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传统警察法多从公法角度研究警察权问题,鲜有人从私法角度进行深入思考.事实上,警察权有着深厚的私法和私权基础.循着公私法划分的起源和发展,我们能够找到原始的公权力与私法的关系.从警察权的本原上,我们可以进一步厘清警察权的公权力属性,并进而寻找到警察权的私权基础.警察消极行政作用的强化和警察比例原则的普适化是警察权私权基础的集中反映.  相似文献   

本文首先从现有知识产权基本理论出发,简单概括了知识产权概念的内涵和外延。然后运用实证分析方法,从知识产权法与民法的调整对象的性质和调整方法的比较、知识产权的基本特征和发展趋势三个方面论证分析了知识产权的性质。最后从实然和应然两个角度得出知识产权在本质上就是民事权利的结论。  相似文献   

环境权是一种新型人权。环境权在理论上讨论得十分热烈,但法律实践却背离理论。在西方发达国家的环境权立法中,环境权从一种应有权利向法定权利转化,但从环境执法的案例可以看到,环境权仅是一种法律宣示的权利。与环境权的立法相比,环境权无论在已规定环境权或尚未承认环境权的国家几乎都不被承认可以作为诉讼的根据。我国法律对国家、单位和公民在环境保护方面的职责、义务规定得比较明确、具体,但却很少涉及或没有明确说明国家机关、企事业单位及公民在享受环境条件方面的权利,法律实践中也未出现依据环境权获得胜诉的案件。我国现有的环境权研究主要有两种学术思想:人类中心主义的环境权观和生态中心主义的环境权观。我们需要搭建生态中心主义的环境权论者与人类中心主义的环境权论者以及主流法学论者之间的共同的学术舞台,建构共同的学术空间,开放式地运用各种理论资源和学术资源,致力于环境权的基本原理和基本命题的批判和重构。环境权研究必须跨越环境法的固有领域,寻找更加广阔的学术空间。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,物权变动中常常出现出卖人交付动产标的物而买受人未为对待给付;不动产交付前所有权未移转时,"一物数卖"等问题,这些现象易生交易不公和交易风险,有害于出卖人或者买受人的权利保护.本文提出运用所有权保留、特别动产优先权和预告登记制度加以救济.  相似文献   

Right of Value     
<正>Intellectual property is vital to protect creativity and drive innovation in a globalized world The battles among tech giants are legendary.But whereas in the past Apple and Samsung used to trade blows over patents,there’s a new major player in the ring.In a  相似文献   

Right at Home     
<正>Once in your house,new robot becomes a household mainstay By Deng Yaqing Alonging for companionship,someone to talk to and interact with were the sparks that led to the invention of a robot.Dan Wong,who has worked in the cellphone and Internet field for over 20 years,had just those qualities in mind when he and his team created  相似文献   

姓名权与名誉权在司法实践中存在互相依存保护关系。只有正确理解两种权利的内涵及侵权构成要件,才能深刻理解姓名权对名誉权的协同保护关系。应深入研究两种权利的保护范围和执法尺度,建立人格权的协同保护体系。  相似文献   

本文在对沉默权与侦查讯问权进行必要阐述的基础上,提出我国应确立“侦查讯问权优先,合理保障沉默权”的有限沉默权制度,并进而提出了相应的立法建议。  相似文献   

试论发展权与少数民族流动人口的权益保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展权作为一项基本的人权 ,是国际国内人权保护立法的基本原则 ,也是国家享有的权利和应尽的义务。文章对发展权的含义进行了阐述 ,并分析了当前少数民族流动人口的生活生存状况 ,认为在经济社会快速发展的当前 ,保护少数民族流动人口这一城市社会中的弱势群体是国家应尽的义务 ,并从法哲学的角度阐述了发展权是少数民族流动人口权益保护立法的法哲学基础。  相似文献   

权利可以分为公权利和私权利。法律社会化的趋势在促使社会法这一法域出现的同时 ,还导致了公权利和私权利的渗透和融合及混合权利的产生。混合权利强调对个人利益、社会公共利益以及国家利益保护的平衡 ,其实质体现了国家公权力的干预。知识产权的运行本体和运行过程无不散发出这种新型的混合权利的特质。明确知识产权所具备的公权利和私权利的双重权利属性 ,对于知识产权法的定位和基本原则的确立具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Right to Life     
正Michael Brown,an 18-year-old African-American,was shot down by a police officer in the streets of Ferguson,Missouri on August 9.The teen’s death triggered protests and even violent riots in Ferguson in the following days,with the heavy-handed police response revealing a hypocritical tendency:Despite championing human rights around the world,the United States has clearly violated some of its own principles at home.  相似文献   

The Right Move     
正The recent summit meeting between China, Japan and South Korea, attended respectively by Premier Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, and President Lee Myung-bak, was noted for a series of agreements ranging from investment promotion to enhancing cultural exchanges and strengthening agricultural and environmental cooperation. One of the most significant gains of the summit, according to some Chinese and foreign analysts, is a decision reached by the three state leaders to start talks on launching a Free Trade Area (FTA)  相似文献   

Right to Act     
In the light of international conventions,governments of countries are entitled to investigate and catalog national cultural relics (including ones lost overseas) for the purpose of preservation and research. Countries  相似文献   

Right on Track     
正China's economic state has always been closely watched by the international community. Now, when China and the United States are conducting rounds of trade negotiations, many are concerned about the possible slowdown of the Chinese economy.Since China contributed nearly 30 percent to global growth in 2018, if its economy slows down, it will affect the overall growth momentum of the world economy.  相似文献   

Right on Track     
The transportation system in China has experienced monumental development over the past few decades as the country continues to accelerate into a new era.In recent months,I have experienced every mode of transportation possible in the world’s most populous country:from taxi to plane,bicycle to tuk-tuk,subway to bus.All of these experiences left me impressed and satisfied.To provide reliable and fast transportation  相似文献   

<正>Digital TV technique developed by Chinese scientists gets adopted abroadWhen the news came that he had received the first prize in the National Science and Technology Progress Award category in January,Yang Zhixing,a professor at Tsinghua University’s Department of Electrical Engineering,had just wrapped up a visit to Nepal,Cambodia and Laos.Since the  相似文献   

Right on Target     
正Tailored measures improve the efficiency of poverty alleviation projects When Mureli Ajati opened the doors to his own home-based convenience store,it was the fulfillment of a life-long dream.The 34-year-old resident of Manas County,northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous  相似文献   

While most of China’s provincial capitals offer little in the way for tourists,Fuzhou defies the norm and is quickly becoming a must visit destination along the country’s already crowded eastern seaboard with its green focus and cultural heritage often overlooked by local travelers.  相似文献   

Making It Right     
The National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee adopted a new Tort Law on December 26,2009,which is designed to provide a remedy for civil wrongs.It will take effect in July 2010.  相似文献   

正China continues to make life better after realizing its first centenary goal on time For Wang Xiuying, an 84-year-old retired railway worker in Changchun, Jilin Province, a xiaokang life means practicing morning tai chi in a park near her neighborhood and shopping around in the three supermarkets near her apartment.  相似文献   

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