于其他劳动基准的实现也有重要意义。在劳动关系中仅遵循私法路径不足以保护个人信息,还需要配备公权力保障,劳动基准法的双重保护机制也契合了这一需求。作为劳动关系中保护个人信息的特别法,劳动基准法的相应条款应该考虑如何对一般规则进行调整,包括限制知情同意规则的适用,满足人力资源管理的正当需求,修改删除权、可携带权和自动化决策条款,协调主管机构、救济方式和法律责任。由于"必需"是一个语境依赖型概念,将来还应该通过配套文件来规制工作场所的视频监控等典型的应用场景。  相似文献   


The paper concerns the conditions and methods of using previous judicial decisions as a kind of precedents in the processes of application of law within the statutory legal order. The use of such decisions, not announced by the legislator, depends on the courts, undertaking such actions on the grounds of similarity of cases or of decisional processes. Such decisions do not become an exclusive validation argument and may create a situation of their potential conflict with legal regulations as well as an inferential supplementation of their content. Dissemination of such activity of the courts leads to the development of precedential practice (relevant to the statutory legal order), though, its actual jurisdictional role depends on proper justification of decisions, within which reference to these decisions should be adaptive (in relation to the elements of the current case), generalizing (forming elements of ratio decidendi) as well as argumentative and discursive (in respect of the way in which the decisional reasoning and arguments expressed in the prior justification are used).


The competence of the practicing bar has been subjected to substantial criticism in recent years. Since law schools have a virtual monopoly over access to the bar and licensure is granted without further training, legal education has been a particular focus of attack and reform efforts. Yet there has been little systematic study of what skills and knowledge are important in the actual practice of law or the relevant contributions of legal education. This study of practicing lawyers in Chicago examines the nature of the competencies important to the practice of law and the sources lawyers credit for contributing to their development.
Practitioners cite a broad range of skills, many of them not unique to the practice of law, with their importance varying by the predominant legal specialty practiced. The data further indicate that law schools play but a part in the development of skills and knowledge important to the practice of law and that experience, both prior and subsequent to graduation, plays a significant role. The evaluation of law schools' contributions is related to opportunities for further training, particularly in the context of law firm practice. There is, however, a strong general view that law schools rather uniformly concentrate on some skills to the exclusion of others and that the former are not necessarily those that lawyers think are most important to the practice of law.  相似文献   

The Irish police practice of diverting young offenders was placed within a statutory framework in 2001. The police discretion in the management of young offenders that had been a feature of the administrative process was retained at the heart of the new statutory programme although attempts were made to streamline the process. This article critiques the law, policy and practice underpinning the exercise of that discretion against the relevant international human rights standards on transparency, accountability and professionalism in juvenile justice. It reveals how the management of the programme in practice falls short of these standards and, in particular, the due process rights of the children who come within its reach. It argues that the root of the problem lies primarily in the lack of published criteria to guide the discretionary decision-making at several stages of the programme, and the lack of a credible complaint or review mechanism for the children affected. It recommends the publication of reasons for decisions taken in the exercise of Garda discretion in individual cases, together with provision for review or appeal of such decisions as well as regular independent monitoring of the operation of the programme as a whole.  相似文献   

崔永东 《北方法学》2014,(2):146-151
从法律社会学的视角审视儒家的法律传统可以发现,儒家所理解的"法律"是广义的,它既包括国家制定法("刑"),也包括礼制、礼义、道德、习俗、人情、天道等在内的所谓"活法"。"活法"在一般情况下并无国家强制力,但有社会强制力。当然,它在有些时候渗透于国家法典中,在另一些时候又被直接用作审判的依据———此种情况下的"活法"无疑是有国家强制力的。儒家的法观念实际上是致力于"情理"(活法)与国法之间的平衡,因而在司法实践中体现了一种明显的张力和弹性,因此与英美法系的传统比较接近。  相似文献   

胡兴东 《时代法学》2011,9(3):71-79
习惯、习惯法与民间法是当今法学界常用的三个不同概念,用来分别指称不同的规范范畴。习惯是法律的重要渊源,不管在来源与形式上,是不可否认的事实。习惯法作为一个具有特殊意义的概念,在人类法律史上的存在却具有特殊的时代性与价值意义。中国古代对少数民族固有法与习惯,中原汉人民间各类具有规范性作用的"俗"并不用习惯法来指称,而是用"刑"、"法"、"例"和"俗"等。习惯在法律体系中成为法律的路径有二种:概括性承认习惯在特定条件下成为法律适用时的依据和把习惯作为立法来源,写入正式的法律,上升为成文法。习惯法在法律体系结构中有两种模式:法律与习惯法并存和特定法律适用中习惯成为特定案件与事件的依据而成为习惯法。  相似文献   

董新义 《财经法学》2020,(3):107-123
股东代理权征集对上市公司治理具有"双刃剑"的作用,其优势与弊端共存的特性使其更需严格规制以防止被滥用。从法理层面进行分析、并结合以往征集投票权实践所暴露的问题可知,新《证券法》第90条相比以前法律规范虽有重大进步,但仍存在对代理权征集滥用规制的不足。可以运用代理人道德风险理论、信义义务理论解释和规制代理权征集滥用行为。分析新《证券法》第90条规定可知,对征集人资格、条件和行使权利程序规定的不足,对征集过程中信息披露和违法征集损害赔偿责任等事项的粗放式规定都可能带来代理权征集的滥用。为了更有效地规制代理权征集滥用行为,应从限缩征集人资格和条件、确立代理权征集决策程序的内部控制机制、强制披露包括征集目的在内的法定信息披露制度和差异化信息披露制度、实施证券"看门人"见证制度等入手,进一步完善新《证券法》第90条规定和加强对代理权征集滥用的规制。  相似文献   

Formal medical discipline-based regulation and professional support for legal medicine practitioners have been a long time coming. While informal associations and societies of like-minded doctors and dentists have existed for some time, they have not had the sort of "establishment credibility" that is required to influence policy-makers and drive formal processes for professional training and regulation in this area. The recent creation of formal medical College status for medico-legal specialists within the medical establishment is described and the advantages discussed. The creation of formal career pathways, organised training structures and policy advisory systems in legal medicine for government has the potential to support recruitment to this difficult and challenging area of medical practice. This can only be of benefit to the legal profession who rely on these medical practitioners in so many areas. The standards setting, recertification, revalidation and accreditation activities of a formal Royal Medical College are likely to have significant influence on the work of health and legal policy regulators at a time of considerable change.  相似文献   

跨行政区水环境管理立法研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王灿发 《现代法学》2005,27(5):130-140
我国已经进行了许多水环境管理的立法,这些立法在我国的水环境管理中发挥了重要的作用;然而,我国的水环境管理立法也存在许多问题,包括缺乏完整的跨行政区水环境管理的政策、法规体系不健全、管理制度不完善、管理体制不能适应实际管理的需要和对法律的执行缺乏公众监督机制等。解决这些问题,需要改变目前的一些立法原则和制度安排。主要包括:制定全面系统的跨行政区水环境管理的政策;健全跨行政区水环境管理的法律、法规体系;完善跨行政区水环境管理制度;理顺跨行政区的水环境管理体制;建立完善的公众参与机制;转变观念,与时俱进,建立一个真正的良治社会。  相似文献   

The case of Reibl v. Hughes has significantly altered the law regarding informed consent in Canada. It might be expected, therefore, that its impact on the Canadian medical profession would be significant. However, in the first study to examine the practice of Canadian doctors in this respect, Professor Robertson concludes that the profession is largely unaware of either the decision or its importance. Further, the study examines doctors' current perceptions and opinions on the disclosure of risks to patients and the results, among others, raise serious questions regarding both the awareness and reception of important legal rulings.  相似文献   

Understanding children's capacities in legal contexts is an urgent priority for psychology and the law. The distinction between capacity and performance is discussed in light of two research goals: (a) identifying children's capacities relevant to law; and (b) identifying the circumstances under which their performance varies. This discussion leads to three fundamental research issues that are explored. First, in addition to general capacity, the effect of specific legal contexts on performance requires investigation. Second, capacities research must take a developmental approach using appropriate, ecologically valid target and comparison samples. Third, legal standards and their inherent developmental assumptions about children's capacities must be operationalized and investigated from both legal and psychological perspectives.  相似文献   

制定法作为现代法治社会尤其是大陆法系国家法律渊源的主要表现形式,其内容是抽象的、概括的,具有稳定性的特征。然而,社会生活是具体的、易变的,由此产生了法与社会生活的不适应性,因而其他渊源作为制定法的补充地位显而易见。我国正在进行的法治现代化建设,不仅包括对西方先进法律制度的借鉴,还应关注"本土化资源"。唯有两者结合,才能实现国家制定法与习惯等民间法治资源的良性互动。  相似文献   

There has been growing pressure to increase diversity in legal education and the legal profession in England and Wales. While this has focused upon the absence of certain groups such as women, ethnic minorities, and the disabled, there has been no specific discussion of part-time law students. Drawing on questionnaires and focus groups with part-time law students across England and Wales, this article examines how their background and experiences may hamper their ability to participate and succeed in higher education and legal practice. In response to the consistent omission of part-time students' needs from attempts to enhance social diversity in universities and the legal profession, it also argues that affirmative action is now necessary and justified in respect of these students. Pragmatic suggestions are made for a contextual approach to affirmative action for part-time law students which adds value to their degree. Finally, the potential effects of affirmative action on part-time law students themselves and upon the gatekeepers to the legal profession are explored.  相似文献   

彭中礼 《北方法学》2013,7(1):102-110
法律形式与法律渊源的关系比较复杂,但是我国学者一般将之作为等同的概念使用。这种观点导致了某些学术上的混乱,也导致法律形式和法律渊源各自的作用没能够充分发挥。正确界定法律渊源和法律形式,是实现二者区分的逻辑起点。法律形式是法律文本的表现方式;法律渊源是裁判规范的集合体,法官从中发现裁决案件所需要的裁判依据和裁判理由。由此可以得出二者之区分:从实践来看,法律渊源之法是指司法之法,法律形式之法是指立法之法;从内容来看,法律渊源之法是具有一定开放性的规则体系,而法律形式则是具有一定封闭性的规则体系;从路径来看,法律渊源之法是在司法适用过程发现和寻找的,法律形式之法是立法中形成的。司法适用之法完全局限于制定法之时,二者会出现种属统一,但是其概念内涵依然有着重大区别。  相似文献   

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