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在今年三月召开的全国政协十届五次会议上,中国工程院院士、中国医学科学院原院长、中国协和医科大学原校长、浙江大学医学院院长巴德年代表长期工作在医药卫生战线上的9位中国科学院、中国工程院院士委员杨雄里、强伯勤、钟南山、李连达、高润霖、程书钧、王红阳、刘志红作联合发言,博得在场委员多次、持久不息的掌声。  相似文献   

2002年我国首先在中西部地区探索建立了以大病统筹为主的新型合作医疗制度。2006年中央1号文件规定,要加强以乡镇卫生院为重点的农村卫生基础设施建设,健全农村三级医疗卫生服务和卫生救助体系,并将另外落实经费,支持县医院和乡卫生院建设,为农民提供安全廉价的基本医疗服务;到2008年在全国农村基本普及新型合作医疗制度。  相似文献   

农村新型合作医疗制度,已经成为农村医疗保健服务的重要力量,为保护农民群众的身体健康、建设社会主义新农村发挥了重要作用。但是,随着新型农村合作医疗的推广和普及,一些矛盾凸显出来了.主要表现为由于缺少规范合格的农村医务人员,很多农民不愿意在乡镇卫生院就医,他们前往县以上医疗机构看病.乡镇卫生院作为新型农村合作医疗制度的“减压阀”作用失灵。  相似文献   

科学发展以人为本,人以健康为本。农村医疗卫生服务体系是农村经济社会发展和全面小康社会建设的健康屏障,也是新一轮医改工作的重中之重。如何加快构筑完善的农村医疗卫生服务体系,既是当前一项现实而紧迫  相似文献   

2008年6月19日,泗阳县王集镇南圩村,54岁的村民魏玉珍拿着两个珍贵的红本本——《农村养老保险交费卡》和《新型农村合作医疗证》,告诉前来走访的省政协主席张连  相似文献   

安静 《协商论坛》2009,(12):40-41
新型农村合作医疗制度,是由政府组织领导、支持,农民自愿参加,个人、集体和政府多方筹资,以大病统筹为主的农村医疗互助共济制度。其现阶段目标是解决农民看病难、看病贵和因病致贫、因病返贫问题,终极目标是对农民医疗实施全额报销,形成全民医疗福利保障制度。  相似文献   

温家宝总理在2009年政府工作报告中指出:要健全基层医疗卫生服务体系。今后三年内中央财政再支持5000所中心乡镇卫生院、2000所县级医院和2400所城市社区卫生服务中心建设。支持边远地区村卫生室建设,实现全国每个行政村都有卫生室。这是中央扩大内需、确保经济增长和关心民生、解决民生问题的重要举措。  相似文献   

党的十七届三中全会作出了《关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》。这个《决定》是新时期指导我国"三农"工作的一个纲领性文献。有关专家认为,《决定》在认识上有新高度,政策上有新突破,制度上有新安排,举措上有新  相似文献   

<正>Grand Hotel Beijing is located north of Chang’an Avenue and east of the landmark Forbidden City in Beijing.This five-star luxury hotel has received numerous government delegations and state leaders from around the world since it opened in 1990.Wang Fuhe has been General Manager of Grand Hotel Beijing for more than 10 years.Through the effortsofWangandhisteam,thehotelflagshipsteers steady and fast,taking a leading position among the countless luxury hotels in Beijing.Wang attributes the success of Grand Hotel Beijing to its distinctive  相似文献   

A visit to the doctor in a nation the size of China, where medical resources fall far short of the needs of the immense population, generally entails hours of competitive queuing. Woe be-  相似文献   

In contrast to the great changes that have taken place in the Chinese economy, China is confronting with a rural health crisis. Statistics shows that about 40-60% of the people in rural areas fail to see a doctor when they get sick simply because they cannot afford it and 70% of the people impoverished due to diseases. In the western part of the country, 60-80% of the patient farmers have to die at home. Part of the Chinese farmers has  相似文献   

BAI XU 《人权》2006,5(1):22-23
Huo Yulan had suffered fromhydrocephalus,a brain dis-ease,for decades before shefinally agreed to have anoperation for it in the Beip-iao County Hospital,Liaoning Province inNortheast China last March.The51-year-old woman farmer of theXiafuxiang Village,2…  相似文献   

陈芳 《北京观察》2005,(3):12-14
袁行霈教授1957年从北京大学中文系毕业后留校任教,从事中国文学史的教学与研究工作.1993年起任第八、九届全国政协常委,现任第十届全国人大常委、民盟中央副主席,兼中央文史研究馆副馆长、国务院学位委员会委员等多种社会职务.  相似文献   

HU ZHENBIAO 《人权》2006,5(6):21-23
Our story dates from 40 years ago, on August 10,1966, when China's first institution of rural medical service was inaugurated at a county called Changyang, Hubei Province, Central China, where people of Tujia, an ethnic minority group, live in compact communities. It was actually a clinic at a Dujia Village in the county, which charged itself with the task of making primary or basic medical care available-and affordable-to all the villagers. China has undergone tremendous changes since then, and now its economy becoming increasingly market-oriented. Despite that, rural cooperative medical service has kept expanding at  相似文献   

春季的某天清晨,一幅犬笑春风的温馨画面让人快乐得几乎要笑出声来:一位骑着单车的小伙子在马路上飞驰,从他背上的背包里探出一张狗的脸,春光里,那小狗喜眉笑眼的,白白长长的毛随风飘拂,一副备受宠爱、生活惬意的狗样儿……不知为何,这一幕在我心里留下了很深的印象。又一次,在公交车上,我看见一个人狗共穿马路的有趣景象:一衣冠楚楚的老者牵着一条小京巴狗过红绿灯,老者步履急促且警觉地左顾右盼,小京巴亦踮着脚犹犹疑疑地且跑且跳,狗脑袋竟与主人一样前瞻后顾不已。这次我没能忍住,乐得笑出了声。动物与人类有着极其密切的…  相似文献   

The year 2010 is the birth centenary of Dr. Dwarkanath Kotnis, a great internationalist fighter who came to China as a member of the Indian Aid-China Medical Team in the 1930s, for which CPAFFC held a series of commemorative activities.  相似文献   

正As we continue our annual festive traditions,come and enjoy the enchantment of the Yuletide season with an array of special activities and outstanding dining options at Grand Hyatt Beijing.Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet at Grand CaféWednesday,December 24Experience a magical Christmas Eve dinner at Grand Café,which will be brimming with festive décor and  相似文献   

Editor: Baoshan is a frontier city in western Yunnan Province on the Myanmar border.It was formerly one of the Southwestern Silk Road trade routes. Nestled among mountains, Baoshan is green as far as the  相似文献   

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