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经济犯罪案件侦查中的讯问 ,是经侦人员必须掌握的方法和技能 ,其在实践中有着很强的操作性和技巧性。本文探讨了经济犯罪案件侦查中讯问的对象和内容问题。  相似文献   

随着我国铁路体制改革步伐的不断加快和新的铁路运输体制的逐步建立,铁路经济犯罪案件侦查工作任务越来越重,面临的挑战也越来越大。铁路公安经侦部门机构设置不健全,配套法律制度不完备,人员配备不得力,装备设施落后等诸多问题表明,铁路经济案件侦查工作远远不能满足当前打击铁路经济犯罪的需要。因此,如何改革铁路公安经侦工作机制,从根本上解决我国铁路经济犯罪案件侦查工作中存在的问题,已显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

万政伟 《学理论》2010,(26):296-297
针对公安警察院校学生培养的特殊性,经济法作为经济犯罪、经济犯罪案件侦查的专业基础课,学校应高度重视其教学。在教学内容上应该与普通院校有较大区别,应充分发挥经济法基础课程与经济犯罪及经济犯罪案件侦查之间的知识连续性和内在相关性,找准基础与专业的切入点,紧密结合公安经侦实战,突出经济法作为专业基础课的"专业"倾向性。通过反思经侦业务本身的专业性,不断完善经济法的教学内容和教学方法、教学手段。  相似文献   

调查询问是公安机关侦查人员为了查明案件事实,发现侦查线索,收集犯罪证据而向有关人员和知情群众了解、查证有关问题而采取的一项专门工作。它对于全面深入地分析认识案情,发现和甄别犯罪嫌疑人,收集和审查证据,查明案件的事实情况,都有着非常重要的作用。本文对调查询问的方法从准备、实施和评判三个方面进行了较为详细阐述。  相似文献   

浅谈当前经济犯罪的成因及打击对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济犯罪严重危及国家经济安全和社会正常的经济秩序,直接阻碍和影响社会主义市场经济的健康发展。严密防范和严厉打击经济犯罪活动,预防和减少经济犯罪对国家和企业财产造成的损失,是新时期公安机关的一项重要任务。研究和探索侦破经济犯罪案件的新思路、新方法,有助于推进经济侦查工作的发展。本文通过对经济犯罪案件特点及形成原因的分析,提出了办理经济罪案应把握的几个问题和对经济犯罪的打击对策,以期有助于打击经济犯罪。  相似文献   

经济犯罪在我国已经呈现高发态势,但一直难以有效地遏制其发展,究其原因主要还是经济犯罪发现难和取证难,而取证又是打击经济犯罪中的难中之难。取证一直困扰着经济犯罪侦查。采取诸如加强经侦队伍证据思想体系建设,抓住经济犯罪的自身特点,采取一般与特殊手段相结合的侦查方法,能提高打击经济犯罪的有效性。  相似文献   

犯罪地理画像是一种通过对系列案件犯罪地点的分析,来推测犯罪人最有可能的居住地或再次作案地的辅助系列案件侦破的调查方法。在系列案件侦查中运用犯罪地理画像,不仅有利于帮助侦查人员及时、准确地划定侦查范围,从而节约侦查成本、提高侦查效益,而且有利于安民心、树警威、保稳定。  相似文献   

经济犯罪侦查警察作为打击经济犯罪的主力军,担负着维护社会主义市场经济秩序和国家经济安全的重要使命,迫切需要提高自身的执法水平。政治强警是提高经济犯罪侦查警察执法水平的灵魂,这要求:理想信念上要坚定不移,道德修养上要兼听内省,职业操守上要严守底线;素质建设是提高经济犯罪侦查警察执法水平的基础,这要求:要树立与时俱进的执法理念,要具备精湛娴熟的专业技能,要保持务实高效的办案作风,要建立科学严谨的考评机制;侦查协作是提高经济犯罪侦查警察执法水平的保证,这要求:在协作意识上要放眼全局,在协作体系上要科学统筹,在协作机制上要逐步规范。  相似文献   

经济犯罪侦查对策是经侦工作制度、侦查措施、经侦科学技术与侦查策略的合理配置方案的总称,其对策体系的确立应充分遵循“深度契合经济犯罪活动的本质特性”和“实现侦查活动的打、防并举职责”两大基本原则。经侦对策的制定应慎重考虑其全局性的战略对策和专案侦查活动的战术对策。战略对策的制定应注重对经济犯罪活动的遏制意义,同时突出其对专案侦查活动的基础性作用;战术对策的设计,应充分彰显其服务于打击犯罪的价值。  相似文献   

在黑恶势力犯罪案件侦查中,侦查询问是一项非常重要的基础性措施。在实践中,侦查询问面临着被询问人思想顾虑重、配合积极性不高、记忆模糊等障碍,同时,侦查询问的内容广泛,涉及有组织性、暴力性、经济性和非法控制等方面。为突破障碍,侦查询问必须做好充分准备,运用认知询问术等方法积极推动被询问人进行回忆,并通过分析视角、细节以及措辞等判断陈述内容的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share experience of a strategic intervention adopting a collaborative inquiry (CI) process that took place in a formal institutional setting and which evolved into a community‐based inquiry. The article illustrates the CI process through a twelve‐month exploration with a group of senior managers from within the UK Civil Service. The form of CI demonstrated is similar to what has become known as community based research, in that all participants collaboratively pursued the inquiry. A critical element of this collaborative inquiry is that although it started formally and did not spontaneously emerge from the inquiry community, its members shaped the inquiry, conveyed the message, acted as advocates and evaluated the outcomes of the inquiry. The impact of this inquiry is now being positively felt within the UK Civil Service as the members of the inquiry community apply their learning within their own departments. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On 30 May 2002 I announced a major inquiry into local government. The inquiry is to be conducted by the multi–party House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration. In this article I look at the background to the inquiry and at some of the things I hope it will achieve.  相似文献   

Terminology like "evaluation research" and "policy analysis research" poses a fundamental conflict in talking about what constitutes legitimate inquiry activities. Using the two-part definition of disciplined inquiry developed by Cronbach and Suppes (1969). it is possible to characterize research, evaluation and policy analysis as three separate and distinct forms of disciplined inquiry. As distinct forms, each has its own unique definition, purpose(s), products, intended outcomes or effects, and audiences. Further, under the definitions proposed, emergent inquiry paradigms have as much utility as older, conventional models.  相似文献   

Ostrom  Vincent 《Publius》1990,20(2):33-51
This essay is an examination of the theory of constitutionalchoice that was used to conceptualize and design the Americansystem of governance as grounded in liberty and justice. Theinquiry is pressed to deeper foundations concerning the methodof normative inquiry and presuppositions about how conflictcan be used to drive a due process of law and a due processof inquiry to achieve conflict resolution in a pluralistic systemof order.  相似文献   

Royal commissions with their wide powers, independence and uncertain outcomes are adopted sparingly by government. Hence, those charged with establishing such an inquiry are often left to begin anew. The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission (VBRC) provides a means of exploring lessons for public administration in light of its inquiry approach and internal operation. Similarly, recent reports on the conduct of statutory inquiries provide the opportunity to examine good practice. This article explores the central issue of what mode of inquiry is suited for particular circumstances. It characterises three different types of inquiry and analyses their features. The author provides participant observer insights from the VBRC and reflects on lessons learned.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical reconstruction of John Dewey's theory of social and political inquiry. Clearing away some misconceptions about this theory allows us to grasp its practical and political focus, and to see its similarities to other strands of anti-positivist social thought, including hermeneutics and critical theory. I go on to examine the relationship between democratic values and the theory of inquiry. Like recent proponents of discursive conceptions of democracy such as Habermas he sees a connection between democracy and the conditions for rational procedures of problem solving. What connects democracy to inquiry for Dewey is primarily ethical and political, rather than epistemological. The article considers what may be usefully taken from Dewey's conception of social inquiry, without accepting his full ethical agenda.  相似文献   

This paper explores the connections between scientific inquiry, scholarly reflexivity, and enlightenment. I argue that the free intellectual inquiry essential to the practice of science is a fundamental constituent and enactment of human dignity, freedom, and democracy. The expansion and diffusion of these values are both unavoidable in the modern age and immensely valuable, even if there are of course many obstacles to their expansion and no guarantees of their ultimate realization. This process of scientific inquiry also contains the seeds of a discourse ethic with broader ramifications for public enlightenment and perhaps even democratization. I develop these themes through a dialogue with some of the writings of Professor Yu Keping on the topics of Chinese political science and “incremental democracy.”  相似文献   

Over the past decade, American police departments have developed a new management methodology that is beginning to be adopted by agencies outside law enforcement. Although the technique has been given different names by different agencies, this article refers to it generically as "management by inquiry" because the approach uses frequent, highly formalized meetings of top executives, middle management, and line personnel to inquire into the operations of individual units. The authors have had five years of direct experience with management by inquiry and have observed it in other jurisdictions. The present analysis draws on Habermas's theory of communicative action to contrast the communication premises in much management theory and practice with those implicit in inquiry-centered management. The article concludes that management by inquiry has dramatic effects on administrative behavior because it takes advantage of universal communicative norms that public administration has long overlooked.  相似文献   

Can the current presidential appointments process be improved? This essay highlights three kinds of problems: inexperienced appointees, a lengthening process, and tedious and adversarial inquiry. While the essay side‐steps trying to affect the prerogatives of institutions involved in the tussle over appointments, it concentrates on improving the support of presidential personnel operations and the process of inquiry that nominees face, and it identifies patterns of repetitiveness among the roughly 2,800 details that a nominee must provide in responding to some 295 individual questions in nine categories. The most adversarial and tedious categories of inquiry include identifying personal background, reporting on criminal entanglements, and assaying potential conflicts of interest. Five strategies are identified for better matching the needed experience in the White House to the demands of presidential personnel. These changes would indirectly shorten the nomination and confirmation process, and the author makes three important recommendations for structuring inquiry that could reduce the adversarial burden on nominees by nearly a third.  相似文献   

Public administration writers, with some notable exceptions, generally have not paid a great deal of attention to the history of ideas. However, public administration inquiry is profoundly affected by longstanding political and social ideas. This article shows how the idea of the state as a purposive association—that is to say, a collective enterprise that is driven by some set of substantive ends or purposes—has helped to shape the thinking and discourse of some public administration writers, particularly those of the reinventing government movement. The implications of this for public administration inquiry and education are examined.  相似文献   

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